The Light That Follows Darkness

Chapter 44: The Art of Chi: Skeletal Infusion

After feeling the chi whirlwind stabilize and transform into a powerful stream, I was filled with excitement. The realization that I had accomplished such a significant task on my very first attempt was beyond belief.

However, I knew that this was just the beginning, and the true test lay ahead. As Eve had explained, it was not enough to merely control and balance the inner power of chi; I needed to utilize it and spread it throughout my entire being. This meant channeling the energy through every part of my body, from the bones to the muscles, vessels, internal organs, skin, and even the organs responsible for my senses.

With closed eyes, I focused my concentration on the flowing stream of chi within me. Its warmth and power enveloped me, its gentle and steady flow captivating my senses. I endeavored to direct the chi with my intention, commanding it to follow my every command. In my mind's eye, I visualized the energy moving from my core to my bones, permeating every part of my skeletal structure with its vibrant and invigorating essence.

However, manipulating the chi proved to be far from simple. It possessed a mind of its own, making it akin to steering a boat with a rope. I had to approach it with smoothness and confidence, persuading it rather than coercing it. It was a delicate dance between my will and the chi's inherent nature.

Embarking on this transformative journey, I focused my attention on my spine, the pillar that supported my entire body. As I directed the chi towards it, I could sense its subtle yet profound presence seeping into every vertebra. It was as if the energy was delicately aligning and fortifying my spine, infusing it with newfound strength and resilience. I could almost feel the vertebrae straightening, aligning themselves in perfect harmony.

Shifting my focus, I directed the chi towards my ribs, the protective cage that cradled my heart. With each breath, I could feel the chi flowing through the intricate network of bones, enveloping and safeguarding my vital organ. It was a comforting sensation as if the energy was wrapping around my ribs, providing a shield of support and stability. I could almost envision the ribs becoming imbued with a radiant glow, fortified by an invisible armor.

Continuing the journey, I turned my attention to my skull, the sacred abode of my mind. As the chi reached this ethereal realm, a profound sense of tranquility washed over me. It was as if the energy was delicately caressing my skull, soothing any lingering thoughts or worries. In its wake, the chi left behind a serene clarity, illuminating my mind with a gentle, inner light. The weight of the world seemed to lift from my shoulders, replaced by a profound sense of calm and enlightenment.

Finally, I extended my focus to my limbs, the very extensions of my will. As the chi cascaded down my arms and legs, I could feel a surge of empowerment coursing through every fiber of my being. It was as if the energy was infusing my limbs with newfound vitality and freedom. I could almost visualize the chi enveloping my arms and legs, ethereal tendrils of light granting them an enhanced sense of strength and liberation. With each passing moment, I felt a deep connection between my intentions and the movements of my limbs, as if the chi had become an inseparable part of my essence.

In this intricate dance between body and energy, I marveled at the profound transformation taking place within me. The chi had become a guiding force, weaving its way through the core of my being, infusing every aspect of my physical and spiritual existence. It was a testament to the immense power that lay dormant within, waiting to be awakened and harnessed.

As I slowly opened my eyes, I was startled to find the twins sitting beside me, their gazes fixed on my every move. Curiosity tinged their expressions, and I couldn't help but wonder what had captured their attention so intensely.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"You've been meditating for two days straight!" Hana exclaimed.

"We tried to wake you up, but Eve said you were undergoing some sort of transformation, and any interruption would disrupt the process. So, we patiently waited," explained the twins.

I gasped in astonishment.

Two days? How did I not feel hunger or thirst? Did my awakening change my metabolism too? However, such thoughts were inconsequential at that moment.

I smiled at the twins and apologized for causing them worry, explaining that I had been engrossed in infusing chi into my bones, a task that took longer than expected.

"I need your assistance with something. I want to test the benefits of this infusion.

“Will you help me?" I asked, seeking their cooperation.

The twins nodded eagerly, and I positioned myself in the center of the room, focusing my attention on the chi coursing through my bones. Taking a deep breath, I channeled the energy, directing it to flow through every inch of my skeletal structure. The room seemed to hum with subtle energy as the chi responded to my command.

As the chi permeated my bones, I felt a surge of power and strength coursing through me. A newfound sense of solidity and stability settled within my frame. I flexed my fingers, feeling heightened dexterity and control. My movements felt fluid and precise as if the chi had granted me an enhanced level of coordination.

I walked over to the iron bunk beds that looked heavy enough to require two people to lift.

I grabbed one of them and lifted it with one hand. It felt like a feather. I couldn’t believe it.

I carried the bunk bed to the other side of the room, where another one was waiting. I lifted that one too, with my other hand. No problem.

I asked the twins to hop on each bed and hold on tight. They did as I said, and I lifted both beds with them on top. It was still easy.

I was amazed by my own strength. How did this happen? I did some quick math in my head. Each bed must weigh about 90 kg, so that’s 180 kg for both. Plus, the twins, who probably weigh around 50 or 55 kg each, that’s another 100 or 110 kg. So, I was lifting about 300 kg in total. That’s insane! I felt like a beast.

A word of advice: never ask a woman about her age or weight. Trust me, it’s not worth it. You’ll end up as her snack.

I put the beds back where they belonged and decided to test how light and flexible my bones had become.

I asked the twins to pick me up and see if they could feel any difference. They came closer and grabbed my arms. They lifted me up effortlessly as if I was a balloon.

We were all stunned. I was not a small guy. I was 1.80 meters tall and 80 kg heavy, but they lifted me like a feather.

It became evident that infusing my bones with chi had significantly reduced their weight. But the question remained: By how much?

I wondered, eager to explore the extent of this newfound power.

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