The Queen’s Toy

Chapter 06.1 – You’re Gonna Help Me?-01

I wonder when will he stop leaning his hand against the wall while facing my face? 


I was starting to feel weird out since a man was doing such a shameful thing to me. I mean, even though he looked feminine enough for that, he’s still a man in the end!! A fucking man!!! We both had a boner, so did he really thought I’ll fall for this lowly tactic of his!?!?


At least, plan something more bigger next time!!


His breathing penetrated my cheeks, and I suddenly shuddered in coldness after his steams of hot breaths reaches my skin. I almost jumped out from fright, but since my area of range was being narrowed right now by his small body cornering me into the corner, I could only spout out a short groan, before gazing at his eyes with strange eyes.


Before, his eyes had that somewhat brilliant and serious atmosphere around it, but now, I’ve found it weird to even look at it. Just like what I’ve saw from the Queen’s eyes when she was cuddling me in my sleep, like a body pillow with her eyes shaped in heart. Rayne also had that kind of eyes right now!


What the hell!! You’re a man yourself, so how can you do this!!!


Don’t you have shame!


 I ignored the bubbling head of Rayne in front of me, before shiting my gaze to the soldier I was close with. Anddddd, helll…..


Why are you avoiding meeting my eyes!!!!!!!!


Say something will youuuuuu!!!!!!!


Right now, I kinda had the urge to dug my fist into his dumb face, but couldn’t do it since I couldn’t escape from Rayne’s doing. 


Seriously, why are you doing this to me…..


 The corners of my eyes moistened a little, but the tears never fell unlike what I was expecting. 


What a cruel life this was… I wanted to cry, but my eyes doesn’t let me.


At least, let me do it even just once right now!!!!!


“Aiyooo……W- what are you doing….”


My voice lowered an inch, as I shifted back my gaze towards the blushing cheeks of Rayne.


Hell, even though he was a male himself, why the hell does he looks feminine right now in my eyes!! Damniit, I’m straight, go away weird thoughts!!!! I only need mother in my mind, so get the fucking out of my mind!!!


Rayne narrowed his eyes to the slit, before it shaped a crescent moon. His motionless lips, suddenly formed a smile that gives me creeps, and soon, his breathing even became even more hotter and harder than before.


“Hey~ Kurai~~...”


“H- h- hrmmmm….?” I squeezed my voice to speak, but only a hummed leaked out from my coward mouth.


The situation I’m experiencing right now was much worst than when the Queen was cuddling me in my sleep, that I felt like wanting to stab myself right now.


Everything would come to an end with my death, right? Unsure if it would, my body trembled in coldness, as my expression became stiffed all of the sudden.


Seeing such a development from my expression, Rayne became excited from it, and due to too much excitement, his hand drifted elsewhere before arriving in my hand.


I tried my best to shake off his hand, but in the end, I wasn’t able to fight back. Rayne grabbed my hand and held it tight. Was I supposed to feel embarrassed at this moment? Even though he was a man, he still resembled a woman nevertheless much more feminine than the woman I know, so wasn’t I supposed to feel embarrassed right now?


Well, maybe it was because my love for my mother was too strong, that just like what happened with the Queen, I couldn’t feel anything for them, much less lust.


Rayne brought his face closer to mine, before his lips it arrived near my ears. And slowly, he whispered.


“Your father sold you to me, in exchange of letting you out~”


Ahhh, so it was because of my father again.


Why the hell does he always pricked with my life….


That fucking scumbaggg!!!


I bit my lips in pain, to the point where my red lips started bleeding. Just why the hell he always decide my life by his own!?


Was it common sense?!


Not because I was your son, my life was your property, so don’t fucking decide things without telling me about it!!!!!!!!!


“It seemed like your father was a really kind one….-Oh, my apology, I meant, my future father in law was a really kind one~~”


“But you’re a man yourself, right?” 


As soon those words came out from my mouth, the crescent smile etched on Rayne’s face vanished a slit, before an even brighter smile soon arose…..


What shit was about to happen next then? It felt like something was about to happen to me, and so I decided to steeled myself a little, just in case a surprise come might come again, even though I’m already fed up with too much surprised.


“Did you~~....Somehow already forgotten about me~~?”



How can I remember you, when I don’t even know you in the very first place?


Are you a dumb fuck thinking that, we’re lovers in our previous lives, and so I came here to claim you again~ HUH?! IS THAT IT!?!?! HELL NAWHHH!!!


Such a thing wasn’t possible, you delusional freak!!


Why don’t you fuck yourself instead, and leave me alone??


Seriously, just wait till I get out of this prison you fucking scumbag father of mine!!! I’ll definitely chop your body to pieces!!


Rayne brought his face even closer to me once again. Our cheeks touched each other, but I only flinched for a few seconds before such an emotion soon vanished into thin air. 


“I’ll give you a short explanation….”


And next thing, his mouth appeared close to my ears again, as he slowly whispered something clearly seductively.


“You see~~~ I was actually a woman~~” Rayne kept the volume of her voice as low as she could, to the point the soldiers outside wouldn’t be able to hear it, as soon a much deeper smile appeared on her face.


< I was sold off again!! (06.1) >

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