Chapter 30: Behind Closed Doors
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Just to give you all fair warning that this will be a fairly longer and graphic if somewhat awkward lewd chapter than I normally do so hopefully you don't mind, if you don't feel comfortable than it's okay to skip parts
After the events of the Vale Battle left nearly everyone in a state of recovery for the upcoming Vytal Festival, it hadn't stopped the Headmasters and Glynda with their work as they had Jae called to Ozpin's office to discuss what had happened under Trish's watch. "So Mr. Cielo, I heard you had a very eventful time in Onigarashi's mountains without Trish's go-ahead…Perhaps you'd like to elaborate more on what happened from your side of things." Ozpin asked Jae with a level of both knowing and curiosity since the ones monitoring him only had a part of what went on.
Jae detailed everything he could remember; Dealing with the Alphas that drew in the other Grimm, discovering a hidden tunnel via a mineshaft to Mountain Glenn and even running into Raven when Torchwick drove the train into Vale. "She told me that she wasn't going to make the same kindness if me or Yang get into trouble."
The others were all looking at him with both apprehension and confusion when they heard about her proposition to Jae; "So she just offered you a place in her tribe, no questions asked?" Glynda asked him with a raised eyebrow.
"I told her no, if I want to learn more or get my answers then I will get them myself instead of going off on my own to get it." Jae pointed out; "She wasn't exactly happy about it even when I heard what she was willing to offer me if I accepted."
This definitely raised some eyebrows from the group as Ozpin was now intrigued on why Raven had a fixation on him for any reason other than him being a Demon; "And what exactly was it that she offered you?"
Jae blushed a little when he recalled her offer along with her slight tease of her "assets" in the process. "I got offered a high place in her tribe…Answers to some questions I have and…" He hesitated on the last part because he still wasn't sure that he heard her right or if she was serious; "And telling me that stuff there is more rewarding than being a goody goody." He finished along with omitting the last thing that she offered, letting them mull over what he said and noticed a number of suspicions from them.
"Thank you, Mr. Cielo…I think that's all for now, you have time before you and the others will compete in the Vytal Tournament so take this time to relax or prepare yourself for what might come…Though I do have one word of advice." Ozpin mentioned as he gained a look of seriousness; "If at all possible, avoid mentioning you are a Demon to anyone involved or while you are in the ring."
Glynda quickly picked up and explained further; "Professor Ozpin and I have explained your Semblance to the Vale Council and they have agreed that as long as you demonstrate you can control them effectively, you may use your weapons as you please."
"As for your status as a Demon; it would be best that we keep it between us and your team…The tests we received back are inconclusive so we're still trying our best to determine what it is that you are and telling people in front of an audience will cause one of two things to happen." Ironwood mentioned and then tapped his scroll to Ozpin's desk to show the flickering Aura around the body.
"The first is that for the people to start believing all the myths they heard; Where a Demon shows up so will the Grimm, Demons are unnaturally bloodthirsty and violent…You get the idea." Ironwood explained as he listed these off on his gloved hand; "The second is that if the people who organised the attack with the train and who had been pulling the strings with Roman Torchwick…They may either try to scout you to join them or they might organise a focused effort on eliminating you for good if you pose a threat to their plans."
"James, That's too far even for you!" Glynda yelled in a hushed whisper as Ironwood was in his Mettle induced tangent. "With Atlas's security around, we can ensure everyone can and will remain safe…Not just you." She said to Jae with a soft tone to try reassuring him.
"Go, I'm sure your team will be glad to know they have the free time now." Ozpin mentioned cordially as he decided to dismiss Jae before things could escalate.
It was only after the door shut behind Jae that Glynda rounded on Ozpin; "Saying he's at risk is one thing but saying that he might be assassinated?! Honestly James, do you even know how to talk to a student?"
Ironwood shook his head and sighed; "Ordinarily, tact would have been prudent when discussing this with a normal student…but this ISN'T a normal student, in case you're forgetting." He made sure to point out with Ozpin nodding along; "Mr Cielo has been able to not just handle Hunstman level fighters but he also cleared out an entire mountain full of Grimm that are old enough and smart enough to put seasoned teams into the ground…But that's not what worries me about all of this."
Ozpin raised an eyebrow; "General, surely you can understand that this kind of strength in anyone is a good thing! If SHE is on the move to get the Relics any way she can and if we have someone like Mr Cielo on our side then that is a good enough indication of what he can do considering his progress on what he is."
"The amount of progress isn't what worries me…It's how fast he's doing it that makes me concerned; You see dozens of students in your halls that can improve in increments of the hundreds, the more talented students like Ms Schnee or Ms Nikos are improving by the thousands but consider how Mr Cielo started and where he is now!" Ironwood elaborated as he pressed a button showing off Jae's performance in the Emerald Forest at the start of his school year alongside the latest skirmish in Vale.
"It is quite remarkable how he was able to do all this with an Aura like his…" Glynda mentioned as she looked to Ironwood; "He had the raw skill in the beginning of school and now he is able to be among the top students and the potential to become a great Hunstman when he graduates."
"Glynda…Jae Cielo is improving by the tens of thousands…He is already standing on the same level as a baseline Huntsman and he's only in his second year…But if our enemy is skilled enough of a manipulator to enlist Torchwick…What'll happen if they CAN convince Cielo to join their side?"
——Meanwhile outside of Team JNPR's Dorm——
Weiss was anxiously watching the door like it was about to grow teeth and attack her; Considering that the last time that she was stood there was when she rather awkwardly frenched Jae after their motorcycle ride. "Calm down, Weiss…You can do this! You've fought Grimm! You've stood up to Father and made it to Beacon, so you can certainly bolster yourself to…to…." Weiss mentally wrestled with herself and getting pink in the cheeks as she stammered over herself, her hands shaking with budding nerves and reached forward to knock.
"Hey Weiss…What brings you out here?" Yang asked as she was on her way to the dorm, however something looked a little different about her as she walked.
"YANG!" Weiss yelped when she was taken out of her thoughts with Yang's sudden appearance but then cleared her throat before she said anything too out of place; "I uh…wanted to see Team JNPR and check in on how they were after what happened in Vale." She explained rather stiffly since she felt like if she said anything that she hadn't meticulously rehearsed, she'd end up making a fool of herself.
"Huh, how 'bout that…I was gonna check in on Jae and see how he's healin' up after that Boar hit him." Yang shrugged as she headed over to the door and knocked, however it appeared that no one was in since they'd hear the sound of Nora's stampeding feet at the first knock. "Yo, you guys napping in there?"
"Will you stop it?! They're either asleep or just out…I'll just have to come back later." Weiss sighed as she frowned; "I even wore my best dress too…"
"Best dress? It looks like what you normally wear though." Yang pointed out; From where she was standing, Weiss's "Special Dress" seemed to be identical to her usual wear but it looked a little finer tailored then the others. "Besides, you're just checking in…Why exactly are you getting yourself dolled up for just a social call to their dorm?" She would ask curiously since something about this felt a little off.
"Can't I help it if I want to make a good impression for when I see them?" Weiss snapped as she stomped her foot poutily.
"But you've seen them before, why would y-" Yang was just more confused but it looked like a lightbulb went off as a smug grin stretched across her face; "Oh, I get it now~" She sang playfully as she leaned over Weiss now that she caught on to her game; "You wanna hit on someone in their team, don't you~?"
"H-How dare you?! A-A self respecting Schnee doesn't "Hit on" someone, they court." Weiss sniffed but then realised that she caught herself out; "A-And no I'm not! I just want to…to…."
"So? Which one is it~?" Yang continued to prod at her resolve as she knew that Weiss was folding quickly; "Are you after Pyrrha, perhaps? I know she was always on your top list when Beacon started but I didn't think you had Hot Amazonian as your type~" Yang teased her and flexed her arm to make her own bicep bulge. "Or maybe you like 'em quiet? I know Ren's a talented cook but you might be in over your head on that one…Nora would probably flip you like a pancake if she finds out."
"I-you-just….why?!" Weiss sputtered as she couldn't believe that Yang was this audacious and rather loud about teasing her like this; Though she had to admit that Pyrrha was in her dreams sometimes and it wasn't always to be the ultimate friend dynamic.
"So not them? How about…Nora?"
"Will. you. stop it?!" Weiss snapped as she glared up at the taller Xiao Long girl; "Just because I came here to talk to Jae doesn't mean that I…oh…" She then trailed off as the penny dropped.
"And we have our answer~" Yang smiled as she looked around to make sure they were alone; She was dead set on teasing Weiss into oblivion for this but she wasn't planning on doing it with an audience. Luckily it was just them in the corridor and that meant the two could be honest; "So…You and Jae, huh~?"
Weiss had gone tomato red in the face; Partly because Yang saw right through her but from the embarrassment that the biggest wrench in her plans was herself; "A-Alright fine!" She sighed as she bit the inside of her lip out of nerves but then decided to rip off the bandaid; "I really like him…Not just because he's got the nerve to talk back to me without restraint but the fact that he's so…so….kind and dedicated…I never actually had that many people who treated me so nicely without wanting to get to my father or what my name means…I wanted to be honest with him and messed it up the first time so now I intend on seeing this through to the end!" She would proclaim with more confidence than she had ever thought she could muster before.
"Huh…I always thought he wasn't your type…What about that Neptune guy? Didn't you try asking him to the dance before?" Yang asked curiously, surprised at both Weiss's up front honesty but also with a faint tinge of jealousy since she now had to deal with Weiss trying to pull Jae away from what SHE wanted to try saying.
"He did…But when he turned me down, I saw him with another girl…Quite a few actually…I had intended on confronting him about it but that was when Blake had he-"
"I had my what?" Blake asked as she walked out of their own dorm; "You two know that Team JNPR are out right?"
"Well, that answers that question. See you later Yang, I'm gonna go beat up some training dummies with Glyphs..." Weiss abruptly rushed past towards their dorm after realising that she had made a fool of herself and her target wasn't even there.
"What's with her?" Blake asked as she looked at Yang; "Though what's with YOU?" She reiterated after noticing that Yang had made herself up differently for a simple "Visit"; The Blonde's usually untamed mane of hair had been combed down (Or at the very least attempted to be) and she had her "Hunter" outfit though the slight distinction was that the black shirt had a button undone to give her girls a little more of a "tasteful view".
"Oh uh…Just felt like a new look, our investigation outfits looked good so I figured I try it out a little." Yang mentioned while keeping the reasons why as vague as possible; "I'd have thought you were still sleeping after our mission in Mt Glenn."
Blake nodded but the look on her face indicated that she wasn't exactly convinced; "Well, yeah but I ended up sleeping a little better with Torchwick behind bars now…But with the tournament coming up, I figured that I could start settling back in to a normal routine, starting with making up a plan down at the cafe over tea."
Yang nodded with a small smile since she was happier now that Blake was starting to take her words on board. "Atta girl…Wait, you're not going on your own, are you?" She asked curiously and then decided to try finding out more; "Besides, you sure you wanna sit in a coffee shop, all on your own?"
"Oh I'm not, I actually wanted to see if Jae was around to see if he could help ME out for a change." Blake mentioned; "He's been training up and studying so I figured we'd try to come up with plan to try and decompress things for what comes next."
"Man…Everyone seems to want Jae all of a sudden…" Yang thought to herself and decided to try another day to talk with him. "Well, I should probably give Ruby a call..She wanted to go see Dad so Zwei could be dropped back off and visit Summer."
Blake breathed a sigh of relief; "That dog was chasing me non stop." She grumbled; "But yeah, I'll see you around." She would say as Yang decided to go out on the town and then pulled out her own Scroll: "Hey Jae, if you have the time…You mind coming to the coffee shop in Vale? That place where you and I met before that whole thing at the docks? There's something that I wanted to talk to you about and I feel like it's important." She typed out a message to send in case he wanted to hang out later.
"Hey Blake!" Nora piped up as she and Pyrrha were coming back with grocery bags; "What's up? You get caught sleepwalking again?"
Blake shook her head; "Nora, that was one time…But I don't suppose you've seen Jae around, have you?" She asked the two curiously and pocketed her scroll.
But to Blake's surprise, the two shook their heads with Pyrrha looking a little more tense about it than usual. "He went into Vale but he said he had personal business…I'm not sure for what though so he could really be anywhere."
"Okay, well…If you see him, tell him I said thanks again for what happened." Blake remarked before disappearing towards the airships.
"So…Any reason why everyone seems to be asking about Jae?" Nora asked as she used her hips to knock the unlocked door open.
"Well, there was those two Haven girls who we saw during the fight in the town square, Velvet stopped by to ask if he was okay after what happened and gave us some ointment for him….And now Blake?" Pyrrha asked as she carried the bags in and unloaded onto the tabletop.
"Well, to be fair…He did get hit in the stomach by that Boarbatusk…They're probably just worried about him." Nora shrugged it off; "Trust me, you went nuts when you saw him get skewered trying to protect Yang." She added with a slight tease.
"Our team leader got impaled by an Alpha Grimm…Of course I was worried!" Pyrrha protested as she began organizing.
"Mhm, so worried that you rubbed his muscly stomach while he slept~? Gotta admit, Pyrrha…I didn't take you for that kind of perv~" Nora smirked as she grabbed a bottle of juice. "But then again, I don't blame you."
Pyrrha blushed a little and pretended she didn't hear that; "H-He got hurt pretty bad, I just wanted to make sure he didn't get too badly injured…"
Nora rolled her eyes on hearing that; "Come on, we've seen him get up after Yang hit him full force in the face and he put himself through training with Trish and Lady….Jae's tougher than anyone else I know and I can bench five of me!" She boasted proudly; "So…Did you finally ask him out? I know you had a smile that was a mile long when you guys got on stage at the dance."
Pyrrha smiled a little as she remembered that night; "I think I wanted to but before I could say anything, Yang pulled me to the side and asked about playing for her band."
"Well…If you wanna make it an official thing then you might wanna make a move before someone else does." Nora warned her as she sipped her juice.
"I see…" Pyrrha mentioned as she decided to check her scroll and frowned when she realised Jae hadn't contacted either of them for nearly an hour; "Besides, we should have enough time before the tournament so perhaps I could try pushing it."
