Chapter 31: Making Amends
"So you said that you felt this way about everyone? Including your own team?" Yang asked as she lay snuggled up to Jae under the sheets; her head contentedly resting on his arm as she was finally spent after a long and strenuous session with him and the recently tagged in Weiss.
"Yeah…As selfish as it sounds…I felt these kinds of feelings for Pyrrha, Nora…You guys and Blake." Jae admitted as he was gulping down water; Dealing with Yang's passionate approach was one thing and he had quickly been able to tucker her out but when Weiss showed up it brought out a new idea of "Training" that Yang was happy to teach him. Granted it was clumsy and awkward for him at first but with Yang's guidance and desire to help him, he turned Weiss from a bossy girl who was picky about what she wanted for him to do into a sweating and pleasure induced mess. "If you hadn't told me to take the chance then I would've just kept my mouth shut about it…"
"There is one thing that I wondered though…You never actually mentioned Ruby, do you…not like her like that?" Yang asked curiously; It wasn't that she was eager to push Ruby into this but she was surprised that he left her out of this particular topic.
"Because she's younger than you guys…Even if she wanted to, I don't think it would be right…" He admitted as he then felt a slender arm wrap around his waist and leg wrap around his to cuddle up closer. "Nice to see you've woken up, Weiss."
"You…You shut up…" Weiss tiredly pouted as she rested her head on his chest, her long white hair now out of it's tie and providing the nice contrast of white to her more blushed body after her turn at this. "I'm still mad at you for that thing you did earlier." She grumbled and wiggled her hips lightly and brought a bright red handmark on her left butt cheek into view which earned a nervous laugh from Jae and a louder laugh from Yang.
"So do you want to join in with this? We don't have to have multiple people around at the same time but I would still like to have the intimate time with you…" Jae asked her and Yang, ever since Yang mentioned about sharing; it got him into thinking and he wanted to be sure that he had the right way to say things if someone were to question it.
"Jae…I already made my feelings clear, I want you more than anything and in all honesty, I would've asked you if you wanted to get into more than one on one sooner or later…What about you, Ice Queen~?" Yang mentioned and looked to the tired Schnee that hung off of Jae's chest with a light smile.
"I'm not sure about how to explain it publicly but I must admit the idea of a lover behind closed doors is a…stimulating idea~" Weiss mentioned with a soft chuckle; "Though since people like Jae who possess a lot more then just a minute percentage of Demon heritage are considered an endangered race…I'm fairly certain that there's a law somewhere that can make his allowance for multiple relations to be accepted rather then scorned." She explained and then leaned up to kiss Jae's cheek; "I think these kinds of relationships can be classed as a polycule but I would be happy to be in one with Jae…Though I have to set this one rule: I will only be a part of it if the other people in it are 100% willing, I don't want to feel like we're forcing others into something they don't feel comfortable with."
Jae and Yang nodded; "Yeah, I was actually going to say if we do this then we follow that rule." He stated bluntly before kissed Yang's forehead; "Though I'd like to talk to someone about this first and see if they'd be interested..."
"Oh~? Has Jae finally got people in mind for his little harem with us~?" Yang teased him but earned a light bop on the head by Weiss.
"I doubt it's something so simple…It's someone you genuinely care about, isn't it? From the very start I mean." Weiss reprimanded Yang before directing her question towards Jae.
"Y-Yeah…I know it sounds bad but the person I wanted to ask is someone that I've known that I've liked from the very beginning…Someone who I've spent the most effort trying to get to look at me that way, now that I know she feels the same way towards me…I want to ask her if she wants to join us or if she wants it strictly between two." Jae explained as he sat up, voicing the thoughts that were in his head from the moment that Yang brought up the idea of sharing with each other.
"That's…Actually rather mature of you, though I have to admit it is a little worrying if they should want to keep it monogamous…I may have been embarrassed at the start but now that I know that your liking for me isn't just for my family name or anything superficial…I do genuinely hope that you can spend time with m-I mean us…As more than just friends." Weiss admitted with a shy smile that made her look somehow cuter than her usual icy demeanour; "Though outside of what other potential partners that you or Yang bring in on this…I can see probably one or two problems with this."
Yang raised an eyebrow as she sat up; "Oh really? So what's so worrying that has you in a tizzy? Getting caught? Or finding out that you've got some dirty secrets with us now~" She snarked to further tease her and watched Weiss fidget a little.
