Resequencing DNA

Chapter 23

As Ashleigh sat on the bed flanked by the two women she was quickly beginning to consider friends, she remained silent.

“I wonder what will come of all this,” stated Eloise, glancing across to Pippa.

“Well…I’m not sure…” replied Pippa, her voice sounding rather uncertain. “There are only two things I am certain of, at this moment in time,” she continued. “Number one, that…that animal that calls himself Wesley…I refuse to call…IT…brother any longer and IT is not welcome anywhere near my wedding,” declared Pippa, her tone becoming more and more venomous the longer she spoke of Wesley and his actions.

“And the second?” asked Eloise, curious as to hear her cousin's response.

“The second…well…you already know the second Eloise…As much as I have disowned…and lost a brother…well…I have just as quickly gained a sister…” professed Pippa with a smile as she looked upon Ashleigh rather fondly.

Ashleigh lifted her head from her hands and looked at Pippa, who got to her feet immediately whilst turning back and standing before Ashleigh and Eloise.

“Well…naturally I mean…until Monday of course…” stated Pippa with a smile.

“Of course,” muttered Ashleigh as she smiled back at her friend.

“OH!” exclaimed Pippa, her eyes widening as if she had just been struck by a sudden thought.

“Oh…?” asked both Ashleigh and Eloise simultaneously, both looking equally as shocked as each other whilst waiting on Pippa’s next words.

“Oh my goodness…Ashleigh,” stated Pippa as she sat back down on the bed, beside her friend.

“Pippa, what on earth is wrong?” asked Eloise, concerned by her cousin's impromptu change in tone and behaviour.

Pippa looked back and forth between Ashleigh and Eloise before taking a deep breath.

“Well…a thought just occurred to me...” stated Pippa before pausing and looking Ashleigh in the eye. “Well…it’s about Monday…you see…”

“What about it?” asked Ashleigh.

“Well…there is only…HIM…who can change you back…do you think…do you think he still will…do you honestly want to see him after…especially alone,” stated Pippa, the look on her face told of the concern she had about the upcoming situation.

“I hadn’t really thought about it…” replied Ashleigh. “But…do I really have a choice…it’s either face him…or be stuck…like this,” she continued whilst gesturing at her body. “Besides…where on earth am I to live? I will have to see him sometime, Pip…and when I am put back to how I was…I will make him regret everything…trust me,” she added.

“Personally…I know he’s my cousin…but have you thought of reporting him…you know…to the authorities?” asked Eloise.

“Eloise does have a point, Ashleigh…he should be held accountable for his actions…after all…what he tried to do to you…” stated Pippa.

After a brief pause, Ashleigh got to her feet and turned to face the two ladies.

“That would be an idea…but that would mean staying this way for god only knows how long…” stated Ashleigh.

“There is that,” replied Pippa, “You can’t exactly report what he did to you and then all of a sudden, the victim of such a crime suddenly is… poof…suddenly switched genders,” she added, “I’m pretty sure that may confuse matters.”

“I guess so,” answered Eloise.

“You know what…” stated Ashleigh rather enthusiastically, “It’s all something I will deal with, as and when I need to. No use in fretting over something a few days away…I very much prefer to live in the moment,” she added.

“Have you given any thought to the options Pippa gave you…about the rest of the weekend?” asked Eloise.

Pippa and Eloise fell silent as they eagerly awaited Ashleigh’s response.

“You know what…I…I…” started Ashleigh before placing her hand to her face,  looking deep in thought. “I think…well…I think…I’m stuck this way until Monday…I’m so honoured, by what you said…about me being welcome here…” she added before pausing once again.

“Ah fuck it,” thought Ashleigh, she removed her hand from in front of her face and placed both hands on her hips.

“I wouldn’t miss your wedding for the world Pip,” said Ashleigh with a smile, to which both Pippa and Eloise jumped to their feet and threw their arms around her.

