RWBY May Cry

Chapter 29: The Die is Cast

"My…Mother?" Jae asked her as he was unsure whether he should feel happy that someone had the answers or scared that she knew this much about him.

"Ozpin's been keeping tabs on you for a long time, I'm not sure why he wants to know something like this but I've got something that he doesn't~" Raven would smirk as she crossed her arms; "So…There you have it, join up with me and you can essentially have it all: Someone to show you the world for what it really is, a place for a misfit like you to belong with other misfits and a chorus o-"


"I-I'm sorry, but I thought you just turned me down." Raven raised her eyebrow and looked at him with a slightly more serious look.

"I know what kind of game you're trying to play right now and I gotta say; I'm not interested!" Jae pointed out as he got up and decided to make his feelings on the matter known. "You swoop in out of nowhere to save the day, give me stuff that you believe I want and then try to act as the mom I never had…"

"You want to find your mother, don't you? Then come with me and I'll show you where to find her, along with what she's been up to for the last few years while you were left behind." Raven pushed her point and remained undeterred by Jae's sudden move.

"I do…After 7 or 8 years I do want to know, but I would much rather do it on my own instead of throwing away everything I've done and worked for by followin you." Jae admitted as he glared at her; "Not to mention one specific thing: I don't respect you…You had everything you could want and you threw it all away by leading Bandits instead of looking out for Yang and your family…You barely eke out as the second worst person I look at."

Raven narrowed her eyes; "As if I'm gonna take advice on relationships from you, kid…I know a lot more than you think I do, you have no idea what I've been through so don't pretend like you know what you're talking about!" She snapped at him as his attitude was starting to get to her.

"Maybe I don't…But I know one thing for certain; I care about Yang a lot more than you think I do and I have a hell of a lot more integrity about what I stand for!" Jae yelled at her as he looked back to Yang; "I know what it's like to have a mom disappear on me...That's why I'm sticking around for her and why I have just this one thing to say to you: "Hit. The. Bricks!"

Raven saw his expression and noticed that he was deadly serious about what he said, though whether she was starting to respect him a little more or less was debatable; "Fine…I know when to back down…But know this; There is a lot more to this than you think, I'm not giving up on making you mine so when you decide to grow up and accept the help offered to you by someone who knows better…Come find me." Raven relented as she started to walk off; "And one last thing: I saved her one time so don't expect me to show this kind of charity again…For you or for her." Raven warned him before using her Semblance to make a portal and walked through it.

Jae growled and then punched a wall several times out of anger and frustration; "DAMN IT!" He yelled out as he looked at the now smashed in wall

"She had the answers you were looking for…Why'd you decide to turn her down?" The voice asked Jae as he heard him vent.

"Because someone like her always has a catch! She pretty much offered me almost everything I could want with no strings attached…You can't tell me that doesn't sound suspicious." Jae mentioned as he then turned to glance at Yang; "I still wanna find my mom, sure…But I'm not going to turn away from the people who stuck with me just to get a faster way." He would say and then knelt down to lightly stroke Yang's hair.

Yang lightly groaned as she regained consciousness, after sitting herself back up; she had to restrain herself from yelling out in shock. "Jae?! What're you doing here, I thought you were working somewhere else!" She asked him as she got to her feet with a bright pink face when she saw how close he had been.

"It's a long story, what's going on out here? I saw White Fang around and then the train ran through." Jae mentioned as he remembered what they were doing and started to run with her up the train cars.

Yang briefly explained everything from finding Torchwick and his plans while they moved up to meet with Ruby and the others. "Any luck?"

"We're coming up too fast, we can't stop it in time!" Blake mentioned as she saw that Roman trashed the controls to get them to ramming speed.

"Weiss, Can you make something to shield us for impact?" Ruby asked her teammate who nodded and loaded up an Ice Dust cartridge into Myrtenaster.

Jae thought on things and considering he was still riding the high on taking down a Mountain of Grimm plus a titan of a White Fang Soldier along with the fact that he hadn't taken a moment to stop, rest or even power nap gave him an idea. "Okay, you guys try thinking on something, I'm gonna try something kind of crazy." He said to them as he rushed to the window on the side and smashed it to get out.

"What on earth is he planning?" Weiss asked as she saw Jae climbing out of the window onto the front of the train and from the moment she saw him squat his legs down, that look of confusion turned into a look of outright concern; "Jae, Do not do what I think you're going to do!"

