Chapter 512: Cold Blooded Wind
"Hank, your escort is on the way. You have five minutes until it's here."
"Better come armed."
"We're here to get you out alive."
Several weapons pointed towards Hank as heavily armed people moved into formation. A mans voice raised, "Drop your weapons!"
Hank's helmet clicked and a visor covered the last bit of his face. Now fully covered in the suit, he was protected from most harm. His foot dug into the ground as he began to run forward. If it wasn't for the confidence he put into the suit, he would've taken this with extreme caution.
However, this place, the suit, the supposed Horizon's Origin, all of it had driven Hank into a corner. No longer was this simple assassinations. This was something beyond his ability to grasp. Moreover, they went after Corolla. The very person who extended a hand to help as he lingered between life and death. Who hadn't cared for his background, and only his ability. The one person he had sworn to protect until his final breath!
If Akiol wasn't there during that day, when the suit had infiltrated their home, not only would he had been dead. . . but Corolla would've been taken! He dared not imagine what they would've done. He would have failed his sworn duty, to protect the one person who he owed his entire existence to. The genius daughter of the Landwell family, Corolla.
"He's charging us! Fire!"
Gunfire rang out and Hank began to use some sort of footwork. Zipping through various bullets he escaped a concentrated fire, but several rounds still hit him. Some bouncing off the armor, and others hitting the softer spots. Hank felt his body falter from the pain, although none pierced it still felt like the impact was breaking bones. Every step made his body scream in pain, but regardless he endured it in a quiet, cold fury.
Raising his weapons he fired back. His peerless aim taking down several armed individuals with just a couple of shots. Eventually breaking through their line he caused chaos to spread, turning the balance into his favor. Using the vehicles as cover he began to take them out one at a time. Gripping a nearby enemy's weapon he pointed it upwards as his hand grabbed a pistol at his hip. Quick drawing it he fired twice making the enemy drop. Snatching the weapon free from their grip Hank turned it against another person.
Gunshots rang out as another two fell. Someone turned from the corner of the vehicle and lifted the weapon. Only three shots were free before Hank closed the distance. Kicking their knee resulted in a sickening snap as the person hollered. Ripping the gun free Hank fired two shots before moving onto the next target.
More people fell, time and time again. A few of the armored people began to group up and move back. Someone shouting into an earpiece, "He's tearing through us! Yes, it's one person! We need backup now!!"
Rue watched with an amused expression, "Although that suit is a crutch, this level of skill would put many warriors to shame from our world."
She spoke to Akiol, but he was still unconscious. In five minutes Hank had taken down an assaulted army numbering close to a hundred. Almost each second one person would fall. Was this the power of the mock suit? Or rather the work of Hank's absurd skill?
A vehicle's engine roared in the distance. Dust rose as its wheels tore through the dirt and sand. A heavy truck, armored beyond necessity. Its windows were tinted black, and its body had the colors of both black and brown. An armored door slid open and someone gestured for Rue to enter, "Let's go!"
Rue hesitated, it would be too easy to trick someone to entering a vehicle in these situations. Something like this could easily be a trap. In this world she barely knew anything, and the one thing she did know about was currently an unconscious person in her arms. A giant moving block of metal seemed dangerous.
It took Hank to return and command her to move before she actually did anything. An ordering voice came from him, "There's more moving to our location, we have to leave now!"
Entering the vehicle she found a seat and sat down. Still holding onto Akiol she watched as someone undressed Hank's suit. Revealing several black and blue spots, bruises from the bullet impacts. Several medical procedures were performed to heal them. When the moved to Akiol, Rue watched them warily.
Hank sighed, "They're with me. You don't think Akiol would join me if I was an enemy would you?"
"He would."
"Is that so?"
"Look at me."
Hank's eyes narrowed, "True. Who are you? You were fighting just minutes ago. Why is he suddenly trusting you?"
