Woman with the tiger eyes in the Beast warrior's World

Chapter 308: Dr.Sharchan

The crisp morning sun in the Sand City caught Sienna and Sarcos who somehow miraculously managed to get out of bed and get ready to travel. Sienna was excited to see Tyrell again and wanted to look happy for Sarcos. She wanted him to practise taming his powers in peace and not to worry about her...She wore a beautiful velvet royal blue gown and a golden travelling cape. Her hair was plated into a long plait, covered under a light princess-like veil because she did not want them tangled in the strong wind.

Sarcos lifted Sienna onto Bran in his eagle form and then swished onto Voltoire's vulture's back...

"Where is Lord Ziran?" Sienna furrowed her brows, "Is he not coming with us...?" she asked surprised.

"No, he left..."Bran shook his eagle's head.

"Why?"She wondered but felt the answer as a pinch in her heart.

"He is too proud..."Bran nodded.

"Ahm, is he still grumpy with me?"She asked a bit worried...

"He said he would fuck you hard for this after he became a King..."Bran whispered to Sienna and she felt the cold shiver in her bones...Her heart hurted a lot. This felt like a betrayal! She trusted Ziran as her friend and this seemed too low to her. "He can fuck himself hard if he is so keen on it!"She thought as she bit her lips in bitter disappointment. She thought Ziran liked her more. She hoped that he was becoming more gentle but the truth was that he was still the same brute inside...

"Let him cool off and don't worry about him..."Bran tried to coax Sienna gently. He liked her and was happy the rude tiger was gone for now. He did not feel like killing him in front of her." It would be much better to kill him in secret and she would think he lives far away because he is too proud."Bran thought and glanced at Sarcos while nodding his head. The message was done and hopefully, it sealed off the Queen's heart towards Ziran...

"You are right, Bran." Sienna nodded and looked at Sarcos as well because she felt his eyes on her...

"Is everything well, my Queen?"Sarcos asked lovingly and Sienna felt her heart melt.

"Yes, my love."She nodded and held on to Bran tighter.

"Let's fly, "Sarcos ordered and both bird warriors lifted into the sunny sky with them.

Sarcos was smiling cheekily under his nose. He let Bran handle it and did not say anything because he did not want to look suspicious to her. The truth was that he had already counted it to that rude tiger...He did not want Sienna to see him upset to preserve his innocent image! She could always come to him if she wanted to punish him anyway. But Sarcos knew she would never ask.

Sarcos watched as Sienna flew on Bran thinking. He knew she was upset Ziran left with a rude promise and bit his lips. He had to give her time to stomach it...

Sienna played everything in her mind but did not feel as if she did something wrong."He can be upset if he wants! I saved his life and I do not care about his stupid ego!"Sienna bit her lips and decided not to think about Ziran any more!

When Sienna landed with Bran and Sarcos at the atrium of Crystal City Tiger Castle, Tyrell was waiting for her with Sharchan there! Sienna felt her heart throbbed sweetly at the sight of them. They were so handsome!

Burly Tyrell was standing watching her with his kind blue eyes and long white hair twirling in the wind. He looked so cute and innocent as a cat who is so cuddly till you actually see it to torture-kill something!

And Sharchan with his copper hair and muscular figure with wild yellow eyes and confident seductive smile...Sienna felt excited by just looking at him...as the hot memories flashed in her mind...he was irresistible...

Sienna smiled at Sarcos who gave her his hand to go down from Bran and she felt that her heart was melting. Her mates were so sweet together! She missed only Marco. "He is probably still resting." she thought and went to kiss Tyrell's and Sharchan's cheeks.

Sarcos decided to talk with Tyrell first and let Sharchan accompany Sienna to her bedroom. Sienna held onto Sharchan's strong arm feeling the biceps secretly as they walked together. She had to keep glancing at him! She remembered their last time and it was making her hot somehow...

"I missed you so much."Sharchan rasped as he helped Sienna to take off the travelling cape when they entered her turquoise bedroom. He cuddled her on his strong chest and kissed her deeply.

