The Pirate Way to Magic (Fate/One Piece)

Chapter 4: Chapter 4

"Uh, Luffy." I shuffle back, looking at the giant beast in front of me with my guard lifted "I don't think it's time for me to fight this thing yet"

"Shishishi," Luffy laughed from the top of a tree. "You totally are. It's not even that big for the forest. You kill it, then we eat it!

That thing is small? What the fuck is wrong with this world?

I got stronger since I asked Luffy to train me, but this is just bullshit. It's like 4 times the size of a tiger back home, and while I hunted with Luffy before I was just shooting Gandr shots at the target. I am absolutely notready for this.

The giant tiger lunged at me, and I quickly scrambled to the side.

Well, time to do this.

I point my hand to the beast and start shooting a magical blast at it.


A curse originated from Scandinavia; it works by decreasing the physical health of the target. If enough magical energy is used into it, a Gandr shot can cause physical interference. In the Fate series, Rin Tohasaka was capable of shooting with enough power to compare to a pistol bullet. Sadly, while my Gandr can cause physical damage, it's harder for me to gather enough Od for something hat strong. After all, while I am a high-level Magus I am still a first generation, in times like these I feel the lack of magical crest.

The beast recoils in pain thanks to my shoots, and I use the opportunity to run towards it and slide under it. I them write some runes and jump away when it finally recomposes itself, but it's too late now.

I press my palms against one another, I still haven't created a proper aria for myself, so this is how I activate most of my spells. Luckily for me, I currently only use runes, which have a smaller need for activation than other areas in magecraft.

The runes I set under the tiger are simple, yet effective. Their combine forces gather and combust the air around them, creating a small but powerful explosion.

"Whooooooaawwww" Luffy reacts, amazed at the explosion

As the explosion happens, and the smoke appears I begin to gather my magical energy into another Gandr shot, now with enough power to compare to a rifle.

The smoke finally disappeared, and I see the tiger, it's hurt but can clearly still fight, the beasts from this era are so far superior to that of those from the Age of men that it still amazes me.

Well, doesn't matter. I am at its head and shoot.

It tries do dodge, but my shot is too fast for it and is hit at the chest because of it.

It's breath is weak, and so I prepare to shoot again. It uses its remaining strength to leap at me, but it's too late, I shoot.

"Gandr!" I scream, using far more magical energy in it.

The beast's onslaught is stopped before reaching me, and as I stare it down.

"Cool! Told'ya could kill it!" Luffy jumps down from the tree he was on.

"That was a bet, and you know it, this was the first time I activate my runes so fast."

It may seem like I had no trouble killing the tiger but that's not right, without the explosion created by my runes I wouldn't be able to gather magical energy fast enough to my Gandr to be effective, a weakness I need to correct before sailing.

"C'mon Luffy, help me drag this thing home so I can cook it." While I am no cook, I am still far better than Luffy, he has no idea how to do anything that is not roasting the meal.

Luffy immediately runs off, leaving me to carry the thing.

"Oh well, at least carrying this thing works as training."

It's not that hard, picking the tiger's body. A pleasant surprise. While I didn't get any bulkier compared to when I first arrived my muscles did get a bit more refined.

While this is good progress, it's not enough. Whenever I think of the future about the Grandline, to the Warlords and Admirals, to the Emperors, to IMU, I just think about how weak I still am.

It's not enough. I need to get stronger for what's to come, I am supposed to be Luffy's First Mate, and I will become a Magician in the future, like hell I will stay that weak!

"So, what'ya going to do today, Clair?" Luffy says before taking a giant bite at the tiger's meat.

"Today I am going to focus on my magecraft, it's time to advance to a higher level."

"Hmmm, every time you say you going to 'advance'" He quotes with his fingers. " You do something big, last time you explode a chunk of the forest!"

I look to the side a bit embarrassed. "How was I supposed to know mixing two different fire runes with a combustion rune would end with a giant explosion?!" Okay, it's a bit obvious, but I was trying to see if I could change the meaningsof the runes in a certain way. I was proven just half right; I just shouldn't have mixed those specific three runes together with that purpose.

