Chapter 26: Don’t Grow Up Too Fast
The evening before Lise's group left. Anora dropped by for a visit. She was standing like a guard outside the house. Note who'd been out for a walk spotted her. Immediately fearing she was here to spar one more time before she left, turned to flee. Ever sharp the blue haired girl raised her head catching him in the act. Eyes locking Note accepted his fate nodding to her. She nodded back, walking up to him.
"I wanted to give you these. Lise and Yuka worked hard on them."
Note took the medicine box he was handed. Peaking in, a multitude of pouches and bottles were neatly piled inside. No doubt the fruit of two healer's studying efforts. Anything they thought he might use had been carefully packaged.
"How did you get stuck with delivery? I was with you all just the other day helping you pack."
Anora shook her head, "I wanted to. It wasn't ready until just now. A few greater potions took time to brew. Those two are good at this kind of thing. I'm not. So at least I can bring it to you."
Note felt oddly touched. Anora wasn't usually so inclined to explain herself.
"I appreciate it, thank you. I know I've said all my well wishes already so I won't go on about-"
"I'll protect them." Anora placed her hand to her chest.
Note's eyes softened, "I know you will."
Anora smiled at that; pleased Note believed in her.
"A warrior always trusts their gut."
Note glanced at the girl confused a bit but nodding along. Seeming content with giving her words of encouragement. Anora turned without another word, heading back. Never the type to bother with parting phrases. Note watched the young warrior until she turned a corner. A bit puzzled but still full of fondness.
A pair of arms wound their way around his waist.
"Was that the ever-sharp warrior princess leaving? What was she doing here alone?"
Ravan stood on his toes to try and rest his head on Note's shoulder peeking at the box. Note turned to show off his present. