Resequencing DNA

Chapter 22

Wesley proceeded to drag Ashleigh by the arm, out of the sitting room and into the hallway. The solid, wooden door to the sitting room made a rather loud bang as it swung shut behind the pair as they began to head towards the stairs.

“Wesley, stop this right now!” demanded Ashleigh, yet Wesley, not listening to her plea, continued to lead her up the stairs, his grip now firmly around her wrist.

“I’ve never seen him quite like this before…where the fuck did this tight of a grip come from,” thought Ashleigh.

“Wesley! Unhand me…you’re hurting me, Wes,” she continued as she began to sob as they got to the top of the stairs and made their way towards Wesley’s bedroom. No matter how much resistance Ashleigh attempted to apply, she was unable to bring Wesley to a halt.

Finally, the pair arrived at Wesley’s bedroom. Wesley opened the door, released his grip on Ashleigh and pushed her through the bedroom door, stepping inside, he closed the door behind him.

“Wesley!” screamed Ashleigh, “What the fuck do you think you’re doing!”

Wesley, once again, ignored Ashleigh’s question, instead opting to take off his suit jacket and undo his tie.

“You will fucking answer me!” screamed Ashleigh once more, looking down at her wrist, she noticed there was a bright red mark left behind from where Wesley had held her.

Wesley finally stopped what he was doing, only to glare at Ashleigh, his face full of rage.

“Why…why Ashleigh…why am I reacting like this? Why am I this annoyed…just take a moment to think about your own questions for a goddamn second, before you even try to berate me,” snapped Wesley. “You…you are my girlfriend... Ashleigh…MY Girlfriend… this whole time we’ve been here…you haven’t wanted to be anywhere near me. You resist me when I kiss you…you…you would rather spend time with others…hell, even other men get more attention from you than I do. So ask yourself this…why am I annoyed…why am I upset, when I come back and my girlfriend is acting like some cheap whore, lapping up the attention of others.”

“Oh…is that it Wesley? Huh? Is that it…poor little Wesley, didn’t get the attention he THINKS he deserves…huh? Is that it? Am I right?” yelled Ashleigh as she sat down on the bed. “And as for cheap whore…I thought that’s what you wanted Wes,” she added as she leaned forward to take off her shoes. “That is all you ever wanted…you sad…pathetic…little weasel of a man…you wanted nothing more than A FUCK BUDDY!” she screamed, throwing her shoes one by one at Wesley as she did so. Missing with the first, yet catching his arm with the heel of the second, causing him to wince in pain.

The pair fell silent for a few moments, Wesley looking down towards the floor, whilst Ashleigh stared at the man she once considered her best friend, or rather, Aaron’s best friend.

“All you wanted…all you wanted, this weekend was for me to play the doe-eyed girlfriend to sit and patiently await your commands…one who will drop her knickers at your orders and take away your virginity…” stated Ashleigh. “Well…I’m sorry Wes…you fail with every single girl you meet…including those you create through your warped little tricks,” she added.

Still nursing his arm and in complete silence, Wesley began to make his way towards the bed, where Ashleigh was sitting, unfastening the button to his pants as he got closer to her.

“That little charade of yours Wesley…it’s over,” stated Ashleigh as she stood up from the bed.

However, as she got to her feet, Wesley was standing directly in front of her and quickly pushed her backwards. As she landed on the bed, Wesley then climbed on top of her, pinning her to the bed.

“I made you…remember that…I made you,” he uttered as he clutched her wrists, preventing her from escaping as he began to kiss her neck.

“GET OFF ME!” screamed Ashleigh, “WESLEY, GET THE FUCK OFF ME!”

Wesley’s trousers had now fallen around his ankles and Ashleigh could now feel his erect cock as it pressed through his underwear and against her thigh.

“He’s actually going to fucking rape me…” thought Ashleigh, “I…I can’t deal with this.”

No matter how hard Ashleigh struggled and tried to fight Wesley, he remained on top of her.

“I’m sorry Ashleigh…I…you’re just…I need you,” he uttered as he now had both of Ashleigh’s small and delicate wrists, pinned down with one hand. His other hand now made its way down to the bottom of her dress.

Ashleigh closed her eyes and began to cry as she could now feel his hand on her bare, inner thigh.

“Wesley, I’m begging you…please stop,” she sobbed as he reached her underwear and began to fumble its way around, trying to get inside.

Just at that moment, however, there was a knock at the bedroom door.

“Ashleigh…We just thought we would come and check on you…make sure everything is alright,” said the voice behind the door, it was Eloise.

“ELOISE!” Ashleigh screamed in anguish.

Almost immediately, the door could be heard opening, accompanied by Eloise letting out a sudden, sharp, shriek. However, it didn’t appear as if she was alone, as James, Jude and Alistair, rushed into the room at the same time. James quickly grabbed hold of Wesley, pulling him off of Ashleigh and back to his feet. Wesley, however, quickly tripped over his trousers that were still around his ankles, only to be caught by Jude.

James quickly rushed to Ashleigh, checking she was unhurt, before turning around and punching Wesley in the jaw, this time, knocking him to the ground.

Wesley was swiftly dragged back to his feet by Jude and stood before their father.

“WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!” bellowed Alistair, “WESLEY, DO YOU THINK THIS TYPE OF BEHAVIOUR IS ACCEPTABLE, LET ALONE THE NIGHT BEFORE YOUR SISTER IS TO BE MARRIED!” he bawled, before turning his attention to Ashleigh who was now sat upright once more, with James and Eloise checking on her wellbeing. “Are you okay my dear?” asked Alistair, in a much softer tone than Ashleigh had ever heard from him.

“I…I’ll be fine,” sobbed Ashleigh.

“Good…if there is anything I can do…just let me know,” said Alistair with a smile. “Now…James…you struck a member of this family…usually, I would say that this is unacceptable and that this type of behaviour must have a consequence…” he added.    

“I know…I apologise, Sir…I shouldn’t have done what I did…I acted without thinking…” muttered James.

“I suppose it was warranted in this circumstance, however, let this be a warning,” said Alistair, sternly.

“Duly noted sir,” replied James.

“Now…” stated Alistair, “For you…James, escort Wesley from my sight…but keep your hands to yourself this time for heaven's sake. Jude, go with them.”

A few moments passed by whilst James and Jude escorted Wesley from the room, Alistair also left the room, closing the door behind him, leaving Eloise sat with Ashleigh.

Ashleigh sat in silence, her head buried in her hands, as Eloise rubbed her back to try and comfort her.

“I think…I think I just want to go home now…Eloise…I just want this all to end…” sobbed Ashleigh.

“I know…I can’t even begin to imagine…” replied Eloise.

There was a slight tap at the door before it opened and in walked Pippa, who sat down on the bed also, on the other side of Ashleigh.

“I…I am so sorry Ashleigh, I can’t even begin to apologise enough,” stated Pippa.

“I…I just want to go home…I want everything…back to normal…I think…” reiterated Ashleigh, her voice still cracking as she continued to cry.

“Now…I have spoken with daddy just now…and there are two routes this could go…” said Pippa. “Firstly…James can take you home tonight and we keep Wesley here…with us…or secondly…we can ship Wesley home…and you stay the weekend as planned.”

“I don’t think James would want to take Wesley anywhere right now,” laughed Eloise.

“No…it will be a taxi for Wesley,” answered Pippa. “I know which option I would prefer… and I know you are wanting to go home…but regardless you are Ashleigh until Monday…yes? So why not stay…and have fun…amongst family,” stated Pippa with a smile.  

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