"He's always trusting. Has some sort of sense for honesty. Our history together is troubling, seems it alarmed him to see me in that. . . place."
"Right, you know each other?"
"We're familiar."
Staring into Rue's eyes Hank considered his options. His body continued to ache before he figured making enemies was a bad idea, "Let them treat him. Being unconscious isn't good."
"He always fights until this point. Never manages to stop."
Rue continued to watch the first aid, several objects she was unfamiliar with were being used on Akiol. Her fingers twitched constantly. Hank spotted her wariness and understood, but did not sympathize, "Now, this Horizon's Origin. What are they?"
"I have no idea."
"Don't give me that. You knew of them."
"I only know of them because he told me so. The logo on their back, a simple drawing of a sunset. That's all I know, he called them Horizon's Origin."
"So Akiol knows what exactly these people are?", Hank frowned.
"You'd have to ask him."
"Then what about you?"
"What about me?"
"Your goal here, what's your point of view in all of this."
"That. . .", Rue leaned forward and smiled mysteriously, "Is something I will not tell you."
A gun was pointed at her, "Don't play with me."
Rue stared at it unflinchingly, "Just know the person I'm siding with is him."
Their eyes almost caused sparks. Incapable of trust, and sizing each other up. Then, Hank was the first to relent, "We'll ask him when he's awake."
Watching Hank lean back Rue relaxed a bit, but remained on guard. Having spent most of her time on this planet in a tube of liquid, there was still so much she was unfamiliar with.
Truly, this world was so strange.
. . .
Akiol's expression twitched as he opened his eyes. Raising an arm towards a blinding light he noticed it was bandaged. Moving his muscles he inspected the condition of his body and a sigh escaped from his lips.
"You're up."
"Were you just watching me?"
"I didn't know where else to go."
Sitting on a chair next to his bed Rue smiled. Moving to a seated position Akiol asked, "What happened whilst I was gone?"
"We were attacked by a large group. Hank handled the situation and we escaped through a large metal box."
"A simple explanation."
"I made sure my generals did the same."
"Anything else?"
Placing a finger on her chin Rue seemingly thought for a minute before saying, "I might've mentioned something about Horizon's Origin."
There was an expectant look on Rue's face. However it was quickly shattered when Akiol nodded, "Okay."
"That's it?", Rue spoke with a displeased tone, "Just an okay?"
"Were you hoping this was a troubling matter?"
Crossing her arms Rue denied everything, "No not at all."
"Right. . . help me up."
"I'm against that. It seems our little scuffle was a bit more than harsh on your body."
"I seem to be moving fine."
"Yeah but your organs aren't. I'm to blame for that one."
Akiol recalled the moment he expelled the blackish blood from his body, "How bad is it?"
"A month of rest should get you back on your feet, apparently. Granted you don't go and fight supernatural beings again."
"Your words?"
"The priest named Doctor who tended you."
"Doctor is a position not a name."
Rue quieted down for a moment and frowned. Biting her lower lip she asked, "Do they hold a similar authority?"
"Not on a political scale, but they are given around the same respect."
"I didn't make a mistake by being polite then."
"Are you not polite normally?"
"That would depend who I'm talking to. I just took extra care against the Priest."
"Doctor.", Akiol corrected.
"Yes, Doctor. . ."
As Rue seemed to dedicate the knowledge to memory Akiol changed topics, "How long was I out?"
"Just a day."
Relaxing his body Akiol felt a bit of relief, "Good I still have time."
"For what?"
"I have to launch a fight against the undead."
"Undead? They exist here?"
"Not quite, it's a game. . .", Akiol paused for a moment to find the words to properly explain, "An interactive illusion. Very much like being transported to another world."
"How intriguing. Why is this illusion of importance?"
"It's the only tie I have to Horizon's Origin."
"And the undead?"
"That I cannot properly explain without a significant amount of time."
Rue watched Akiol before shrugging away. Instead her attention turned towards the door, for someone had just started to enter the room.