The Pirate Way to Magic (Fate/One Piece)

Chapter 5: Chapter 5

After beating Miss Saturday Luffy and I looted the ship, if there was anything of value there we took it. I actually found some interesting notes from Miss Saturday, it seems that she and Mr. 12 would relocate to the Grandline after this mission, even receiving an Eternal Pose for that! It seems they received direct orders from Mr.0 to go to Alabasta and cause some mayhem by acting as pirates, which is truly interesting, if I recall correctly Crocodile in order to make himself seem like a hero to the populace of Alabasta made his agents act like pirates for him to defeat and increase his popularity in the country, probably Mr.12 and Miss Saturday were going to be discarded immediately after this mission as Crocodile wouldn't need them anymore.

This is actually good for me, I can use this information to help explain a bit of my foreknowledge, because while I wouldn't normally know Crocodile is Mr.0 thanks to this information and knowing things like the political landscape of Alabasta and some more secret things like Doflamingo in Dressrossa I would be able to deduce Crocodile either is Mr.0 or at the bare minimum works for him, this is going to be really help once we reach the Grandline.

Once we finished looting the place I noticed the authorities arriving, it makes sense since neither Luffy and I were really quiet about this whole thing.

"Hey Luffy, time to go." I call for him.

"Sure." He grabs me and prepares himself.

"Gomu Gomu no Rocket!" Ah, this is actually really nice, and since I got reinforcement down I don't really have to worry about getting hurt on the fall.

As Luffy launches both of us at the forest.

"Did you aim right? I thought we would go to Makimo's." I ask with a loud voice, so he could hear me through the wind.

"YEP! MAKIMO'S IS RIGHT AT THE SIDE!" I hum "Makes sense."

As we get closer to Makimo's I ready myself to fall.

Using my runes I reduce the impact damage on my legs, it hurts a bit but nothing to worry about.

"So, captain. What did you think about this whole thing?" 

"They were kinda weak." He says with a pout.

"Wahahahaha!" I couldn't help but laugh. " Those guys were from the Grandline Luffy, while they weren't impressive that doesn't mean they were weak."

"What?! They were from the Grandline?!" He asks with shocked face. "But they were so weak..." He closes his fists in frustration. "Shanks was far stronger than those guys."

"We're talking about Red-Haired Shanks Luffy, that guy is one of the people currently at the top of the world, you shouldn't use him as a comparative for other people, you will only disappoint yourself." And isn't that the truth? Luffy probably has a weird misconception created by both Shanks and Garp of how strong people from the Grandline are, sure, Luffy is not that strong either but for the average guy in the Grandline? He is a monster, being here in the East Blue for so long after getting this strong has not been good for him, and while me being here may have made things a bit better as he now has someone who can to some extent walk at his side it also made him a bit stronger than in the original worldline. It may not be noticeable, but fighting someone with so many different abilities like me has made his instincts much sharper and his fighting awareness stronger, he may actually be close to awakening Observation Haki far earlier because of that.

So, now I am more worried about changing or not changing things. I will try my best to not change recruitments, after all, if a single straw hat doesn't get recruited things are easily going south. I really hope my presence here doesn't mess things up too much, I want to become a Magician and while it pains me a bit to say but this is a unknown world and I won't be able to better my craft by staying in one place.

Actually, why do I even care? Luffy will be able to recruit anyone he wants to recruit, as long as I do my job as his Firstmate I don't have to worry.

What I do need to do now is prepare myself, I have the resources but I need practice with Jewel Magecraft and to write runes on my clothes.

After all, soon I will be sailing!

I used the gold we got to buy some new clothes, and inscribed runes on them. A dark grey sleeveless hoodie and light grey pants, alongside long gloves inscribed with multiple runes. I believe I am ready at least until the Grandline.

Alright, time to check everything. Jewels? Check. Gold? Check. Emergency Food? Check. Gloves? Check. Extra clothes? Check. Books? Also check. Yeah, it seems everything is here,

Well, time to find Luffy, he is probably going to our ship, well, ship is a bit too much, at best it is a tiny boat but it's enough for the both of us until we get an actual ship.

I've decided to go to the village's harbor where Luffy most likely is, time for us to leave after all.