"He's not serious…is he?" Blake asked as she was still trying to find a way out to stop him.

"Forget kind of crazy, that is a 14 layer cake of crazy…Hold on to something!" Yang yelled to warn everyone as Weiss made an ice cocoon to protect the four.

Jae on the other hand was questioning every sense of logic and thought in his head once he started climbing down the front of the train. "Well, I started walking and now I'm starting to regret not thinking things through…."

"You know…You DID get trained up by Trish and your body still has room to develop since you're still a kid…so maybe your squishy body isn't so…squishy?"

"Fighting Grimm is one thing but you expect me to jump in front of a speeding freight train and stop it?!" Jae yelled out loud as he stared down at the tracks that were moving way too fast for him to see.

"Well…Only one way to find out right? Plus you don't really need to stop it, you just need to slow it down."

All Jae could hope to do was exactly that; Summoning Grendel into his arms and jumped off of the front while pressing both palms into the front of the train. The entire tunnel screeched out a vile sound of grinding metal and Grimm roars as Jae put all his effort into keeping his feet planted deep and his arms pushing against the front of the train, sparks flew up as Grendel's greaves scraped against the old rails and pieces of wood flew up around him. "Okay, we didn't splat on impact….That's a good thing! So just grit your teeth on this since I can hold it out until it stops…."

"You're not serious about fully stopping the train are you? The fact that you didn't become a stain on the train's windows is a miracle but this thing's still moving at a hundred miles an hour…"

Jae groaned as he felt the strain pelting down on his body but thankfully he had the bright idea of activating Grendel to off-set most of the damage. The added bonus was found as the constant grinding of the train's front against the gauntlets caused it to slowly build up the energy on it and turned the silver markings fully red instead of the fraction of it turning red; Though instead of using it to make an explosion like he did with the Nevermore, he kept it internal and ended up keeping the damage to a minimum as a result.

But despite being strong enough to fight someone twice as big as he was; Jae was no match for a train as they crashed through the collapsed tunnel…Up into Vale's city square to the sound of raid sirens. With the brightness of outside straining his eyes; Jae tried to get his bearing and looked around when he noticed the numbers of people staring down at them plus the still recovering Team RWBY, it was there that it then dawned on Jae just how dangerous this situation got and with the vision of the Grimm chasing the train meant that this would only get worse. "Everyone! Either get to a shelter or get the nearest Huntsmen you can find and bring them here! This place is too dangerous!" He yelled out to the crowd of people watching

"What's he talking about?"

"That train just popped right out of the ground…"

"Think it's a st-"

There was no time to finish as the ground where the train rammed through started to break apart as the Grimm caught up and started to spill into the city; Taijitu coiled around the hole and every Grimm from Creeps to Beowulves started to crawl out into the light.

The crowds began to scream and panic as they saw the hordes pouring out to the sound of the warning sirens, Ruby looked to Jae before telling the others to get ready. "Jae, see if you can contact Goodwitch or anyone you can and bring them here!"

"On it!" Jae agreed as he started with one that he almost dreaded the talk with; "Lady, I really need you to listen to me on this, we ha-"


Jae had to wince as Lady literally screamed into his earpiece before adjusting; "Look, I know I've been silent after the whole rules thing but this is impo-"

"HOW IN THE HELL DID YOU DROP OFF NICO'S RADAR AND HOW DID YOU END UP IN VALE?!" Lady kept pushing; as far as she could guess; Jae up and vanished on them for hours before going to Vale for some fun.

"You and Ozpin can yell at me all you want later, but right now we have an emergency! I need you to call Trish and the rest of my team, get them on the fastest train to Vale because we've got a huge swarm of Grimm pouring in!" Jae yelled into the comm and made it abundantly clear that this was serious which seemed to be answered with a begrudging sigh.

"I'll let them know, make sure you hang in there because this conversation is far from over!" Lady finished and hung it up, leaving Jae to return to the mobbing Grimm.

——Meanwhile, Back at the Town——

"Honestly, this kid nearly gave me a heart attack…." Lady sighed as she jogged over to go find Trish but was surprised to see that Pyrrha, Nora and Ren were waiting outside of Trish's office; "You three are early, it's sunup and your first patrol doesn't start for another couple hours...But that actually works out great. So go get your things and meet us at the airfield, we've got an emergency."

