The Heroes’ Reincarnation

Chapter 514: Demonic Tendencies

"It's the Rave guild! Run!!"

Rue felt a gentle gust of wind brush against her as several players sprinted away. Chaos enveloped the village. There wasn't any remaining NPCs.

Moving her eyes to the right Rue spotted someone aiming an arrow. A bow bending in their hands. The tip of the projectile aimed directly at her.


The arrow set loose, zipping through the air. With an uninterested gaze Rue stepped to the side and it flew past harmlessly. Striking only a wooden support beam of a long destroyed building. Wood splintered onto the floor.

Rue was someone who had pushed the party to their limits in their previous world. Moreover she did this alone. Compared to battles like that, dodging an arrow was easier than breathing.

The archer frowned and pulled back another arrow. This time when it shot forward the arrow flickered and split into three. Forming a triangle shape the arrows covered a larger area and became more troublesome to dodge.

Having the stats of a mere level 1, Rue lacked the speed to dodge all three arrows. One embedded themselves into her thigh, and to her surprise she fell dead.

Upon respawning she frowned. The wound received wasn't lethal, yet regardless she experienced 'death'. This must be one of the particular features of the illusion, she had thought. Akiol had mentioned there was some quirks about it.

Closing her eyes she summoned forth Demonic energy. Gray sparks hovered around her hands but failed to manifest into the deadly lightning-like form.

"Starting anew once again. No matter."

Walking onto the muddy roads she spotted a glint in the corner. A quick investigation revealed a basic iron sword.

[Standard Iron Sword]

A standard sword made of iron, forged by an amateur blacksmith.


- +5 Damage


- Warrior or Sword Wielding Class


Rue attempted to swing the blade, but an unknown force stopped her the moment strength entered her muscles.

Gray energy sparked as Rue frowned. Putting more strength she swung again. A fruitless attempt for the same message appeared.

More energy sparking Rue swung a third time. This time something happened.

[Master of Arms (Passive)]

You are able to master any weapon you grab ahold of.


- Ignores Level requirements on any weapon

- Ignores Stat requirements on any weapon

- Ignores Class requirements on any weapon

- Gain proficiency with weapon types

- Increased affinity with sentient weapons


- {Blade Proficiency (0%): Provides various benefits when wielding bladed weapons.

Current Bonuses:

— None}

- {Blunt Proficiency (0%): Provides various benefits when wielding blunt weapons.

Current Bonuses:

— None}

- {Pierce Proficiency (0%): Provides various benefits when wielding piercing weapons.

Current Bonuses:

— None}


"So it's able to understand this as well.", Rue commented while reading the provided description.

Even in the history of the previous world, Rue was among the top of strength when regarding Demon Lords. The evil Gods had invested greatly in her capabilities to succeed.

With her incredible Demonic energy, her eyes capable of peering beyond the surface, an ability to wield any weapon and master it. All gifted to her, all made her the Demon Lord.

With these abilities anyone who faced her would need a miracle to win.

Rue swung the sword about a few more times before frowning, "Never liked the sword."

Several players spilled out of the alleys, "A teleport scroll! Anyone!"

Turning to face the players she lowered the sword. Watching silently as they were shot down through arrows and spells. One player managed to stumble a bit further and fell at her feet. Crouching down she placed a hand on their head. Gray energy crackled and swarmed up to her arm. Her eyelids lowered as she felt the energy course through her arm, "And this too."

Standing back up she walked to another player and did the same, "Though it is needed."

By the third player more Rave Guild members entered the road. Spotting Rue several raised bows and fired. Arrows of various types soared through the air towards her. Raising the sword carefully she willed for Demonic energy, this time faint arcs crackled along her sword. Swinging downwards with a simple move she cleaved through several arrows at once, leaving herself unharmed from the volley.

Several archers stood back, "Oh shit! She's good! Someone call Randy!"

"What about me?", a heavily armored player stomped forward, his voice rumbled with an artificial deepness.