"Ohhhhh, Clair! Here, here!" He swing his arms around to call my attention.

"Heya cap, got everything?" I need to be sure.

"Yep! Got the boat a barrel and lots of meat!" Well, I didn't expect more than that actually.

"I got everything else, so we're ready."

"TIME TO GO TO SEA!" He screams at the heavens.

"Wahahahaha, it sure is cap."

"Well, they're finally setting out, eh mayor?" Makimo says while staring at the boat disappearing at the horizon. "I'll miss that rascal, Clair as well, he really helped cleaning the bar."

"But if they become pirates they will both bring shame to the village!" Says mayor Woop Slap as they leave. "Thinking back now, I never spoke with young Clair that much did I?" He questions

"Not really, but it's not your fault, he never interacted with many people, only Luffy and me a bit." 

"Always studying, right? Let's hope he can keep Luffy out of trouble. he seemed like a responsible boy."

Makimo laughs. "Hahaha, oh mayor, Clair is as bad as Luffy."

"Wow." Luffy exclaims. "It's a good day to set out to sea! What do you think Clair?"

Currently lying comfortably on the floor I answer. "It sure is nice, the sun is not too strong and the breeze is at the perfect temperature, I think I am going to sleep a bit, call me if anything interesting happens." Not like anything happens until we meet Koby anyway.


After a while I feel a poke at my check. Again. Again. "What is it Luffy?" I ask a bit grumpy. "You told me to call if anything interesting happened." "So?" "We're getting sucked into a giant whirlpool." "Oh, makes sense."

Oh, now I remember HOW we meet Koby. Shit.

"Ok, get in!" Luffy says while opening the barrel.

"Luffy, the barrel is still full." 

"Let's just throw everything at the sea then!" He drags the barrel to the border of the boat, ready to throw everything out.

"Wait!" He quickly turns his head to me. "I can store things with my ring, remember?"

"AAHHHH, TRUE!" He begins to drag the barrel in my direction. "Here." Well at least we didn't lose our things already. "Thanks."

As I begin using my ring I decide to say. "Actually, while we can use the barrel to not drown I doubt it can fit both of us."

"Sure we are! I'm rubber so I can just bend..or something!" 

"Fair." That fruit is so weird I actually believe that can work.

So I begin to cram myself into the barrel.

So, I am curled up in a barrel. There are probably better ways to solve this situation, but I am too lazy to try. And honestly, we're probably going to meet Koby now, don't wanna mess this up. Oh, and Luffy? He just shoves himself into the barrel, slamming down the lid above him.

He looks weird, like someone made a play dough man and crumpled it.

"Hey, Luffy."


"I'm going back to sleep, call me when something interesting happens."


No idea how long we have been in that barrel but I can easily tell it was way too fucking long.

I couldn't even sleep properly because I was too busy trying to not accidentally break it while moving.

Oh, I probably did end sleeping at some point because I didn't even noticed the barrel being pulled up. And then rolled and rolled, yeah I am killing whoever is doing this.

Luffy is above me, so he is the one who needs to open this thing up, or I will end blowing us up.

Not that I had to wait for too long as I heard two muffled voices through the barrel, and we're finally upright and Luffy seems to be waking up, huh, convenient.

Luffy decides to immediately throw himself up, burning out of the barrel.

"YYAAAAAAWWWNNNN! THAT WAS A GREAT NAP!" He pauses looking at the man he just knocked out. "Huh?"

I pop my head above the barrel, but because of Luffy's position I still couldn't get out of it.

"Lucky you cap, can you help me here? I am a bit trapped."

He jumps out of the barrel and picks me up, like I am some sort of doll.


"Wait, who're you guys?" Luffy asked the two pirates who are still conscious.

"No, who are you guys?!"

Luffy just ignores them and begins looking around, and settled to looking at Koby, but that also means he turned his back at the pirates.

The two are getting mad already and begin pointing their blades at my Captain. "Are you toyin' with us even when you know we are pirates?!"

Luffy can handle these no names, but honestly? They scream so much that my ears are hurting a bit.

Two Gandr, two bodies on the floor.

The poor fools didn't even have a chance to fight back.

"Wh-what just happened?" Koby muttered to himself, eyes wide.

I almost pity him. From here onward it's just chaos and craziness.