"We actually have something to ask." Ren mentioned as he glanced around for Trish but it looked like Pyrrha beat him to the punch about it.

"Jae didn't come back from his training last night…At all, do you know what happened to him?" Pyrrha asked her but saw the deadly serious look on Lady's face.

"Coincidentally he is actually part o-"

"You three get to the airfield now!" Trish cut off Lady as she rushed out; "There's been a large scale Grimm attack in central Vale and we need all hands on deck!" She would order and looked to Lady; "Did you explain to them yet?"

"You beat me to it but I'll say it now." Lady mentioned as she looked to the group; "During his training in the mountains, Jae managed to get himself lost and ended up getting caught in Vale." She explained as the three ran for the airship, leaving her and Trish alone.

"You took Jae into that mountain and let him go in alone?!" Trish snapped as she rightfully got concerned; "I thought we agreed on not doing this until I signed him off!"

"Nico was the one who pushed the idea, the kid wanted to help but I did set rules for him to come back if there was trouble, communicate and back out….I think what must've happened was that one of the tunnels from the old mines collapsed and trapped him down there." Lady mentioned as she looked to the preparing Airship.

"So…You may as well tell me how far he got…" Trish asked and crossed her arms; "Because Nico hasn't come out of her workshop in hours and I can only guess that is linked to this?"

"All the Grimm had been cleared out…No trace of them is left in there, from the face of the mountain all the way to the bottom." Lady explained before elaborating on what she and Nico saw while monitoring him; The details on seeing the presence of Grimm on Nico's scanner fade completely and the last image on their screen before the feed cut out.

"A Sea Feilong?! You're telling me that he took one of those on by himself?" Trish asked with shock and a hint of admiration with the fact that Jae not only proving to be capable enough to handle himself in a dangerous situation but to be able to handle a high level Grimm like that singlehandedly.

"Mhm…Though let's save the talk for when we yell at him after…I think we sh-Nico!" Lady suggested but was practically barged to the side when Nico stampeded in with a small box.

"No time to talk so get this to the kid and get out there to do the good fight!" Nico quickly rattled off and thrust the box into Lady's hands before rushing back in, smirking to herself as she pulled her zoomed in lenses to examine what looked to be a shotgun. However it was looking different to the Coyote that she loaned to Jae; "Just a little longer….With this new Ore I got at the bottom of the cave, I can make something amazing…Seeing as he put in the effort and all the risk to get it, I think he should get the first sample." Nico thought to herself as she grabbed her tools to start work.

——Back in Central Vale——

Jae was facing off with several Ursa clad with what looked to be a polearm; However this was not Fenrir in hand, it looked like a skinny spear tipped with a rather ornate looking blade that seemed to almost look like a dragon's head with a blade sticking out of it's mouth. "Alright, come get some!" He yelled out as he held the tip of the spear towards them.

The Grimm roared out as they rushed to attack him in a wild frenzy; With claws and fangs ready to strike down what they thought to be an outmatched opponent.

However what they didn't notice was that the dragon's head crackled with lightning and with a heavy thrust forward, he hit the first Ursa out of a lunge in midair as it shot a bolt of lightning. With the other two following after their fallen comrade, Jae ducked under a swipe and swung upwards to knock back one of them into the air before jumping up to joust.

As more Grimm started to circle him as they began to recognise the threat before them, Beowolves started to try mobbing him from all angles with their screeching roars to drown out Yang smashing a Boarbatusk with a car.

With a low swing outwards; Jae made two extra prongs on either side of the blade to turn it from a simple spear into what looked like smaller tines shaped like dragon's wings on either side to make it into a trident. "It's about time that I really test this bad boy out." He smirked as he then swung the trident in quick succession, watching as the Grimm fell to pieces from the sharp winds that were made with each swing.

The sound of jets formed overhead as the Military were starting to mobilise when they heard the sirens going off; However alongside the others that showed up including Cinder and her group plus Sun and Neptune as their Junior Detectives, there was someone else that lingered in a nearby alleyway that pulled their sword out of a collapsed Beowolf and watched the fight in the square from the shadows.

The Creeps were the next to circle and swarm him but their attempts were thwarted as they began getting either thrown back or sent spiralling into the air as Jae twirled the trident over his head and forming a tornado around him; "Seiryu….You are quickly becoming my new best Crowd Control friend~" Jae thought to himself as the square started raining collapsed Grimm.