"Well whatever you plan, you better make sure it works; Over the last few weeks, Jae's made an impression on other people even when he had his Semblance revealed." Nora pointed out as she then started to help herself to snacks.
——Meanwhile in Vale——
Jae walked out of a building with a less than pleased expression. Ever since he got into Vale, he felt like he had been stuck in a vice but now he was currently trying to get his mind off of the last hour that he had effectively sunk.
Unaware of the fact that someone had been following him, watching him and waiting for the right time to approach him as he trudged through the crowd. Reaching up and lightly tapping his shoulder; "Um, excuse me…"
Jae turned around but found his face turning from apprehension to surprise when he saw Penny Polendina standing before him; "Penny? What are you doing out here, I thought you were back with the Atlas students."
Penny shook her head; "Mr. Ironwood allowed me to venture out for the day, he said it would be beneficial for me to learn about people as a whole." She explained as she kept a curious watch on him; "Would you mind if I joined you? Ruby is out of town and I'd feel better if I had a friend around to socialise with." She would ask him with a small smile to add to the freckled girl's adorableness.
"Yeah, sure…I could use the company." Jae accepted as they walked towards the nearest cafe; "So how's the whole getting new friends mission going?" He asked her as they sat at a nearby bench.
"It's been an…incremental progress." Penny mentioned with an almost embarrassed look on her face; "Aside from Ruby and her team…I've been struggling to find people who could become other friends." She explained as she anxiously twirled her thumbs; "But more importantly, I have asked to talk with you alone because I wanted to…"Clear the Air" as people call it."
"About what exactly? Did something happen with you after what happened at the docks?" Jae asked as he started to get a little confused by the normally sunny girl's anxiety, ever since what happened when Blake went missing and Jae ran off, Penny had been surprisingly standoffish toward him specifically and made sure to keep her distance from him even at the dance.
"N-No, not at all…But it is something to do with what lead up to it." Penny admitted, even though she was for all intents and purposes a robot, the fact that she had an aura inside of her gave her some modicum of emotions and right now she was feeling a sense of caution and a smaller sense of guilt; "I…Wanted to apologise to you…About your "Secret" and revealing it to everyone without your consent." She admitted and bowed her head; "I was focused on helping you all find Blake and I didn't know that Yang and Weiss were unaware regarding your status so I blurted out without thinking."
"That's what's got her in a funk? Well…I did handle that whole thing poorly so I can't really blame her for wanting to keep a distance…" Jae thought but decided to try helping her with making things right; "Penny…It's okay, I was going to tell them eventually." He mentioned to her and lightly pat her shoulder to try convincing her that things were still okay.
"I just…I got so worried that I offended you so badly that you wouldn't want to be my friend anymore after that." Penny admitted with a sad tone in her voice though the pat to her shoulder was calming her a little; "I did want to approach you before at the dance but you were busy with performing…"
"Well…There's one thing you should know, Penny." Jae said to her; "You never once stopped being my friend in all this." He remarked with a gentle tone and felt a smile grow when he saw Penny literally light up at the prospect of keeping Jae as a friend.
"Oh…Oh Jae!" She would cry out happily as she pulled Jae into a literal bone crushing hug as her joy reached new levels; "It means so much to know that I haven't lost you as one of my friends!"
"Maybe not…But I'm losing air…" Jae wheezed as he felt Penny's still incredible strength squeezing the oxygen out of him. "Please…I'd like to at least live long enough to go on a date…"
Penny then let him go and almost looked a little embarrassed; "I-I apologise, I never got this excited before…The only time I did something like this was with Ruby." She mentioned though didn't seem like she minded being that close.
"Well, that's only natural…She is one of your first friends here, right?" Jae asked with a curious look; "It makes sense that you would want to put in every effort to make sure you grow."
She nodded and then suddenly became pensive; "It was probably easier to talk to you about this then what Yang had suggested when I asked her how to make things up to you."
"Really? I thought that you would've wanted to ask Ruby that." Jae asked her.
"Yes, though with Ruby back home, I had to ask others about what would be nice for you." Penny admitted as she then listed off her fingers; "Weiss said that taking you for coffee here would be suitable, Blake said about helping you find out more about Demons or at the very least to see what Atlas can offer for literature."
"Makes sense…For someone so awkward, it's surprisingly nice to see her being openly honest." Jae thought to himself as he kept listening to the freckled girl talk.
"Yang said something about giving you neck…." She mentioned bluntly as she got to the Blonde's suggestion. "Though I am a little confused, how does supplying you with my neck help you to feel better?" Penny asked curiously and somewhat innocently.
Jae thought on it but then realised what it was that Yang proposed and felt the heat rise from his neck all the way to his ears as his face turned a deep red. "God….Damn it Yang, I can't see you around but practically hear you cackling…."
"Is…Is something wrong? I didn't say anything offensive, did I?" Penny asked as she saw Jae go through different shades of red and thought she had said something bad.