"W-Well, unless you'd like to explain to your father why you've suddenly ended up in bed with someone at school? If MY father finds out…Or worse my sister, I think we're gonna worry about a lot more than a tongue lashing…" The Schnee Heiress pointed out as she recognised that being tied to multiple partners plus being the next in line for the Family Name was a volatile mix.
Yang paused as she mulled over what Weiss had said and the faces of Tai-Yang and Qrow filled her head and then shuddered; "Okay, I think I see your point…Jae might end up in a lot of trouble if we're not careful."
"Well…As long as we're honest about it and we don't try to make things worse, we COULD potentially be able to take the sting out of things." Jae suggested which earned him a look of stunned skepticism from both girls.
"Jae, my sister is in the Military as one of Ironwood's specialists…She'd probably find a way to get you in the deepest of trouble if she doesn't hurt you first."
"I'm with Weiss on this, I know you're good enough to convince us but try persuading my dad or my Uncle that you aren't just looking to play around for kicks." Yang added as she stroked his chest; "I'd much rather have you alive, thank you very much."
Jae gulped once he realised just what he was dealing with; "Yeah…I got some real thin ice to tread."
"To say the least…But I think we should start getting ourselves more in order and not give away what we've been up to." Weiss suggested as she climbed out of bed and grabbed a blanket to wrap around her.
"Yeah, if we walk around stinking of sweat and each other…we're gonna get in trouble…Mainly you, Jae." Yang opted as she was more liberal with her body and just strutted out to take a shower.
"I'll get back to you on this whole…thing but I will really think about it." Jae said and smiled at Weiss who was watching him pull on a shirt while his body still healed from Yang and Weiss's scratching.
"Oh, that's interesting~" Cinder smirked from her dorm as she was checking on her Scroll when a new icon popped up on her screen.
"What is it?" Emerald asked as she looked up from her book while polishing her weapons.
"I think we found ourselves a new peephole." Cinder mentioned as she opened up what was labeled as "LAST" to see a list of files such as location data, video feed and body monitoring. "Looks like Ironwood's been doing a little more than just security detail for the tournament." She smirked before opening up one of the monitoring feeds and saw a curious sight; A camera was being shaken around, either someone fitted a robot wrong or Ironwood fit a camera on someone.
"Surveillance? He can't be on to us already, can he?" Emerald asked as she was getting anxious at the idea; "We've kept our presence to a minimum and he saw us pushing Torchwick into the back of that police truck."
"Don't make assumptions about things, Emerald…But if Ironwood's got a wandering eye for someone or something in particular…I can imagine that we can use it to our advantage." Cinder mentioned as she monitored the feed but curiosity had her tapping on the previous log as the sound of heavy breathing and moaning rang out in their dorm room.
"W-What the hell?!" Emerald was shocked as she was currently looking at a mess of bodies that were wriggling around like eels; "What was the General watching?!" She asked with a bright red face due to not expecting a sight of what looked like the makings of an adult movie show on Atlas Military tech.
"I'll be honest…I'm not entirely sure…But at the worst case scenario, we have black…mail…" Cinder trailed off as she looked closer to see a familiar pattern of blonde hair and white hair; "Looks like some of our Beacon friends have been pretty busy behind closed doors~"
"You're kidding right?" Emerald shook it off before squinting her eyes to look better; "The heiress and the bimbo? I never thought they'd be…like that."
"There are a number of things that can surprise you, but this is hardly o-"
"So, you two ready for another?" A familiar guy's voice was heard as a blurry image of Jae stepped towards the bed in a much more exposed state that either of them were prepared for.
"One of them?" Cinder's eyes were transfixed on the image with a small smirk on her face while Emerald was beet red and covering her eyes.
"Why are you still watching this?! It's completely insane that someone like Ironwood wants to record this." Emerald protested to Cinder as she tried to block out the sounds of the video.
"If it's such a horror for you to look at, why are you peeking through your fingers~?" Cinder pointedly asked with a smirk as she shut off the video; "We'll keep this open for now…We can absolutely use it to our advantage, let's keep to the plan...And who knows, if we play our cards right with Jae, we might have a good way for him to join us."
Emerald couldn't believe she was hearing and left the dorm room for what she labeled as fresh air, though when she shut the door; she began to make measurements with her hands; "Seriously, he has to either be a specific type of Recessive Demon or some cosmic being felt bad for him because no way could he be that big!" She thought to herself while trying to wipe her own mind of what she had seen but to no success.