"My love."Sienna muffled into the kiss. Sharchan stopped and looked at her seriously. 

"Come eat something first."He pushed her towards the table like a feather and sat her down. He gave her some mushroom rice and buns to eat. He had everything ready under the copper dish dome!

"You are so amazing!"Sienna inhaled the scent..." I missed you so much...And your rice is my favourite!" she smiled sweetly at him.

"How can you miss me? You were with strong Marco, no?"Sharchan asked with hurted pride but secretly happy. The sly snake was weaving his plan slowly." How was your time with him?" he asked curiously.

"Ahm, I rather do not want to talk about it."Sienna redded up.

"Come on, my love, you can tell me everything. I'm your first mate...I know something is bothering you..." he looked at her firmly. Sharchan picked Sienna into his arms cuddling her and sat with her on the bed. He caressed her cheek softly as if coaxing an upset kid...

"You know..., "Sienna looked at him blushing..." but promise not to laugh ok?"She reached her face to him secretively...Sharchan was kind of seducing her and his scent made her weirdly relaxed...."

"It was really horrible at first! Marco was extremely cold and wanted me to make myself! I don't know where he got the idea!"Sienna shook her head.

"What...?"Sharchan bit his lips not to laugh. "Well, he must be just tired from losing to Marath so badly. So lazy! I will be always happy to help you to make you well, my sweet mate." he kissed her deeply..."But maybe you should encourage him more. Why don't you invite him for a romantic dinner in the tower, hm...?"Sharchan stood up leaving her sitting on the bed and gave her some paper and a pen. It was kind of conveniently placed in her table drawers and he knew exactly where, but Sienna did not notice it strange!

"I did not know you were so thoughtful"She smiled at him...

"Well, I want you to be happy and he was not forcing you to do his job next time."Sharchan grinned."Or I just might come over and do it instead if he wants to rest so much!" he laughed sneakily...

"It was really weird!"Sienna nodded."He was so jealous of you..." she shook her head.

"Well, maybe because I'm so handsome and good at mating. I love every tiny bit of you and he, with his coldness can't cover it."He kissed her deeply.

Sienna felt the wave of sweetness and love mixed with mating energy. Her body started to melt in his hands and her mind went blank. And till Sienna come back to herself she was fucked hard in her bed!

When Sharchan finished he kissed her deeply."Don't forget to write that letter my love..." he left her satisfied with a grin on his handsome face.

When Sarcos came back from meeting with Tyrell, he found Sienna in the bed all done...half-sleeping and holding a pen and a sheet of paper under her sleeping face, red ink splodge was dripping down from the bed...She fell asleep on it!

"Sienna, what happened to you?" he asked a bit confused.

"Sharchan was talking to me and then I found myself like this!"Sienna noted innocently.

"Is it not my week?" Sarcos grinned a bit upset.

"Well, you said you need to go away to tame your new powers, so maybe we can join all the weeks and spend some time all together. You can come visit me if you have a break from training a little, no?" She smiled at him sheepishly...her body trebling in its tiredness softly. 

"That will be good...actually."Sarcos nodded." I stay till nightfall and then I will be back to check in with you in two days, hm...?"

"OK, my love..."Sienna stretched like a cat..."Let me rest a bit more please and then we can bath together..."She closed her eyes tiredly. She felt so broken!

"Sure."Sarcos grinned wickedly as he watched her naked exhausted body and left. He walked the corridors to look for Sharchan...

"How dare you to have your way with my Queen while I'm still here?"Sarcos looked at Sharchan coldly...

"Our Queen was traumatised. I was just helping her..."Sharchan nodded his head cheekily. He felt so light and happy after mating with Sienna.

"What?" Sarcos shook his head in disbelief at the snake's ridiculous excuse."Traumatised from what?"

"It is confidential."Sharchan nodded his head seriously.

"Spill it out!"Sarcos hissed dangerously.