"No…You're fine, I just uh…That's not really something to talk about in public….Though I think we should probably meet up again when the festival comes around." Jae offered as he felt a little embarrassed at the mental images that came from Yang's suggestion; Though the question seemed to come about with how come it didn't sound like the worst thing to happen.
"Yes, that is for the best, Mr. Ironwood expects me back soon so hopefully I shall see you there or sooner." Penny agreed and then got up since she knew that her teammate would be coming along soon to come collect her.
"I'll see you around Penny." Jae mentioned as he then felt his scroll buzz.
"So…Did you get a chance to talk to Penny today~?" A particularly smug sounding text came through from Yang.
"You….why did you tell Penny about something like that?"
"Whaaaaaat~? I can't help it if I want my friend to get de-stressed after everything that happened when she was last around~"
"You have a weird way of showing it, Yang…I gotta give that to you at least." Jae texted her back as he felt a little calmer now he talked it out.
"Swing by my dorm later…I've got something that I want to talk to you about anyway." Yang finished her text and went offline without even so much as a goodbye.
"Honestly…One minute she's giving Penny dirty advice and the next she's telling me to talk to her…." Jae muttered to himself as he went behind an alleyway and summoned up Ripper as a bike to make his way back to Beacon, however he had been unaware that someone had been tampering with him.
"You managed to plant it on him?"
"Yes sir, I put the surveillance device on his jacket while he was in my embrace…" Penny explained with a slightly sad tone as she felt guilty once again; "But…Why do we have to monitor him? I don't see any indication that Jae would do anything bad…."
"Penny, this is not for you to question. After what happened at Vale and how he had somehow managed to excel at an absurdly faster rate than any Huntsman or Huntress I've seen, I think that foreign student or not; I need to be sure that this doesn't have any adverse effects."
"I…Understand sir…Would you like for me to keep monitoring him as well?" Penny asked somberly, she could have justified it with the excuse that this meant she could see him again but the truth behind it tainted a number of things.
"With that tracker to monitor his location and the audio recording chip, this should be able to keep a good track on him so you won't need to keep as close as you had before…Though I would say to keep doing what you're doing, he doesn't suspect you from what I can see. Remember Penny, this is to ensure the safety of the people here at Vale while we monitor the security for the Tournament." The Voice then hung up and left Penny alone to mull over her thoughts.
——Meanwhile, Back at Beacon——
There was a knock at Team RWBY's door as Jae stood outside waiting; "Hey Yang, you in there? What's this thing you wanted to talk to me about?" He called through the door and saw it open up.
Inside was Yang and she had changed into her sleepwear which consisted of her black shorts and an orange top that she used as a neck cover in her usual outfit. "Hey~ Glad you could make it."
"You uh…Wanted to see me?" Jae asked again with a small knot of nervousness as he saw her in a lot less layers than normal along with maintaining enough concentration to keep all the blood at one specific head while he kept his gaze on her face.
"It's about what happened in downtown when the Grimm attacked." She would say softly and welcomed him in as she padded over to let him through; "Back when you saved me from that Boarbatusk."
"Look, I know it was a little presumptuous of me to jump in the middle of one of your fights but I just…I saw your Aura break and I just saw the worst case scenario so I figured that I would at least do my part to help you." Jae admitted honestly; "I know it sounds like me playing the hero but isn't that what a Huntsman does?"
Yang chuckled; She already knew that Jae hadn't done it for any other reason but she did want to hear him say it regarding what she had planned next. "Well…You don't have to stand on ceremony, I'm a big girl so I can take care of myself~" She coyly remarked as she inched closer to him and tapped his chest.
"That much I can tell…But I'm guessing that you brought me here for a little more than just thanks?" Jae asked her since he knew that something was up.
"Well, I got hit in a bad way on the train…And when I came to, I heard something weird: Something about caring about me too much and having integrity, then I woke up with you there…Was that a hallucination or did you actually say that you care about me?" Yang asked him with an almost uncharacteristically shy blush in her cheeks.
Jae blushed a little, ever since he heard himself say it back on the train; he thought it was corny and lame but seeing that it made Yang feeling all nervous put a little more of the confidence back in him. "I do…I care about you and the others more than anyone I ever cared to say with just words."
Yang blinked; On one hand he had basically admitted that he cared about her but she also heard him say the others' names too which kind of twinged jealousy in her; "So you'd jump in front of the others if you were made to?" She asked him and was replied with a nod; "Well…There is something I wanted to say to you but with the luck I had today, I'm gonna say it in full: I like you a lot….I care about you and the time that I've been around you has only made it feel more intense, Jae…There's been very few people that have been around me that weren't intimidated by me and I'm glad that you're one of them…So I want you to….God, I could tease you about this all I want but now is when I can't even say it?" She felt her heart race as she let her wall down and shared how she really felt.