"Well, they were being loud, so I just shot them." I supplied helpfully, deciding to crack my neck. "It was kinda obvious actually."

"Did ya kill them?" Luffy asks with a raised eyebrow, or well trying to raise an eyebrow. "Nah, those shots didn't even hurt them, they were just weak." And I mean, I didn't even put enough power to make the Gandr physical, they fainted from one of the most weak curses.

"R-run, hurry!" Koby says desperately. "The crew heard those shots! Their friends are coming, you two will be killed!"

Luffy completely ignored him. "Man, I sure am hungry!"

He then begins walking in a seemingly random direction, presumably where the closest source of food is. Why didn't he ask me for food? It's better to steal from others than to waste what we have.

Koby grabs his arm, trying to drag him somewhere else. "Let's go! This way! W-wait! Not that way!"

I pat Koby's head, good try, but once Luffy has an idea in mind even the gods can't stop him. "Just let him do whatever he wants. We'll be fine, don't worry."

Luffy went inside a room, and it seems he found what he was looking for. "Food! A bunch of food!" He yells while jumping.

I decided to take some fruits for myself, better not to risk getting scurvy.

While Luffy just stuffs his mouth with every type of food he can find.

"M-my name is Koby. Who're you guys?" He asks

"I am Monkey D. Luffy!" Luffy says between a mouthful of food.

"Clair." I say while biting my apple. "Schweinorg D. Clair, but just Clair works."

"Hey, is this a pirate ship?" Luffy asks while already going for the next bag of food.

"No, it's a passenger ship that is being raided by Lady Alvida." Mutters Koby with his knees on his chest.

"I will never forget that fateful day..." Oh, backstory? Who throws it out so easily? "I just wanted to go fishing..." A distant look appears in his face. "...And I boarder a pirate ship by mistake."

"That was two years ago. In exchange for my life, I've been working as their cabin boy." He sighs.

"You're kinda clumsy and dumb!" Luffy laughs. "And you're gutless too. You really are worthless."

With a crying face Koby says "You don't have to be that frank..."

"Don't be rude cap." I say while scratching my neck. "Sure he is pathetic but you don't need to tell that to his face."

"Ahahah, don't worry I'm used to it." Koby mutters.

I frown a bit, how did this kid become a powerful marine? Luffy's influence probably. A shame to see him like that, I hate seeing wasted potential.

"Why don't you just run away?" Luffy questions.

I begin feeling some presences near us, they're coming.

They are kinda weak, like, REALLY weak, only one of them seems to have an above average presence, probably Alvida.

Luffy and Koby are still talking on the background, but I decided to focus on the presences nearby. They are kinda slow, are they fighting between themself? Nah, not with Alvida there.

"Luffy, why did you go to the sea anyway?" Oh, they've reached the dream part, nice.

"Well, ya see..." He smiles. "I'm gonna be the King of the Pirates!!!"

"K-king of the Pirates?!" Koby was incredulous.

"Yup!" Luffy beams.

"K-K-King of the Pirates is the tittle given to the person who obtains everything in this world!" Koby begin screaming. "That means seeking the greatest treasure this world has to offer, Gold Roger's treasure...The One Piece!!"

"Oh, he can get it." I say. If he couldn't I wouldn't even consider joining him. Not that I judge Koby for his incredulity, if a kid appeared from a barrel in the middle of the sea and suddenly told me he would become king of the world I wouldn't believe him either.

Well, unless they were Luffy.

Honestly I doubt there is anything Luffy couldn't do if he sets his mind on it.

Nika did choose him for a reason after all. I even have theories about that. I believe Devil fruits have the ability to change their user's element, simillar to how Avalon is believed to have changed Emiya Shirou's element to 'Sword', in order to help the user be in greater sync with their newfound power, but that wouldn't explain Luffy's extreme compatibly with his fruit. But if I recall correctly, the fruit is a Mythical Zoan, which means the fruit possesses a will of its own, so why only Joyboy and Luffy were capable of awakening the fruit? Their Origin. I believe the Hito Hito no Mi: Model Nika influences the user's element to 'Freedom' and that both Luffy and Joyboy have the Origin 'Freedom', that would explain why the fruit is perfect for them, it basically allows them to fully use their true selfs!

