Resequencing DNA

Chapter 21

 Ashleigh and Eloise made their way back along the rather long pathway, back up to the house, accompanied by Gerard, with Eloise talking almost nonstop.

“Does she ever shut up?” Ashleigh thought to herself, smiling as they finally reached the door that led back inside the house. Upon approaching, Gerard unlinked arms with the two ladies and raced ahead, rushing to open up the door before holding it for the ladies to enter.

“Thank you, Gerard,” stated Eloise as she and Ashleigh entered the door and proceeded into the main hall.

The girls made their way across the hall to the door of the sitting room. Gerard once again got to the door before them and opened it ready for them to enter.

“I’m not used to this…doors being held open for me…certainly nobody acts like this for Aaron,” thought Ashleigh as she quietly giggled to herself.

As they stepped inside, they found everyone was already gathered inside, separated into smaller groups as they had been for the majority of the evening. Jude and Elle were standing over by the windows. They were talking to Alistair and two men Ashleigh assumed to be Eloise's brothers, Lawrence and William, who weren't introduced to Ashleigh. Pippa was standing with Tiffany and Rose whilst Wesley sat on the sofa beside his mother, Vivian, and Bridget, who was sitting in one of the chairs.

As everyone continued with their conversations, the two ladies made their entrance and began to make their way towards the fireplace, where Wesley was sitting. Their entrance had gone almost unnoticed by everyone in the room, or at least that's what Ashleigh thought. As they walked, Eloise turned to Ashleigh,

“Look…do you see who has noticed you?” whispered Eloise with a giggle as she discreetly gestured towards the far left corner.

There, standing alone in the corner of the room was James, who smiled as Ashleigh’s eyes met his gaze.

“He has been watching you since we entered the room,” whispered Eloise.

Ashleigh blushed once more as she returned a smile in his direction, yet she continued, along with Eloise, over to Wesley.

As she spotted Ashleigh and Eloise approaching, Vivian said, "Oh, Ashleigh, my dear, you are back." Up until this point, Wesley had been blissfully unaware that the pair had entered the room.

“Yes,” replied Ashleigh with a smile.

“Ahem!” exclaimed Eloise, making her presence known as well, to which Ashleigh began to giggle.

“Oh yes, and of course, my darling Eloise, how could anyone not notice you, forgive me,” said Vivian, rolling her eyes as she began to chuckle. “I hear the two of you had a pleasant stroll in the garden. I hope you found it as relaxing and peaceful as I do,” she added.

“Absolutely…it stunning and so quiet…especially compared to where I live,” answered Ashleigh, before glancing down at Wesley, who remained seated, looking almost disinterested.

“Oh how lovely,” replied Vivian with a smile.

Ashleigh found herself distracted by the fact that James was still watching her. She felt his gaze upon her ever since it had been brought to her attention. Once more she looked in his direction and smiled. James smiled back at her before pointing across to the remaining few glasses of champagne that remained on the table as if to ask her if she would like a drink.

The exchange between the two, however, had since caught Wesley’s eye. He sprung to his feet almost immediately and approached Ashleigh.

“My darling, how I have missed you,” stated Wesley, placing his arm around Ashleigh’s waist and pulling her closer to him, whilst at the same time, ensuring her back was now turned to where James was standing.

“Wesley…what on earth are you doing?" whispered Ashleigh in Wesley’s ear.

“I’m just showing my girl some affection of course,” stated Wesley, glancing over Ashleigh’s shoulder.

“He’s noticed James looking at me…is somebody jealous?” thought Ashleigh.

“Wesley…are you drunk?… Wes…don’t do this…please,” whispered Ashleigh.

Wesley's hand fit tightly around her waist as he pulled her even closer to him before she could speak another word. As he pulled her in, he placed one hand on the back of her head and drew her closer still, as he began to passionately kiss her. As he did so, Ashleigh felt his tongue begin to pry its way between her lips and into her mouth, much to her disapproval. However, regardless of Wesley’s rather slight stature, no matter how hard she tried to escape his grasp, she wasn’t physically strong enough to push him away.  With her eyes remaining open the entire time, Ashleigh threw a troubled look at Eloise, who was now standing behind Wesley, looking on in astonishment.

“Ashleigh…why don’t we go and get a drink,” stated Eloise, as she took Ashleigh by the hand, pulling her away, at an angle that was just enough for Ashleigh to be finally able to free herself from Wesley’s grasp.

“That sounds like a great idea,” muttered Ashleigh as she managed to catch her breath.

“Don’t be long my darling,” stated Wesley as Ashleigh was led by the hand over to the table where the drinks were placed.

Eloise picked up the two remaining glasses from the table and handed one to Ashleigh.

“That certainly looked awkward,” stated Eloise as she sipped on her drink.

“Yes…it certainly was…” replied Ashleigh as she too began to drink, yet almost downing the glass in one.

“What has gotten into him?” asked Eloise, sounding rather troubled.

“I can tell you exactly what has gotten into him,” stated Ashleigh, gesturing towards James who was now standing merely a few feet away from the pair. “Did you not notice how he positioned me with my back to him…the way he pulled me to him and held me…it’s a classic case of trying to act possessive and ward off a rival,” giggled Ashleigh before drinking the rest of her champagne and placing the glass back down on the table.

“I would never have expected that behaviour from Wes…he’s not exactly the dominant, alpha male type,” giggled Eloise.

“He’s been drinking…I know that Wesley has a rather low tolerance for alcohol,” stated Ashleigh, “not to mention I think he’s lived with me too long and picked up a few of my techniques,” she added with a giggle, “plus…an audience doesn’t help.”

“Ok…” giggled Eloise, “But…on a more serious note… will you be okay…you know…sharing a room with him tonight?” she proceeded to ask.