“I’m so pleased you’ve decided to stay, it truly wouldn’t feel right if you left just yet,” stated Pippa, a tear rolling softly down her face before she kissed Ashleigh on the cheek.

Pippa and Eloise relinquished their grip of Ashleigh as Pippa began to wipe away the tears that streamed down her cheeks.

“Well…I guess without Wes…I’m a free, single, attractive lady at a wedding…let’s have fun,” said Ashleigh with a giggle and a wink, causing both Pippa and Eloise to burst into laughter.

“Erm…did I really just say that,” thought Ashleigh as she paused with a stunned look on her face. Seeing the look of shock on Ashleigh’s face, however, brought even more amusement to Pippa and Eloise.

“Yes, that makes two of us Ash, let’s go let our hair down and have a good time,” giggled Eloise.

“We had best go and let daddy know of your decision,” stated Pippa, attempting to regain her composure.

“Yes…we need to tell Uncle Alistair so that he knows to get rid of Wesley,” stated Eloise before checking the time. “Good lord,” she exclaimed, “Pip, I shall inform Uncle Alistair…you, however, must get to bed…time is getting on and it’s an early start tomorrow for you,” instructed Eloise.

“Ah…maybe you are right…what time is it already?” asked Pippa.

“It’s ten past midnight,” answered Eloise.

“Oh gosh, where has the evening gone?” asked Pippa, raising her arms as she let out a huge yawn. “Now Ashleigh, are you sure you will be okay?” 

“Yes, Pip…I’ll be fine,” replied Ashleigh with a smile, “Goodnight,” she added.

“And, Eloise… you will let my father know the plans?” asked Pippa.

“Yes, yes, now go Pip, we shall see you…well… in less than seven hours, now be gone will you,” giggled Eloise as she tried to shove Pippa towards the doorway.

“Oh and Ashleigh…you will find your sleepwear hung in the wardrobe…they were my gift to you this afternoon,” giggled Pippa, “and should you need anything, I’m downstairs, second door to the right, Eloise is next door to the right as you come out of here and James is to the left,” she proceeded to explain.

“Gift?” thought Ashleigh, “What gift?”

“Goodnight Pip, she’ll be fine,” giggled Eloise as she closed the door, shutting Pippa out in the hallway.

“I CAN NOT BELIEVE, THIS TIME TOMORROW I’LL BE MRS PIPPA GOLDMAN!” shouted Pippa from the hallway, giggling as she walked away. “MRS PIPPA GOLDMAN!” One last time, she exclaimed before Ashleigh and Eloise heard the sound of the door closing at the end of the hallway.

“I think she’s a little giddy now,” stated Eloise with a giggle.

“You think so?” replied Ashleigh, “Well, it seems she has finally been hit by the realisation that she is going to become a married woman tomorrow, or should I say today,” she added with a chuckle.

“Right…I had best go and speak with Uncle Alistair, I guess you will be heading to bed now am I right?” stated Eloise with a smile.

“Actually, I think I could do with a cigarette,” replied Ashleigh, picking up her handbag and heading to meet Eloise by the door.

“Sure,” exclaimed Eloise, “I will walk down with you.”

The pair began to make their way through the hallway and downstairs to the main hall, where they came across Vivian.

“Oh my dear Ashleigh, I am ever so sorry my darling,” stated Vivian as the pair got close to her, “How are you?”

“I…I’m doing okay…thank you,” replied Ashleigh.

“Oh you poor thing,” said Vivian, “I always knew that boy was no good…I mean, just look at what he chooses to live with,” she added, to which Ashleigh fell quiet.

“Have you not met the housemate he has? Oh goodness, what a piece of work that is. Anyway, my dear, I am guessing this is an end to your relationship with him?” said Vivian.

“I…I…” mumbled Ashleigh.

“Well of course it has Aunt Vivian,” stated Eloise, spotting Ashleigh’s discomfort.

“Yes I can imagine it has…well, you are welcome here this weekend my dear, should you so choose to stay, that is,” said Vivian.

