

-Paradise City Police Station-

While one wouldn't consider a police station's interrogation room to be a place where decor might count, Diablo had no choice but to admit that the inside of this place was quite chic and nice to look at.

Everything was smooth, sleek, and shiny to the touch.

Everything that is, except the seats that he was in right now.

And that was because it was comfy.

-munch, munch, munch-

Chewing down on some cookies and donuts, Diablo realized why criminals do crime while he drank a big gulp of coffee.

Was it because of the money, the passion, and the message?

Hah! It wasn't because of any of that shit.

It's because what it's really about, is the free place to eat, piss, and sleep at.

-munch, munch, gulp-

"Man, I just love this! I didn't really eat anything since I got off that plane, and all that alcohol on an empty stomach is killing me!" Diablo said between bites. "Hey, rich kid! You want some of this?"

Deus looked at the person who should be the protagonist going against him for the sake of the plot, and his mind spun circles around itself trying to decide how to deal with him going forward.

[Shouldn't you be angry that you got arrested! Why are you so calm right now!?]

But as for now, he chose to stay true to his acting role like a true System Slave.

"Hah! Why would I eat some paltry dollar store snacks like a peasant!?"

Diablo looked at him with pity in his eyes. "Damn. If you didn't want any you could've just said no, sheesh..." He continued to eat while shaking his head.

Deus eyes twitched as he saw Diablo looking at him with pity. He wanted to act some more, but before he could say anything else, Diablo cut him off.

"So, Moneybags Jr. What's your plan?" Diablo asked.

'Is he finally playing along?' Was what went through Deus' head right now.

[If I remember correctly, he would make a fuss and be released by an ally with strong backing, so to gain some points, I should hold him here for a while!]

"Why should I tell you my plan?" Deus sneered. "All you need to know is that you won't get off so easy."

[Plan? What Plan? Other than my perfect acting I have no plans!}

"Hmmn. Scary." Diablo stuffed another donut in his mouth. "Well, you're not fooling me."

"Huh?" Deus wondered. 'What the hell is he talking about?'

"I mean, isn't it obvious? Even in the TV shows and movies, they never have two suspects in the same room being interrogated together." Diablo said as if it was common knowledge.

"Don't you watch movies, oh, wait. You're too rich to have that kinda fun, it's fast cars and fast drugs, right?" 

"Are you insulting me-" Deus was cut off once more.

"Look. Anyways looks what gonna happen, okay?" Diablo began talking again. "You should at least listen because it's mostly your fault, alright?

[This bastard! Stop cutting me off! And what the hell are you even talking about!? Shouldn't you be calling your backers to get you out!? And don't eat all the damn donuts!]

"You tried to pull a fast one on a chick, and we ended up fighting, and we both got arrested."

"Now, I should rat you out, but since you're part of the Budligh-"

"Godlight. the name of my family is Godligh-" Deus interrupted Diablo before he could do the same to him.

"As I was saying, since your family is a big one with big funds, you'll probably be let out soon, and I'll have to rot here."

[Let me speak, damn it!]

"However, that is what they want us to think." Diablo said.

Did he truly believe what he was saying?

Not quite.

It was true that the Paradise City Police had members who weren't corrupt, and were willing to search for the hidden darkness behind major families in the city, but that wasn't something that would occur this early in the story.

So with nothing better to do, he decided to poke the metaphorical tiger, that being the true main character of this Villain Novel; Deus Godlight.

"What the hell are you on about?" Deus sneered.

[The only secret conspiracy around here, is how you manage to continue living in the original plot!]

"Look, they're gonna come in, and they're gonna do good cop bad cop routine, okay?" Diablo said between bites. "Don't fall for it, nom, nom, nom..."

"So when those guys come in, don't say anything."

"Why, you scared?" Deus said mockingly. Right now, he was doing his best to rile Diablo up to get some points for his system.

"Not really. I'm just worried that I might spend the night in a cold hard mangy cell on my first day back, but hey, you wouldn't know about that feeling, now would you?"

-knock! knock!-

"Here they are. No snitching okay?" Diablo said. 'Fine. Be like that.'

'Since you wanna act, let me help you.'

At this moment, two officers walked into the interrogation room. One was a middle-aged man with the shadiest expression on his face that you didn't even need to look twice to realize that he was corrupt and in the Godlight's pocket.

And the other was a tall woman with violet hair and eyes, fair skin, and a bust that threatened to burst through her entire uniform. Naturally, a female police officer this beautiful could only be one of the many Heroines of this novel world.