Basically, it was a failed experience with the 'Ansuz' rune, that while generally used for combustion, this rune true purpose is 'to make know', it's chosen out of respect to a Mystery, and represents 'words', sometimes representing a got itself, which means it can take any form depending on the caster's interpretation of said god. Basically, if I think of Zeus the rune makes lightning, if I think of Pele the runes make fire.

A overwhelming useful rune to be sure, until I had a dumb idea...

It's not my fault, okay? How was I supposed to know that the rune still had its limitations? The book said nothing about it!

Alright, maybe using the rune to represent Hephaestus wasn't my best idea. But it was a good idea in my head! Hephaestus is the smith god, smith is in a way 'create', so I thought that using that rune with two fire runes, 'Kano' and 'Sowilo', would allow me to create fire constructs and control them.

There are just two problems. I forgot that Hephaestus is also a fire god, and didn't think about how I would control the fire construct to begin with!

Basically, fire plus fire plus more fire equals a lot of fire. Well, at least I have a spell that allows me to cause a high amount of damage already, a bit suicidal sure, but better than not having anything.

"By knowing of course! Fire plus fire makes fire duh!" Luffy says and damn, when Luffy himself has more common sense than you something is really wrong.

"Okay okay, not doing dumb things again. This time I am just learning the basics." And well, that's not wrong, I have focused so much in advanced areas of magecraft that I barely touched the basics.

"Good. Don't go blowing the forest again." He says while nodding. I am never living that down, am I?

I get up, having finish my food. "Well, see ya at Makimo's late tonight?"

He smiles. "Yup, I am going to hunt more so Makimo can cook a lot for us, you cook well but she's much better!"

"Fair enough, I just learned enough to not starve after all." Well, to be more specific my mother and sister made me to learn because they were planning to send me to study abroad, well, not that it matters anymore.

Finally at my home.

Well, home is a bit too much. It's a small cabin that Luffy and I made, with the sole purpose of not raining on my head while I sleep, there's not even a door. Honestly, this is more of a workshop with a bed, once again, bed is a bit too much. It's decent enough but it's not supposed to be the most comfortable thing to begin with, I am well accustomed with sleeping on the floor after all, I liked doing that during recess.

And well, this is barely a workshop, it has a basic Bounded Field that I made just to learn how to do it, and some books on the floor, most being from Zelretch but some are not about magecraft. I noticed that between me and Luffy we have zero actual skill when it comes to navigating or even managing a ship, actually, before Frank only Usopp knew anything about fixing a ship, and even then his knowledge was...poor, let's be real he was using fucking duck tape to fix the Merry, honestly If not for the Merry becoming a Spirit Ship it would fall before ever reaching Skypea. Because of that, I have been reading books about navigation and how to manage the ship, so before we get Nami and Frank we have someone who can at least do the basics. It's annoying, but a bit interesting, I actually enjoyed learning about navigation.

I go to my desk, a rudimentary piece sure but it works. Sitting on my chair I think to myself, how should I evolve now? I am training with Luffy to become physically stronger and have advanced in Rune magecraft enough that I can apply it in battle, so what now?

And then it comes to me, a Mystic Code.

Mystic Code are tools used by magi to support their use of magecraft, usually there are three types of Mystic code: Auxiliary, Specialized and Supreme.

Auxiliary purpose is to amplify or store magical energy to strengthen a spell, usually used for support.

Specialized on the other hand, performs magecraft contained in it when supplied magical energy by its user, while less versatile their usage can be extremely efficient t what it does.

Supreme are more of a title thing, it only exists at the Clock Tower and represents a Lord, twelve of the most influential beings at the tower. Usually they have ridiculously powerful abilities, which is why I even considered them, as having a base to begin and to finish help development.

I plan to make both an auxiliary and a specialized mystic code before leaving for the sea, the first one is arguably theeasiest one, if I can make something kin to the Tohsaka's Azoth sword which could store tons of magical energy it would surely be helpful. The second one though...I have some ideas, but it relies in a 'inferior' form of magecraft: Formalcraft.