"W-what?! You believe he can?!" Koby asked shocked.

"If I didn't I wouldn't even be his offense captain." I look at him apologetically.

"No problem! I wouldn't have asked you to join if you were useless!" He laughs.

"Fair." I assent. I wouldn't have even considered if I didn't know he was my best option to reach the Root, a bit scummy? Nah, he just said he did the same, it's not like I am going to stop him becoming Pirate King anyway.

" you think..." Koby mutters softly. "That even someone like me could join the Marines?"

"How'd I know?" Luffy says.

"No idea, we're not you kid, only you can define if you can or not do something." I say. They're finally coming. "The Marine system is extremely corrupt. It will be hard to stay being a good person while in the marines, especially if you want to save peoples rather than do your orders. But if that's your dream, I say for you to go for it kid."

"Then...I am going to be a great Marine!" He finally begins to get fired up. "I'll protect people, even if it's hard and I will catch all the bad guys! I'll even catch Alvida-"

I quickly grab Koby, bringing him to my side as debris fall from the ceiling, alongside a giant shadow.

"Who're you going to catch Koby?" Alvida asks.

Wow. I knew people here would look weird but I didn't expect that. This woman is huge, and not only when it comes to weight, she is also tall as hell.

Is that something I have to expect now? Giant people? Well, people who're tall and not giants at least.

I am imagining Whitebeard now, the guy must be tall as fuck.

A few swords push through the door behind us, almost hitting Luffy's head.

"You two don't look like Pirate hunter Zoro." She mused. "Koby! Who's the most beautiful of all the seas?!"

Koby didn't answer, he was too busing trying to not wet himself.

When he finally gathered enough courage to answer Luffy cut him off. "Who's the fat lady?"

I really need to teach him manners. Or not, this is funnier.

Alvida swings at the three of us but Luffy and I jump to the upper deck with Koby in my hands.

Obviously a fight breaks off as soon as we fall. I begin shooting at the goons while Luffy just punches them to oblivion.

Usually I just let Luffy fight the fodder while I deal with the boss but fighting alongside him is much funner.

"Gum Gum Rocket!"

"What?!" Alvida screams in surprise.

"Luffy...what are you?" Koby mutters. "Actually, what are you two?!"

"Me?" Luffy asks with a grin. "I'm a rubber person!" He says while stretching his cheeks.

"A devil fruit then?" Alvida asks

"Yup!" Luffy says proudly. "The Gum-Gum fruit!"

"I see." She narrows her eyes, clearly interested. "I heard rumors, but to see with my own eyes!" She turns her eyes to me. "So, you must have one as well, maybe a Bullet-Bullet fruit? You have been shooting my men despite having no gun after all."

"Nah, this is my own thing, no devil fruit required." I say with a small grin.

"I see...You two are quite skilled. Bounty hunter?" She question.

"Nope!" Luffy simply declares. "We're pirates!"

"What he said."

"A pirate?! Hah! Just the two of you?

"Yup! Just me and my Firstmate for now, but I will find more crewmates soon!" He pauses for a second. "About...10 cremates sound good for me!"

"Maybe 15 just to be sure cap?" I give my opinion.

"Huh, sure! The more the merrier!" He smiles.

Well, now Alvida will actually try to kill us, we just said to her face we're rivals after all.

Koby tried to convince Luffy to run, but was once again told off. "You just saw how powerful her mace is! In this sea she is the most-"

Koby paused.

Probably having flashbacks right now.

"I'm the most what, Koby?!" Alvida demands.

"Lady Alvida is..." He inhales air. "...The ugliest old hag of all!!!"

Luffy just laughs, while everyone else is in shock.

I pat his back. "Good job kid."

Koby has his stand off against Alvida, declaring his dream for her and everyone who could hear him. Finally, if I had to endure the spineless Koby for a second more I may as well had destroyed this whole ship.

"Well said!" Luffy beams as Alvida's mace comes down at his head to obviously no avail. "That won't work. I told you I am a rubber man!"

Luffy winds his arms back before launching them forward with such power it sends Alvida flying off the ship.

"Not bad cap, but next time leave some for me.

"Sure!" Luffy beams before turning to the remaining of the crew. "Give Koby a small boat! He's going to join the Marines! So, just shut up and let him go!"