-Paradise City Police Captain Justitia Armstrife.

In typical urban novel fashion, she would butt heads with the protagonist who seemed to always get into trouble with the law enforcement, and after being saved a few times on dangerous missions, she would eventually begin to fall for the protagonist.

That is, of course, in the original novel tropes, not the story in which villain novels occur.

In the novel world, she was just one more heroine for the protagonist to fumble and send directly into the young master's so-called villainous hands.

'Shame.' Diablo though. 'It's not like this guy next to me is gonna have the balls to get it on with her even if she were to offer it...'

It may sound like jealousy, and that's because it was, since Diablo was hoping he'd be transmigrated as someone rich instead. However seeing as he had read thousands of chapters of the original novel, he knew that as long as he was now the hero in which the villain defeats, headaches would only increase as time went on.

-So why not enjoy life and be as silly as you can be while having fun?

It wasn't like he was going to snitch on Deus anyway, after all, he felt that he was better than that.

Calling the police and cooperating with Law Enforcement is what villains do, not heroes.

Diablo was no snitch, and he wouldn't be saying a word when they tried to interrogate him.

"Alright, guys." Captain Armstrife sternly said. "You two both know why you're here, causing a disturbance by fighting over a woman, so do you mind explaining just for good measure on why you two got into this situation?"


"It was him!" Diablo slammed the table as he stood up, roaring in righteous indignation as the two officers looked at him in shock. "It was all him!"

"What!" Deus stood up too.

[Didn't you tell me not to snitch!?]

[Now, you're doing exactly that!?]

[Do you not have a shred of honesty in your body!?]

"Let me tell you something, Police Lady. I'm a law-abiding citizen who's just trying to live peacefully and enjoy life!" Diablo pointed in Deus' direction as if he were looking at trash. "And this guy liked this girl, but was too shy to confess. So he wanted to get close to her by pretending to save the beauty by hiring me to harass her!"

"I knew it was wrong, but I really needed the money, so I agreed! And the rest is history!"

[Bullshit! What the hell are you saying!? Are you trying to take credit for my bad deeds?]

[Or are you trying to erase it!? Either way, I won't have it! I'm the harasser and I won't lose points because of you!"

"Miss Officer," Deus began. "Don't listen to his nonsen-"

"Silence, criminal scum! Silence!" Diablo cut him off before he could finish his sentence. "Police Lady, it's all him. How could I harass a woman when I've never even touched a woman in my life!?"

[He's fucking lying, he seduced the flight stewardess on his plane to Paradise City!]

[She even gave you her number, and after you get out of here, you're planning on staying with her at her house for a couple of weeks until you get your own place!]

"You see Police Lady, this is a bit embarrassing to admit. But I'm the type of guy who's saving himself for marriage, so there's really no involvement from me in this matter..." Diablo gave a shy smile that nearly made Deus vomit blood.

[Good! Good! You're really good, Protagonist! In fact, instead of being in a cell, you should be in a fucking movie how good of an actor you are!]

[You should be awarded with an Osc*r Trophy, The G*lden Gl*bes, no a freaking T*ny Award!]

Deus roared in his heart as he glared at Diablo in shock. He could see the officer who the Godlight family had bought his loyalty a long time ago next to Captain Armstrife, an officer dedicated to justice who was demoted here due to getting in the way of other corrupted officers.

'What the hell is with these two?' Captain Armstrife wondered. She could hear her eardrums bursting as this Diablo guy shouted his innocence to the rooftops, and she could also hear this Deus yelling in his mind as he vehemently denied it.

"To think that this ill-fated relationship would end up like this! I can see that you planned on letting me take the fall as you ride into the sunset with the girl, huh?" Diablo sighed, shaking his head in disbelief.

[Are you trying to ruin me in a different way, protagonist? I only harassed that waiter girl to get to you!]

Upon hearing this, her eyes nearly bulged out of her head. One was arguing about being used to pick up girls, and the other was doing it to target him instead of a girl? 'What kind of daytime drama is this? Even the shows grandma watches aren't this crazy!'

But as the two men continued to argue, she found her patience quickly dwindling as the seconds passed by, before finally, she snapped.

"Alright, enough!" She yelled, stopping them from arguing.

"Just be quiet, okay?"

"Okay, Police Lady/ Officer Lady." Diablo and Deus dully said.

"It's Captain!" She yelled.


"Deputy Chief Eli, I think having these two in the same room together might not be the smartest thing to do after all..." She rubbed her forehead in annoyance.

