

-Eclipse Beauty Foundation-

Whilst Deus and Diablo were totally hitting it off like the best of buds, there seemed to be some not-so-happy people connected to this situation.

And although the Young Master and our Protagonist were not only getting used to the System but also each other's existence, what they...

---Well... mostly Deus, didn't know was that thanks to activating the Complaint System, his thoughts were being transformed into pages of a diary that appeared in the sights of the heroines.

And what he knew even less of was the fact that they were able to read it nearly instantaneously.

"Tch, tch, tch!"

And sitting in the seat in an office gritting her teeth, was the CEO of Eclipse Beauty Foundation and the young lady of the Morozvyuralt Family.

-Anastasia Morozvyuralt.


After placing down the finished documents, she sighed as she ran a delicate hand through her silvery blue hair.

She had a proud countenance with pale skin and icy-blue eyes that seemed to take the soul of whoever looked directly into them, robbing them of their bravado, and a full hourglass figure with mountains that seemed to rise in her white and black business suit as she stretched her hands over her head in the air.

[It's all or nothing! Here I go Valkyrie Bar! Here I come! Witness the great acting of this Young Master!]

[H-holy shit. Is that Ms. Red? Good evening to the three of you. Nice tits by the way. They seem really heavy, do you mind if I hold them?]

'Not again!' She shook left and right as she held her head with her two palms.

-Can things materialize out of thin air like this?

-Why was this happening to her?

-Is she going crazy?

-Is she mentally ill?

Simply put, Anastasia had lots of questions, and unfortunately, there were not lots of answers available.

'Have I gone crazy?' Anastasia thought. 'I've already taken the online test for mental illness, schizophrenia, psychosis, and autism five times this month, and I was one or two points away from being diagnosed with either of the three...'

'So that should mean that I am a completely sane individual. So why is this happening to me?' Anastasia convinced herself with infallible logic and reasoning.

-knock!, knock!-


"Ms. Ana! Are you alright!?" A rather short and slender businesswoman with sharp, intuitive eyes under a pair of thick-rimmed glasses entered Anastasia's office after knocking. She was Anastasia's most trusted personal secretary, Faina Elsworth.

"Here." She offered a paper cup of water. "Maybe you should take a break."

"Oh, this is my break, Faina." Anastasia mumbled as she took the paper cup, "But thank you, though."

"Are you sure about that? If you're tired then you should head home for a while, we can take care of the rest." Faina remained doubtful.

Anastasia sighed as she looked at Faina. She couldn't exactly tell her that she was stressed out because she was hearing the voices of someone that she'd rather not hear much less see, could she?

Well, she could, if only there weren't some supernatural force that stopped her from speaking whenever she tried to bring it to her lips.

"It's fine, really." Anastasia sighed. It wasn't exactly fine, but she'd been through worse.

"If you say so, young miss," Faina said as she sat at her desk further across from Anastasia. "If you need anything, give me a call. Okay? Don't end up dropping dead, alright!"

It was a rather casual if not downright unprofessional tone to have with your boss, especially for a woman who looked as unfriendly as Faina did, but for someone like her who practically was a sister to Anastasia from her early years, it wasn't seen as a problem between them.

'Just since when did I start to hear things...' Anastasia simply nodded in response while deep in thought.

At first, she thought she was going crazy so she went to a therapist, but in the end, it went nowhere.

It took a while for her to understand, and after putting the pieces together it still seemed a bit odd.

But what she was honestly concerned with was...

-What was this about the future?

-Upcoming events and battles?

-Young Master Villains and Hero Protagonists?

-Heroines dedicating themselves to who?

When it came to this supernatural ability of Deus', she wasn't exactly surprised that it existed as had heard of people in her family with supernatural abilities and powers, but what truly surprised her was that someone like Deus would have an ability like this.

After all, who doesn't know of Deus Anhel-Godlight?

A man known for doing nothing other than spending daddy's money, womanizing, and partying it up with the elite young people of Paradise City.

Someone she found repulsive and completely beneath any notice!

And now thanks to her family wanting to make even more profits, they had arranged for both her and his marriage!

[Hmnn? Where's Ms. Morozyvuralt? Shouldn't she be drinking it up only to get drugged by a pack of blonde-hair-tanned dudes so that Diablo could save her?]

"What!?" Anastasia almost screamed out loud. What the actual hell was this dog talking about now? "Assault, drugged, drinking!?"

[If it were to happen, it just might be a moment for Diablo to show off... I can't miss it...]

Yeah, and as for being drugged and assaulted?

Hell no. She didn't know why she would go to Valkyrie Bar in the first place and now, she had even less interest in going there whatsoever.

'I should just forget about it, and just go back to work. I'll see if I can cancel the engagement with that licking-dog amicably tomorrow.'

But as she tried to get back to work...

[Seriously though, I want to enjoy life, where's the beauties that are after the Young Masters's attention? Where's the JK high school beauties and Gyarus? why do I have to deal with this murderous protagonist!]

