Space Core

Chapter 10: Walking the corridor.

POV: Lethe

I woke up around an hour ago, and I was being torn in two in my mind. That last encounter with that room that Lor made... it did something to me. I now had the constant urge to return there, I knew why I had it... it wasn't the best of reasons. The fact was, that that room gave me an almost unconceivable sense of peace and calm. It was something that I desperately needed, the destruction of my own dungeon had still not left my mind. I found myself thinking back to my dungeon a lot, and it hurt to think about it. That room probably didn't have any kind of compulsion magic to it, but since it had something that I desperately missed these last few days, it became incredibly alluring. The only thing keeping me from going to it was that fact that I knew it wasn't healthy, being obsessed with such a thing was the worst I could do.

And then I waited. I knew that it probably wouldn't be long until Lor finished working on his next room, and so I waited so that I could see what he had made.

Some time later, I heard the voice of Lor in my head. "Hey! I just finished making the second room! Do you want to go and see it? By the way... could I get your permission to take you out of it, if you have the same reaction as last time. Don't want to see you walk around without purpose for twelve hours again."

My mind screeched to a halt at what Lor had said. TWELVE HOURS? This was worse than I had thought, it was scary to think I had stopped thinking or whatever for an entire half of a day!

I put on my best smile, and responded. "Of course I want to see what you made!" The in a smaller voice, "And yes, you can take me out if I begin... to stop thinking."

A moment of silence passed between us before he spoke once more, "Okay! Though as a warning there is no possibility of sound in the room where I'm taking you, but I'll still be able to hear you."

Before I could spend much time pondering on what Lor had said, space around me warped and shifted just like it had the last time he had transported me.

The 'room' I had found myself in was... creepy to say the least. It was a giant hallway with no end in sight, the entire thing felt unnatural, even more so than what one would find in a normal dungeon. Without having much of A choice, I chose a direction to walk in and started walking.

As soon as I took my first step, I noticed something wrong. There was no sound, it was completely silent. Even though Lor had told me that sound wouldn't happen in this room, I was taken off guard. As a sort of 'ghost' that was now staying to help this dungeon, any sound that I made could only be heard by dungeon related creatures, but even then I should make sound!

I also noticed something else, there was no shadows. It felt as if someone had blinded me due to the absence of the comforting darkness.

I continued walking.

At one point, I came across a pillar with walls of darkness at its sides. Lor's voice appeared in my head once more to chose the right side of the pillar, he didn't tell me what would've happened if I chose the left.

As I continued to walk, the lack of sound slowly started to fill up with nonsense, my mind was playing tricks on me. Voices that I swore were just behind me, or the feeling of a hand brushing my arm. I was shivering in fright, my own mind was making me hear things that weren't there and I saw what didn't exist.

I turned around more and more, just to make sure nothing was following me. I had actually lost in which direction I was supposed to be walking toward.

It was some time later that I heard Lor's voice once more, though he was muttering something. "I need to get her out of there, she obviously isn't feeling good. Why did I make this entire thing based off of a torture method?!"

Suddenly, the air around me shifted. I was back in the core room, feeling incredibly better now that I could hear again.

"Hey... are you okay? I'm sorry I should've gotten you out of there sooner, you obviously did not enjoy that!" He sounded nervous and angry at the same time.

"Don't worry, I'm okay!" I didn't want him to feel bad at how I was affected, "And if it managed to frighten me a bit, doesn't it mean that you succeeded in making that room?"

Now sounding way more reluctant, Lor talked once more. "I guess..."

I walked over to the pedestal holding up Lor's core, and laid down on the ground next to it. I didn't notice how the ground where I was seemingly turned springy and soft, falling asleep too quickly.

POV: Lor

As I looked down at Lethe, I promised myself to never again ask her if she wanted to test out one of my rooms. Clearly she couldn't stop herself from saying yes and the effect it had on her were simply terrifying. I felt guilt most of all, I had just put her through a terrible experience and was too ignorant of how she felt to stop it earlier on!

Problem was, I needed to do something for her to do. I'm pretty sure her only form of entertainment was going through what I had made, no matter how bad it was for her. I would've to think of something...


Hey guys! Sorry if the story took a bit of a dark turn there, but don't worry, Lethe will not be put into harms way any longer (for now at least, I don't know what my mind might come up with later...) And if you have any ideas for some sort of activity for Lethe to do, don't hesitate to send it in!

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