"I…" Jae was about to say it back but something compelled him to be just as honest with her. "I like you too, Yang…But I also really like Pyrrha, I don't wanna hurt her especially after everything…."
Yang felt herself calm down a little since she wasn't the only one being open but then had an idea; "You're being honest with me about liking everyone right…the same way you like me and Pyrrha?" She got up close to his face as she was both taking a chance and making sure he wasn't trying to feed her a line.
"Y-Yeah, I do…Blake's been too good to me for help, Weiss and my own team has me feeling…things about them, not just Pyrrha….I know it sounds greedy and jerkish but that is honestly how I feel." He quickly blurted it out like ripping off a bandaid.
"Jae…There are probably hundreds of guys who think the same thing you do…But there's one key difference that separates you from them." Yang mentioned as she let her shy face turn into a playful one as she leaned in closer to his face so that their lips almost touched.
"Wha-What's that?" Jae asked her nervously, once she got closer to him; he noticed some new things about her that he didn't seem to recognise before: He had seen her eyes change from lilac to red almost constantly but he found that her eyes as they were right now were more beautiful than anything he'd ever see and she seemed to smell of cinnamon and faintly of engine oil now that she didn't seem to mind how close he got.
"Contrary to what the Twins say, I don't mind sharing so if you want me vouching for you, I might be able to get them convinced to try this with you too~" Yang whispered before her lips gently locked with his and let her get pulled closer to be held by him. The Dorm was filled with the sounds of their soft making out but as the seconds ticked by, they began to get louder to the point that the two were practically fighting each other. Yang moreso since she was finally free to show all of what she had felt for him, starting with tugging off the bugged jacket and throwing it onto a nearby chair. "Come on, Jae! I've held onto this for a long, long time…It's time I show you that a bike isn't the only thing you can ride~"
Jae quickly pulled his shirt over his head followed by his boots and socks; leaving him bare chested and still pantsed while Yang eagerly yanked off her top and leaving her in shorts and a rather lacy looking black bra. "Never in a million years did I think that I'd be treated to a sight like this." He mentioned with a wide smile.
Yang seductively posed while on Weiss's bed since she didn't want to take any chances when it came to bedding a Demon like Jae. "Well, you better get used to it because I'm gonna make sure you see this all the more often~" She purred as she shook her chest to make them bounce for him.
Jae made his way over to the bed and started to resume the tender but still very much passionate kiss that they had; Both pairs of hands roamed each others bodies and they seemed to get addicted to the other. The Demon boy was too enthralled to focus on anything else but touching Yang's toned but still equally soft skin; Everywhere he seemed to get at brought out a soft sigh of approval or a welcoming moan as he roamed over her large chest.
Yang meanwhile felt like she hit the jackpot of guys; Toned body, firm yet gentle touches on her exposed skin but not taking it too far too quickly which seemed to be the way she liked it right now for their first time. "Ooooh Gods Jae….Keep it coming~" she whispered in his ear as her hands slowly reached down his stomach and lightly cupped at the spot between his legs; "Because I want you to show me everything you got~!"
Jae moaned as he felt Yang's hand tenderly rubbing his slowly growing hardness through his pants; "Last chance, you wanna go through with this?" He asked her, not out of a worry that one might hurt the other but more in case Yang wanted to backpedal.
Yang however flipped him over so she was now on top and straddling him; "Give up on this? You must be crazy~!" She smirked as she started to layer kisses along his neck and chest, her only desire right now was to show every inch of that scarred body the love that it deserved. Each tender kiss was addicting for her; Mainly because everywhere seemed to be firm muscle and now that she saw him in the fully bare state, "Daaaaamn~" just didn't cut it anymore.
Jae would moan out with each kiss and watched the blonde Xiao Long work her magic; Even while he wasn't sure how to feel about her, Jae had to admit that Yang's body was something to behold from her well developed curves and her long and strong legs. "You can't believe how good this feels…" He moaned out as he felt his erection straining at his pants.
Yang however had her smirk grow and her tongue run along her lips when it was apparent that she seemed to notice as well; "Alright Jae…You saw my goods, now it's only fair that I see your's." She cooed loud enough for him to hear as her fingers unbuttoned his pants and slowly undid his zipper. The anticipation grew within her as she felt the strain against the now liberated fabric and knew that what happens next is something that there was no turning back for…From either of them.
Jae felt the tension lessen as his boxers came down and his Man/Demonhood sprang to attention like an Atlesian Soldier; Though it did worry him when he heard a Smack! and the feeling of his now exposed cock against her cheek along with three words that were about to make or break this time together.
Yang was borderline speechless; Customary glances towards him every now and then gave her the impression of potentially more going on down there than she thought, though seeing it now was something that put the biggest grin on her face: "Jae, I know you could hide weapon stuff in your arm tattoo but you never told me that you were packing heat down here~!" She yelled out excitedly as she was part ecstatic for the fun that was to come and partly scared that this 9 and a half inches of Demon beef was about to go places that she hadn't let in before. "I almost want to keep this for myself~"
"Y-You're okay with it?" Jae asked nervously since he hadn't actually done this type of thing with someone else and in all honesty, he thought that he never would.