"Emerald?" Jae asked as he was walking down the hall and saw that she was looking a little…frazzled. "You okay over there? Because you're standing there and mumbling to yourself."
Emerald snapped out of it as she saw Jae in front of her with a concerned look on his face; "Oh uh…H-Hey there." She tried to keep her tone even considering that the last image she had of him was naked. "Sorry, you caught me at a weird time…I just had a lot to take i-I mean I saw something big…" Emerald kept failing to divert her thinking from what she saw and it was even worse when said person she saw was in front of her. "I meant that…my team…now have someone important watching us in the tournament so I'm a little nervous." She explained after a few deep breaths and carefully thought out words.
"Well…That's great, isn't it?" Jae tried to help her relax; "If you've got people watching you then that's a sign you've got supporters." He mentioned with an optimistic spin on this, unaware that Emerald was worried for a completely different reason.
"I…I guess so but that also means a lot more pressure on us as a team…Though I think you should probably worry more…You got Pyrrha Nikos on your team and I've been hearing your name across campus more so you might have more of an audience with expectations." Emerald added as she then looked to him before tapping his chest; "Plus the things I hear about you from others have been interesting."
"Interesting? How exactly? Because some people like to gossip." Jae asked curiously since he wasn't sure whether to be anxious or not…Weiss was surprisingly loud.
"About your deal with the Weapons stuff…How exactly are you going to use them in the Tournament…Or are you planning on just your sword and gun?" Emerald asked him since she decided to try prying him for info but also because she was genuinely curious as to how someone like him will be able to explain this.
"I actually talked with Professor Ozpin about it and he said that as long as I'm sensible with it, he doesn't see a problem." Jae explained though he did partially lie; Ozpin did say for him to utilise himself to whatever necessary extent but to limit his natural abilities as a Demon.
"Well, hopefully I'll be seeing you guys in the tournament~" Emerald mentioned with a small smile and left while swaying her hips at him but ditched her somewhat less fake smile when she rounded the corner; Barring the sights she had of Jae in that video, she started to garner a soft spot for him during the time that her, Mercury and Cinder infiltrated the school. She knew that she couldn't allow herself to form those kinds of attachments while their mission was underway but she found herself getting drawn to him. "Focus! He's nothing but a pawn…Cinder wants him on her side and he's just a more tolerable Mercury…Just…slightly hotter…"
Jae waved back as he decided to go find the person that he wanted to talk to the most and headed back to his dorm; "Gotta say, kid…You're really turning around on the whole "I want to keep to myself, people will just hurt me." Thing…I mean, I get why you had problems but you've really come into your own…And a couple of your fellow students~"
"Will you shut up…That was kinda sprung on me! Not to mention that I used protection so I'm not too worried about any surprises in the future." Jae mentally bit back but blushed at the not so subtle innuendo.
"Well, sprang on or not…You should feel great about yourself; You've now got people to treat you right, the confidence in actually knowing you're a Demon and now you have no problems with school or anyone hassling you." The Voice pointed out as they headed into Team JNPR's Dorm. Though Jae was surprised to see that it was empty and quiet; No sound of Nora running around or jumping on the bed, no Ren to launder or practice his dancing and no Pyrrha studying at the desktop. "Well…Looks like I've got the place to myself." He said to himself as he started to pull off his hoody to chill out, having not notice that a pair of boots were tucked away under the bed.
"You're gonna have to tell the others anyway, they're gonna notice when you're gone and it affects your mood so they WILL notice if by chance you start getting snippy."
"I don't need you chiming in on my decisions, when the time is right then I think I sho-"
"You talk too much! What you two fail to forget is that with our rising power, we have the opportunity to ensure our spot at the top…Teammates, Rival schools or friends…You're a Demon, it's time you started looking out for yourself and not deluding yourself with these so called "Relationships" when you have more at your disposal…"
Jae grimaced as he heard the second voice rear it's head once more; He did his utmost to stifle down the intrusive thoughts about winning, dominance and asserting his place among them but with the recent build up in his power, that voice was slowly becoming louder and louder in his head.
