The Pirate Way to Magic (Fate/One Piece)

Chapter 3: Vol 1 - Chapter 3

It's been two weeks since Zelretch gave me those books. 

So, after the small commemoration of Luffys birthday we went...home? To be more specific I went with Luffy to the woods, where he is currently living. I asked if he didn't have any place in the town, but he said that his grandpa told him to stay out of sight because of his Devil Fruit. Which makes sense, a rubberman is not something normal in the four blues and would surely attract some attention. And while Garp obviously don't know about Luffy's fruit true name, he must suspect that a fruit that was in Shank's hand is special in some way. 


Most people would say a fruit that turns its user's body in rubber is nothing special, but the 'Gomu Gomu no Mi'? It'snot like the others Paramecia, instead of allowing the user to turn his body in rubber and create rubber, Luffy ALWAYS is rubber. It's obviously something special, but the fact that it's something as simple as rubber makes people dismiss it as just another paramecia. When in truth it's something far FAR more impressive. 


A god's devil fruit. Obviously not a god from my time, but a god nonetheless, or at least someone who's called a god. I believe that even without having awoken it, Luffy has a small level of Divinity. Which alongside his insane natural talent and bloodline factor makes him special in far too many ways. 


Because of that, I know I need to become stronger. 


Strength summons challenges, and Luffy has a lot of it. 


That is not to mention divinity. Divinity always calls for more divinity. And Enel is a thing here. He may actually be a God in this worldline, or at least someone with a high rank of divinity. 


So, I need to train. But for now, all I can do is study Magecraft. I need a solid foundation in order to evolve, and studying is the only way to do it. 


So, I spend most of my day studying magecraft. I have decided to have Runes and Jewels be my maing focus as they're the most complete arts Zelretch left me. I can't currently study Jewels properly thanks to my lack of resources, as to study Jewels you well... need jewels. Sadly, Zelretch didn't give me any gemstone for me to use in my studies, so for now I settled for Runecraft. 


Runecraft is...interesting. Its similar to a language, with every rune having their own meaning. But it's far more complicated than that, the meaning of each rune actually depends on the magus using them. Let's say a rune has the means 'illuminate', a avarage magus will see it as merely a light spell, forever limiting the rune for that magus. Now, a competent magus will see 'illuminate' for what it truly is. Not only creating light, but the power to 'reveal', after all, what is light if not the power to see beneath the shadow? In other words, someone with a good understanding of runes will be able to use that rune not only to create light, but to reveal what is hidden. And that is just the basic application of a single rune, using more than one can create even more intricated spells. 


But of course, there is a small problem, those are only modern runes. They are mere replicas of the Old Runes, used by ancient Magus, which were capable of truly impressive feats. And I am not gonna even touch Primordial Runes, runes created by The All Father Odin himself, those are just bullshit. 


Think of modern runes as an incomplete alphabet, lacking more than half of its letters. It means while useful, they're anincomplete art that can never be truly mastered. There is reason why they're unpopular in the Mage' Association, actually they're looked down by most Magus. 


Sure, some overpowered magus like Touko Aozaki was able to recreate fucking Primordial Runes. But I don't have the time, and probably don't have the talent to do something like that. I'm good, but not that good. 


So, focusing in modern runecraft is my only option for now. 


Not to say they're useless. Zelretch actually gave some books written by actual users of ancient runecraft. While I don't have access to Old runes, the knowledge of how they worked hellps to improve the efficiency of my runes. 


So, after thinking about everything I was able to gather until now, I arrived at a single conclusion: I am weak. Pathetically so even. 


Sure, Thanks to my magecraft I am a versatile fighter and can be a good support to my allies, but if anyone gets close to me? I am dead. 


While normal people here are about as strong as people from my world, the 'above average' are far stronger. Using Luffy as basis is unfair of course, but if someone has even one tenth of his strength...they would be at least five times as strong as me. 