“Well, that’s what we are here for…Pippa instructed me to tell Uncle Alistair that Ashleigh will be accepting his invitation and staying,” stated Eloise.

“Oh that is fabulous news, my dear, like I said, you are welcome here for the remainder of the weekend, you are Pippa’s guest of course,” said Vivian with a smile. “Eloise, be a dear and go and let your Uncle Alistair aware that our guest is staying, he is in the sitting room.”

Eloise quickly made her way to the sitting room, leaving Ashleigh standing with Vivian.

“This feels rather uncomfortable,” thought Ashleigh.

“So, I imagine you will be turning in for the night Ashleigh?” asked Vivian.

“I will be…I was actually going to go for a cigarette and then turn in,” replied Ashleigh, stepping forward to make her way to the sitting room.

“Ah yes, that is fine…I will be doing the same…heading up to bed of course not that disgusting habit,”  chuckled Vivian. “Well go on in sweetheart, you will find only Alistair and Eloise in there. Wes…that boy… he is in the dining room with James and Jude.”

As Ashleigh stepped forward once more to head to the sitting room, once more she was stopped by Vivian.

“Just one…one more thing my dear…are you pressing charges against…you know who?” she asked.

Ashleigh noticed the distinct shift in her tone, one that almost screamed for the answer to be no.

“Erm…I don’t think so…” replied Ashleigh before continuing on her way.

Goodnight my dear,” said Vivian as Ashleigh opened the sitting room door.

“Goodnight,” replied Ashleigh, stepping inside and closing the door behind her.

As it had earlier that day, the first thing that hit Ashleigh as she entered the sitting room was the haze of cigar smoke which it filled the room. There as notified by Vivian, sat Eloise along with the cigar-chomping Alistair, who looked as if he was ready to burst with anger.

Ashleigh approached the pair and sat down on the chair furthest away from the fireplace.

Alistair looked up at Ashleigh and almost instantly his facial expression changed.

“Ashleigh, Eloise has told me the good news that you have chosen to stay…well as long as you know that you are always welcome in my home. Any friend of my Pippa is a friend of mine,” he stated in his rather gruff voice, yet sounding much more upbeat than Ashleigh had ever heard him. However, regardless of his upbeat tone, a smile still never crossed his face.

“Thank you, Mr Ashton-Burns,” replied Ashleigh, pulling out her cigarettes from her handbag and lighting up.

“I have had James organise a taxi for that…that boy…I swear dear girl…you will never have to look at or hear from him again…and please…call me…Alistair, no need to be so…formal,” indicated Alistair, waving his hand as he began to chuckle. “Anyway…there shall be no more speak of him…he is no longer welcome here…just like that animal housemate of his,” he added as he puffed away on his cigar.

“Yes, Mr Asht…Alistair…Sir…” replied Ashleigh, somewhat sheepishly.

Alistair turned and looked at the young girl who sat to his right and narrowed his eyes.

“Sorry…Mr…Alistair..Sir…Kind of a habit” mumbled Ashleigh.

Alistair then turned his head and looked at Eloise who sat on the sofa, a mere few feet from where he was sitting. His face wore a serious expression as his eyes darted quickly back and forth between the pair.

“Ashleigh…” he began as he puffed on his cigar. “Are you…My bank manager?” he asked.

“No…” replied Ashleigh who was now puzzled by the line of questioning.

“Are you…an employee of mine? A business associate perhaps?” Alistair proceeded, whilst still maintaining a somewhat expressionless look.

Ashleigh glanced across to Eloise who was miming to her to call him Alistair, as Alistair’s eyes were firmly fixed on Ashleigh.

“Erm…no…Alistair” answered Ashleigh, still rather confused.

“Hmmph,” exclaimed Alistair, looking down towards the ground. “I see…” he added.

Ashleigh looked to Eloise, who had now begun to giggle.

Alistair looked up at Ashleigh and too started to chuckle,

“Well then stop with all this Mr Ashton-Burns and sir, crap,” Laughed Alistair, “Hell…even my friends call me Al…” he continued, “But to you…it’s Alistair.”

