Woman with the tiger eyes in the Beast warrior's World

Chapter 300: The scary Crystal Scorpion

Inside the Sand City Castle's spacious library full of priceless ancient books on all subjects of life and science, Sarcos was reading the Legends of The Crystal Emperor from the children's books section...He felt a bit stupid as the only mention of the crystal was at the utmost end of the book...

The book itself was more of a boasting of Crystal Emperor's amazing powers when he tried to dominate the entire world by cruelty, feeding on violence and using men's ignorance mixed with his wicked magic to realize a rather crude takeover plan, and then save his excruciatingly beautiful Butterfly Princess he was obsessed with...

Sarcos ran his eyes quickly through the pages... He was not impressed at all, though the powers looked quite good. It was very simplistic written and complicated detailed illustrations were just over the top for this book! The text was not interesting at all ... Sarcos stared at the picture of the presumably beautiful Butterfly Princess. She was depicted from a profile. The elongated elegance radiated from her figure but her smile was not sincere, her eyes not kind, she was like a pride itself, cold and icy as a stone. Having thousands to die for her fun, but she still was not amused even slightly.

"This should be a beautiful princess? More like cruel scorn shrew!"Sarcos shook his head at the picture of the overly celebrated beauty...

"Don't you dare to disrespect my Queen!" Sarcos felt icy fingers around his heart suddenly..."She is mine and you will be respectful to her memory!"Crystal Pincer hissed enraged.

"What is your problem? They are just children's stories and illustrations, no?" Sarcos shook his head...

"They are my stories and my illustrations! It is my book, of my legends, copied meticulously for centuries to be passed from the ancient times..." Crystal Pincer chuckled a bit crazily"... everything is almost accurate." he smiled satisfied.

"Is this her true likeness then?" Sarcos furrowed his brows..." I never saw a butterfly looking like this! I never actually saw any female with these features at all." Sarcos said in a surprise and Crystal Pincer felt it was not a compliment!

"She is the last one from a diminished race, different than others. Rather take care of your own Queen and leave this one to me!"Crystal Pincer growled when a knock on the door disturbed Sarcos in his passionate opinion exchange...

"King Sarcos, it is me!"Rem's voice sounded cheerfully from behind the door.

"Come in..." Sarcos said as he closed the book with a loud thump. It was quite satisfying because he felt a bit weird reading children's books somehow...

"My King."Rem was beaming happily to see him back..." I would like to inform you that the games are organized and I want to ask you of any direct requests you might have..." he smiled.

"You have my full trust in this."Sarcos nodded.

"The people are so excited to see you..."Rem exclaimed.

"I will need to present them my new Crystal Scorpion form..."Sarcos bit his lips.

"And ?"Rem asked.

Sarcos changed in front of Rem. The huge scorpion took up almost all the space in the enormous room, setting a few bookshelves on fire just by touching it...Sarcos rather changed back quickly and clapped his hands to stop the fire from engulfing the room and destroying his precious books...

"We will need the Queen's help with it..."Rem bit his lips after he passed the initial shock..."Have no worries, my King."

"Thank you, I will see you in the arena then," Sarcos nodded. "I will go get my Queen ready," he said and left, leaving the book of Legends of The Crystal Emperor on the table.

Sarcos walked up the corridors fast, smiling as he thought about Sienna. His whole being was so excited to spend time with her...Sarcos opened the door of her room slowly and watched how she was sitting on the bed tiredly and eating...she was just fresh out of the bath covered in the big white towel...

"Come, my love...time to get ready. I have big games planned for tonight..." he smiled and sat next to her touching her shoulder. It was soft and round and so nice to touch...he longed to have her again but then she would not be able to make it to the games at all probably...

"I can hardly move." Sienna cuddled up to his lap...She dreaded the games because her body felt tired...

"I will help you then..."Sarcos smiled and went to get her a medicated body lotion...he pressed her gently on the bed and smeared it into Sienna's skin touching her gently...he could feel her hot presence so closely. It was drawing him in and he just felt so happy. He pushed his new worries for the next day because he wanted to spend time with his Queen first and be immersed in her cuddly cloud. Sienna was kind of tiredly clingy with him and it just made him feel so good...

When Sarcos managed to get Sienna and himself ready he stood her in front of the mirror satisfied. He held her hand in kind of a Royal pose..."I present you my beautiful Scorpion Queen..."He smiled into the mirror waiting for Sienna's approval. 