So yeah, even someone like Alvida, who was Luffy's first fight after sailing would be far above me in strength. And while I could try to use magecraft against them...what it would change? The moment someone understands how my spells are cast I would be doomed. Mysteries are a Magus greatest weapon after all, without it we're nothing. 


So, I need to get stronger. Not only magically but physically. 


I thought reinforcement would help me in fights, but...I am not the best at it. To be more specific I am completely incompetent in this field. 


Yeah, I know it sounds ridiculous but it's true. One of the most basic fields of magecraft, is the one I have the most difficult with. I can create bounded fields with easy, and can shorten long incantations without any trouble, but reinforcement? It's a complete disaster. 


Reinforcement is the foundation of all magecraft with the purpose of enhancing the existence of a target by pouring magical energy. It's actually very similar to Armament Haki, a reinforced fist can physically interact with spiritual bodies so I theorize it could harm Devil Fruit users with damage reducing properties like Luffy or even some Logia. 


Of course, to solve my strength issues I could write runes in my body and clothes to help me in fights, but decided against it. Those types of runes should be something to increase my strength in a controlled way, like how Bazett Fraga McRemitz would use then during battle to increase her speed and strength. 


So how wiil I become stronger? Well, that's easy to answer actually. 




Luffy was someone 'normal' before Garp decided to train him, so if anyone could help me get stronger it's him. 


I did stay in contact with him these two weeks, but not that much. I am how to say it...terrible with people. So, Idecided to practice my magecraft as an excuse to not talk to him. I'm not really good at talking so I didn't want to make Luffy awkward. 


Well, time confront my social anxiety! 

Finally found him! He seems to be currently fighting some...tigers? Or at least some giant variant of the tiger species I knew. 

"HEYA CAP" I scream to gets his attention. 


"OH CLAIR!" He spins his head a whole 180 to look at me. "WAIT A SEC!" He decides to one-shot each tiger. Yeah, I thought he was just playing with them. 


"What ya need?" He comes to me after the little massacre. 


"So, I noticed I am a bit weak." He tilts his head to the side "Clair is weak, but can do some tricks that are hard to fight" Hmm, he seems to be of a similar opinion as me then. 


"True, but if someone understand how my 'tricks' work I am vulnerable. So, I thought...I just need to get stronger, right?" He nods "Yep, just fight some animals in the jungle and you can get strong real fast, like me!" 


"Well, I am not sure if I can get strong as fast as you, so I thought...what about you train me?" I ask him with a bit of expectation. 


"SURE!" He screams clearly enthusiastic. Ouch, my poor ears. 


"COME LET'S START NOW" Oh, he is grabbing me. Oh, well, let's follow his flow then. "GOMU GOMU NO ROCKET!" Well, always wanted to feel this. "WOOOOWW" Ok, this is the best. Why do people scream at Luffy for doing this? Wait, how do I land? 


"Ouch." Oh, so that's why. Yeah, need to find a way to land properly to enjoy this. 


"Shishishi, let's start!" He takes of his straw hat and put on top of a tree stump. 


"Sooo, how are we gonna do it?" Well, it's probably something simple like fighting giant animals. 


"I want to see how strong you are, then, we're gonna hunt!" Oh, so he at least is going to test me first? He's more thoughtful than I expected. 


"Sure" I enter a basic fighting pose. While I am no expert during my childhood I did a bunch of martial arts, thanks to that I have at least an idea how to position myself. 


"OKAY! DODGE!" He punched me. Fast. SHIT, DODGE! 


I am hit right in the face and throw at a tree. 


"AI AI AI AI. THAT FUCKING HURT!" What in actual hell, was that a normal punch? 


"Hmm? But I punched so weak." He tilts his head, clearly confused. 


"Ai, ai." I finally compose myself. "Yeah, but I am really weak captain. Like, your weakest punch is at least ten time stronger than my strongest punch." And that is not an exaggeration, Luffy is just a different type of beast. 


"Can't you use magecraft to get strong?" 


"Technically yeah. But I am terrible at it. Is the simplest of all magecraft, yet I can't do it right! It's so frustrating!" I tell him in frustration. 


