Space Core

Chapter 8: An honest reaction.


It's been around thirty minutes since I woke up, and to be honest, I'm bored. Before I got... killed, I always had something to do. It could be anything, checking in on a few monsters that I liked, or working on a new floor of my dungeon. Though I can't say I can really blame the dungeon I had been given as a sort of apprentice, he(I think this dungeon is a guy...) had just started creating his dungeon! The only problems that I really had were minor, apart from one.

The guy clearly doesn't know what the church is capable of, I've seen and heard of what they did. In my opinion, the church were more of a monster than any of the ones I had made. They didn't give any mercy, I'm pretty sure they'd prefer to have their targets die slowly in suffering.

I shook my head and suppressed a shudder, I should stop worrying about that. In fact I probably should ask my host for his name, it was kind of rude not to ask...

I looked toward his core, and asked for his attention. A few seconds later, a voice popped up in my head.

'Hey! You're awake, finally! I have something to show you you'll love it! It's gonna be the first room of the dungeon!'

wait, already? Oh no... how long did I sleep?! "Nice! I wanted to ask you something by the way, what's your name? I forgot to ask and it's a bit rude not to address you by your name."

The slight disturbance of mana in the air that represented his vision stilled a bit, indicating that he was most likely pondering something.

'Hmm, I guess you can call me Lor'

The name was interestion, 'Lor', I felt that there was more to the name than I really knew.

"You said you made the first room? Can I see it?" I asked.

'Of course you can! Hold on I'm bringing you there!'

All of a sudden, the air and ground around me... shifted, It moved in ways it shouldn't and rotated in directions that didn't even exist. Then, everything was back to normal, except for the fact that I was in a completely different room.

It was made entirely of a smooth white stone and was quite dark, perhaps he didn't realize that he could create light sources. It didn't really matter all that much that there was no light in the room, as her status as the Lor's helper allowed her perfect vision in darkness.

What I saw inside the room though... it made my mind do a backflip and then some. The entire room looked straight out of a dream, there was no proper direction or goal from what I could see. The entire room was giant and filled with stairs going in all directions. There were archways that lead to other parts of the room and were completely disconnected from one another.

How did he make all this in so short of a time... or did I sleep that much? Despite all of the weird design choices of the room, it looked beautiful. The white color of the stone made the entire thing look like a blank canvas, waiting to be filled in with colors.

I started walking through the room, all the while hearing Lor happily humming a tune that I had no chance of knowing. I walked a pretty much everywhere I could and asked him how to get to the end of the room.

'Oh, you need to start by walking onto that wall.'

I blinked. Once, twice, thrice. He wanted me, to simply walk on a wall. What the hell was he talking about? 

I approached on of the walls, then, I put myself on my back and slid my way onto the wall. At one point during my sliding, gravity had somehow changed direction, making it possible for me to walk and jump on the wall as if it was the floor.

It was mesmerizing to see my sense of direction do a complete flip. I knew myself that I was walking on the wall, but to my brain I was just walking around on the ground like normal. I continued walking around the room after this, occasionally switching in direction of gravity(pretty sure I was on the roof at one point). The entire room was... peaceful. It felt like a perfect dream, one where no one could harm me.

I don't know when I fell asleep, but when I woke up again I was back in the core room. Though my head just kept telling me to go back to that room, the one where I utterly lost myself to a waking dream. I knew that I would give in at one point, but for the moment I held the urge at bay.

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