The Queen’s Toy

Chapter 05.1 – My Destined One-01

“You’ve got a visitor.”


As soon as I woke up from my dream after I’ve gone to sleep yesterday, the first thing that came into my ears was the voice of the soldier I was familiar with.


First thing in the morning and my expression turned sour again.


Probably it was the Queen again visiting me for no reason….


I wanted to stand up but I’m too lazy to. No, should I say instead, that I just didn’t want to?


I mean, who wouldn’t? I was suddenly forced to be jailed in this heaven-like place, and couldn’t even leave my room, unlike the other prisoners.


Before I could even rejoice for a choice, the soldier spoke again with his little bit irritated voice, as if he was displeased of something.


“Are you gonna wake up or I’m gonna drag you out of the cell?”


“I will.” Immediately, I prompted him a reply, in order not to sour his expression any further.


Ever since we met the Queen together, and the Queen showed some weird sides, this soldier who’ve been on my side, suddenly changed his attitude towards me.


I wonder if he’s just insane or lovesick of the Queen? I really couldn’t understand what he was thinking, and could only resent him in my mind.


Just a few days ago, he was my closest friend in this whole place, but now that he saw such a scene happened between us the Queen, his attitude turned a 360, and his irritated scary face, became even more scarier than what I used to see before. 


Hell, love could really change a person.


I wanted to pound my fist straight to his scary face right now, but since I already know what would it’ll result if I really did, so I just kept it inside my unease mind before leaving my bed.


As the soldier watched me crawled down under my bed, he let out a short sneered in confrontation of my face, before looking at me with mockery etched on his ferocious wild eyes.


“I guess you slept a good one, king of sloth. What an easy life going bastard. We were all doing our best just to stay alive and had a meal three times a day, but you, you were just taking it easy, lazing all day as if it was the most obvious thing in this world.”


What can I do though about that?! 


I didn’t even wished to be here, nor to be treated like this!! In fact, from the very beginning, I’ve always thought that the life waiting for me will be a harsh one, with an unhealthy future. But….. BUUUT!!!! The Queen planned something for me, and I think she really had feelings for me, like, for real!!! And that just proved that I’m really doomed!!!!


I didn’t even wished for it, so why are you blaming me just because I’m having an easy life right now!!!!


One of these days, I’ll definitely get back at youu!!!!!


My eyes that were burning intensely from flame of resentment, grew larger, before glaring to the soldier. He subconsciously flinched for a second before glancing away.


Avoid me as long as you can, you fucker!!!!!


I’ll definitely won’t let this one slipped away!!!!


At the middle of the silent, but rather uncomfortable situation unfolding before my eyes. A voice that speaks honesty, and brilliance suddenly broke through and lightened up the mood between the battle of the two of us.


“I’ve heard you’re Kurai Antrante, your mother sought help from me, that’s why I’m here.”


A person whose good looking enough to catch my attention suddenly opened the iron bars that seemingly ain’t locked anymore, stepped inside the room I was badly trapped to. His hair was dyed in glowing sun, and his face was kind of feminine with an average shape of face.


Dark eyes that loomed over his eye sockets, his lips were pinkish red, quite enticing to one’s eyes. Because of his body that is as thin as a child, and size that befitting an age of 14 years old female, I almost mistook him as a woman, who had lost his way.


If not for the fact that he mentioned my mother, I wouldn’t have noticed that he was actually an adult with a shrimp-sized. Was it his genes? For some reason, I’m starting to pity him as I stared over his tiny body.


Wasn’t a man supposedly full of muscles? Then why this man in front of him was as small as a child? 


Hell, his attitude sounds as cheeky as a child too, so how the hell I did I came up with the thought that he was actually an adult? I feel weirded out for no reason, and could only stare while in dazed in front of him.


The man in front of me, or should I say, “the child”, gazed his eyes over mine. As if he could read what I was thinking right now. It took a few seconds, before he opened his tiny pinkish lips again, while forming a smile on his face.


“It was my genes from my bloodline, I apologize if you were confused about that.”

What is he even saying? I couldn’t understand what he meant, and could only tilt my head in confusion.


“I mean, my size was something I’ve inherited through my blood, please don’t misunderstand that I’m a child because I have a small body.”



So that was what he was talking about…..


Wait, how the hell did he even read my mind in the first place!!! Does that meant he could also hear me screaming right now!!!


Arghghhh!!! Please don’t!!!!!!


I awkwardly made a short cackled before coughing my throat.


“My mother told you to come here?”


But, this was the royal place though? So how was he able to come here?


Was he some kind of noble from the royal bloodline too, or did he bribed the soldiers in order to come inside….?

No, the latter question is impossible, which leaves the former…….


….Just what is he doing here, and how did he came here safe and sound….. I, badly wanted an answer.


< A visitor? (05.1) >

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