"That's why you asked my help to train? Cause you can't get stronger with magic?" 


"Yeah, I only have a year until we sail. I can't be weak, because if I am how can I be useful to you?" I confess. 


"You don't need to do that. I am strong enough or both of us!" He pats his biceps, but there are not actually any muscles there. 


"And that is the problem captain. I am supposed to be your firstmate, the strongest after you, the one that gives the orders when the captain can't. How can I do that when I am so...weak?" And I never thought I would have troubles about that. I never cared about that in my old world, and the moment I became a magus I believed every problem I would have could be fixed with magecraft. Just for me to be untalented in arguably the most necessary art for me to survive. 


"Is that why you didn't speak to me all this weak?" He asks with a sad face. Why sadness? 


"Not...really. While yes, I was focusing at my studies. The true reason is that... I am not good with people." I confess, embarrassed. 


"That's dumb. We're friend, right? Friends talk to each other!" He says with certainty. 


"I wouldn't really know. I was never able to form meaningful bonds with anyone. So, it was not unusual for my 'friends' to just ignore me from time to time. Because of that, I just decided to never let people get to close, less emotional strain to me." 


"That's wrong!" He grabs my shoulders and makes me stare at his face. "Friends would not ignore you! They were just a bunch of liars! Not your friends!" 


And that...Ouch, isn't that a punch to the face? All my life I saw my lack of friends as my own fault, my inability to create bonds with people, a curse that I should learn to live with. 

But Luffy is right. While I had my problems, I did try, but did any of my 'friends' do the same? 


They didn't did they? 


Was I really the problem? Or I just never had a friend to begin with? 




"Oh. I never had a friend before, did I?" I finally realize. 


"Yeah." He says solemnly. "But you have me now!" He says enthusiastically. 


"So, if you have any trouble come talk to me, I may not understand everything you say, but I will always be here for you." 


"Thanks captain." "Luffy. Call me Luffy, friends should use each other name, right?" 


Oh, I have been calling him captain as a way to distance myself from him, haven't I? 


"Yeah, thanks Luffy." 


We fall into a comfortable silence. 

Ever since our heart-to-heart talk, Luffy and I have been far closer. 

While I kept my Magecraft studies, I go hunt with him frequently. Which actually has helped me to get stronger. Luffy seems to have a simple training method: Train well, eat well, sleep well. 


Ironic right? He does the Turtle School method. And it's actually really efficient. I can now at least take a punch from Luffy, and while I am still not that strong, I can now use my magecraft without having to fear getting absolutely destroyed by some random dude. 


Also, I have been talking much more with Luffy. He quite likes to talk, and normally I would dislike talking for too long but Luffy doesn't tire me that much, and whenever I start getting my social battery low, he gives me space to rest. 


He may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but his emotional and social intelligence is simply insane. If it was a skill, it would be at bare minimum A rank if not EX rank. 


I have also learned that Luffy while a social creature, has been quite lonely. 


He told me, that excluding Makimo and some other villagers, he barely interacts with people at all. 


And ever since Ace sailed 3 years ago, Luffy has been mostly in the jungle, and when not there he goes to Makimo. He never found another person to be with after Ace left. 


Not only that, but he actually even told me about Sabo. It truly affected him and Ace, making they understand their own mortality, and how easily they can die before ever achieving their dreams. 


It actually explains a lot about how Luffy lives. 


And ironically, he has the same thought process as me. 


You either do or die trying. 


So, what if I never become a Magician? I will die knowing I tried, and that's enough for me. And it's the same for Luffy. 


Every person has their own dreams and motivations, and there are people who are going to try and stop us from achieving our own. 


So, we must be strong. Strong enough that even the world itself cannot stop us! 


Yeah, fuck the World Government! Also, fuck Gaia. 


I have tried to shift my focus slightly to studying this worldline so I can begin to understanding it. 


And have come to some questions. 


Like, why do the Counter Force hasn't sent anyone to kill me yet? 