Formalcraft is an interesting method of magecraft, in which instead of using the magi own magical energy or as it'scommonly called: Od, they use mana the magical energy of the world. The caster contacts Mysteries trough process used in ancient times such as animal sacrifices or prayer. It's usually done by magi of weak bloodline, so normally I shouldn't even consider it, but there is an interesting way to use it!

Reenact of myth. An interesting concept that could in theory increase the power of the Formalcraft.

An example would be to store magic in a blade and have that blade's purpose be to create beams of energy, now take a second blade but now stick that sword in a stone with the same purpose, now give the exact same amount of magical energy to both, and guess which one will be more efficient. Easily the second one, because it was reenacting the myth of Caliburn, the sword stuck in stone, which made the blade embody the myth of Caliburn making it more efficient!

So, I believe I could try to reenact a certain myth and use Formalcraft to empower that myth, I believe a divine myth would be the most effective in this case, ancient people used prayer to ask for help to the Gods, which Formalcraft also does, and by creating a Mystic Code bases in a god's myth would make it stronger than if not.

So now, which god should I base this off? While any could work, I prefer to set two conditions, because I have no idea of the current state of the Gods of old, are they dead? In the other side of the world? Inside Devil Fruits? Or even walking around the world once again? Because I am not sure, one of my conditions is that I don't chose a god that I would not pray to.

This condition immediately removes basically every single Greek god, the only ones I would even consider is like Hades, Persephone and maybe Demeter, Hestia would be a good choice, but I am not sure how could I apply 'Heart' and 'Home' in a meaningful way. The other three sadly must be disregarded because of what I know about Lostbelts, I have no idea what Zeus did in this worldline, and because of that I must disregard the Greek Pantheon.

The Nasuverse didn't explore that many Pantheons and because of that I don't have that many reliable options.

Other than Amaterasu we know next to nothing about the Shinto Pantheon, so it's out.

Same for the Nordic Pantheon, even if we know a bit more in this case, I prefer to not risk it.

Now the Hindu Pantheon on the other hand...Yeah, we know quite a bit, the problem it to choose a good god, like Parvati? No way, her personality wouldn't match mine in any way, and I have my problems with her actions. Same for Shiva, we know too little about him, but the little we know doesn't give me a lot of confidence. Kama...Yeah, our personality's match a bit and I quite empathize with her but, she's a Beast, yeah sorry Kama.

That leaves the Sumer Pantheon, the oldest one registered if I recall correctly, and the one we know the most about. Let's see...Tiamat, sadly out, once again a Beast and arguably one more dangerous than Kama. Ishtar is immediately out! This is most likely not Ishtar possessing Rin, and without Rin Ishtar is simply the worst, seriously Rin made fucking Gilgamesh tolerate Ishtar, and I read Fate/Strange Fake, so I know how much of a B word normal Ishtar is. Now Ereshkigal...Wait, isn't she perfect? She is probably the best goddess in the entire Nasuverse, even the times where we had to fight her in Fate/Grand Order she was either truly in our side or was literally memoryless. And while she would not have Rin to giving to her the awareness that some things she does and think are not good and embarrassing that only means that she would be a little bit more brutal, and we met Ereshkigal Alter who resembles a bit more of Ereshkigal's personality before the merging with Rin. So, yeah, she fills the first condition.

For my luck she also fills the second condition as well, which is to have a useful myth for me to reenact: 'The descent of Inanna into the Underworld'.

This myth consists of Innana or rather Ishtar going to the Netherworld to participate of Gugalanna funeral after his death at the hands of Enkidu, Ereshkigal and her advisors believed that Ishtar went there to try to take her throne so she could become more than just the Mistress of Heaven but also that of the Netherworld. Because of that, Ereshkigal made so that Ishtar removed a piece of ornaments every time she crossed one of the seven gates of Kur, also losing a piece of her power, at the last gate she lost every single drop of her power and was easily killed by Ereshkigal. While we don'tknow how the storie goes in Fate the Myth should be enough to create a working Mystic Code.

