Space Core

Chapter 9: The Endless Hallway.

I was currently thinking back on Lethe's reaction to the room I had created, and honestly, I'm really creeped out. The way she had just become mindless... I doubt she even realized just how lost she was. I wasn't even able to talk to her, it was as if she was in her own world. When she fell asleep, it had been what I assume to be around twelve hours. I really am thankful to her laziness as it got her to sleep relatively quickly. I'm pretty sure that if she could've, she would've spent eternity in there, walking without purpose.

I shook the thought out of my head, no use in worrying too much now. At least, her endless walk gave me a good idea for my next 'room'. I wanted to make a hallway, a very long hallway. Not like the one I had made when first messing with space, but one that would still involve multiple days of walking. If I could, I'd make it an entire week or two.

What I had come to find by observing Lethe's weird reaction to my room, was that even though I didn't have monsters or something like that yet. I already had what I needed. A monster doesn't need to be physical or actually exist to cause harm, the mind of a person could be just as good of a monster as any. The self doubt and intrusive thoughts that one can have is actually really bad to a beings mental health, off course a few intrusive thoughts a day is normal. But if you're all alone with them and nothing else... well good luck.

What I was making is something that no one could simply go through easily. I would make a corridor that took weeks to get through, it would take a bottomless supply of determination or spite to get through it. Obviously though, the end of the corridor will just bring them back to the beginning of it, just to make them die that little bit more inside.

Creating a long corridor wasn't that hard and was really cheap, it wasn't like the nearly infinite one I had made, this one had a finite limit and size. I then connected a portal at the end back to the beginning, I was really fortunate for the way I had made the entrance to this 'room'. I could just drop them inside the hallway and it would make 'sense'.

Though I also made sure that the entire corridor had a slight curvature, just to make it impossible to those with magic to somehow see themselves with some sort of spell that I didn't know. 

To make the entire thing even more unnerving and lonely, I made the entire hallway out of the same white stone I had found before. This time I made it so smooth that if it wasn't rock, you would slip and slide. Then, I added stuff that I knew would make little sense. Cracks in the wall that would show the back of ones own head, holes in the ground that would make you fall for hours before falling out back at the beginning of the corridor.

The worst thing I added was the pillars. The pillars are always in the middle of the hallway, I also made them out of thousands of different spaces showing different white stones. The whole thing would essentially be unbreakable due to being made out of so many different objects and only being able to touch a small part of them at any time.

Those pillars would also be a nightmare for anyone who'd find them, at both sides of the pillar one would see an endless black abyss. You had to pick one to continue. If you chose the correct one, you would fall for a few minutes and then appear on the other side. If you chose wrong though... well, I bet falling for about two days wasn't really the best for someone. I also made sure that anyone who chose wrong would be sent back to the beginning and wouldn't die on arrival from the speed they would be going at.

My final touch was the sound, or in more appropriate terms, the lack of sound. Using a clever use of space magic, I was able to make it so that any sound that occurred would be sent elsewhere(the two days long fall pit.).

The result of the room was a soup of mental breakdown served fresh from the pot. The long walk to the end would constantly make one wonder if they actually had made any progress at all, the pillars would fill them with dread and doubt. The worse was the lack of sound, the idea taken from a torture method called 'White torture', it consist entirely of getting rid of ones sense. My whole dungeon is white, the corridor wont have any sounds, and the only food they'll have packed is probably gonna be rations which would taste really bland.

Though I couldn't help but feel like I was forgetting something... The light! I've been forgetting to make everything lit up since I myself know everything that's everywhere in my dungeon!

How would I put in light though? I can't really will it into existence... but what if I could? I focused as hard as I could on every surface of my dungeon, and tried to use my [Material Creation] skill to add a layer of light on top. To say it was hard... was an understatement. I was trying to create a sort of light source that would never stop and would be as bright as I wanted it to be! Though in the end it did work, that was nice.

Now with my entire dungeon missing its shadows, everything in there looked plain unnerving. All that I had left to do was make a way to get to the next room that I would make. What I did was pretty simple. I made it so that at the last of the pillars, if you ran at full force towards it, you would get through. To do that effect it was really easy, all I had to do was make a portal on the pillar and make the white stone that would look like any other pillar really fragile. s fragile in fact that you wouldn't be hurt at all if you went through running. though I still made it strong enough to not shatter that some simply leaning onto it.

The Endless Hallway was completed.

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