"Should we separate them then?" Deputy Chief Eli said. He already contacted the Young Miss Isabella to help get Deus out, so as of now he was just buying time for the word to arrive and release the young master.

It's just that he was having issues trying to figure out just why Young Master Deus was having problems with this random nobody...

"We better." Officer Justitia soothed her temples, it had been a while since she'd gotten a case that made her get a headache, and she lived in a city where rich brats like Deus strutted around like they owned the place! "Especially if we want to write a proper report on this..."

But while the two officers thought about how to separate the two offenders in custody, Deus wracked his mind, trying to find a way to salvage this situation in an effort to get some points.

But alas, it seems as if that would be very impossible on this starry night.

-knock, knock-

After a series of knocking on the interrogation room's door, both Officer Eli and Officer Justitia turned to face the new entrant bringing news.

"Ahem. E-Excuse me, Deputy Chief Eli." The officer, a rookie who was a new recruit said timidly.

"Hmnn?" Deputy Chief Eli's eyes opened wide as he heard what the new recruit said in his ears as he got up and made his way to the door. "Captain Armstrife, I'll be back in a bit."

"Make sure that they don't move."

"Understood." Captain Armstrife said. She didn't know where the deputy chief was going now, but he would probably be back soon, so there was no need to worry.

"Anyways, Police Lady." Diablo began once again. "Although I think this guy's actions are heinous, I believe that they come from a place of deep hurt and insecurity."

"It's Captain Armstrife." She said tiredly.

"I believe that he's a troubled person with issues deep in his heart. And mind too. Definitely got issues in that mind of his." Diablo cast his gaze downwards as if he was genuinely sad about the circumstances playing out currently. "Hopefully, you guys can keep him here for a long time so that he can reform himself and learn to be a good citizen for the beautiful Paradise City."

"Pfft. Beautiful Paradise City, you say?" Captain Armstrife snorted as she shook her head. Not just Deus, but she hoped that she could detain both of these fools in a cell. "You're funny. Are you planning on becoming a comedian or something?"

"Anyways, that's enough from you. Also, it's Captain Armstrife to you." Pointing with her chin, she turned her attention to the other troublemaker in the room. "And you, what do you have to say in defense?"

[Alright! I can finally put this role back on course. I thought I would have to contact Deputy Chief Eli who works for my family.]

Deus gave a greasy smile, unaware of the frozen shocked face of Captain Armstrife.

[But seriously, what a muscle-brained idiotic Police Captain we have. So many snakes in the grass that she doesn't even know about, and in the end, Diablo has to help her out to outroot these members of the Police Force and clear the suspicions on his name.]

'Impossible! You mean to tell me not only do I suspect an innocent person, but the people who have been working hard for this city are also corrupt!?' Captain Armstrife was dumbfounded by the revelation, but such confusion was quickly broken after hearing Deus' next words.

"Heh. You must not know who I am, expecting me to explain myself to the likes of you!" Deus snorted with his nose held high in the air, a look of superiority emanating from his very being.

'This little brat...!' Captain Armstrife felt a tick go off in her head.

"Goodness. Look at those marvelous mountains." Diablo muttered so that only Deus could hear him.

[Marvelous mountains? What are you talking about protagonist? What? Cough....cough.... W-Why are they heaving up and down?]

"W-why do I-I-I need to introduce myself w-when you already know who I am?" Deus sputtered out as his brain short-circuited.

"Colonel Armstrife, please forgive him, he's a bit special. Even though he was lifting his head to look down on you, his eyes were stuck to your terrifying twin torpedoes, just like mine was." Diablo then spilled verbal gasoline on the fire by trying to 'help' him.


[You!? I was... But why would you say that out loud!? This guy... What the hell are you saying? Do you want a heroine to beat us to death that badly?]

"Hey, pervert over there? Shut up." Captain Armstrife shot a cold glare to the both of them. "And you where the hell do you think you're looking, huh?"

-knock, knock-

Deputy Chief Eli walked back into the interrogation room with great relief written on his face, as if a great weight was lifted off of his shoulders.

"Ah. Captain Armstrife. We got a call. It's from the Godlight Family." Deputy Chief Eli nodded at Deus. "That'll be all, you can release young master Deus now."

"What how?" Captain Armstrife exclaimed. "We haven't even gone through proper procedures, and you want us to let him go despite the disturbances caused already?"