Loud enough to block out the creaking of the bathroom door as Pyrrha stepped out with a towel wrapped around her and adjusting her dried hair, her recent shower had cleared her mind after the last batch of training she did and more specifically helped to steady herself for confronting Morgan when he got back. Though that idea flew out the window when she saw Jae sat on his bed and yelped in surprise; "J-JAE?! W-What are you doing in here?!" She stammered with a beet red look on her face since she thought she was alone.
Jae was about to snark a comment but that trailed off when he saw Pyrrha standing there with a heavy blush and in nothing but a bath towel; "I-Uh…I…." He tried to talk but the words kept getting stuck in his throat, everywhere he looked ended up catching him off guard: The way her hair fell and framed around her flustered face, the firm yet fair figure that was emphasised by the towel's tightness and each inch of exposed skin that he could see was practically begging to be kissed. "There wasn't an answer when I knocked so I came in with my key…" He explained honestly and tried to keep his line of sight at her eye level to hopefully not make her more uncomfortable.
"I see…Well, I had finished in the shower so it's hard for me to hear what was going on, though myself and Nora did hear odd things about you while you were away…" Pyrrha mentioned as she hoisted up her towel to keep her chest covered. "A lot of girls have been asking about you since our fight in the town square."
Jae felt his body heat up in embarrassment; "Yeah, I've noticed some rather…weird stares at me." He said before throwing his hoody under his bed; "Plus Yang and Weiss kind of…pulled me away to talk about it." "You mean where you showed up in Mountain Glenn or when you saved Yang from that giant Boar Grimm?" Pyrrha asked as she sat down and started brushing her hair; With how the two of them acted earlier and how eagerly people talked about him, she was starting to suspect things. "Because I saw Yang earlier looking for you…Her, Blake and Weiss…Though you never actually said where you went to I couldn't really tell them."
"Dude, I know this is a sucky idea but…We should probably tell her about what went down with Yang and Weiss, she deserves to know after all."
Jae could feel a vice wrap around his heart as he knew that the topic was potentially going to lead there but he wasn't sure how to address it. "Look, Pyrrha…I-"
"Jae, is there something that you want to tell me?" Pyrrha asked him with a pointed look; Though she wasn't being accusatory or trying to force it, it was surprising to see that she was being supportive and worried about him. "I know the things that we talked about before regarding what happened before Beacon…But I still want to be there for you, so if there's anything that is causing you worry…" She prompted him and gently clasped her hands together.
"I…I don't think I can…I'm worried that if I start talking about it then you'll get upset with me and…it'll make things worse…" Jae admitted honestly.
"Jae…Whatever it is, we can talk about it. Things can be messy but we can sort things out and at least discuss what's wrong and how to address it." Pyrrha sat next to him and gently rested her head on his shoulder to reassure him, unaware that what Jae had in his mind was potentially going to test how much she was willing to accept.
"I…Ended up sleeping with Yang…And Weiss." Jae finally decided to bite the bullet on the matter; "She's too good a person to lie to…It's probably for the best that I tell her everything." He thought as he began to detail everything that led up to the dirty deed, making sure that he was as honest as he could be despite how bad it sounded.
Pyrrha sat on the bed in shock; It was all a lot at once and she wasn't truly sure how to feel but the permeating silence was more than anyone could bear.
"Pyrrha…Please, I know what I did was bad but I promise you that the way I feel about you hasn't changed! But there's something else I need to tell you about, I want to tell you about som-"
"Don't…I just…Please leave me alone for a while…I can't bring myself to look at you right now." Pyrrha mumbled in a quavering voice, trying her hardest to hold it together while also trying to not lash out at him.
"Pyrrha…Listen to me, there's somethi-"
"I said leave!" Pyrrha repeated louder and with a harsher tone; Pointing to the door and shaking all the while as everything was bubbling to the surface.
Jae knew that he had no right to try and justify what had happened even if it hurt like hell, "Just…Okay…" He started but decided to renege on his wording to avoid making this worse and got up, leaving his jacket behind.
Pyrrha clenched her fists tight around the hem of her towel as she waited for him to leave, her feelings starting to pour over when she heard the dorm door creak shut and quietly lock.
Jae pressed a hand to his face as the door closed, his body feeling like it was simmering and boiling up in anger at himself and the guilt of what had transpired. "Fuck…I thought being honest would've been the right answer…"
Those feelings only grew worse when he heard the muffled but heavy sobs from behind the door as Pyrrha finally broke and it made the feeling of guilt inside him squeeze at the block of ice that settled in his stomach. "Dude…We need t-"
"Don't…Okay? Just don't…Not right now…" Jae mentally snapped at the mental voice as he trudged down the hall with half his attention on walking and the other trying to understand what he could do to fix it…If he could at all.
