
Chapter 2

Please don't get confused it's a different POV. I will be alternating between the two in the future and I think that change is obvious enough.

I stand before a mirror looking at my avatar's reflection and burning it into my memory. It is most likely the last time since the game is going to end since servers are shutting down today.

I spent so many hours on this game. The character I play took a lot of thinking and time to design, even tho she looks kinda basic. Silver long and straight hair with bright green eyes. As a fan of a certain anime series she wears a shihakushō, but more ornamental with some blue patterns here and there sewn on it. Now that I think about it is the character an it, she or me? Whatever. After a few more I stopped taking them to save as a memorial. Ah. I will miss this.

No! I need to stop being dramatic after it ends, I will most likely find another game to play and this one will become just good memories.

Currently, I am inside a Japanese-style manor that I use as my house. You might ask why not a palace or something, but there is no logical reason for it. Most of the time I stay away from raids, PVP or other activities. I never really understood the guys who did that and stayed in their bases all the time.

Although I did recreate a whole soul society and tweaked it a little for myself just because.

I am a hypocrite, aren't I?

Who cares.

I started walking around the manor towards the exit through empty spaces. They are full of items and furniture but void of people. I never really joined any guild.

I tried once to join one but they didn't accept me because I couldn't prove that I am a working member of society. We still were going for raids or hunting for idiotic players together.

I mean how would I even explain that I am a hitman working for a corporation? Someone knows too much? I got ya. Do you want to lower the value of stocks by eliminating someone important? Sure. You want to kill just because? No problem. As long as you have money it's free real state unless it's someone I know of course.

Thanks to that I was able to build this whole thing. Earning a lot of money allows you to buy many things from the cash shop and even allows a single person to do what a whole guild would have to grind for years.

While passing by a weapon display with a lone katana on it I grabbed the said sword and attached it to my waist.

My house is located on an isolated hill inside sereitei with a beautiful view over more important parts of it.

I sat down and summoned my status while admiring the view.

To sum it up my character was neutral in alignment while most of my levels were centered around close combat classes and some spells to support that here and there. As for racial levels it was: spirit, greater spirit, wraith and kami. Yeah, I made myself into a goddess judge me.

So after a while, the time has come for it all to end. I started counting and looking at the clock in my vision until... the whole hud disappeared and I felt weird. I started feeling the grass, the wind, the energies around me and could feel the location of many being around me even if don't see them.

"What the hell happened?"

I said out loud noticing that my voice changed. I immediately tried to open the menu to exit the game or contact the GM to ask what happened, but I couldn't. Yet I am not panicking considering it is just some error that will pass. In truth devices used to connect to the game world had safety measures that should just turn the whole thing off after some time.

But then something happened that made my mind blank. A hell butterfly flew to me and landed on my shoulder. It by some mysterious means conveyed a message for me from central 46.

How? Why NPC I created are asking me questions? Shouldn't they be just characters that do actions according to some specified commands?

Ok. Let's just act as if this is normal and I was isekaied into a game. To be frank it wouldn't be too bad tho. I might be a hired killer, but that doesn't mean that I enjoy it and well who wouldn't want to be immortal?

The question was them asking what to do. It appears that the realms shifted and are no longer the same. I found it commendable since it is not easy to notice because soul society is in a separate dimension. It was a boss arena once before I conquered it.

Central 46 was made by me so that they take care of ordinary things that happen and if something unforeseen comes then they ask me. I don't want to do all the work by myself. I mentally thanked my past self for spending thousands of dollars on descriptions of NPCs, buildings and more.

"I will be taking the reins personally and you are to maintain everyday matters as before."

I watched as a butterfly took off and disappeared.

So if theoretically all the lore and descriptions are real now do I have to be cautious about something? All the NPCs were made loyal so no real danger from them. I am only wondering if the descriptions will affect the world and its workings like souls appearing here.

Then I got a sudden thought. My eyes widened and I looked at my sword in slight fear.

"If you are real I hope we will get along. I don't want literal personification of death angry at me."

Souls of the dead will in theory appear in soul society. Even the undead who were finally destroyed get their soul to appear here with one exception. Those killed by my zanpakuto get instantly absorbed and fed directly to it.

Seeing no response from the sword I think that either it got weak and cannot reach me which is logical due to the change and that the descriptions got real only now or I am being ignored. Other than that it's also possible that he or she... it is not around but looking at shinigami running in the distance I think that option has slim chances.

Deciding to go for a hunt after figuring out what happened I tried using shunpo and was pleasantly surprised. It seems that skills work instinctively and when focused I can somehow tell how much mp or should I call it reiryoku and hp I have.

I arrived at the meeting hall, the building was bigger than the ones surrounding it with a big space before the entrance.

I simply appeared with a shunpo right before the doors and two random dudes who were guarding it. They almost soiled their pants after seeing me and opened the door.

While walking inside I saw the same building I made which was being designed to be as close to the original, but slightly bigger. At the time of building, I was unsure if I won't be making more divisions so to get rid of possible future trouble I made it bigger from the get-go.

I walk to the centre of the room completely ignoring the embarrassment I feel from having everyone including the old man here bowing to me. I never got such an attention. At most, it was once a fat man begging me not to shoot him. It didn't work obviously.

Speaking of it seems that most of the captains are here. Even Aizen appeared, good thing I made him loyal instead of how he was in canon. Dodged a bullet there.

The captains are mostly the ones who had their posts at the beginning of the series except for a few replacements. So there is komamura, Aizen, tousen, Yoruichi, urahara and the rest. All of them except two are around levels 60-70. The only two differences are unohana and the old man who are levels 80 and 85 respectively. I am not surprised that Zaraki is not here. He is most likely looking for a fight somewhere.

I made it such because I didn't like how Unohana was revealed to be a badass and died right after that. It wasn't fair for her character in my own opinion.

Anyway back on track.

"Where are the other captains?"

I swear I saw Yamamoto flinch before replying.

"They went with their squads to patrol for any disturbances in soul society."

Oh. Yeah, that makes sense.

"I want at least two captains to scout the area in the mortal world to check what changed. Preferably do not get noticed. Meanwhile, I will check on something else."

I have to meditate to see if there is a connection to my zanpakuto, but before that let's leave and sneakily hear their discussion.

So I left with a shunpo. Unknown to them, I landed still around to overhear their conversation. The first one to speak is fourth fourth-division captain.

"It's been some time since Soul Queen came here. I wonder how much disturbance this will cause."

Ah right. All shinigami outside of captains think that I am in a coma or something. I did that to make this part close to canon, but it seems I blew it off now. Who cares.

"Ay, a non-captain level shinigami would not notice, but the boss lady hides some terrifying amount of spiritual energy. Even scarier is the control one needs to possess to hold it in."

That line said Kyoraku Shunsui, which gained him a glare from a few captains including Unohana which made him stay quiet.

As a hitman, I learned how to hide and stop my breathing to let anyone know I was around. Maybe that's why it became part of a routine for me.

As if to break the tension the old man continued.

"Let's not lose time. Which squads are volunteering willing to go?"

The ones who went on this mission were Aizen Sousuke with his 5th division, Yoruichi with 2nd and the most surprising of all Unohana with 4th. I made her a captain of field medics, but this version is not gonna choose to fight as a last option.

After this the meeting ended and with that, I went to meditate to try communicating with my zanpakuto.

I launched a patreon page. Mostly because I have chapters already written ahead (at this moment around 14). Decided to do that because maybe there will be someone crazy enough to help me out.

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