Sienna looked into the golden-framed mirror. She was dressed in an entirely gold dress decorated with diamonds encrusted crystal scorpions which kind of hugged her waist as a sparkly armour...Sarcos wore gold and crystal armour on his chest and shoulders, and golden attire as well. 

"We look way too regal!"Sienna chuckled...as they both looked into the mirror together.

"Do you feel better now?" he asked caringly touching her cheek gently."Yes, "Sienna nodded."Just being with you is making me better. You are my amazing Sarcos..." She kissed his lips gently...

Sarcos smiled satisfied. She was so happy to be with him, that she did not mind even wearing quite a lot of jewellery for her.

Sienna felt this event was important to him and wanted to make him proud so she even wore a golden tiara, which matched her hair perfectly and a new turqoise stone necklace from Sarcos, so she looked like from a golden dream...

"Don't seduce me again, yet..." he rasped to her holding her waist."It has to wait for later...Kingdom duties !" he sighed as he traced his hand down her hips and pressed her bum through the silk fabric...Sienna smiled at him and blushed... "You are so naughty my Scorpion King... I love you so much!"She held his hand as he led her out of the room but then he just picked her into his arms and took her down all the way, jumping the big stairs.

Sienna felt so loved...she forgot all the worries and longings. She was just perfectly happy right now.

Sarcos took her to his Castle Gate where his golden chariot with four black horses was waiting and stood her inside first. Sienna held onto the heavily decorated shiny edge of the chariot.

"Are you ready my love?"Sarcos smiled and circled her waist with his right hand and took the horse's reins with his left.

"Yes," She nodded as in the sweetest of dreams. Sienna felt magical...it kind of hit her in her face again that she was the Scorpion Queen as she watched the warriors lining for the procession to the arena and heard the cheering of people waiting outside to see them...

Sienna rode with Sarcos through the Sand City in his golden chariot, he was almost melting Sienna's heart by his firm hold. It just felt so safe...He was keen to show everyone how important she was to him and held her by his right side...He was being kind of a cool show-off because everyone knew he was right-handed. But the Scorpion King was so extremely strong that having the reins of four horses in his left hand was nothing for him. He could fight off an entire army with it anyway. The people were standing around the highways cheering for their King and Queen...and walking into the arena slowly as they passed...

As they were coming closer to the huge decorated arena, Sienna expected to go sit in the spectator seats as always but this time Sarcos went with her into the middle of the arena fighting grounds!

Sienna looked around. The arena was full of cheering people watching them. She felt as if her head would spin from the fast ride and the magnitude of that place. Sarcos was riding rounds within the arena's inner circle and greeting his people as an extremely kingish King...the arena was booming with loud cheers, and the people were getting crazy to see their King back in the City. Sienna tried to smile and wave to people elegantly as the Queen should when greeting her nation next to her King...

After a few rounds, Sarcos stopped in the middle of the arena. Sienna watched as Rem walked inside with a beautiful white horse coming to them.

"Sunshine!"Sienna smiled and looked at Sarcos with a question on her face.

"Go my love and please stay brave. I will show to you and our people my new Crystal Scorpion form now."Sarcos kissed her lips and sat her on the Sunshine.

Rem held Sunshine's reins and took Sienna with her to the side of the arena to make space for his King.

Sienna looked at Rem a bit surprised but he shook his head..."My Queen, please do not be alarmed...the crystal level quite changed him."Rem bit his lips...

"Well, he is my mate. I love him, however he might look like!"Sienna smiled...She was not scared of her Golden Scorpion, so why she should be worried about a Crystal one?

Sienna watched as Sarcos changed into his new Crystal Scorpion form...The arena was dead quiet...The scorpion was scary as hell! His body was covered by lean spiky almost see-through black smoky crystals of different lengths and inside of them...bluish electric charges were sparkling and whizzing making it look like moving even if it stood still.

The Crystal Pincer caused his crystals to look like solidified anger...because he was furious to merge with Sarcos inside his mind at first, but the form stayed as he passed the black mirror permanently.

Sienna opened her eyes in awe...She felt scared suddenly of that thing which was her mate! She watched him with a tightly squashed heart."That is Sarcos...He did this to protect me! That is still Sarcos..."She kept repeating in her head trying to stay brave as he told her!

The huge Crystal Scorpion walked around the arena...He saw that even his people looked scared by his new monster... They watched him in awe..."Only my Queen could help to ease them..."Crystal Scorpion thought and finally pointed his razor-sharp pincer at Rem...who turned to Sienna...

"Come, my Queen, " said Rem, "You need to stand next to him to break people's fear..." he looked at her a little worriedly as he saw the tears at the end of her eyes.

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