Woman with the tiger eyes in the Beast warrior's World

Chapter 307: The red dragon is back!

In the quiet night of Sand City Sarcos heard the urgent call. The breath of danger just passed the night sky."Dragon!" The Flaming Scorpion called in Sarcos's mind. The strong Scorpion King stood up hastily, lifting sleeping Sienna into his arms. He locked the terrace and put Sienna to bed. He covered her with blankets and called for Bran to guard.

"I'm going to hunt. Barge in if you hear something suspicious," Sarcos ordered to the loyal eagle and returned to his room. He glanced at the innocently sleeping Sienna and then leapt out the window! He changed into a huge scorpion as he fell into the cold desert sand and ran towards the silent call...

The deadly messenger was already waiting for him. His burly figure was rising in the dunes and his red dreadlocked hair was reflecting the shine of the stars...

The scorpion ran to him at enormous speed but as he was a few meters away he changed into a handsome Scorpion King.

"Wow! Sarcos! You almost gave me a heart attack if I got any..." the husky voice sounded over the deadly quiet desert.

"The Red Moon is coming soon, but what you are doing here...? Darren...it is too soon!"Sarcos hissed rather angrily. He did not want to alert the Dragon King to his Queen's whereabouts!

"I hate him so much, Sarcos!"Darren's handsome face scrunched in painful anger. "I told him the female died. He will go to hibernate and sleep till spring. I just came to tell you. Your Queen is too nice for him to even see her!" the heartless Red Dragon shook his head.

"You saw my Queen?"Sarcos furrowed his brows...

"I caught her one night running away from Mathyas..." She was falling down the canyon."Darren nodded.

"Oh, my lite trouble maker!"Sarcos shook his head. He was a bit shocked because nobody mentioned this to him, but he knew the reason why. It was simply too much of a story of what happened in the Underworld...even Sienna did not talk about her time there to him much...and he was not asking, because he knew she wanted to forget it and have happy thoughts...Sienna did not like to wallow in the old wounds and that helped her to remain positive and kind. Besides it all felt like his biggest decision failure and it rubbed in his face and got stuck under his skin. Instead of amazing levelled-up powers, he got an extra entity he had to work with...It was not a win yet at all!

"Thank you, Darren. I'm in your debt for this."Sarcos nodded his head seriously.

"I want you to come at spring with us and kill him, "Darren growled.

"Sure...but why wait? " Sarcos asked. "I will be ready in a few days."

"My people are preparing for a takeover. Half of my army is hibernating and I need them in full strength to take over the whole Northernland."Darren explained.

"Are you a rebel now?"Sarcos lifted his eyebrow cheekily.

"Yes, in secret, so traitor actually! But the King betrayed us first!"The dragon grinned his teeth with seeping hatred. His King caused him the biggest pain and humiliation of his life and he wanted to revenge so badly. "I have an army of 100 dragons to my cause. We all are the same...Heartless!"He growled in resentful pain.

"You know what is the punishment for this?"Sarcos bit his lips...He did not normally traided with traitors but in this case, it was an exception. The Dragon King posed a danger to Sienna so he will use any means to eliminate him...

"What can hurt me more?"Darren laughed desperately.

"I will go with you," Sarcos agreed. "Just make sure he is sleeping properly or you will miss your chance of killing him if I get my hands on him first..."

"Sure, I will keep you posted, "Darren nodded and left.

Sarcos watched as the big Red Dragon rose into the sky and as a dark shadow got lost between the stars...The enormous Crystal Scorpion went to hunt quickly in the Oasis and after gobbling up a whole dear he ran home in a good mood. With the Dragon King hibernating, he can practise his magic in peace." But I will keep her in with me for that Red Moon just for sure." he thought.

As Sarcos returned to his castle he decided to climb the wall back to his room just for fun and to test Bran. But as he was about to enter through the window the strong eagle was looking down on him!

"Well done, Bran."Sarcos smiled appreciatively. He was busted!

"I was thinking you would be faster, I wait for quite a while here..." Bran noted coldly.

"You can practise climbing with me."Sarcos chuckled.

"I can fly!"Bran said with so stoic expression that Sarcos burst into quiet laughter. He knew Bran was satiric and it kind of lifted his good mood even more. He liked people he could trust and rely on.

"Tell Ziran that we are going to Crystal City tomorrow..."Sarcos said to Bran as he walked with him out of his room.

"He left, "Bran said seriously as they closed the door behind sleeping Sienna.

"What?"Sarcos stopped in his tracks. He felt the answer but still asked.

"He was too proud..."Bran nodded knowingly.

"Aha, any message for the Queen?"Sarcos asked curiously because he knew Sienna also did not know about Ziran's departure on account of him holding her in his bed lately...

"Yes, that he will fuck her hard for it when he becomes the King ..." Bran furrowed his brows." I rather kill him first." he hissed.

"Why do you fight him so much?"Sarcos asked as a cold calculative rage was rising in his heart towards the burly tiger. He knew Bran was not petty.

"To teach him manners."Bran shook his head."He was disrespectful and rude to our Queen way too much!"

"Tell me more about it..."Sarcos said in a sweet honey-like voice which promised revenge...

Bran told him about the incident in Crystal City." And this is his new rudeness..." he added..."Should I tell her that message?"Bran asked with furrowed brows.

"Yes..."Sarcos nodded his head calmly.

"But it will hurt her heart!"Bran scrunched his face.

"Not that much, she will forgive him for sure, but I want her to see him for what he is. A rude brute."Sarcos nodded quite satisfied with the development.

"Why?"Bran asked a bit surprised at Sarcos's reactions.

"Every woman has a limit of rudeness she can take from someone she likes. I want the Ziran's bottle to be full enough to close the way to her heart..."Sarcos grinned.

"Sure."Bran nodded."He does not deserve someone so sweet as our Queen ever." 

"Exactly," Sarcos grinned.

" So, will you punish him for evading duty?"Bran asked curiously.

"He disregarded and disrespected my Queen. He will pay for it. I will help him to cool off! "Sarcos nodded with a sweet smile. He just got this new great idea for testing his new crystal powers on Lord Ziran...

"Thank you, my King."Bran nodded. He was angry at that tiger and wanted him to suffer as he deserved.

"Guard well!"Sarcos glanced at the loyal eagle and went to his laboratory...His cold underground kingdom was so peaceful at night...and playing with dark sorcery was so alluring to the night quietness...

"So, what power you like to try on first...?"The tall blue man appeared in Sarcos's mind. Crystal Pincer was excited to show Sarcos what he could do. He had not had fun with revenge in decades and missed the feeling...

"I need something to cool off Lord Ziran with potentially deadly consequences. Something slow, desperate, frustrating and never-ending..."Sarcos tried to summarize everything that could go onto Ziran's nerves just to wind him up. He wrote it on a small black parchment with a white slim chalk...

Sarcos stood in front of his black mirror and concentrated his energy... "Whereabout of Lord Ziran is not important to me, but let's put him somewhere cold... no cage can conceal his rudeness, so a crystal maze should grow around him, freezing as ice will be his steps..."Sarcos was murmuring spells and the black parchment in his hands was set on fire from the ends of his fingers. Sarcos blew the rising white smoke into the mirror. The smoke get sucked inside the shiny screen and started to draw the picture of a complicated icy crystal maze...

"It is so beautiful."The Crystal Pincer looked at the maze with satisfaction..."Let's add some traps to it..." he chuckled and pressed a few points on the mirror with Sarcos's hand. Sarcos was watching in a daze...The power was so great and tasted so sweet...expanding some magic energy felt so freeing to his overcharged body...

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