The Queen’s Toy

Chapter 05.2 – My Destined One-02

Just like earlier, the man who looks like a young child gave me a weird look. And as if he had read my mind again, the man nodded his head, before throwing up an explanation.


“My name is Rayne. Rayne Misforst. I’m from the Misfrots nobles bloodline, one of the royal families.”


Misfrost? It felt like I’ve heard that before…. But, what is he doing in front of me though?

In the first place, how did my mother met him?


I dumbly stare straight into his face. No matter how I thought up of facts, I just couldn’t come up with a proper answer to the questions in my head.


How the hell my mother was able to meet up with such a high-status man? I mean, we came from a poor family and all, so meeting someone on the lower case of Rayne who came from the royal family was even an in impossible feat.


I took a careful look around Rayne’s beautiful face. I could say, he was really beautiful. Hell, he was much beautiful than the ladies I’ve ever seen in my life before. 


Of course, not as much as my mother, but damn, why the hell does he had to be beautiful. My looks were in the average, and there’s nothing really good about me. I had a crappy attitude, and often acts rude. So, most often, people’s whose around me in the past, left me alone after getting tired of how cheeky I was.


I know that it’s my own fault, but, what can I do? I was born like this? It’s not like I can change my face any time I wanted to. True that were was a thing for that, in order to change your facial features, but they really cost a quite an amount that I might never hold in my entire life till the day I die, so nah, I’ll just endure this ugly face of mine, and continue living my life.


After thinking about it for so long, there’s nothing Rayne could gain from helping me, so I decided to listen to his talk, after adding the fire, into the furnace.


“So, I was kind of curious….”


“Hrm…?” Rayne tilted his head to the side as he listened to the words currently leaking out from my mouth. I could see his deeply focused eyes, gaping and drooling over my lips. Did I just imagined that?


I shook my head a little before continuing where I left of.


“You said you were from the royal family, but….How did you met my mother in the first place? I mean, we’re measly commoner that a big person like you won’t even notice, so, just how the hell did the two of you met each other??”


Half of what I said was half-assed spoken, but the other half has that irritated tone. I mean, that’s my mother we were talking about!! What if she made a deal with Rayne to sell her body just to help me out!!!! I know that it’s weird to think up of that kind of thing, but  I just couldn’t help myself to in this kind of situation. 


I swore to myself in the past, that I’ll always prioritize my mother more than anything in this world no matter what, so her, selling her body just to save me, that’s a nono. I’d rather die than be saved if that was really the truth.


Rayne continued to tilt his head side by side, completely dumbfounded of what I’m trying to tell him.


He could tell that I was mad for real, but couldn’t understand the reason why I was mad for, and could only stare at my face dumbfounded with his dark eyes, as cute as a child fox.


What a sly fellow…


His eyes were really adorable, as if I was seeing a fox in the cute mode turned on. But, of course, I never let my guard down even then. Little did they know, that there were tons of cute animals who were even much dangerous and ferocious than a wild bear. For example, bears that looks fluffy and cute, could actually ripped off a human body with just a single strike. 


Better safe than sorry.


After a few minutes of staring at each other, I soon felt awkward. I want to say something to lighten the mood, but I want him to be the one to speak first before me. The soldier who was being rude to me earlier, was also speechless, and could only turn his head to the other side.


What a fucker that was. He chose to save himself alone….


I also want to escape from this situation, didn’t you know!!!!!


After staring at me for really in such a long time, Rayne suddenly started walking towards my direction, and soon, the distance between us were now inches away. Hell, his body was close to mine to the point of almost colliding to each other.


Now up close, I was even more irritated by how pretty he was. But even then, he refused to speak even all that. He continued to stare at my face, with pretty interesting looks in his eyes, that creeped me out for a bit. 


I took a few retreating steps, in order to increase the distance between the two of us, but that only lead to more even dangerous situation. And soon, as I continued to take retreating steps while gazing to the approaching enemy, my feet suddenly came to halt, as soon my back struck the wall.


Cold drops of sweat flowed down over my back, as I gazed over Rayne, and his adorable looks. 


My throat dried up as if I was in the middle of the desert, seeking for water to drink. While the fragile small body of Rayne continued to corner me to the wall, like a beast about to devour it’s prey.




And soon, with a loud thud. Rayne leans his hand againts the wall, while I subconsciously lowered my head to face his, and now, I could clearly hear his hard breathing weirdly, as heat steams escaped his mouth.


< Wait, isn’t this a weird situation?! (05.2) >

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