Plenty of the others were quickly taking notice as they saw Jae practically become a one man army with his new training and his trident that seemed to come out of nowhere. Cinder was certainly renewed in her efforts to try coercing him for herself while Emerald was almost mesmerised by the violent dance that was the Storm Swing.

This wouldn't last however as Nora and the others came hurtling out of the sky with a very loud "NORA SMASH!"

"Boy, I'm glad that I'm not the target this time." Jae mentioned out loud as he released the tornado and let the Grimm fall. Though he did seem rather nervous when he saw them rush over; "Okay, I can explain."

"For now…It'll have to wait, we have a job to do." Ren mentioned as he looked to Pyrrha who was pulling a box out from her pack; "You still have your gun?"

Jae didn't say anything but simply showed off the remains of Rebuttal which was pretty much just a splintered gun handle at this point.

"Dang, you really put this thing through the ringer….But I think Nico said this was for you, said it was thanks for helping test out Coyote." Nora mentioned as she lightly nudged Pyrrha forward who handed the box over to Jae; It was an oak brown box with a gold inlay that showed an engraving of a lightning bolt inside of a fireballl.

"Wow, I never actually thought that she could work that fast…." Jae mumbled to himself as he opened up the clasp and peered inside; What he saw put a smile back on his face when the glimmer of black and silver metal shone through and he grabbed the leather belt to wrap around his waist before grabbing his new weapons.

In both hands were a pair of slender looking double action revolvers; One was a deep black in colour but it had clear golden crystal that was practically melded into the barrel of the gun in the shape of forked lightning that all connected at the muzzle. The other was a silver gun with a bright fiery red crystal that similarly streaked upward from the muzzle and along the barrel in a flame like pattern. "Three guesses as to what these two can do…" Jae mentally quipped to himself as he found a note on the cushion where the guns were.

"Kid, these two are your graduation gift for getting through training with Trish and Lady….This power couple is called Carmen and Electra! Carmen's a passionate one so make sure you're careful when you fire; She can fire off incendiary shots that can melt holes in enemies or exploding shots to blast a Grimm apart depending on your taste, all you gotta do is spin the cylinder to alternate….Electra on the other hand is a little more sharp tongued and knows how to put people down so watch where you aim; Her electric shots are real good at piercing Grimm hide or metal plating. The alternative option is that you can use the Grav shots to turn an enemy into a pancake; You just do the same thing for Carmen and you're golden! Pretty cool, right~?"

Jae smirked as he twirled the guns in his hands and then pointed them towards a lumbering Ursa; Firing off a salvo of Lightning Dust shots and watched as it crackled against the Grimm with the sound of electricity, he then rushed forward and aimed several Fire Shots at it's head once the Ursa was stunned enough.

It was fair to assume that the Ursa's head quickly turned into Swiss cheese as it roared out and reared itself for another strike down at Jae.

Jae hopped over the swipe and aimed both barrels at the Grimm's head and watched it evaporate as the twin guns unloaded into it. "Carmen, Electra…I think we're gonna get along, just fine." He grinned to himself as he holstered the guns; "Alright, let's focus up! More Grimm are coming in faster than we're putting them down so split up and try to limit how many escape!" Jae ordered to the rest of Team JNPR as he then saw and heard a Nevermore screeching downward to grab him from the air. Jae slowly pulled his arm back into a javelin throw position and then summoned Seiryu to his hand, watching the target as a small whirlwind formed around the bladed end; With a final yell, he threw the now rapidly spinning projectile and hit the beast dead on and pinned it against one of the stone walls. "Alright, feeling great! Who else wants so-"

"GAH!" Yang yelled out as she collided into a collapsing wall and the unfortunate sight of her Aura breaking after non stop fighting and continuous stress on her body. Staring her down was a Babingepet Boarbatusk; A vicious looking Alpha Boar Grimm that was about as large as a truck and twice as wide with a mouth full of jutting tusks and a deep roar that threatened Yang with the worst outcome.

"YANG! Hold on!" Jae then reached his hand out to pull the trident back but with it so far out of reach and the only thing that dwindled faster than his stamina was his already weakening Aura. "Damn it…I can't bring it back in time….Looks like I'll do this the old fashioned way…" He grit his teeth and sprinted as fast as he could when he saw the Alpha Boar Grimm charge to Yang who braced herself for impact.

And braced…

And braced….