“Yes…I’ll be fine…you’ve clearly never seen Wes when he’s drunk…” said Ashleigh, “I have seen him many times simply pass out after nights on the town…whether that be the couch, the bathroom…or even in the hallway, mere feet from his bedroom,” she added with a giggle.

“As long as you are sure,” stated Eloise, sounding rather concerned.

“Besides…” stated Ashleigh, “He knows I’d kick his arse, come Monday,” laughed Ashleigh.

“Is everything okay?” asked a male voice from behind Ashleigh, startling her a little.

“Yes…everything is fine, thank you, James,” replied Eloise.

“J…Ja…James…” thought Ashleigh, slowly turning around to notice the guy who had been making her feel rather giddy, was now standing directly behind her.

“I just thought I’d erm…check in on you since and make sure everything was fine,” stated James with a smile.

Once again, seeing James smile, almost made Ashleigh weak at the knees. It was clear that he wasn’t there to talk to her and Eloise, but rather just her. Since Ashleigh had turned around, she had noticed that James hadn’t even looked in Eloise’s direction but once, instead his eyes were fixed on her.

At that moment, Pippa walked over and stood beside Eloise,

“Is everything okay here…James?” she asked, looking at James.

“Yes, Miss Pippa…I was just checking on the young Miss Ashleigh. I know Mr Wesley was a little drunk and he appeared to be a little rough you see,” replied James with a smile.

“Oh, I see,” said Pippa with a smile, “Thank you, James, always so protective of the women in this family,” she added.

An awkward silence ensued as the four of them stood together, before Ashleigh looked across towards the seats by the fire, noticing they were now unoccupied.

“I…erm…I think I need a cigarette,” said Ashleigh with a giggle before stepping forward to begin making her way across the sitting room towards the fireplace.

“Miss Pippa…Miss Eloise…” stated James, “Would it be okay with you both if I was to accompany Miss Ashleigh?” he asked with a smile.

“Of course, James,” replied Pippa with a giggle.

James quickly linked arms with Ashleigh as they began making their way to the seating area. As they did so, Ashleigh heard the sound of Pippa and Eloise now giggling behind her. She turned her head and glared at the pair before scanning the rest of the room. Wesley was now standing with his father, Jude and his cousins, looking as though he was deep in conversation.

As they arrived at the seating area, James took Ashleigh by the hand as she sat down in the chair by the ashtray. Ashleigh placed her handbag neatly on her lap, before opening it to retrieve her cigarettes. She placed one gently to her red lips, before returning the packet to her bag and fishing out her lighter. As she pulled out her lighter, however, it slipped out of her grasp and dropped to the floor. Before Ashleigh had the chance to respond, James had knelt down to pick it up and was now leaning forward to light Ashleigh’s cigarette for her. Ashleigh smiled before leaning forward to meet the flame held out by James.

“Thank you, James,” said Ashleigh as she exhaled, to which James smiled and sat in the chair beside her, after placing her lighter back in her handbag.

“You’re welcome, Miss Ashleigh,” replied James with a smile.

Ashleigh smiled before glancing down at her handbag on her lap,

“Oh…how terribly rude of me…would you like one?” asked Ashleigh.

“Oh…no thank you, I don’t smoke,” replied James, “Thank you though,” he added with a smile.

“Well it’s only well-mannered to offer,” stated Ashleigh. “So…James…what made you come over here with me? If you don’t mind me asking that is,” she asked, now rather curious as to why James had escorted her.

James sat silently for a moment before looking her in the eye,

“Would you mind, if I…spoke openly?” asked James.

“Of course, there is no need to ask,” responded Ashleigh.

“I do have to ask…it’s almost like second nature to me now…” replied James, “If you are unhappy with anything I say…just speak to Mr or Mrs Ashton-Burns about me…I would understand,” he added.

“Don’t be silly,” replied Ashleigh, “Just say whatever is on your mind,” she added with a smile.

An awkward silence fell for a brief moment as it was clear James was trying to choose his words carefully.

“I…I just wanted to make sure you were okay…” stated James, “After meeting you for the first time…I know…I know you are with…Mr Wesley…but…I like…I have found I like spending time with you Miss Ashleigh…you seem like an interesting…intelligent…dare I say…beautiful…young lady,” he explained. “So different to the other ladies in the family…”

And awkward silence once again fell over the pair,

“That’s because I am different, James…you wouldn’t believe me if I told you…but oh my god…I can’t believe what he’s saying…I feel…I feel so weird,” thought Ashleigh.

“Now…I’m not saying that the other ladies… Miss Pippa and Miss Eloise aren’t beautiful, intelligent ladies…because they are…but you…just seem…different…you seem special…” continued James, before falling silent once more.

“James…I…” started Ashleigh, before James interrupted once more.

“No…Miss Ashleigh…I am sorry…I have said too much,” stated James.

Ashleigh stubbed out her cigarette in the ashtray, however, before she had the chance to reply, Wesley approached the pair.

“Come on,” stated Wesley, grabbing Ashleigh by the hand, stumbling as he did so.

“Wesley…what are you doing?” uttered Ashleigh as Wesley dragged her up and out of her seat.

“Time we turned in for the night,” Wesley replied.

At that James got to his feet and stepped in front of Wesley,

“Mr Wesley…I think you need to relax,” stated James, placing his hand on Wesley’s chest and stopping him in his tracks.

“James get out of my way,” snapped Wesley.

“James…no…it’s okay,” muttered Ashleigh.

“What is the meaning of this…Wesley…James…” snapped Alistair as he approached the commotion.

“Everything is fine father,” said Wesley as he barged his way past James, “I am just taking…MY girlfriend…up to bed…goodnight everyone,” stated Wesley as he made his way towards the door, leading Ashleigh by the arm.

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