The idea is to reenact Ishtar's lost of power caused by her not 'bowing to death', by praying to Ereshkigal and giving her offerings I should be able to enhance my Formalcraft enough that the Mystic Code would be a decently powerful one.

But that's a thought for later.

So, after studying Mystic Code creation and Formacraft I decided to do to the town, I barely go there as I have basically no money but I need to look for some things, Luffy does have a bit of money for us to use our first sail, so I am looking for good ships and baybe a barrel as I don't know if we are going to need or not.

As I am walking, I hear some whispers, usually I wouldn't care but my instincts are telling me I need to hear this.

"This island is the safest for now, east blue has barely any pirate activity and while it has some marines, they seem to avoid this place, we only need to wait for my partner to arrive so we can leave the island with the treasure." I hear a guy whispering. There's 5 of them only, and now that I can see them, I noticed they have some boxes, they're big, probably the treasure he spoke about. Interesting, I normally would just ignore them, but something called my attention, theyaren't pirates yet are trying to not call the marines attention towards, what are they? Well, time to figure it out.

"You know, people trying to avoid the marine usually don't plan to do anything good." I say as I enter the alley, and I take a good look at the people in front of me. There are four of them, each equipped with a sword but lacking guns, perhaps to avoid attention? Guns do bring more attention than sword after all, not to mention that carrying sword is not that uncommon as they're usually used for self defense in this world.

Their eyes widened as they look at me. I smirk at that, messing with people is always fun.

"What did you hear you bastard?!" The big one, the leader maybe, screams while unsheathing his sword.

"Enough." I lift my guard, ready for a fight.

Three of them advance at me with their blades.

Shit. They are fast!

I get down, dodging two of their blades, and using the opportunity to take a swing at the third's leg, knocking him down.

I then write a rune on the earth to create an explosion of light.

"AHHHH, I'M BLIND! WHERE'S THE BASTARD?!" One of them scream, while the other swings his sword randomly trying to hit me, I use the opening to jump out of their range and started charging my Gandr, or rathermultiple Gandr.

"Gandr!" I then shot a small barrage of the curse, and the trhee go out flying.

"Three gone, one left." I stare at the leader, and I can immediately tell, he is strong. Obviously not on the same level as Luffy but easily above the average, he is not from the four blues.

"Heh, not bad kid, are you really from around here? No way someone as strong as you come from the weakest sea." He says with a grin on his face.

"Yeah, I'm not from around here, but I got that strong here, don't forget that before the marines decided to turn this place over the East blue did give birth to strong people." The World government just couldn't allow a sea where both Garp and Roger were born to keep having strong people after all.

"Fair kid, fair. So, you clearly have some nice tricks, and can fight well enough, so what do you say about joining me and my organisation?"

Organisation? Well, let's see what this about before refusing. "Hmm, call me intrigued, what does this 'organisation' consists of?"

"We're called Baroque Works, a criminal syndicate made mostly by mercenaries and bounty hunters, we act mostly in the first half of the Grandline but have a few operations here at the four blues."

Wait, Baroque Works? Really? That's...convenient, we are going to deal with them soon, so having contact with them now is an advantage.

"I am interested, how do the organisation work?" I ask while making 'bright eyes' I am a teenager after all, I need to act the part.

"It's quite simple, we work in a ranked based structure, with our boss Mr.0 and his partner Miss All Sunday at the topgiving instructions, and from number 0 to 5 we have our Oficcer agents, from number 6 until number 12 we have the Frontier Agents who are assigned with overseeing the organisation, I for instance am Mr.12."

So, he is a ranked agent? That's interesting, Mr.12 was only vaguely mentioned in the manga, so I have no idea of how strong he is, but I think I can take him, the problem is his partner who most likely will arrive with a good amount of people, hah, I will just call Luffy so we can beat their asses.

"Well, it's truly a good offer." He smiles at my answer. "But I must refuse." His smile immediately drops.

"A shame really. You know I can't let you leave here alive now, don't you?"

"Yeah, but I don't plan on dying any time soon." I ready myself.