"Are you kidding?! Jae, I can say to you with no bullshit that if anyone were to see this guy in action, they'd be clamouring over each other to try~" Yang assured him as she reached around to undo her bra and let her D-Cup breasts drop out to practically mould around him, smirking a little as she heard her new lover let out another moan from feeling his beef get wrapped up in her softness. "Sounds like I got him hooked, suck it Ice Queen because I got there first~"
Jae felt like his lower half had been swallowed by a cloud as Yang began to massage him and squeezing with her chest; Each tender movement from her warm and soft chest brought out a new feeling of pleasure along with the fact that as he gazed down at Yang laying over him, he could see her taking an equal amount of joy in this too. "Man…I feel like I can take on anyone like this!"
Yang kept pumping him more as she felt her own arousal grow and leaned her own head down towards his protruding tip; "I've seen how big you get Jae…But I wanna see what you taste like~" Yang smirked before slowly layering kisses against his throbbing tip to get some moans spilling out of him before her mouth took him in.
Jae gripped onto Weiss's pristine sheets as this new sensation washed over him and he let out a deeper moan from feeling Yang bob her head on his tip, the warm and soft feel of her lips around him and the slow sucking started to drive him nuts to the point that he was starting to unconsciously thrust upwards.
Yang chuckled onto him; her throat vibrating and building him even higher into the thresholds of pleasure, "I think it's time I bust this nut up a notch~" she thought to herself as she slid him out from between her chest and began slowly bobbing her head to take more and more of him into her mouth.
Jae's head was a wandering mess as Yang changed up to start blowing him and he could feel her using her tongue to roam along his shaft too. With his first climax ready to burst; He gave her a cautionary tap on the head to warn her but all it did was make her bob faster and her sucking went from dutiful to vacuum as she held on to his thighs.
Yang twitched reflexively when she felt his fingers against her hair but for some reason, she didn't seem to mind Jae touching it at all and even seemed to feel more relaxed by it. "Final stretch, Jae…Time for you to ride that high~" Yang teased him while she slowly pushed as much of him into her mouth and almost gagged as she finally reached the base.
Jae nearly felt himself rise up off of the bed as his erection prodded the back of Yang's throat and felt his climax slowly building as the first few drops started to form.
As fun as it was for Yang to potentially suck him dry; She had another idea in mind that would satisfy both his erection and her own burning loins; "You ready for the finale, big guy~?" She asked him as she kept her mouth half engulfed on him with some tentative sucks to keep him on the threshold.
"A-Anything…Just let's keep it going!" Jae almost begged her since she practically had him in a pleasure induced chokehold.
With the figurative thumbs up from Jae, Yang pulled away with the almost disappointed groan from Jae but he quickly perked back up again when he watched her sliding down the last of her clothing from her long and slender legs and made her fully naked. "So….What do you think?" Yang asked as she turned around and fully exposed herself for Jae to see.
Jae was in awe; Much as he expected from Yang, she was toned with all her time training and exercising but that didn't diminish her beauty at all as she still held onto a curvaceous figure that would have made most girls jealous. "I…Wow…"
"All I needed to hear from you…Now let's get to some fun~" Yang smirked with a blush on her face and nudged Jae back onto the bed but not before tossing a small plastic square at his chest; "But first, you're putting that on…I don't want to take chances like that quite yet." She stated with the same kind of tone that she took when it came to a fight.
Jae picked up and examined it before opening it up and unfurling a condom; "Okay, yeah I think better safe then sorry." He agreed as thankfully this one seemed to fit without a problem before watching Yang crawl into his lap. "You ready?"
Yang had a look of both anxiety and excitement before poising herself over his rod, "You..You betchaAAAAAAAAAOH GODS~!" Yang's attempted steady tone quickly changed into a louder and more wavering moan of pleasure once she pushed herself down all the way to the hilt. Her reflexes also made her bury her face into his neck while her nails dug into his back in an attempt to stifle herself since her dorm wasn't soundproof.
Both Jae and Yang were groaning out in pain and pleasure as they started rocking in time with each other; The Blonde slowly getting more and more feverish and light headed as Jae's thrusting seemed to make her head more and more fuzzy while Jae was struggling to keep focused since he felt like he was riding Cloud 9.
"Ngh! Y-You're gonna be a real StuHUD! Once you get your stamina up~!" Yang teased him in between her deep and breathy moans when she noticed that he was struggling to keep things steady. Before he could respond, she lightly nudged him down so Jae was laying on the bed and she straddled his waist on top and started to buck her hips back and forth to make it just as pleasurable for him.
