Woman with the tiger eyes in the Beast warrior's World

Chapter 301: The Games of Crystal Scorpion

Sienna stood in the middle of the Sand City arena looking at the new scorpion-like spiky black electrifying monster which was her mate. Two tears were going down her eyes, not because he was scary and extremely dangerous but because she understood he did this for her.

Sienna got flashbacks of Sharchan asking her about levelling up that might change his snake form and that made her understand that it must also be a big worry for Sarcos. She wondered why he did not show her his new form in private first, but then she realized he did not need to...

"He trusts in my love for him."Sienna's heart warmed up as she looked at the scary creature. "Well, at least it is not a huge spider!" she thought.

Sienna nodded to Rem and gathered up her courage...Rem wanted to lead her on the Sunshine, but the beautiful mare refused to move. She was scared.

"Stay with her!"Sienna pointed to Rem as she slid down Sunshine's back with Rem's help and walked to the scary Crystal Scorpion by herself...

Sienna concentrated on the love in her heart she held for Sarcos as she went close up to that huge scorpion, with a gentle smile on her lips, imagining Sarcos's within him when he suddenly picked her up in his pincer...and the people in arena seats held their breath.

The Queen looked so soft in his razor-sharp pincers! Even if he held her gently, her soft body might just be sliced by his pincer as butter! Sienna saw the sharp pincer edges and realized that the diamonds like armour on her dress were not just for decoration!

She gasped as she felt the diamonds stop the sharp pincer edges from piercing her dress as he was lifting her! Sienna knew there was nothing she could do...she felt as if frozen in the air when she found herself hoovering over his spiky back...the energy around him was paralysing and tingling at the same time but it did not hurted her. She had his mark...she was his, her being belonged to him and she trusted him....he was a force to be admired and feared...he was a creature of great power...but for Sienna, he was a beast she should love the same as the man within it...her Sarcos...

The Crystal Scorpion placed Sienna onto his armour plated back slowly making space for her to stand up by moving his crystal spikes sideways to form a small cage-like circle on his body somehow...

It was mesmerizing and unreal to watch and it reminded her of the huge transforming fighting robots in movies she had seen. Sienna reached to hold onto the spikes of the top open cage-like feature to keep her balance but Sarcos lowered to her the end of his scorpion tail, just over his scorpion stinger, where it was most narrow.

Sienna circled it with her left hand, trying to look happy and graceful. She stood hugging it tightly so she would not slip and splatter on his shiny black crystal back. She watched his smoky black crystal-like stinger and imagined it seeping with the strong poison. Sarcos was the deadliest of weapons by himself! This Crystal Scorpion body was designed to fight and kill every stranger in his proximity. His long crystal-like spikes reminded her of Sharchan's golden cage as she stood there like his accessory, like a soft breathing statue of the dreamy golden Queen, wallowing in her mate's power just for a show...

Sienna watched as the Scorpion Nation broke the silence...the people stood up and started to cheer....the booming voices sounded with new hope and echoed in the stony walls. Then the arena's big gate opened and Sienna watched as the army of men in their scorpion form passed around Sarcos from one way to another...

His soldiers and warriors wanted to feel the powerful presence of their master. They were getting used to him and sparks were coming from Sarcos, which hit his soldier's bodies occasionally but did not seem to harm them.

Sarcos had kind of to notify the scorpion form of his men so his mere presence would not hurt them as they would fight on the battlefields in the future...

The bluish sparkles went around Sienna carefully, the sparks did not touch her at all! As if a protective bubble was around her...

Sienna did not understand these details at all yet. She was holding onto her mate's body with a gentle smile stuck on her face, watching the black huge scorpion bodies pass in front of her eyes. She felt that Crystal Scorpion was moving with her very slowly and her mind was just blank...She felt like a spectator of a fantasy 4D scene happening in front of her. After what seemed to Sienna like forever, the last scorpion soldier passed.

Sienna felt dazed and her body stiff when Sarcos suddenly changed to his human form abruptly and she found herself held in his embrace.