"Good answer kid, shame you won't live to grow more." He unsheathes his sword and prepare himself to attack.

I quickly inscribe 'Ehwaz' on my arms, to increase their hardness, and while it would be better if I did it in some sort of clothing this works for now.

He swings his sword from above and i use my left arm to block it.

Ouch, this hurts, it's able to cut my skin but luckily not my flesh.

"You are pretty durable, a Devil Fruit perhaps?" He asks while increasing the pressure his sword in making at my arm.

"Not really, I have my own thing." I then use my arm to throw his sword off me and then try to punch his face with my other arm.

He dodges and suddenly kick me at my side throwing me at the wall.

"Ahh!" I moan in pain, damn this sucks

"You are not actually strong, you seem to be able to enhance your arms hardness but not your strength, a weakness easy to exploit, sadly you haven't learned about your own body yet. Now kid, DIE!" He scream at me swinging his sword multiple times, I try using my arms to block his rampage but I can barely stop the damage and suffer some cuts on my chest.

SHIT SHIT SHIT. What the fuck do I do? I thought this would be a easy fight but the guy is far stronget than me! And he has a point, I am not strong enough yet and my runes can only do so much, if only I could use Reinforcement.

Wait, learned about my body? What does that even mean? I mean, sure, people in this world can get stronger far easier than in my world but that should change much, does. I am an idiot, that's why I can't use enhancement properly, enhancement consists of increasing something existance, like making iron as strong as steel, but all this time I have been trying to enhance my body as if I still was a normal person, I have been trying to turn steel into steel! Because of that my body has been seeing my tries at reinforcement like poison! So instead of turning iron into steel I should turn Steel into Titanium!

I flare my magical circuits and see my own body, it's stronger than I thought and because of that I could not see it getting any stronger but now? I understand it.

His sword continues hitting me until they simply...stop. I get up and kick him square on the chest sending him back.

"Wh-what?!" He asks perplexed.

"Thanks, I finally got it." I then throw apunch at him and he reacts by swing his sword, but as my fist collides with the blade it shatters.

"Th-this is impossible!" He screams, with his eyes widened

"Not anymore." I then punch him on the stomach making he vomit blood.

"Now, I am going to be nice and ask, when and where do your partner arrives here?" I ask while stepping on his chest.

"Ahhhh, I won't tell you! I am not betraying Miss Saturday!" He screams while in pain.

"Oh, so that's your partner's name? Good to know. But now you have two options either tell me or die." I begin charging a Gandr shot and aim ir at his head.

His eyes widened is fear, he probably didn't think I had the guts to kill or something like that, sadly for him, I am Magus. "Okay I am talking! She arrives at the docks when the sun drops!" He quickly says.

"Good answer old man." I say and begin leaving.

"Shame you won't live to grow more." His eyes widened at what I said.

I turn around and shoot the Gandr I was charging, killing him.

"Better not risk it, Baroque Works is too dangerous for me to work without precautions."

And so, I stored the treasure he had with my ring and went to Makimo's where Luffy is.

"Heya Luffy!" I call him while Ienter Makimo's bar.

"Hey Clair! Finished your things?" He asks before starting choggin down an orange juice.

"Yep, even fought some criminals before getting here."

He finishes drinking and begins to stare at me. "Shishishi, how was it then?" He questions while smiling.

"Kicked their asses. The leader was hard to fight but I figured out how to use Reinforcement during the fight and then easily beat him!" I tell him, truly proud of my achievement.

"Ohhhhh, nice! Now you can fight more!" He says with stars in his eyes, like literal stars, how does he even do that?

"Yep, and not only that but I found their partner will come here at sun drop, and they will have a bunch of treasure for us, so what do ya think of beating them up? I hope he agrees, I am not sure if I can beat them all by myself.

"Shishishi, sure! Let's beat their asses and them eat bunchs of meat to celebrate!" He laughs.

Well, captain acquired. Time to prepare, and I think I know how.

"I am going to make something here to help me fight them, time for me to have a proper Mystic code, until sun down captain."

"See'ya" He smiles then goes back to drinking juice.