When she opened her eyes upon noticing that nothing happened, she let out a gasp as she saw the Grimm was trying to charge her with it's tusks first, but that wasn't why she had been taken off guard.

Jae had put himself between her and the Boarbatusk; Grabbing onto it's two biggest tusks that jut from it's mouth to halt it in place however it didn't stop the other smaller tusks from catching themselves into his stomach. With his Aura depleted fully at this point and his head on approach: his stomach was glistening red from the tusks digging in though he was also trying with all his might to hold the Grimm back as each slow step forward, he managed to distance him and the Boarbatusk from Yang one step at a time. "You…Don't…Get…To touch her!" He yelled at the Grimm with grit teeth and stifling down the pain as he then gripped harder on the tusks.

The Boarbatusk could feel its weight shift as its back legs started to lift off of the ground followed by its front legs as it now dangled off of the ground. Feeling like it was either going to vanish or that it was frustrated with being denied game; The Grimm started to shake its body and thrash about to try and pull free.

With an almighty heave upward, Jae managed to throw the Boarbatusk up into the air and watched it get higher and higher; "Alright Carmen…Let's see how big your booms can get!" Jae thought as he spun the cylinder of the revolver to change it from incendiary to Explosive; The bright red crystal in his gun quickly changed colour into a now orange colour and aimed the gun towards its underbelly to start charging. "Gunslinger!" He called out and then fired.

Yang was in awe at the sight as the orange shot flared it's way upwards toward the Boarbatusk before turning the firing cylinder of Electra and jumped into the air by using Trickster's Air Hike.

"Bye bye piggy!" Jae smirked as he then fired the glowing violet shot that sent the now dissipating Boarbatusk down into the asphalt with a heavy crash along with the ground beneath it cracking under the weight and the Gravity Dust's effects.

"What kind of training did he do to pull THAT off…" Yang thought to herself as she saw him land and rushed over when he started to keel over onto one knee; "JAE! Jae, hold on! I can get a…Medic?" She said to reassure him but then noticed that the wounds had already healed up under his shirt like he hadn't been gored from stomach to back.

"Relax…I'm good, just needed to catch my breath." Jae reassured her as he got back up and watched as the light orb from the Alpha Grimm vanished into his arm as another addition was made to his marking.

After the smoke cleared; The cavalry arrived as not just the teachers and the new Atlesian Knights showed up but Team CFVY as well to join in the fight and take out the still mobbing Grimm.

It took all the teams plus Glynda to take out the Grimm and block up the hole made by the train along with putting Torchwick in a pair of cuffs to be taken into custody. The only thing left to do was to clean up what was left but Ironwood insisted that he and his troops can do the same since the Teams were still students and needed to recover, more specifically Team RWBY and Jae since they had been doing most of the heavy lifting.

"I still can't believe that you got lost in West Vale and made it to Mountain Glenn without even meaning to." Pyrrha mentioned after she calmed down since she had seen him get skewered by an Alpha Boarbatusk.

"On top of clearing out a literal mountain of Grimm singlehandedly!" Nora added as she was just as surprised; "Then again, that's not as much of a shock with half the stuff you do around us."

"You should probably find Trish and the others before we finish our internship, Lady sounded pretty tense after you didn't come back." Ren remarked as he let out a soft breath since he could relax now; "So those were new guns?" He asked as he eyed the holstered revolvers that were now strapped to Jae's chest under each arm.

"Yeah, Nico went all out on these, they feel a hell of a lot better now that they're Demon made and not…y'know, ever growing fragile guns." Jae mentioned as he eyed up Carmen in his hands; "They feel more natural…Like I've had them all my life and perfectly balanced." He would compliment as he twirled it in his hands.

"Well, I guess it makes sense that they were made for someone like you in mind rather then being attached to one of Ironwood's robots." Nora admitted as she then took a glance down and found herself noticing that with his shirt partially torn in the fight, she and the others could see that the training he had with the trio did make all the difference. "Though I think you've gotten to be more of a weapon than the actual guns~" Nora smirked.

"Nora, what are you talking ab-" Jae questioned her but found himself caught off guard when Nora grabbed his shirt and lifted it to expose his stomach.

"NORA!" Pyrrha yelped as her face got as red as her hair and tried to avert her gaze, though she did take a solid minute to react since she never really saw Jae without his baggy hoody or his shirt on.