——Meanwhile in Team RWBY's Dorm——
"You two did what?!" Blake yelled in surprise as she saw the collective guilt and shame on their faces when she realised that the weird smell that emanated from them wasn't from training or from being out in the sun. "You both knew what was going on with Jae and Pyrrha, so why drop all that on him on top of that?!"
Weiss was the more guilty looking of the two but Yang certainly wasn't feeling like she did before. "I didn't intend on pushing on those feelings but Yang encouraged me to jump in too…"
"You two…Look, you need to fix this because when Ruby comes back from Patch, she's gonna wonder why you two, Pyrrha and Jae can't be in the same room together without any bad feelings!" Blake pointed out as she figured that this kind of impulsive decision could've come from either one of them but now that the high of everything wore off, what they did impacted more than just an awkward kiss in the corridor.
"How? We don't know where Jae goes off to outside of school and if Pyrrha finds out about what happened; There is NO WAY that she'll even talk to us again, let alone forgive us for what went on." Yang mentioned as she was fully aware that this extended beyond hiding her bedtime encounters with Jae from her dad and Qrow.
"Look…Since I'm the only one who hasn't gotten Cielo fever, I'll go look for him and try to see if I can help…You two need to pull together and figure something out for Pyrrha because I very much doubt she's gonna appreciate a vague excuse for banging her boyfriend like that." Blake lectured them and left them to go into Vale. She had spent enough time with Jae to understand that he wouldn't have done this out of malice or spite, his feelings however needed to be confronted even though she had to admit she was a little curious about Jae's performance in the back parts of her mind.
Yang held her head in her hands as she could feel the guilt eating away at her; "I guessed it was a bad idea…I knew it was bad! What was I even thinking?!"
"Yang…There's no point in beating ourselves up, the damage is already done and now we have to try and fix it…However difficult it may be." Weiss resolved herself but felt a shiver of fear when she remembered that Pyrrha promised a whole lot of regrets if she had hurt Jae inadvertently or not…This in particular definitely counted. "I guess the right thing to do would be explaining to Pyrrha about everything…Sure he didn't say no to us but we can't pin ALL the blame on him."
"why don't we talk to Nora…If she's there to help back us up and act neutral…somewhat, then we can at least be upfront and give her the…details of what we were hoping to agree on." Yang mentioned as she got up and adjusted her hair to try calming herself, going to join Weiss in trying to find the missing Valkyrie.
Nora was currently trying to get her latest lifting record up to get herself ready when she noticed Yang and Weiss wandering over to her; "Hey, what's up?" She asked them cheerfully before placing the barbell down.
"Look, Nora..We kind of…messed up so we wanted to ask your opinion on something regarding…Pyrrha…" Weiss started as she felt like she could be the levelheaded one but when she tried to go into details, all she could think about was her, Jae and Yang going at it and it was hard enough to focus as it was.
Yang cleared her throat as she decided to step in; "We kind of…need your help with talking to Pyrrha…Believe me when I say this isn't the best way that we wanted to let her find out about…" She detailed as she then got herself ready to let it all loose.
"You two got frisky with him, didn't you?" Nora asked with very little hesitation or a hint of surprise since she was a lot more perceptive than people gave her credit for.
Weiss was about to issue a "How Dare You?" for her audacity but she was cut off by Yang; "I know what we did was wrong…Honestly, I don't blame her if she doesn't wanna talk to us but we have something that we want to talk with her about that'll hopefully clear all this up."
Nora looked at the two of them before sighing heavily; "Okay, so what exactly is this grand plan and what makes you think Pyrrha's gonna hear it out…Because I know how much Jae means to her and vice versa…" She elaborated with a serious look on her face.
"Look, we weren't doing it to spite Pyrrha or try and steal him, we did it because we genuinely like and appreciate him for the man he is! Not because he's a Demon, or because he's a big hitter at Beacon…." Weiss took the chance to play diplomacy and vouch for both her and for Yang.