Pointing at Rue the players began to speak over each other, but the message was clear: she's good, kill her for us. Having heard all of this Rue simply tilted her head, the sword pointed towards the ground.

Pulling a large Glaive out of his inventory Randy gave it a twirl, "So what are you? Returning player? Got wiped by someone?"

Rue found that despite her understanding of languages, she couldn't grasp what Randy was trying to say. Instead she lifted the sword into a basic stance and gray energy began to spark. A mischievous smile spread across Randy's face as he also entered a stance.

Stomping forward the earth rose up in spikes, like a wave growing in size. Rue jumped into the air to avoid it and immediately noticed arrows flying towards her. Deflecting a single projectile before she began to fall she turned her attention towards Randy. The players were average, perhaps even below. Unable to hit a moving target only a lucky shot was a threat, and that was handled easily.

Dashing towards where Rue was falling Randy began to swing, his weapon glowing with a white basic light. Curving it upwards he already was picturing the high damage his weapon was about to deal. Rue's sword curved down and gently touched the flat end of the glaive, as if performing without effort she pushed against the glaive to rotate back towards the ground. Similarly to how a hand of a clock rotated.

Sliding against the ruined soil Rue's demonic energy seemed to leap towards Randy. Tendrils acting like vicious animals, lacking the agape jaws. Sword flickering she scored a clean cut against the armor, a surprisingly thick gap appearing as a result. Randy lacked the reflexes and only noticed his HP falling. Looking down Rue was able to spot the apparent surprised look in his eyes. Without hesitation she took advantage of it and the sword dashed forward like a striking viper. Piercing through the gaps in Randy's helmet she scored a critical hit.

Various damage markers appeared from these strikes, which Rue found distracting. Immediately she pulled her sword free and dashed back, a rain of arrows landing where she just was. Watching as several bows pulled back and aimed at her, Rue suddenly broke out into laughter. 


The lovely laugh made several players halt their movements, hesitating to fire suddenly. As the laughter faded Rue smiled brightly, "Akiol. . . this is truly a wonderful thing you've shown me!"

Gray energy arced and slammed against the dirt, dust rising as Rue shot forward with speed a level 1 should be incapable of. Randy took a step back from surprise and attempted to swing downwards, but Rue easily dodged such a choreographed move. Her free hand opened and formed a claw shape as she slammed it against Randy.

He stumbled back in recoil and swung haphazardly. Rolling underneath the broad swing Rue scored a hit against Randy's calf. Leaping up she dodged a few arrows and another swing before slicing Randy's neck. Using her hand she pushed against his shoulder to move in the air, flipping a few times before landing.

"These people don't die easily, how wonderful!", Rue's gleeful and beautiful laughter rang out, which was slowly becoming more terrifying to the other players.

Randy spun his glaive and sliced through the air, the wind formed a crescent shape and spiraled towards Rue. Dodging it easily she dashed forward like a wild animal. Randy's attacks quickly grew more panicked as he swung wildly. Each time Rue dashed by easily, and another attack scored across his body. Roaring with anger he questioned, "Who are you?! You shouldn't be able to compete against a First Stage like me!!"

Gray energy sparked at its peak as Rue swung downwards, cleaving Randy into two. His glaive fell to the ground before the two parts of his body did. The ranged players began to walk back in fear, "Holy shit. . . she took down a First Stage! How is that possible!?"

Rue crouched down and placed a palm on one of the body halves. Gray energy crackled and raced up her arm and she sucked in a cold breath, "This. . ."

Eyeing the glaive she picked it up, her luck clearly proving to be worthwhile to have Randy drop this on his first death. Spinning it about in her hand she smiled, this was more her kind of weapon.

Tossing the sword aside she walked forward holding the glaive. Each step crackled with gray energy which had found new vigor. The power she gained from Randy was something incredible. Although a mere fraction of what she was capable of in her previous world, the jump was still noticeable. If just one person was capable of giving her this much power, what would absorbing the others do?

Curiosity burned just as bright as her thirst for battle as she charged towards the ranged players.

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