Whereas before Jae was more lean and wiry when he first enlisted at Beacon, they started to notice small improvements though since they actively saw part of his body following the admittedly brutal training that Trish and Lady subjected him to along with the Mountain training arc meant that they could see some pretty well defined muscle.

"H-Hey! Can you not?!" Jae yelled at Nora as he was equally red though this was mainly from being flustered and pulled his shirt down. "What exactly was that meant to accomplish and what exactly did you mean by me being a weapon?" He asked however there was no answer.

Nora was smirking smugly and her nose seemed to drip a little while Ren seemed a little more…distracted than his normally vacant face seemed to be. "I meant that you just flip that shirt up and you could make anyone weak at the knees like this~!" She remarked and poked his stomach though her smirk faltered into a little more of a visible blush; "Dang, what is there a bone here that I don't know about?" She asked as she realised how much harder he was on the midriff.

"Onto…Other topics…I'm just happy you're okay, Jae." Ren mentioned as he realised that Nora was taking this in a weird direction; "When we couldn't find you in our dorms, we did get worried that you got lost or you ended up overdoing training." He smiled a little and pat Jae's back after his leader tugged his shirt back down to conceal "The Goods".

"For now, I think that we should head back…I think Jae probably needs more of a rest than we do at this point." Pyrrha chuckled as she noticed that Jae's expression was starting to look more and more tired as he calmed down.

——In Ozpin's Office——

"You let him into a Mountain infested with Grimm and you didn't even inform his team?!" Glynda yelled at Trish, Lady and Nico who were currently sat in front of her and Ozpin since they wanted to submit their review of Team JNPR in person.

"You can blame me for that…I thought it'd be a good idea; The fact his Semblance and his Demon biology thrives better under a trial by fire situation meant that there wasn't really any other option to test him out…I mean we could but I think Trish and Lady might've ended up killin' him in the process." Nico confessed as she held onto what looked like a black, metal case that was as long as her arm.

"Ordinarily, I'd say she's exaggerating…But Nico does have a point, Demons aren't exactly the easiest to train and improve under normal circumstances…I mean that and the fact that save for a few people, not a lot of Demons are willing to go out in public admitting that they're one without the fear of getting the crap kicked out of them…It's like saying a Faunus is a White Fang in the middle of a crowded street." Lady added on as she crossed her arms; "Well, if you omit all the people who'd just laugh in your face or insult you outright."

"I must admit, the methods you three have taken with training Mr. Cielo is rather…dangerous, but it is as you say: He is a Demon so we can't exactly hold him to most normal Human standards, I appreciate your focus and your attentive help with him nonetheless." Ozpin thanked them as he slid over some cheques for their work; "Consider this a token of thanks and an invitation to keep supplying Vale with your specially made Metalworks."

"Oh, that reminds me…We got ourselves a new outreach since we came across some new materials and since Jae's been a real doll with showing me the creativity that can come from his Grimm weapons and have managed to give me some ideas for new ones to make…Plus it does make sense to give the kid weapons that are made for him in mind as well." Nico chimed in as she passed the case over to Ozpin and Glynda; "Make sure he gets it and tell him not to worry about the whole Charge Shot thing, Demon-Made Weapons are a hell of a lot more durable so they can take any punishment~"

——In a more secluded area——

As the five began to talk and discuss the Team assigned, someone in another place was beginning to make moves.

"Those Grimm are a pain to deal with in suburban areas, good thing I was around when they started popping up…Though what was with that kid? He threw them around no problem and pulling weapons out of thin air like that? There's no way that could be part of a Semblance alone…." A Figure would talk to themself as they sharpened up their sword in an abandoned building; "The fact that the locket started lighting up when the Grimm attacked…I can't really make the right judgement call yet but it definitely lit up around the blonde girl and him…The locket doesn't lie and that proves one thing in particular: There's a Demon among them and with how brightly it lit up, it's an especially strong one."

The Figure then saw his reflection in the moon bathed sword; It was a boy that was barely older than Jae or the others at Beacon were. "One thing that I know for certain is that if a Demon is sniffing around Vale or worse...targeting people, then it won't be long until more attacks like this will happen again; I must act to put an end to this Demon's vile corruption! On my honour as a member of the most prestigious and capable Demon Hunters and as a member of the Arc Family…I make this solemn vow to you, Demon." The Blonde haired boy stared at his sword with his blue eyes being sharper and colder than any Grimm that he struck down.

"I will not rest until I kill you…"

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