
Chapter 1

"Where the fuck am I?"

Those were the first words I spoke after opening my eyes. The reason?

Well.. imagine having fun drinking with your best bro at his bachelor party while getting wholly wasted and losing consciousness.

Thinking about it. My friend's soon-to-be wife seemed somewhat antisocial to me. She acted more like she was observing and analysing everybody rather than trying to talk or interact. The good thing about her was that she seemed to care deeply for him. It's not my place to judge. In the end, if they love each other, then who am I to talk shit about it.

Anyway, looking around, I noticed three things. One, I am literally nowhere inside some void shit; there is nothing around me except myself and a dark marble throne on which I sit.

It's a beautifully crafted marble throne, or at least I think it's marble. I'm not an expert. It looks ominous as hell, with those weird horns coming out of it. The dark colour and don't even make me start on the skull carvings on it.

While observing the throne and looking around, I glanced at my hands. They are just bones... Did I become some weird ass lich?! I don't wanna become some chunni edgelord!

I quickly checked myself and noticed that only my hands didn't have flesh on them. The rest of my body seemed normal, as much as I could tell without a mirror.

Concentrating on it, I noticed that there was something on my head and that my field of view was more expansive than it should be.


I have horns and multiple pairs of eyes, don't I?

Somehow, I'm not panicking at all. So, moving on.

I've got the stupidest idea ever. Since the throne I'm sitting on is levitating, how about I stand up and see if I can 'fly' through this empty space or whatever it is?

So, with that in mind, I tightly held an armrest for support in case it didn't work and I 'fell down' or whatever. With a small, shaky step, I stood up and levitated near the throne.

Ok, so that works. Now, let's try to look around.

I try to get into motion by pushing the throne and swimming in different styles, but I need help getting everything to work, and I'm stuck in one place. It's a good thing I'm alone here because it must have looked funny and embarrassing.

I don't know how long it took since there is no sun or clock to measure the time passed. I have enough.

"Just let me fly forward a little, for fuck's sake!"

And then I moved a few meters forward...

"You gotta be kidding me."

So this whole time, the only thing I had to do was literally give a command to move. Let's try some more.

After that, I started floating around until I reached this place's border. It's not infinite. The border is not a barrier or anything physical that can be seen. It simply is. I can feel it there and cannot go beyond that.

At least I made sure there wasn't any immediate danger to me.

With that in mind, I returned, sat on the throne, and contemplated what had happened.

Before I could even think of a theory, something happened. It was so sketchy, overused, and cringe that I consider the author completely insane and lazy.

I've got a system.

true name: ?

name: Tareal Illitris

souls: 0 (0)


Str: 5

Vit: 5

Agl: 5

Int: 5

Wis: 5

It seems simple enough, but why is it written like this?

I thought while looking at the black screen before me, there were symbols written on it that certainly were not letters and were not combining into English words. Yet, still, I can read them easily. I feel that I can speak this language fluently.



Warrior, Mage, Rogue

"Hey, do you have any info on what I am doing here and all?"

I waited for a few minutes but didn't get any response. So it will not tell me, or I will have to do this first.

What to choose. Looking at the general RPG classes, rogue is fast but squishy; mage attacks from a distance with spells, but physically, it is trash. On the other hand, the Warrior is strong and melee-based.

Mage is off because I have no idea if the system will provide me with spells. Without them, this class would be useless, at least for now. Rogue is generally good but, in most cases, situational. I will go with Warrior.

true name: ?

name: Tareal Illitris

souls: 0 (10)

Class: Warrior (1/50)

Str: 7

Vit: 8

Agl: 6

Int: 5

Wis: 5

So I get 2 strength,3 vitality and 1 agility with each level. Seems ok for this class. I understand what each stat does, but it would be good to have this information since I might be wrong.

"Hey, system, you there?"

I didn't get an answer, so I hope it is not a completely unresponsive system and will explain when asked.

"What are the stats responsible for?"

The second try actually worked. It seems that the system only reacts to concrete commands.



This stat affects physical prowess while slightly increasing endurance and defence capabilities. An increase in this stat does not affect the user's physical appearance.


Increases endurance, defence and moderately natural regeneration. The high value of this stat allows users to regenerate lost limbs or naturally cure deadly poisons.


Expands perception, speed of movement and reflexes. It is advised to simultaneously increase Vitality since sudden high-speed movements could harm the user's body without high regeneration and endurance.


Makes spells stronger with more significant effects. It verifies from higher damage, more extensive areas, longer-lasting curses, etc. Other than that, it improves magic power capacity.


Makes user more resistant to magic and causes magic power to regenerate faster.

"Well, it makes sense. How about classes do I get something aside from pure stats?"

Normal classes increase user proficiency in things related to the class.

For example warrior class makes the user able to learn swordsmanship and other related things with each level. The other example could be mage which lets user learn magical energy manipulation. The growth stops after maxing out the class.

There are other rare types of classes, but for the host's convenience, they shall be introduced at a later time when they will be more relevant.

"Alright, I will leave it to you."

OK, so after reaching max level of a class I can choose the next tiered one which most likely has more stats increase than the previous one.

Now another matter that I have a weird feeling about.

"Speaking of, system why do I have souls instead of exp?"

Because the system is absorbing the souls of beings. After getting 'consumed' they get ripped apart into universal sizes so the stronger and bigger the soul is the more the host will get.

Hearing that I got up from the throne and started floating around while mumbling to myself.

"Damn, that's fucked up, but what about the memories and the core of existence on which rest of the components is engraved on. Wait, how the fuck do I even know that?!"

At first, I thought that I am this calm due to reincarnation isekai bullshit, but it seems that's not the case. Have I merged with some other being or what?


Hearing that I just slumped on the throne. What do I even do now? I cannot leave and am completely alone in this emptiness. Will I have to stay here forever?


I sigh once again. Can you please elaborate and explain it?

Answer: It can all be explained by telling what has host became

I sighed, realizing that every answer only led to more questions. At least the system seemed willing to provide some clarity, albeit in its own cryptic way.

"Alright, system, please explain what I've become."

The void around me pulsed slightly as the system responded.

The host is the spirit of a Zanpakuto. You reside within her inner world, currently awaiting the connection to your Shinigami.

The term resonated within me, a faint glimmer of recognition flickering in my mind.

"Zanpakuto? Shinigami? What the fuck!? I'm in bleach?!"

Ok. Calm down. There is nothing that I can do about it. So my wielder is a she and werent zanpakuto something like a soul that was created from the shinigami. If that's the case then how the hell I can be one?

While I was having a mental breakdown the whole realm started shaking. It lasted for a seconds before stopping. What the hell was that?


I looked around to see if the realm changed after the connection and haven't noticed any. What appeared is the instinctual connection i feel, but it feels weak and unresponsive.

Host's wielder resides in a world known to host as anime Overlord.

Fuck this.

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