Sure, Zelretch told me it wouldn't, but why? 


So, I have come to the realization: I am human. 


To be more specific, I was born in Earth, lived in Earth and should die in Earth. 


But I left my worldline, so how do that work? 


It's actually a bit simple. 


I am human yet I am a foreign entity to not only this worldline but to this Multiverse domain. Zelretch, while capable of accessing universes beyond his usual domain, tries not to. Why? Those worlds different rules. If he went to a world with different ules from his own, it would immediately recognize him as a foreigner, someone who should not be there. 


But that doesn't apply to me. 


My world is...normal. There was no Age of Gods, nor aliens, nor any weird things there. Because of that, Magecraftwas never created, and humanity is barely capable to affect Gaia. Because of that, every single person from my world is seen as a 'normal human'. It's like the idea that humans from my world are unimportant is a passive, something any higher being would see. So, because of that I am mostly ignored by the world. 


But that still doesn't change the fact that I am a Foreigner, so why am I ignored? 


A contradiction. 


I am 'human, yet, a 'Foreigner'. The idea that someone can be two things that should by all means by complete opposites is ridiculous. 


Because of that I am an empty spot on the world. 


Sure, Gaia and Alaya know I am here, but they don't care. I am a non-factor in their perception. 


That happens because while they have a conscience, it's not human, it's more like an Artificial Intelligence, they only truly care for their purpose. The preservation of the World and Humanity. So, they don't look too close to me, making me 'invisible' in a way. 


And not only that, but their influence is vastly reduced in this worldline. I am still not sure why, but I plan to find out. 


This lack of influence explains somethings. Like, how does devil fruits exist. After connecting to this island leylines I was able to have a small look to this world composition. 


And... it's not normal. 


I currently believe the other side of the world quite literally spilled into the world. Making mysteries literally solidify. 


This would explain things like giants and Fishermans. They are being that had left this side of the world and came back somehow. 


And this is connected to two figures: The Outergod and Imu. 


Every weird phenomenon in the last 1600 year can be attributed to Imu. And everything else is the consequences of the Outergod presence in this world. 


I am not sure of many things, Zelretch told me this worldline is just the One Piece World with concepts from the Nasuverse. But that only helps me so much. 


I have only read until Wano, and received a shit ton of spoilers from EggHead and Elbaf. I only know about the three worlds thing, but not much beyond that. So, I am walking blind. 


But honestly? That's cooler. What would an adventure's purpose be if I knew what is in the end goal? 


From now on, I am going to just do whatever I want. Why worry about problems for the future? Sure, I want to change somethings, like Ace's death, and Merry's destruction. But overall? 


I am just going with the flow. 

Servant Profile 

Schweinorg D. Clair 


Class: Foreigner 


Rarity: 0 Stars 



Strength: E- 

Endurance: E 

Agility: D+ 

Mana: B 

Luck: E 

Noble Phantasm: - 



Existence Outside the Domain EX 

Human Observation C 

Independent Action EX 

Presence Concealment A 

Magecraft E+ 

Rune Magic E 



Monkey D. Luffy 


Class: Berserker 


Rarity: 1 Star 




Strength: E++ 

Endurance: A 

Agility: D 

Mana: E 

Luck: EX 

Noble Phantasm: ??? 



Madness Enhancement EX 

Battle Continuation A 

Charisma(Dream) EX 

Drums of Liberation EX (Locked) 

Human Observation (Heart) B 



So, unlike the 2 previous Chapters I was able to focus a bit more on what I actually wanted to do, in this case, working on Clair and Luffy's friendship and a bit of how their minds work. 

I was also able to do a small exposition of the world and plan to do more. I have some really cool concepts written and want to explore them the best I can. 

Next chapter is the final one before Luffy and Clair finally sail. 

I hope I didn't mess up while writing Luffy in this chapter. He is really hard to properly work with, but I wanted to show his emotional intelligence, despite is lack of intellectual one. 

Any critic and tip is well received. And comments quite literally FUEL ME. 

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.