
Chapter 3

After trying to concentrate and meditating for the first time I can say only that it's not easy. The fact that many unknown things happened or that I was disturbed by a message that the 12th division went into a frenzy and started researching what happened didn't help with concentration.

In the end, I couldn't communicate or enter the inner world, but at least I can certainly say that there is something in there. I felt like a wall with a hole too small for me to enter but it was there that I could tell that behind this wall there was something.

It took me a few hours to do that. There is no way how to determine the exact amount of time that passed since I never made any clocks which I regret honestly.

Originally I wanted to try some more, but when I got a message that they confirmed that senkaimons work as intended and can take you to any place inside mortal realms I stopped and decided to hear what they learned about the situation.

So with that, I went to the meeting hall again since the captains assigned to check it out just returned and were giving their reports about the situation.

"So we concluded that we are in a completely different world."

Those were the words I heard just after entering. Following those was silence along with some welcome for me even tho I told them to not bother.

I wisely decided to just sit through the whole thing to not get any indication that I had no idea myself. It would cause panic even among them if their leader and pillar said that is clueless.

"Did you notice anything?"

Said the captain commander who just continued for details. Hopefully, they got something good.

"There are multiple races of natives, we tried showing ourselves from a safe distance and concluded that all of them seem to be unable to notice us unless we release our reiatsu. We did it especially to not cause harm and only a single individual at the time to not cause panic among them."

Interesting. That would mean they are way weaker than people in the game. I would guess around level 20-30 max. Even if that's true we cannot get overconfident since the true rulers and powerhouses of their races are most likely hidden somewhere and hard to find.

I am completely ignoring disappointed and scowling Zaraki along with barely visible annoyance in Unohana. You don't want to mess with those two.

"Any interaction with the locals?"

The old man asked while looking at Yoruichi. Makes sense as she is leading the division responsible for spying and related all.

"None. We stayed away for safety reasons."

She glanced at me after replying visibly elated not seeing any change in expression.

"Thank you. Please get back to your position."

They went and stood at their corresponding places.

Aizen hadn't said anything at all while looking all smug as always. It gives bad vibes so I addressed it.

"Aizen. You know something else don't you?"

His smirk got into a real smile.

"From how one of the locals reacted to us suddenly appearing before him I have a few theories, but need to confirm them first. I would not want to cause misinformation."

Well. He knows what he is doing.

"Let me know if you figure something out. You can try to interact some more with them, but limit to the bare minimum"

Here he did something that made my mind go blank. Aizen freaking Sousuke whose plans were for you to know about his plans decided to bow before me. Damn, it feels weird on a different level than before.

I signalled with my hand for Yamamoto to continue.

"12th division captain Urahara Kisuke. Any findings after scanning spiritual energy and senkaimon?"

"Ah. Yes, senkaimon is working properly and the energy is in norm albeit weaker on the mortal side than before the 'change'. During those few hours, another thing was confirmed by accident. We no longer need to perform 'soul burial' for the soul to appear in soul society."

This info got everyone's attention. Aizen and the captain commander seemed confused and after a few seconds, their eyes grew.

"You don't mean..."

"When everyone was busy a few locals appeared in rukongai. We found them by coincidence while scanning. Their spiritual pressure has a different imprint and could be easily recognised."

This is probably the most important information provided about it in this meeting.

"Anything about the situation from them?"

I could not stay still at this. I forgot about this aspect. All souls should be arriving here so why not ask them directly?

"Personally decided against bombarding them with questions. They should acclimate to the new environment first. They talked about being knights, and soldiers before meeting something horrible and dying, I really could not get anything more from them. The language barrier doesn't exist like they were taught our language."

Now however Aizen decided to join and interrupt him.

"Or when appearing we were made to understand it perfectly."

Do I seriously need to tell you how afraid I am of him? So a simple yet scary idea with such deep implications. All of them looked at me so time for my ultimate ability... Poker face. Let them think that I know something and am calm.

"Captain Aizen please don't interrupt in the middle."

Said an annoyed geezer. Most likely more angry at the lack of professionalism in my presence rather than overall since he made a good point.

"I would like captain Unohana and Captain Byakuya to accompany me. I will go to the mortal realm."

To go for a hunt I asked for both of them since they would never let me go alone and those two seem to be one of the best to choose from. Zaraki would most likely run after the beasts and enemies himself for a fight and everyone else is needed to take care of the situation. The only one available is Unohana since she is a 'medic' and a poster boy.

"Of course"

The two didn't even wait for the old man to acknowledge since well... I am obviously above him and there is no real demerit to having bodyguards.

Without waiting for the meeting to end we shunpoed and used senkaimon to go to the remote place with many beasts. The reason why even I am doing this since I maxed level in the game, to begin with, is simple. I want to test if the souls of the beings killed will get absorbed by the sword to feed the one inside.

We arrived inside a dense forest away seemingly far from any settlement. I could feel many beings inside and judging from the form of energy and most likely mindless beasts that would pose almost nonexistent amounts of danger to me.

Since we can feel the spiritual energy of the said beasts I didn't need to search to begin with.

After a minute or two of following the correct direction, we arrived at the clearing with what appeared to be a bear-like creature with wings.

It lunged at me with what seemed to me to be slow motion making it super easy for me to just decapitate it without even moving that much to avoid its attack.

At least that's what the captains saw... I hope. What really happened was I swung at it a few times for it to happen. It made me realise that despite everything I don't seem to be a very proficient swordswoman. It's a great problem and I think I know some good teacher. At least I hope that this one is a good teacher willing to help.

When the creature died its soul of a similar shape to the being came out of its body and as if sucked was forcibly taken into the sword with much fanfare. At least one thing is confirmed.

Since it works, I decided to spend some time here to get more souls for it.

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