Woman with the tiger eyes in the Beast warrior's World

Chapter 306: The Prometheus 's punishment

In the Royal bedroom of the Sand Castle, the strong Scorpion King was play-pleating his Queen's hair and listening to her long story...Sienna was updating Sarcos on what had happened since the time she left the Underworld with Marco.

Sarcos sighed often in his mind as he listened, his heart throbbing painfully at times but the silken hair under his fingers and Sienna's sweet voice kept him mostly calm.

He decided to count for everyone what was right, so he was keen to listen even if it hurted him. He perceived everything as if he failed his Queen. The other Kings were too confident in his absence and it made him resent them... 

He was angry at Tyrell again at first, but then he understood that Sienna was already done with it and that the reckless Tiger King was already paid by Marco.

But when Sienna told him about her time in Snake Castle, Sarcos was quite shocked...

"Tell me, why should I not punish S after all this?" he shook his head.

"Because sometimes people betray their own to help others..."Sienna said."Especially when you see your side is wrong..."

"He impersonated a King and tried to mate you, he surely deserves a punishment!"Sarcos called enraged and turned Sienna to sit on his lap. "This was treason as no other," he said to her peting her head to calm down.

"No, "Sienna shook her head."I like him. He tried to help me. I would not like to see him suffer. It will be an unfair Prometheus's punishment." She lifted her finger and looked into Sarcos's darkened eyes strongly.

"What that means?"Sarcos asked curiously.

"It is from another Greek Myth..." Sienna smiled."Do you want to hear it?"

"Sure, "Sarcod nodded. He loved listening to her stories.

Sienna drank a glass of water first, settled in his lap comfortably and then told him a Greek Myth about Prometheus who stole the fire to give it to people and was punished by a huge eagle who clawed out and ate his raw liver every day...

"But because Prometheus was immortal, he healed overnight and could suffer every day chained on the rock till a hero Heracles saved him, "Sienna said.

"That was quite a good punishment. Marco would be good at it."Sarcos nodded approvingly...

"What?"Sienna was dumbstruck.

"No, no, my love, S is forgiven if you like, I just really liked your story. It was captivating..." he smiled and cuddled her tightly." But still, can a hero save someone just like that? If it was me, who decided to do that I would not let it go so easily. One has to keep his word, hero or not!"Sarcos said seriously.

"You are so tough."Sienna shook her head, "But you are right. Prometheus was free to go but to keep his punishment for eternity he had to wear a ring made from that rock on his finger, this way they were bound together so the word stood right. That is why in my world we have marriage rings."She smiled sweetly.

Sarcos nodded."Do you want a ring from me?" he asked rather cutely stroking her soft hand with his fingers gently.

"No need. I have your mark already and I'm bound to you in my heart." Sienna smiled..."I love you..." she brushed her cheek against his as a soft cuddly cat.

"Yes, but a ring will look good on you too," Sarcos noted.

"I think I will be not able to not to play with it..."Sienna bit her lips..."I somehow can't keep rings on my fingers well..." She sighed.

"What about that Snake King's ring?"Sarcos looked at her curiously...

"If it is not so thick, I will surely flatten it. It felt so good to leave it to Sharchan as I left in there..." she said softly.

"Aha, my Queen can't hear the gold sing to her at all then..."Sarcos smiled cheekily."What about an anklet, hm?" he caressed her pale smooth ankle with his hand." If Sharmut could give you one, so can I, no?"Sarcos decided to provoke her sweetly.

"Please don't! I felt like a slave with it. It was just for a trick. Please, do not use me as a jewellery stand..."Sienna shook her head cutely.

Sarcos chuckled entertained..."It is ok my love, I'm just teasing you...You are just so cute..."He kissed the top of her head and petted her satisfied.

Sienna smiled and cuddled up to him. She listened to his heartbeat and inhaled his intoxicating scent. Sarcos nuzzled her face with his and kissed her deeply..." Can I have you again? "he rasped into her ear.

"If you stay gentle..." Sienna circled his neck in a passionate kiss...

Sarcos made love to Sienna as in the sweet dream. He kissed her body all over and took his time to feel the pleasure of being inside of her as one. Sienna truly enjoyed this, but the amount of energy leaving her body was quite overwhelming that day. The air seeped with sweetness and she felt as if melting in within him...