Alistair was now laughing really loudly at his own jokes it seemed, along with Eloise who had giggled along at his sense of humour.

“Oh my dear girls,” said Alistair, “I’m getting too old for this…I just find that these days…the best thing to do is laugh…laugh as loudly and as often as you can,” he explained as he got to his feet and stubbed out his cigar. “I mean let’s be truthful…I could be gone…tomorrow…next week…next year…next decade…who knows…and what are people gonna remember? Huh? A miserable, old miser who cares only about business and wealth, but has no sense of humour to speak of, who never laughed a day in his life? Is that really what I want?” He went on to explain.

“Anyway…Goodnight girls,” stated Alistair as he began to make his way towards the door leading to the hall.

“Goodnight Alistair,” replied Ashleigh.

“Goodnight Uncle,” replied Eloise.

And before they knew it, Ashleigh and Eloise were sitting alone.

“See Ashleigh, you are still welcome here…and Pippa and I aren’t the only ones who are glad you chose to stay,” stated Eloise with a smile.

Ashleigh smiled in response before stubbing out her cigarette,

“I know…but it all just still feels odd…you know,” Ashleigh replied.

“I know…and it will I guess,” answered Eloise as the pair began to make their way out of the sitting room.

As they entered the main hall, the girls watched as Wesley was escorted to the main door by James. Wesley chose not to even look in Ashleigh’s direction, instead looking down at his feet the entire time.

James, however, smiled at Ashleigh as he and Wesley walked past the pair.

“His smile…it’s just so…so…reassuring,” thought Ashleigh. “Not only is he handsome…he’s ever so protective…caring…so strong…yet so…gentle. Why am I even having these thoughts…am I THAT attracted to him? Is it something Wesley did to me? All I know is…I feel…I feel strange when he’s around...But after Monday…he will never even look at me again.”

Ashleigh’s thoughts were soon interrupted by the sound of Eloise’s voice.

“Come Ashleigh, you should never have to look at that…that poor excuse for a man, ever again,” stated Eloise, taking Ashleigh by the hand and leading her up the stairs.

Upon reaching the top of the stairs, Ashleigh glanced downstairs to see James. However, the front doors had already shut, and he and Wesley were already outside.

The girls continued on their way in complete silence, swiftly arriving at Ashleigh’s room.

“I shall see you in the morning,” stated Eloise, “Bright and early,” she added with a smile.

“Yes…indeed,” replied Ashleigh, “Goodnight, Eloise.”

“Goodnight Ashleigh, sleep well my dear,” answered Eloise as she hugged Ashleigh and proceeded on to her room.

Ashleigh closed the door behind her and made her way over to her designated wardrobe.

“Ashleigh, you will find your sleepwear hung in the wardrobe, they were my gift to you…gift…what gift Pip,” thought Ashleigh as she recalled her conversation with Pippa.

Opening the wardrobe door, sure enough, hung to the left-hand side, were items. One was a long, black, silk, nightgown, with black lace trim around the bottom and also around the bust. The other was a red, silk, negligee, much shorter than the nightgown, but it too had a lace trim around the bottom. The main difference, however, apart from the length, was that where the bust of the nightgown was trimmed with lace, the bust of the negligee was made almost entirely from black lace, looking as though it wouldn’t leave much to the imagination at all.

“They’re both so pretty,” thought Ashleigh, picking out the black nightgown and placing it on the bed as she began to undress.

Ashleigh quickly kicked off her shoes before slipping out of her dress and placing it in the basket, as per Pippa’s previous instructions. Next, she unclasped her bra, throwing it into the basket also. Wearing nothing but her knickers, Ashleigh slipped into the soft, smooth, silky nightgown that Pippa had bought for her.

“One thing I must admit...” thought Ashleigh as she climbed into bed. “The material is ever so much nicer…and feels incredible against my skin,” she thought as she yawned and laid her head down on the pillow, closing her eyes.

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