The Heroes’ Reincarnation

Chapter 513: Unfriendly Introductions

As the door slid open a man in a white coat stepped in, "Oh! You're awake. That's excellent news. I was worried the damage to your nervous system would've kept you in a coma. You're quite tenacious."

Rue commented, "You have no idea."

Akiol tossed her a warning glance before asking, "How bad is it?"

"Master Terwin desired to speak to you first about the situation. He'll inform you of the situation. As for your visitor. . . she hasn't left your side."

"I've been told. Where is Terwin now?"

"I'll inform him right away."

"Ah, could you tell him to bring a VR headset?"


"There's something I have to handle. . . make it two actually."

"I will relay the message."

The doctor swiftly left the room to fulfill his new task of being a messenger. Rue watched the door close before asking, "Headset?"

"The illusion I spoke of. Perhaps you should try it."

"Am I to assist with your search for this Horizon's Origin?"

"A little. More importantly it'll be a nice change from the unfamiliarity of this world. You'll realize it's incredibly similar to our home world."

"Not even a week of teaming up with you and you're already ordering me around. Is this how the others feel?"

"Only in serious situations."

"So you say. What exactly am I to do in this illusion?"

"Nearly whatever you please. If you try to start a war I'll be the first one to stop you."

"You? Alone?"

"You'd be surprised."

"Then I can give it a shot."

Shortly later Terwin entered the room, "Akiol."

"Am I in trouble?"

Waving a hand Terwin motioned for two people to walk in. Placing two boxes of VR headsets next to his bed he waited for them to leave before speaking, "Not particularly. It seems Hank is personally requesting something of you however. Something I wish to know as well."

"That is?"

"Horizon's Origin."

"You're asking the wrong person. The information I know is pitifully little."

"Regardless you know what we don't. That name wasn't something that wasn't even under our radar until she mentioned it.", Terwin gestured towards Rue who's expression brightened.

"Hank asked for it personally?"

"Ever since the raid he requested a paid leave and has dropped off the grid. Only maintaining contact with Corolla and I. Whatever this Horizon's Origin is it managed to anger him to this point. He refused to mention anything to us, therefor I want to hear it from you."

This was too risky for Akiol. The information he knew was tied a lot to his identity and connections with otherworldly figures and powers. Not that he knew much to begin with. Additionally he hadn't mentioned this issue to the party, could he trust Terwin and his company with this information?

Considering his options for moment, Akiol decided on telling a snippet of information. Unwilling to let anything else be known until he was confident in handling anything that could come from the news spreading.

With a casual tone he said, "They somehow have ties to A World's Legacy, and the development of the headset itself. They've made a threat against me before, so I was investigating them. Their connection with the raid, the suits, and Rue is all things I am unsure about."

Terwin's expression darkened, "I see. We'll leave this topic alone for now. I was given a report on your body's condition and I feel the need to inform you of the severity of it. Do you want her here to listen?"

"It matters not to me."

"In that case. . . I regret to inform you that your body is being destroyed on a finer level. Like it's being torn apart by the cells. All of our tests confirm this, and we're unsure of the reason why. I believe you might have the slightest clue, due to that mysterious strength of yours, but if this continues. . ."

Terwin stared into Akiol's eyes, "You won't have much longer to live."

. . .

Rue sat silently for the past few hours. Terwin spoke a few more words before leaving, allowing Akiol to digest the information. Having heard it herself Rue's expression turned unreadable and she no longer bothered to listen.

She didn't understand why Akiol seemed to remain unbothered by the news. As the words left Terwin's mouth there wasn't a flinch from Akiol. Eternally unmoved by bad news. Was this a result from being in so many life and death situations? Eventually coming to the point where he stopped caring?

Regardless she had a single thought about the whole situation: How boring.

Once Akiol's thoughts had been processed he didn't even talk about it, "Right, there's some things I need to teach you before you try the game."

"The secrets of illusions?"

"Not as dramatic."

Akiol proceeded to help Rue create a forum account and provided a simple explanation on how it worked. Gifted with the almost instant method of communication, Rue's mind swirled with ideas. Although her plans were cut short by another word from Akiol, "Don't say anything extreme, these can be monitored."