"Those are the words of the Chief Commissioner, and they are in effect immediately." Deputy Chief Eli sighed as if he didn't like it himself but had no choice, though the smirk that threatened to split his face in half easily betrayed his corrupt nature. "That's just how it is, Captain."

"Tch! Damn it! Those goddamned Godlights! They won't escape justice forever!" Captain Armstrife banged the desk, startling Deus.

"Lady Isabella Godlight is outside, Captain Armstrife."

"Damn it! You're free to go. But remember, I'll be keeping an eye on you." Captain Armstrife snarled in righteous fury.

[Please dont actually do that. Instead keep an eye on the protagonist over here!]

-beep, boop-

At this point in time, Deus' system began its evaluation of his achievements for tonight's play.

[The System Has Taken A Count On Your Actions Tonight]

'Please give me something good...' Deus begged the system.

[System Talllying Marks And Score...]

'C'mon! Please, please!'

[Final Verdict: Fail]


[Reason: Fail To Recieve Face-slap Or Progress The Plot]


[Total Points Awarded: 0]


'Noooooooooooo! Whyyyyyyyyyyy!? It can't be!?' Deus screamed in agony on the inside as his face remained in his natural arrogant expression.

"Well, see you later on the outside dude." Diablo waved mockingly at the Villain of this novel, though his face was the same punchable face as usual, he could tell that Deus had failed to gain any system points and any new abilities tonight, making him happier than a dog with a treat.

[No, I'm good. Unless it's about the plot, I'd rather not meet you for the rest of the night and tomorrow morning.]

'Yeah, keep it up. And continue fighting the good fight against the plot and the system, Young Master, hehehehehe!'

"Hey, you," Deus glared at Diablo. "Don't think that this is over, okay? I'll remember you."

"Godlight! You can leave!" Captain Armstrife shouted as Deus was escorted out of the premises.


And with that, the interrogation room was quiet again. Well, quiet as it was before Diablo had gone in.

"Wow. What a douche. So, what about me?"

"You hold on. I'll get to you soon enough. And as for you... let's see." Captain Armstrife flipped through the folder she was handed an hour ago.

"Diablo Malvado. You were born here, and you moved abroad for schooling, right?"

"That's right." Diablo admitted. Everyone who was involved with the attack on the Malvado Family would soon know anyway, so he found no point in hiding.

"And it's your first night back in Paradise City and you're already in a fight? You seem to not have your priorities in check." Captain Armstrife glared at Diablo who just shrugged.

"Anyways, welcome to Paradise City." She said with a sarcastic tone leaking through her voice. "Let's hope that you don't become a frequent visitor of these bars and this station, hmmn?

"Now, I'm going to ask you simple questions, so answer honestly."

"Name?" She began.

"Diablo Malvados." He replied.






"Not before marriage."

"Sex, you bafoon."

"Oh, I mean, if you're offering."


"Oh, that! I mean, Male."

Captain Armstrife was a hair's length away from dragging him over the table in plain ol' bad cop fashion and slapping some sense into him, but she held back for the sake of doing this procedure correctly.

"You... Answer the questions properly."


"What now?" She said in frustration.

"I'm sorry to bother you, but there's someone here for Diablo Malvados." The Deputy Chief said awkwardly. To say that he was expecting this would be the biggest lie of the night.

Captain Armstrife rubbed her forehead, feeling a headache coming up as she stared at Diablo. "You have got to be kidding me. Who could possibly be here for him?

"Hey, don't look at me like that. I've got no clues at all either!"

'I doubt it's those two Young Masters I met at Valkyrie Club... After all, I didn't get the chance to develop a close enough bond for them to help me as of yet...'

"Well..." The Deputy Chief trailed off.

"Well?" Captain Armstrife urged the him to continue.

"It's the Godlight's Young Lady Isabella."

"Huh/ What?" Both of the two in the interrogation room were surprised.

'Wow.' Diablo thought. 'Talk about something that didn't happen in the original novel...'

Isabella Beau-Godlight is the adopted sister of the Young Master in this novel, and she was one of the main heroines who would go against the protagonist Diablo Malvados once she realized the truth about the novel world she lived in.

But she wasn't someone who would scheme in front of everyone to see. She was the silent, hidden type. Like spiders in your shoes giving you life-threatening bites before you even realize it.

'So what the hell does she want, huh?'

'Well, let's hope that this is a peaceful visit, shall we?'




Thanks for reading this story/chapter!

Sorry for the long wait!

I'm gonna start posting regularly again!

Once again, many thanks. Hope whoever reads it is entertained in the end.

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