Well, I go to the room Makimo let's me use when I want to do magecraft without being disturbed, she is such a sweetheart.

I then take some of the itens I just acquired, finally, some Jewels! I can finally fight properly now, runes are cool and everything but they have limited use, while Jeweles are great for combat.

For now, my mystic code will be a simple one, I already have the concept of what I want to make but to think and to do are different things.

I take 7 emeralds, each around the same size, emeralds are popularly used for defensive spells, creating shields of magical energy when used, what I plan to do is use the emeralds defensive nature and allign with Ishtar descent into the Netherworld, making each one of them act similar to a gate of Kur. This would allow me to not only create shields without having to constantly replace emeralds but those shields would be stronger than the avarage shield thanks to the application of Formalcraft.

I then use the gold I acquired and begin to melt it with my runes, and using the melted gold I try to make a bracelet with seven holes on it, for the emerals to be placed on them.

The bracelet is plain and simple but more than enough, I am focusing on utility and not appearance after all.

I then start storing my Od in every emerald to give them a purpose, and begin making a magical circle on the floor.

I need to pray in order to contact the necessary mysterie and I have a decent time to do so.

"To Ereshkigal, Queen of the Great Below, who carries Knowledge and power beyond the Earth, the mighty creator of Irkalla and the ruler of the Night. Bestow upon this ignorant mortal the power to bind the living to the will of the deadas you once did to those who dared traspess upon your kingdom.

The emeralds have begun to shiny quite a bit, it seems to have absorverd a good amount of mana, that's good, because now the mistyc code efficient as increased.

Well, I am ready now.

"Well, here's the docks. We just need to wait for them to arrive now." I tell Luffy as we arrive

"Yup! Hope they're strong." He smiles

"Well, I hope not, but remember were close to the ocean if you fall I doubt I could save you." I warn him

"Shishishi, don't worry I am not gonna fall!" Tell that to your future self

As I was going to say something a ship arrives, they're here. They didn't even remove their Jolly roger, how are they planning on hiding themselfs?

"Ready?" I ask as I begin scribing Runes onto my arms and legs.

"YEAH!" He grabs me and then "Gomu Gomu no Rocket!" Oh, no stealth then

As we start reaching the ship I reinforce my legs to not damage myself in the landing.

"WHO ARE YOU?! WHAT YOU WANT HERE?!" A shrill voice screams as we land.

It belongs to a tall dark skinned woman, she is bald with tattoos on her head and is wearing a long lime green coat and dark yellow pants, ouch, terrible style.

"Those colours don't match in any way, how did no one told you to abandon this crime against fashion?" Sure I am not currently well dressed but at least my colours match.

"Wh-what?" Hmm, I seem to have stunned her, nice.

"YOU DARE MOCK ME?!" Oh, she is back.

She finally recomposes herself. "What are you two doing here? What reason do you have to invade this ship?"

"We're gonna beat you guys up and them steal everything here!" Luffy says with a big smile.

"What he said." I say while poiting to Luffy.

"How did you even find about us? Wait, Mr.12 didn't answer e when I used the Den den mushi, you did something o him?"

"Dead." I say with a serious face, well I did kill him after all.

Her eyes widened. "Kill them!" She screams to her subordinates, I am actually surprised no one shot us when we arrived.

I activate my Mystic code, creating a seven layered shield around Luffy and I.

"Whoa, that's cool! This is what you were making Clair?"

"Yep, my nem mystic code, it can create powerful shield that I can control." I tell him, truly proud of my simple yet effective creation.

"Shishishi, that's really cool!" He then frowns. "But I still want to fight." Oh, fair.

"Just let them stop shooting us and then I am deactivating the shield."

And wow, that sure is a lot of bullets, I don't think I would live after this without my shield.

What really amazes me is that the shield has received no damage at all, probably because it reenacts the gates of Kur, Ishtar lost her power because she refused to bow to death and those people are doing the same, a shame.

The shooting ends, their bullets are over.

"Well, time to beat some goons cap." I say while deactivating the shield

He laughs. "Shishishi, time to do it!" He then jumps at the crowd of people, well, not like any of them stads a chance against him anyway.

