Woman with the tiger eyes in the Beast warrior's World

Chapter 299: The powers to reckon with

In the turquoise-decorated room of the Sand City Castle, the strong Scorpion King was watching his resting mate."My Sienna." he whispered to himself satisfied that she was in his arms again.

"Mine too!"The Flaming Scorpion joined him in appreciating Sienna's beauty."I still do not agree with your actions. It could hurt our mate and all your work will be for nothing!" he noted.

"I needed that power and now I got it...I need to destroy all my enemies starting with that dragon..." Sarcos thought.

"You could kill him without it anyway and be done with it!"Flaming Scorpion hissed."But no, you are trying to get a dragon army instead."

"If I want to do it you better make your peace with it and help me," Sarcos said to Flaming Scorpion firmly.

"But I do not trust him..."The Flaming Scorpion was still not satisfied. "He was concealed in your mind as if nothing happened...You did not notice him at all!"

"Well, we have a deal, is it not more power better?"Sarcos asked.

"Not necessarily..." Flaming Scorpion shook his head. "You need to find out more about him..." he said.

"Sure...I need to help him to find his heart as well..." Sarcos noted.

"You need to leverage up your powers first, starting with my scorpion form..."The Flaming Scorpion grunted..."You left me stagnant for way too long..."

Sarcos furrowed his brows. "I will need to take a few days away to concentrate on my magic to take over the will of Crystal Pincer completely before it overpowers me..."He thought. Sarcos was not stupid. He realized that if he was not the Golden Scorpion already the Crystal Pincer would just take his life force for himself and absorb his Flaming Scorpion sucking it in with his soul....but because of his strength he had to merge with him kind of involuntarily and was upset. He froze the Flaming Scorpion in anger after he found out he was stuck in Sarcos's body.

Sarcos thought about how mating with Sienna awoke his Flaming Scorpion and suddenly understood why he was two minutes late...it was as if a fog cloud was rising from his mind."I was not thinking straight! It was Crystal Pincer making me two minutes late! He needed time to read my memories, check my heart and count my powers...he needed to tap into me as his new host..."Sarcos thought a bit bitterly."Screw the fucking legends!"

Sarcos got upset and felt really dumb! But it was too late. He stood up, covered Sienna with blankets, ordered food to be brought to her room and went into his laboratory. He almost ran the long sandy corridors and massive steps leading to his dark underground private kingdom. He opened the huge metal door and the quiet solitude of his special place welcomed him as if coming home again. It was quiet and longing for his presence. Sarcos watched his vials, weapons and experiments in making with a bit of a crazy smile...This was his life. Apart from being with Sienna, he loved it here...When he was not acting above as a strong King he was a mad scientist with no respect towards danger. It was his sealed New World in making. The weapons never to be sold, the machines never to see the light of the day...

Sarcos walked into the last room in his laboratory. It kind of still looked like a dark small cell, where his father locked him as a child. Sarcos run his fingers along the wall. He pressed the stone not different from the others gently and a small hiding space was revealed.

Sarcos reached in and took out a gold-encrusted box with ancient writing. He traced the deeply carved letters with his hand gently and smiled. "The language never to be spoken again." he thought. He could hear the words booming in his mind making him feel even stronger. He did not open it. He just wanted to feel its power. It reminded him of who he was. It was like a game...In particular stages of his life, he could open a magic crystal...It was filled with memories of knowledge and powers. They belonged to him. He felt it even the box itself was still a mystery. He had to wait to finish the game to uncover it all. It was his secret hidden mission. The mission of his life...Sarcos smiled. He hid the box again and with a swift movement of his hand he opened a black mirror at the entrance of the small cell. He looked at himself. The Flaming Scorpion lit up in his eyes. Sarcos's hands started to change into scorpion pincers...

"Come on...Hurry up! Let's see my Crystal self!"The Flaming Scorpion called excitedly as Sarcos passed through the black mirror and his new Scorpion form was revealed to him.

Sarcos looked at himself shocked but not surprised."Now, I messed up! I will be lucky if Sienna doesn't run away from me!" he said seriously.

"She will have no chance to run from you anyway."The Flaming Scorpion said bitterly." We are a weapon by itself..." he noted."We are so lucky that our Sienna is kind, otherwise, we are screwed big time! You look even worse than any chimera could!"

"I'm so impressed, "The Crystal Pincer added as his own reflection appeared in the black mirror too.

"I did not call for your opinion!"Sarcos said firmly to him."Never try to go over my will again..." he said.

"Then became stronger...if you want to master my powers..."Crystal Pincer chuckled."I'm here to help you with that..." he laughed in echoes again as he disappeared into the white fog.

"I wish he would stop that echoing...it is annoying..." said Flaming Scorpion.

"He can't."Sarcos shook his head."He is incomplete. That is why I did not feel him as a presence straight away." he noted.

"If he is incomplete then you are incompetent...you need to study more..."The Flaming Scorpion chuckled satirically.

"You are like Marath! Go to your own library...bla, bla, bla...The children section, bla, bla, bla..."Sarcos joked making a serious face.

"Yes, the children section...hurry up!"Flaming Scorpion said seriously.

"Why?"Sarcos shook his head in unbelief.

"Because Marath said it...he was not joking."The Flaming Scorpion explained.

Sarcos sighed and went to his library. He searched the children's section of it ...and found the illustrated book of Legends of the Crystal Emperor!

"That is why I could not find it in Marath's Library! I did not check the children's section..."Sarcos bit his lips and felt like a dummy...

Marath's half-serious half-cheeky face was still stuck in his mind somehow and Sarcos felt angry and humiliated..."That man almost mated my Queen...She trembled as a little leaf in my hands wanting to mate...Ahhhgggr....So upsetting!"Sarcos was raging just thinking about it. "How could she find him attractive? Am I not so much better looking than him?"Sarcos felt his mind heating up..."You are so proud..bla,bla, bla...Well, if he was a King from his seven years of age, he can also be proud...grrr, "Sarcos was raging rather unkingishly. He hated to be humiliated...It was probably one of the traits he had inherited from his scorpion father...

"Ksu, ksu, wicked sorcerer...Don't think about him right now!"Crystal Pincer tried to take the painful memories away..." I will help you destroy him when the time comes." he promised.

"Marath is not wicked! He saved our Queen!" Flaming Scorpion noted carefully.

"Well, he wants your Queen for himself, that is why he saved her! Not minding to taint her and shadow rule the Sand City at her side, holding her hostage to his dark powers. So, is he wicked, hm? We need to get him out of our way unsuspiciously...You should be the only powerful sorcerer around here...right?"Crystal Pincer grinned.

"Right! "Sarcos nodded. Just the memory of Marath was irking his nerves...His grin as he talked about kissing Sienna while freeing the forces of the Golden Scorpion, making Sarcos extra work and worry on purpose, was enraging to him...Sarcos was already suppressing himself hard to let Sharchan, Tyrell and Marco have Sienna too and all these other men wanting to take what was his were enraging him even more...

"Can you imagine how much magic he must get as a payment from Golden Scorpion?"Crystal Pincer was making Sarcos crazy even more..."You will get it back if you eliminate him..." he nodded his head..."It should be in your hands as a Scorpion power, it does not belong with Black Lizards!"

"Sure."Sarcos nodded."I need to acquire as much power as possible." he noted, "To protect my Queen!"

"Fuck..."Flaming Scorpion thought..but said nothing..."This will be tricky business..." he cringed his face.

"Don't worry. I will help Sarcos with everything." Crystal Pincer smiled victoriously watching the worried Flaming Scorpion.

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