"I love you so much, my sweet Queen..."Sarcos lay on his side contouring Sienna's body with his finger. She lay exhausted next to him with her eyes closed, her body still aching from survived pleasure...

"How can you have so much energy Sarcos..?"Sienna opened her eyes slowly and stared at him surrendered...She felt as if she could not even pick her body up...

"It is a secret..." he whispered cheekily and kissed her lips gently."Would you like to go training grounds with me?"

"To do what?"Sienna asked tiredly.

"I will need to go exercise..."Sarcos bit his lips..." but I want to look at you... I will make you a comfortable cushion nest in the gazebo, so you can rest next to me, hm?" he smiled gently.

"Sure, " Sienna smiled satisfied. She felt so happy Sarcos missed her this much! "I will rest there then, but I do want to paint your portrait today. You made coins for others but not for yourself yet...You need to fix it!" she said to him seriously.

"As you order, my sweet Queen!"Sarcos leaned for one more passionate kiss and stood up. Sienna watched his muscular body as he got ready and shuffled herself into the bathroom for a quick shower.

In the beautiful Sand Castle Gardens training ground, the strong Scorpion King was practising his fighting moves by himself. He did not want to spare against his men yet, because the power within him was way too great. He did not want to hurt them unintentionally. Only Rem stood near Sienna's gazebo and looked at his King in awe...

Sienna was sitting in the training ground gazebo resting on the cushions and wondering where Sarcos had so much energy from. He was almost glowing and she understood he had to work out to tame his Crystal Scorpion powers.

Sienna watched Sarcos exercise and kept holding her breath from time to time at her mate's handsomeness. His long black hair was swishing in the wind and his face was concentrated on his movements glancing at his mate occasionally...

Sienna blushed every time he looked at her, the sweetness was growing inside her heart, flowing in her blood, making her tamed to him even more...he was irresistible...Sienna was so happy he wanted to be close to her. She watched his strong muscles moving under his tanned skin. Sarcos was like made of iron...hard, fierce and formidable. His movements were so fast that he created sparks of fire in the air as he practised!

Sienna munched down some fruit and a few honey cones, their sweetness helped her get some energy back. She breathed deeply and stretched her tired body...She was deciding if she should stand up when she felt Sarcos's stare. Sienna smiled sweetly at him...She pointed to him as if she was painting in the air...

Sarcos nodded and sent Rem to her...

Sienna told Rem to bring her canvas and paints for Sarcos's portrait.

Rem nodded and came back within half an hour with all the painting stuff just to catch Sarcos kissing Sienna between the soft cushions...

"Hm..."Rem tried to get their attention as he started to arrange the painting stuff kind of ignoring them... Sarcos heard him coming but finished kissing Sienna first.

Sienna blushed as she saw Rem already there...but the young scorpion was pretending not to see anything...

"You always need to finish kissing properly."Sarcos hit Rem's elbow in a friendly way as he stood up and looked for a place to stand in a good light.

Rem blushed and nodded..."I will remember it, my King."

"Good, then your future mate will be happy..."Sarcos chuckled as he assumed a profile pose.

Sienna blushed too as she glanced at Rem and stood up to position Sarcos more to her liking...He looked at her with love in his eyes as she moved his chin forward and made him stiff as a golden statue to paint with the gentle touch of her fingers over his heated skin...

"Don't move my love..." she kissed his cheek slowly...and Sarcos's lips curled up a little...He felt perfectly happy at this moment...He spent all day with his mate but he was hungry for more. She was like the spring of love for him and he wanted to drink from it as much as he could! The touch of her soft body sent sparks to his heart and an overwhelming feeling of love was seeping into his heart and blood. She was his life...

Sienna started to paint the serious portrait for the coins but noticed Sarcos was a bit fidgety. He was not moving but his muscles were flexing occasionally as if wanting to run! He looked like an overcharged battery so Sienna sent him to run a little for a break because she could feel the strong energy seeping into the air from him as a restless cloud...

In the end, Sarcos was exercising between the sittings but Sienna still managed to make him a nice portrait from his side... She wrote "Sarcos the Scorpion King" on it.

"Why don't you add Crystal Scorpion?" he asked her curiously. 

"Because I'm not sure if you plan to level up more in the future..."She smiled gently at him.

