The Light That Follows Darkness

Chapter 45: Deception and Redemption

With the twins as my eager assistants, I continued to explore the wonders of chi-infused bones. Using whatever materials we could find in our cell; I devised a series of experiments to test the effects of chi on the skeletal structure.

The results were astounding. The bones became lighter and stronger, resilient and flexible. They could withstand incredible amounts of pressure and force, bending but not breaking. The chi also boosted the production of blood cells, enhancing the immune system and oxygen delivery. Eve confirmed this with a thorough scan of my body, using her advanced biometric device.

She was amazed by the changes she saw in me, and so was I.

But I couldn’t afford to be complacent. Time was running out, and I had no idea when Rick would return. He must have learned by now that I had survived his brutal attack. I had asked Ryuji to inform him that I was alive but in a vegetative state. That’s why I had asked him to bring me a wheelchair and bandages, to make my act more believable. I needed to fool Rick until I could get the information and execute my plan.

I hoped that would buy me some time, but I couldn’t be sure.

I looked towards the twins and said:” I want you to help me rebandage myself as before and I also want you to follow my instructions about what to do next.”

The twins nodded enthusiastically while listening carefully to the words I was about to say next.

“I want you to act as villains when Rick comes to this cell. I want you to denounce me in front of him stating that I served my purpose in protecting you and prolonging your life. I also want you to knock me out of my chair in front of him, kick me while I’m down, and tell him that he is free to do what he wants with me since I had already served my purpose.”

I added with a serious look on my face:” If asked from where the wheelchair has been obtained tell him that Ryuji felt sympathetic to my pathetic state and brought it for me so that I won’t be left lying on the ground like a soulless puppet next to Zane’s corpse. If asked for the reason of killing Zane tell him that he tried to sexually violate you and you were furious with him, so you used the shards of a broken plate to stab him in the neck, killing him in the process.”

“I know that this might be difficult for you, however, do what you have to do in front of Rick to make him believe you, even if you have to stab me. And remember this: if Rick tries to take you away for torture or experimentation, throw me at him and say that the deal with the chief is not over until I’m dead and that you don’t have to suffer anything unnecessary.”

The twins shocked at first by my suggestions tried to object, however, I reminded them that I am more powerful than before and that nothing that they would do would affect me.

After a few minutes of back-and-forth talk, the twins finally gave in and decided that my plans were necessary for all of us and that they would act as instructed, even if violent acts toward me were needed.

They trusted me and my judgment, knowing that I had their best interests at heart. They also knew that I was not afraid of pain or injury, as I had endured far worse in this hellish place. They hugged me and thanked me for everything I had done for them, and I felt a surge of affection and gratitude for them. They were like family to me, one of the few people who cared for me in this world.

You might wonder why I would go through all this hassle of acting and deceiving instead of using my newfound powers and killing everyone, making my way out of the facility easily. However, I had several reasons for that.

First, the power that I had awakened was still not stable and usable. I needed more time and practice to master it and use it effectively. It was a rare and mysterious gift, one that I had to learn to control and harness. I had only scratched the surface of its potential, and I wanted to explore it further. I wanted to know what else I could do with it, what other abilities I could unlock, and what other secrets it could reveal.

Second, the organization behind this facility was huge and had branches all over the Japanese settlement. If I acted rashly, they would send reinforcements and put everyone I cared about in danger. They were powerful and ruthless, with connections and resources that spanned across the country. They had spies and informants everywhere, monitoring every move and every word. They had weapons and technology that could rival any military force. They had experiments and projects that could alter the course of history. They were not to be underestimated or provoked.

Third, I made a promise to Ryuji that I would help him destroy this organization from its roots, which meant taking down all of its branches in every settlement if possible. Ryuji was my friend and ally, one of the few who supported me in this hellhole. He was also a victim of this organization, having lost his family and his freedom to them. He had a personal vendetta against them, and he wanted to eliminate their presence from this world. He asked me for help before and now that I am capable of it, I will surely not let him down.

Fourth, I wanted to scout for potential talent or interesting people still in this facility. There might be some hidden gems among the prisoners or the staff that I could recruit or ally with. There might be some who had some special skills or knowledge that could be useful. There might be some who shared my goals or ideals, or who had some information or insight that could help me. There might be some who were simply innocent or kind, who deserved a chance at freedom or happiness. I wanted to find them, help them, or make them join me.

And finally, I wanted to take over this facility and use it as my HQ. I wanted to have as many experimental subjects as possible to perform the awakening experiments on them and discover the formula for it. I wanted to know what triggered the awakening of powers in humans, what factors influenced their nature and strength, and what methods enhanced or suppressed them. I wanted to create an army of superhumans under my command, loyal and powerful warriors who would follow me to the ends of the earth. I wanted to use this facility as a base of operations, a source of resources, and a symbol of my authority.

That’s why I was deceiving Rick and the chief, pretending to be a helpless victim. But soon, the tables would turn, and they would regret ever messing with me. I had a plan, and I was ready to execute it when the time came. Until then, I would keep gathering information, resources, and allies. And when the moment arrived, I would unleash my full power and take over this place. That was my goal for now, and nothing would stop me from achieving it.

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