Sienna stared into Sarcos's handsome face. His lips curled up in satisfaction and he kissed her deeply...The people cheered loudly and watched as Sienna and Sarcos walked out of the arena fighting grounds to their Royal spectator seats.

"So?" Sarcos looked at Sienna with a question on his face as he embraced her around her shoulders as they sat down.

"Yes, my love?"She smiled at him.

"What do you think of my new scorpion form?" he rasped a bit worriedly.

"Well, it is still you...I love you whatever you look like." she smiled at him.

Sarcos nodded satisfied, but then he thought for a few seconds..." Hm, what if I will look like a big hairy brown spider?" he teased her.

"Ahh, then I will have to love you from afar, please do not be a spider... or a huge ape, ok?"She cuddled up to him.

"Why are you so terrified of apes still? Did not Ramse's ape save you before?"Sarcos asked curiously.

"Yes, he did."Sienna nodded. "I just kind of can't stand the idea of him touching me."She bit her lips.

"Why?"Sarcos asked curiously.

"He is grumpy."She said a bit sheepishly.

"And?"Sarcos looked into her eyes firmly."What else?" he asked.

"I will tell you in private, not here."Sienna bit her lips.

"Ok, "Sarcos nodded."But do not forget it. I do like to know."

"Ok, "Sienna nodded, but she was having a subtle fear that something else might be behind his questions...

Sarcos smiled at Sienna and kissed her forehead gently."Come, let's watch the games now." He lifted her by her waist and sat her in his lap comfortably, not caring what anyone would think. It was a very unusual public display of attention, but after him being parted from his Queen for so long, everyone understood that he wanted to hold her tight at every opportunity!

Sienna felt so safe in Sarcos's embrace. She held onto his hand tight as she watched the group of men with long horns like trumpets sound the game's part to start. Then the warriors came in two groups on horses and fought in pretend battle. White horses against black ones like in a chess game!

Sienna noticed that the fighters were a mix of tiger and scorpion warriors fighting against eagle and snake warriors. She could recognize them easily by their horse attire as their horses wore decorated long horse blankets embellished with their animal tribe symbols.

The fighters tried to push each other from the horses while fighting and then they fought on the ground, some even in their animal form! It was kind of nerve-wracking to watch! In the end, only one warrior was standing.

He lifted his hand victoriously and Sienna noticed he was staring at her for approval as he removed his helmet. Sienna looked at him closer and noticed that it was her young door guard she fooled in the Tiger Castle with her slippers! She chuckled and clapped her hands for him appreciatively.

The young tiger smiled and nodded. He went to the tournaments to prove himself in front of her and Lord Ziran.

"I need to ask him his name."She thought as she clapped to him. She watched a few females throw pink, purple and blue flowers at him. He picked them up cheerfully and walked out satisfied after being declared the fight winner. It will secure him a place in matches with higher-ranking warriors.

"Do you know him personally?"Sarcos asked Sienna kind of innocently.

"A little, he was my doorguard from the Tiger Castle."She smiled at Sarcos.

"Was he good?"He asked her, thinking why she chuckled at him. "She has a lot of guards she doesn't even see or know," he thought a little jealously.

"Well, this one I fooled with slippers."She chuckled."I ran away from him to search for Tyrell." she noted. "I bet lord Ziran was raging at him for that because then he was waiting in front of the Throne Room with more guards, but I went out with Tyrell, so he could not tell me off!"She giggled cheekily.

"So he lost you..."Sarcos growled. "He should be punished," he noted coldly.

"Well, you lost me too, no?"Sienna furrowed her brows." Punish yourself first my love, before the others...How can mere men do better than you, hm? "

Sarcos bit his lips. She was right. He lost her big time! Sarcos shook his head at the horrible memory."Sienna, you should not try to trick your guards." he said seriously.

"Well, they should not try to keep me in then. They can come with me or be tricked..."She said a bit sinisterly..."Nobody should hold me against my will, because I'm your Queen, no?" She smiled cheekily but her tiger-like blue eyes shone brightly at him.

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