I decide to focus at a single opponent: Miss Saturday.

"Well then, it's time for us to fight then isn't t?" I stare at her

"It is, but you seem to not get it kid, this is not going to be a fight!" Her figure begins to change, fur starts to grow on her skin, she gets taller and her nose gains a more animalistic form, and then antlers finally sprout out of her head.

"Devil fruit." I whisper. Other than Luffy I have not seen a single devil fruit, and his is not the best example to work with.

"Yes, I have eaten the Yagi Yagi no Mi, Model: Deer. And now I am a deer woman, you stand no chance kid." She smiles creepily

"You would think so would you?" I flare my magical circuits.

I decided to use both my reinforcement and my runes together now, to maximise my strength, I plan to defeat her as fast as possible.

The both of us advances towards the other and begin exchanging blows. She's strong, but sadly...she's no Luffy.

My punches begin hitting far more than hers, her body is stronger than that of a normal human, but it's clear that she's no match for my current self.

To think I was having problems with reinforcement because of a simple mistake, and I was thinking it was my element messing with me. I once again have a weird case of elements, normally people have only one and a few select people have two, then we have ridiculous anomalies like Tohsaka Rin who had all 5 natural elements, that are fire, water, earth, air and ether and then we have the two Imaginary Elements: Hollow and Nothingness, who are just as rare if not more than someone with 5 basic ones. Me on the other hand, have all five AND Nothingness as an element, now I get why Zelretch told that if I ever went to the Clock Tower I would immediately receive a Sealing Designation it's not because of my ridiculous high amount of circuits, but my impossible combination of elements!

And that's why I believed that my element were the reason why I couldn't use Reinforcement, as it changes depending on the user's element, and having every element yet nothingness made me think I once again contradicted my magecraft, but luckily that was not the case.

Well, time to finish this fight. I bring out 3 Jewels from my ring, amber to be more specific, and throw them at her.

3 Beams of lightning his her completely frying her.

"Hum, Jewel Magecraft is really dangerous, I went too hard on her, hope she's not dead." I them look around me and Luffy is smiling at the top of a pile of bodies, wow he really has no mercy.

"Already done Captain?"

"Yup! It was fun, they were a bit strong!" Hm, not even people from the Grandline are strong enough to make him feel danger? Impressive.

"Well, time to loot this place!" I smile, so many jewels for me!

"Shishishis, let's go! Wait, I need to ask you something." He tilts his head

"Ask away cap."

"What's that wall thing name?"

Hmm, I didnt think of that yet, it's a good question, and as my first Mysthic code it deserves a good name, waht about...

"The Seven Gates of Kur!" I decide.

Servant Profile

Schweinorg D. Clair

Class: Foreigner

Rarity: 1 Stars


Strength: E

Endurance: E+

Agility: D+

Mana: B

Luck: E

Noble Phantasm: C+


Existence Outside the Domain EX

Human Observation C

Independent Action EX

Presence Concealment A

Magecraft E+

Rune Magic E

Jewel Magecraft E

Reinforcement C

Monkey D. Luffy

Class: Berserker

Rarity: 1 Star


Strength: E+++

Endurance: A

Agility: D++

Mana: E

Luck: EX

Noble Phantasm: ???


Madness Enhancement EX

Battle Continuation A

Charisma(Dream) EX

Drums of Liberation EX (Locked)

Human Observation (Heart) B


Well, it's done. This is the last chapter before we finally sail!

So, tell me what you guys think about Clair's Mysthic code, it was an idea I had while rewatching Lord El Melloi II Cases and I really hope I didn't mess it up, it's such a a nice concept.

And yeah, that's why he couldn't properly use Reinforcement, he forgot this is not his world.

Any question I always try to answer to the best of my capabilities.

And please, if I mess up something in Magecraft, TELL ME, it's too many different ources and sometimes I lose myself while writing.

Oh, and tell me if you liked this kind of longer chapter, because if you did I plan to start posting a chapter of similar length every Sunday from now on.

Well, Fae out!

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