The pirates were obviously terrified of Luffy so did what he told them as fast as possible.

Huh, I am feeling some people coming.

And then cannonballs begin being shot.

"Oh, I forgot the Marines were arriving."

"What?!" Koby gasps.

"Well, time to leave then!" Luffy grabs us and jumps off to the boat the pirates prepared for us.

Wait is that orange hair? Oh, Nami does appear in this ship in the anime doesn't she?

"Well, luckily for us, while I am not the best in navigation I know the basics, and Koby here-" I pat his shoulders."-actually knows what to do, so we should arrive at the nearest island soon"

"You two are terrible, no wonder you guys went inside a whirlpool." Koby says with a dumbfound face.

"Hey, I had a year to learn about navigation and how to fix ships! And I focused in the fixing part." I say a bit downcast.

I decide to read a bit, I have to confirm some things before reaching the next island. I hope this helps us in the future.

"Hey Clair."

"Yeah cap?" I look up.

"What you think about Pirate Hunter Zoro?" He inquires.

Oh, makes sense, he does have a crew mate already this time, it doesn't makes sense for him to recruit Zoro without my opinion.

"Clair! Tell Luffy he is being crazy!" Koby screams while waving his arms randomly. "He actually wants to recruit Pirate Hunter Zoro to your crew!"

"Well, he is the captain, he can recruit whoever he wants." I shut my book, placing it back inside my ring. "And Zoro is not a bad option, he seems to have some fame around here, hopefully he is strong." Well, I know he is strong but technically I never met the guy. So, I can't just say everything with certainty even if I am certain.

"You two are crazy!" Koby whimpers. "Roronoa Zoro is a demon!"

"A demon? He ate a devil fruit then?" Luffy dumbly asks. 

"Different type of demon cap, he means he is powerful and supposedly evil." I clarified.

"What do you mean supposedly evil?! He was locked up by the Marines for a reason!" Koby screams.

"Something you need to learn about this world Koby, just because the Marines preach about Justice doesn't mean they actually fight for it. The Marines are one of the most corrupt organizations in this world, if someone was locked by them there is a good chance it was not for the right cause.

"W-what? That can't be true...can it?" Koby says downcast.

I pat his head. "This world is far more complex than: Marines are good and Pirates are evil. If you don't see this soon, you will never be a good marine.

Koby looks at the sky, thinking about what I just said.

"Well, you have enough time to think once you join the Marines, because we just arrived.

Luffy and Koby look up at our destiny:

Shells Town. 

Servant Profile

Schweinorg D. Clair

Class: Foreigner

Rarity: 2 Stars


Strength: E

Endurance: E+

Agility: D+

Mana: B

Luck: E

Noble Phantasm: C+


Existence Outside the Domain EX

Human Observation C

Independent Action EX

Presence Concealment A

Magecraft E+

Rune Magic D

Jewel Magecraft E+

Reinforcement C

Clairvoyance C+

Monkey D. Luffy

Class: Berserker

Rarity: 1 Star


Strength: E+++

Endurance: A+ 

Agility: D++

Mana: E

Luck: EX

Noble Phantasm: ???


Madness Enhancement EX

Battle Continuation A

Charisma(Dream) EX

Drums of Liberation EX (Locked)

Human Observation (Heart) B



Rarity: 0 Stars

Strength: -

Endurance: -

Agility: -

Mana: ?

Luck: E-

Noble Phantasm: -


Riding D

Iron-Willed Faith C+

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. I had some troubles this weak, so I decided to make it shorter in order to not tire myself up.

As you can see this chapter was just a basic introduction to the East Blue arc, so I didn't do much with it, but from next chapter onward I will star diverging quite a lot from canon.

Oh, I also have some question for you guys.

To One Piece fans: Which characters would be interesting to join the Strawhats? I have some ideas for the future as I wish the crew to be a tad bigger.

Also, what is your opinion of Uta? She actually works really well in this fic, but I want to hear your opinions first.

To Fate fans: If a servant were to appear, which one you think it would work best?(Oh, if a servant is too powerful the summoning would be incomplete in order to allow them to 'evolve' alongside the Crew.)

Also, if you could choose a servant to train each straw hat, which would be?

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