Jae was holding his own as he felt his body attune to this new kind of "exercise" as he kept thrusting up into her and quickly noticed that each deep pound was driving Yang crazy as she was holding onto her head and riding him like a wave. "And she wants me to say yes to doing this with the others?! God damn, Either I'm gonna collapse from exhaustion or I'm not leaving this room until graduation…Then again that doesn't sound like a bad idea…" He thought to himself as he held onto her hips and began to get the hang of things.
Once Yang felt that confidence build up and feeling him take control, she decided to let him drive but kept her place on top as she let her body swing and move with each thrust; Giving Jae a show of her bouncing chest and the view of her going into a new degree of ecstasy as Jae somehow managed to get deeper and deeper until he was practically pounding her womb. "Oh God YES! I love you Jae! I FUCKING LOVE YOU!" She finally let it all loose as she arched her back out of pleasure.
Jae felt his crescendo of thrusting building to a climax and started to push himself faster; "Y-Yang! I'm…I'm gonna…." He warned her as he felt her hands moving to his chest so she could steady herself.
"M-Me too! Just..Just do it~!" She practically begged him as she felt her own finale coming.
"OOOOOOH FUCKING GODS~!" Jae/Yang finally let it all loose with one final push against each other and Jae shoving himself deep into her. The two of them let out a deceptively loud moan as they came in time with each other and Yang felt her nails dig in to Jae out of pleasure and accidentally clawed him before collapsing on top of him in a panting heap.
"Holy....Shit Jae, I should have done this with you ages ago~" Yang let out a soft sigh of contentment as she lay on top of him and snuggled up. "Man…That was…A lot more than I can put it into words…." Jae admitted as he was still catching his breath but smiled a little as he felt Yang's fingers interlock with his own and he could feel nothing but genuinely happy that he got to be this close to someone.
However there was nothing that could have prepared for the both of them when they heard the lock in the dorm's door turn and the sound of heeled boots entered. "Yang, What have I told you about playing your music that loudly in the dorm, you know that other people can hear….you…." Weiss reprimanded as she took Jae's jacket and neatly hung it from the back of a chair but trailed off when she saw Jae and Yang in the act together; "You're in my bed…You two are naked in my bed…." She stammered as she was currently trying to piece together everything as multiple revelations got flooded into her head.
"Uh…I'm guessing your team isn't big on locking doors?" Jae asked nervously as he felt more than a little nervous and even more frightened as to what Weiss's reaction was going to be.
"Heh, well…" Yang nervously laughed but bit her lip to stifle down a moan since Jae was still balls deep into her.
"I…Have so many questions…" Weiss tried to conduct herself properly from either screaming the whole dorm down, screaming at Yang for not just stealing Jae but also doing it in her bed or the more incriminating questions and images that intruded her mind on seeing Jae and Yang's naked bodies intertwined with each other.
"You wanna join us in this? I can promise that you're in for a doozy~" Yang offered with a sly wink but she also blushed when she saw Weiss letting her coat drop to the floor along with the dark crimson coating in her cheeks.
"You two…never speak of this…To anyone." Weiss warned the two as she unzipped her boots, unaware of Jae's own coat having a faint glimmer in the dark.
——Meanwhile in a secure Airship outside of Vale——
Ironwood was stunned into silence as and Penny had seen the coat getting hung up through the tracking device's hidden camera and caught a glimpse of Jae and Yang in their "afterglow". Though the General showed that he still had the common sense and the decency to shut off the hidden camera's feed before he got a more uncomfortable viewing of Weiss undressing. "Son of a…."
"Mr. Ironwood, is this what you were worried about so much that you had to track Jae for?" Penny asked him with a confused sense of curiosity, the fact that Ironwood was paranoid enough as it is regarding the hidden enemy that was supposedly on it's way but the fact that he was still trying to convince Ozpin that Jae's improvements were happening far more faster and more drastically than any person should have been able to.
"Of course not…Mr. Cielo's growth rate has been extraordinary…both in a good way and in an unsettling way; I need to know how far this is willing to go but Ozpin won't see it my way!" Ironwood grumbled as he was still at odds with Beacon's headmaster about having Jae checked by the sword under the school.
"Then what should we do for now?" Penny added in another question as she saw Ironwood's stress swell that little bit more with this recent revelation that he was both not expecting nor wanting to see.
"For now…We monitor with the utmost discretion, but Penny…Whatever you just saw in here does NOT leave this room…not just for the sake of my credibility but I don't want to have to explain to Ozpin why one of his top students was brought to him in a body bag by Winter and Qrow."
"A Body Bag? Doesn't that seem a little extreme, sir?" The Robot girl asked since she was unaware of the correlation and more specifically she was still musing what she had seen with Jae and Yang in bed together.
"No, but when Qrow finds out that a boy has bedded his niece and Winter finds out that her younger sister has opted to throw herself in too…Those two always fight on sight but I shudder to think what'd become of Jae if they work together to get him…"