"Well, it looks like Marco was forcing her to make herself!"Sharchan whispered to Sarcos quietly pretending to be discreet. It felt like pouring honey into a neverending jug of sweet revenge."I can't believe you let such a man have his perverted way with our Queen."Sharchan shook his head theatrically...

"What are you talking about...? How to make herself?"Sarcos was enraged and did not get it yet...

"Shh...the way a man should do a woman...you know how, no?"Sharchan showed him two fingers sheepishly playing dumb.

"What?" Sarcos stared at him with an open mouth. Sienna did not tell him much about her time with Marco at all, because she stopped to tell him a story...

"How can he do that to her? Is she ok?" Sarcos asked worriedly...

"Well, as you could see, she was quite satisfied, so my approach worked well."Sharchan smiled under his nose. Teasing Sarcos was fun!" But feel free to revisit my methods...it is your week after all!" he said in a sweet voice. Making Sarcos grumpy with Marco felt just way too great for his scheming mind...

"We will be joining our weeks this month!"Sarcos nodded and left, not sparing a glance at sneaky Sharchan. The snake was enragingly rude....but he successfully turned Sarcos's rage to Marco!

When Sarcos came to check on Sienna again she just sealed the letter for Marco and placed it on the table.

"What were you writing?"Sarcos asked curiously...

"A letter for Marco, I want to invite him here to make him more easy-going..." she smiled at Sarcos innocently...

Sarcos was dying to see what she could write to that horrid eagle...

"Let me bathe and we can go walk together, hm...?"Sienna looked at him lovingly.

"Sure, I will help you."Sarcos grinned. Sarcos watched Sienna bathe and instead of walking in the garden, he just took her to bed as he was pretending to help her dress...

"You are too irresistible." he chuckled when he just bent her over the bed and fucked her hard. He did agree that revisiting Sharchan's methods was quite good...Sienna felt as if she was being ambushed by her mates but they were way too hot to refuse...She felt Sarcos invading her body and the waves of pleasure clouded her mind into the sweet oblivion.

"I will be on my way..."Sarcos smiled as he kissed tired Sienna. She just managed to stand up and was on her way to the bathroom again covered in a velvet pink dressing gown.

"Do you want me to send your letter?" Sarcos wanted to ask, but then Bran came to pick the letter up. Sienna gave it to him to send and Sarcos frowned...

"I will see you later my sweet Queen, "Sarcos kissed Sienna deeply.

"Just be careful and tame your new powers well."Sienna smiled softly at him. "I will be waiting here for you." she smiled sweetly.

"Sure, stay well!" Sarcos kissed her one more time and leapt out of the window. Voltoire screeched and Sienna shook her head in unbelief as she watched her Scorpion King soar up to the sky on the huge vulture..." Nobody uses the door any more!" she shook her head and went to have a hot relaxing bath...

Meanwhile, in the night sky, the huge vulture was still not sure where to fly as they lost Crystal City from their view. Sarcos seemed to be thinking.

"Where to?" Voltoire asked his master. 

"Descent down here," Sarcos asked.

"What?"Voltoire asked surprised.

"Just do it!" Sarcos noted coldly.

The strong Scorpion King swished off from Voltoire's back and left him waiting. He climbed swiftly onto a nearby hill. Then he whistled quietly and a small falcon descended to him immediately!

Someone could say that Sarcos invented his own Royal Mail to spy on people and read their letters in secret...

Sarcos stared at Sienna's romantic letter to Marco and felt upset...She was wasting so much gentleness and encouraging kind words to that cold eagle!!!

Sarcos imagined beautiful Sienna waiting in the tower and decided...

"I'm going on this date! Marco should rest after my spell anyway...After all, as his brother, I should help him and take care of him... he needs to rest longer." he smiled sinisterly.

"My Queen should not be left waiting...it might break her heart...Am I not so caring? "Sarcos grinned and shook his head cheekily..."I will go on a hot date in Crystal City in two days...

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