"You are right, my Queen." he bit his lips." I like it." he nodded. Sarcos went to exercise some more and then he invited Sienna for a swim. He was way too boiling! It was not the hottest day, but Sienna went for a swim with Sarcos in the Rose pool. She put her hair up because she did not want to wet them again. Sarcos had to agree it looked good on her. Her soft neck and shoulders were visible almost as if inviting him to kiss them...It was a bit unusual for her to wear her golden hair up...but he liked it too...

Sarcos ripped some pink roses into petals and scattered them inside the pool again. He wanted to make his Queen comfortable, but Sienna was not shy in front of him anymore. She took her clothes off slowly, teasing him innocently and then slid down to his hands as he stood in the water watching her...

Sienna smiled and splashed him giggling. The water was cold but somehow it heated up as she watched Sarcos swimming around her. Sarcos's hot body heated the water quite a bit! It felt sweetly intimate being together in the Rose pool so the energy was rising into the hot expectation.

Sienna kept staring at her swimming strong mate and her heart was clenched tight. She did not feel like parting with him yet.

"Don't be sad my Queen. "Sarcos came to cuddle her on his shoulder in the water because he could feel her sorrow. Sienna kissed him deeply instead of an answer, she wanted to feel him melting in with her...

"Come out, we dine together..."Sarcos smiled as the sky started to darken. Sienna nodded and Sarcos lifted her from the pool first...He stared at her naked soft body in such a hungry manner that Sienna blushed as she got the towel and rather covered herself.

She glanced at him and saw how he licked his lips as a predator on the hunt.

Sienna gulped and smiled under her nose. He was way too wild, so the night was not over yet for sure! Sarcos jumped out of the pool as well and tied the white towel around his waist. Taking Sienna's hand resolutely he pressed her on himself and kissed her fresh lips..."You are so tasty wet from the water..." he glided his hands on her body as he picked her up...

Sienna circled her arms around his neck, she could walk, but she felt he wanted to be close to her as much as possible, so she was glad. 

Sarcos took Sienna to his room again...he helped her to put on a sheer silken dress and took her to his terrace..."The fragrant food was prepared in the cushioned seating area and Sienna sighed as she stared into her mate's face..he was so thoughtful.

Sarcos decided he wanted to feed her by himself, so Sienna smiled and accepted his attention. She felt like a big toddler to be fed by Sarcos but could not tell him to stop because he just looked at her so cutely...Her heart was clenching they had to part in the morning, so she just obediently ate everything he brought to her lips stuck onto a little golden fork...

"Do you know how long you will be training?"Sienna asked Sarcos after she finished her dinner and a sweet mint drink.

"I promise not to be long. I miss you already..."He bit his lips.

"Don't rush it. Take your time. I will be waiting for you always."Sienna smiled gently at him."I can't even imagine how hard it is to tame powers as yours. You are so incredible...and sexy..." she bit her lips playfully as she glanced into his handsome face.

Sarcos smiled at her compliment satisfied. " So are you asking me for something...?" he inhaled the air into his chest deeply and Sienna watched the big chest muscles rise some more...She got kind of caught up in watching her's mate handsomeness again and became dazed...

"I take it as a yes."Sarcos grinned seeing her dreamy eyes...he could feel the sensual energy seeping from her...

"Promise me to take it slowly and to be careful."Sienna cuddled up to him suddenly. She felt worried about him and a little sad...

"I was thinking you want it hot..." he pressed her on himself harder.

"Yes, I meant the power taming..."Sienna blushed.

"Sure, "Sarcos nodded, "So are you ready for me?" he started to run his hands under her sheer dress.

"Always."Sienna nibbled his shoulder as he placed her down between the cushions.

Sarcos took Sienna again very gently that night. Her body felt very sore but she had no power to refuse him because they were to part the next day. She felt joined with him as one and her soul was not wanting to part from him at all! The sweet pleasure eloped her body and the ecstasy of his presence made her feel mellow in his hands. She felt herself surrender deeply to him...her hips were following his moves in sweet echoes and her soft lips were yearning for his kisses as a thirsty desert traveller for water...

After they finished Sienna was extremely tired and fell asleep in Sarcos's arms...Sarcos felt the soft breathing of his mate lying on top of his shoulder. He could not sleep. He had way too much power within him and dreaded taking the time away he needed so badly...

Sarcos watched the stars over his head. When he felt something was wrong. The sky was quiet but the passing shadow hit his scorpion senses. The bright red wings swished over the Sand City in an almost silent scream nobody could hear apart from one man!

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