"Or because he's gorgeous and amazing in bed~" Yang remarked with a coy smirk and a faint blush; "You can't forget that part~"
"Going off the rails way too fast there…" Nora pointed out; "Plus you're telling me stuff that I already know…Though not that last part, I know you guys enough that you wouldn't poach a guy maliciously….Well, Weiss gave me that vibe at the start of school…."
"BUT you changed! You managed to open up and show off who you truly are and Jae's not the kind of guy to fall for looks alone…If he said yes to doing…"THAT" with you then that must mean that he truly appreciates and cares for you." Nora followed up with and smiled a little; "I honestly thought he'd get annoyed with my attitude like a lot of people do…But he's stuck through it, treated me like I was a legitimate friend and I've come to appreciate and care for him like I do with Ren…which is why I'm not going to help you unless you can convince me that you're not doing this because you want him for yourselves…"
Both girls squirmed on the spot as they felt the pressure on them like a hammer; Though Weiss seemed a little more capable of standing firm since this was easier following the last time Nora got fully serious with her. "Nora...We both know about how Jae feels about Pyrrha and after hearing how he talked about her, we knew it wouldn't have been right to just…stop him from seeing her altogether."
Yang nodded; "Jae saved me…That only made him more appealing to me but if I just said "You're mine and only mine! No more Pyrrha!" Then it would've just made him resent me…That's why I gave him the idea of a pole relationship."
Nora raised an eyebrow in confusion; "A what now?"
Weiss sighed as she took over; "She means a poly relationship…As in we enter an agreement that we can date Jae together without having to worry about other people getting the wrong impression." She explained as Nora began to understand a little better.
"Okay, so this "Poly" thing…That's something you all agreed on?" Nora asked as she started to get interested in the idea; "And you two are perfectly okay to share if they both say yes to this?" To which the pair retorted with a slow and resolute nod. "I'll do what I can and talk to Pyrrha about it but all I have to say is try not to get your hopes up too high on this…One or the other could still say no on the whole thing."
——Meanwhile in Vale——
Jae was sat on a rooftop, all he had wanted was to be left alone and think about how he was going to fix his screw up. However what he and the rest of the students who had taken part in stopping the Grimm a while back was not an isolated incident and he was recognised by people, some people were giving him good luck for the tournament, some offered advice but most of the people who talked to him either asked about Pyrrha Nikos or whether he was single or not. "Just about the only place I can think in quiet and it's because other people can't get up here…"
"Hey…" Blake said quietly as she finally found him and watched him from a distance in case he needed his privacy; "You holding up okay?"
"Blake…I'm sorry but now's really not a good time…" Jae stated with a depressed tone, sure he was a little surprised that Blake had come looking for him but that wouldn't be anywhere near enough to cheer him up. "I know, I heard about what happened…" Blake admitted as she went to go sit with her study partner; "Yang and Weiss told me everything….About what happened between the three of you."
"Great, so you're here to tell me that I'm a bad person for what I did?" He asked softly since he was well aware that he was in the wrong along with the fact that Blake was Pyrrha's friend too.
"No, I don't think that…I know that you wouldn't do this to purposefully hurt someone…I mean you could've handled it a little better but I'd never say that you are a bad person." Blake mentioned to try and see things evenly; "So I'm guessing if you're out here, it didn't go well?"
"She kicked me out before I could explain the whole thing…" Jae explained; Telling the cat Faunus about what Yang and Weiss had said about a special relationship and how he tried to tell them what he had planned first before saying yes to anything.
"Well, I think if you talk to her again after letting this settle…You might be able to get through." Blake suggested; "Besides…Knowing you, you might be able to talk more people into joining this little deal of your's~" She added to further tease him.
Jae blushed a little as he got up, feeling a little more uplifted after hearing that this wasn't going to end for good and he could fix it. "Let's just…start with making things right with Pyrrha."
Blake nodded as she felt better when Jae finally brightened himself; Even though she noticed that a lot of people were getting drawn closer to him and more from what it sounded like, she could take the solace in the fact that she was one of few who were closer in more ways then just feelings. "Good idea, I'll walk you back and leave you to it…And who knows…Maybe I could get in on the whole thing too~" She would wink as she started walking off.
As Jae followed after to make his way back to Beacon and prepared himself to knock on the door in case Pyrrha was still feeling out of sorts.
Standing in the room was Pyrrha on the bed with Yang, Weiss and Nora around her looking rather nervous except for the main redhead; "Hello Jae, I think it's time we finished our talk."