Anastasia grinded her teeth. Murderous? She felt murderous right now actually. 

[Besides it's not fair, how come Diablo gets to be the king of womanizing yet I'm the bad guy for doing it, I wanna have beauties on my lap too, damnit!]


She had never met Diablo, but as far as she could tell, both he and Deus seemed to be birds of a feather.

[Damn, does that Diablo know Red already? not fair! I wanna know her too! and maybe even hold her tits! Damn. Anyway, This should be the beginning of my engagement annulment, right? Then afterwards I can party it up, right? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah!]


'The less words said of that idiot the better.' Anastasia soothed her aching head.

'But at this rate, I might actually need a drink, drugged or not...'

However, she wasn't the only one seeing these Diary Pages though.

And whether or not those who saw these Diary Pages and believed it, or thought it was some prank still remain to be seen.



Red and Isabelle Beau-Godlight sat in a VVVIP room in Valkyrie Club, and although the atmosphere was a harmonious one between two women who seemed to be good sisters, they both knew something was off.

Isabella and Red had been friends for quite some time, meeting each other years ago in the middle of a negotiation gone wrong, and it was partially thanks to Isabella's help that Red was able to move her and her gang the Red Queens into a much more stable near 'legitimate' business, so as far as one could tell they knew when things were going sour.

And boy were things going south.

"Holy shit, Mr. Richie Rich. Are you really planning on bringing your entire security team inside, or do you wanna fight one-on-one? 'Cause between you and me, it ain't looking like you're here for a good old-fashioned fistfight."

They could hear Diablo's voice through the intercom in one of Red's personal VVVIP private rooms in Valkyrie Club. It seemed as if these two were about to fight immediately after meeting each other.

[Hahahahaha! You seem to be annoyed, huh? Go on Diablo! What are you gonna do now?]

And once again, a page seemed to materialize out of thin air beside them, though whether or not they could see each other's own was unknown.

Listening to the story, it seemed to be an altercation about a waitress? Isabella told herself that she would report this to his parents later tonight.

And for Red, she found it quite hard to believe whilst she chatted earlier with the funny man named Diablo, as referenced in Deus' Diary.

She didn't know if he was trying to put on his best Clint Eastwood plus James Bond impression, but she didn't mind it as it was cute to see him try and attempt to act so suave and cool.

Diablo Malvados. Honestly, she found him to be quite the silly man with a touch of self-centeredness, though he didn't exactly come across as the depraved perverted that Deus' Diary made him out to be this past week.

'He was definitely a pervert though. A tasteful one, though.' Red thought. She may not be a genius, But she was smart enough to know that.

But who knows? Maybe that was just for now.

After all, that Diary of Deus' made it out to look like he'd had the ability to see the future after all. She couldn't help but be curious about how and what it entailed.

Isabella on the other hand thought she was going crazy when she saw pages of a diary appearing next to her with her adopted brother's thoughts on it, but after a while slowly began to come to terms with it.

And since she didn't exactly know what Deus was thinking about the day before regarding her betraying the Godlight Family for Diablo, she had come here tonight to see what was even the deal with Diablo in the first place.

And while he did look like the kind of punk she'd love to tease as he had a unique temperament, she didn't quite understand what exactly Diablo had that was supposed to make her betray the family that adopted her.

Not only that, but to share him with that annoying little girl named Anastasia too? Absolutely absurd.

That being said, she hypothesized that Deus had the ability to see the future, and that she had the ability to read it via these pages.

'I mean, roguishly handsome looks and fighting ability aside, he's got nothing but the clothes on his back, right?' She didn't believe herself to be a saintess, and if Deus' predictions were to be true, wouldn't someone like her need much more to betray her own family?

So she followed a squirming Deus here to figure out what really was the deal after all, and hopefully pull Deus out of whatever trouble he would get himself into.

If not anyone else, she owed it to his parents at that.

So in the end, what better way to test out this hypothesis than to go down where trouble is brewing and witness it for yourself?

And as soon as they got ready to go downstairs...

[What? the police]

[Damn, why now? They're interrupting my finely crafted nice play.]

"Damn," Diablo muttered. "You actually got me with the classic move..."

"Why fight when you could call the police in the modern day, huh? Hahaha..."

Suddenly, a frightened waitress barged through the doors. "B-Big sis we got trouble! Deus Godlight is fighting with one of the customers, and they're causing a scene!"

"I know." They both said as they got up to look at the situation.

"Something seems to be happening." Isabella said.

"Yes, and in my damn establishment at that." Red sneered.

And as they rushed down the stairs with some security alongside the way, they came across a peculiar scene.

"The two of you! Stop what you're doing and both of you put your hands up in the air!"

It was of both... Deus and Diablo being... arrested?




Thanks for reading this story/chapter!

A fourth month in the new year, and finally, I am here.

The heroines have some choice thoughts on both Diablo and Deus.

Wonder how this will all end.

Once again, many thanks. Hope whoever reads it is entertained in the end.

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