"A great tool at a cost."

Sitting down Rue crossed her arms, "So what am I to do when I enter this illusion?"

"Get stronger. You'll have the strength of an ordinary human being at the start, through various means you can increase your strength. Only at a certain point will you be able to assist with anything I do."

"You make it seem like my assistance is guaranteed."

Rue picked up the headset and examined it, "A helmet that provides an illusion? Interesting as a concept, those who wear it willingly submit to it. . . how amusing."

"There are some matters I have to attend in this illusion, please give it a try. I recommend you find a place comfortable for this."

"Compared to what I've been subjected to any place is comfortable.", Rue retorted as she put on the headset.

As she logged in Akiol watched before letting out a sigh. Rubbing his palm he fell into a meditative state. Reflecting on Terwin's words he had a few ideas of what was occurring.

This body, James' body, was already dead when he took it. Now that James' soul had vanished there was the possibility that the body was rejecting him. The other possibility was Aura, by constantly using it to push his limits higher he was destroying his cells.

Regardless time was running out. He could no longer afford to take things at a slow pace. He needed to speed up the investigation regarding Horizon's Origin, and the truth behind A World's Legacy.

One step at a time. He already was organizing a launch against the undead. He would start this first, and then figure out the next step afterwards. Sliding the headset onto his head he logged in. This time preparing to meet some potential extra hands.

~ ~ ~

"Welcome to A World's Legacy player! I am the A.I. Bartholomew Vendict. However, you may call me Bart. I shall be guiding you through your character customization and registration." A hearty voice sounded.

Rue watched in interest, "Incredible. The depth and realism is beyond anything I've seen."

A copy of herself appeared. Walking in a circle around it she asked, "Is this me?"

"The current version of you. Any changes you wish to make you can simply imagine, and I will handle the rest."

"Changes?", Rue thought for a second before deciding, "No need."

"It's not recommended to use your actual appearance.", Bart warned.

"I don't care. I wish not to make changes to my appearance."

"Very well. What of your race? Depending on your choice there will be inevitable changes to your appearance."

"The options?"

Several forms of Rue appeared in a line, various changes depending on the race. She inspected them all carefully before she asked, "If I knew a different race that wasn't here, could I change to that?"

"These are the starter options. Changing race would require a fortunate encounter after you create your avatar."

"How boring. I'll stick with the default then."

"Your race selection is human, this this correct?"

"Human. . .", Rue's mind wandered for a moment, "That is correct."

"Excellent!", Bart clapped his hands, "Now how about a class?"

"A class?"

"A class will determine your available skills and weapon usages. Your choice will matter. There are other secret classes you could potentially find, and evolutions for your current options."

"Depending on my choice will it restrict my weapon usage?"

"This would be correct."

"Then I do not wish to have a class."

"While this is possible, it is highly recommended to choose a starting class. Without access to the various Skills they provide, you will struggle to make way in A World's Legacy."

"I disagree. Classes are a restriction. I need not any of the benefits they provide."

Bart seemed to think for several seconds before nodding, "Very well, you choose to have no class. Is this correct?"


"Very well. If you have any questions regarding your experience you may call for me at any time. Would you like to take the tutorial?"

"A tutorial?"

"The tutorial will help you understand how this game operates. A recent addition to prevent players such as yourself from being overwhelmed."

"Not needed.", Rue didn't bother with the hand holding.

"Very well. That is everything needed for your character. I will now send you to a random village, may your journey be blessed with fortune and luck!"

With a whisk of his hand Rue was sent away.

Her surroundings turned to a run down village. Houses broken, rubble reckless placed across the muddy roads. Smoke lingered in the air and an uncomfortable warmth clung to her skin. Before she could turn around, someone bumped into her.

"It's them! They're terrorizing us again!"

Rue turned around, only to be greeted by a flying fireball. Flames slammed into her face and she fell back. The simple attack held more power than a level 1 player could handle, and in just a single shot she was defeated.

After respawning she looked towards the smoke colored sky. A smile creeping upon her face.

"Feels like home."

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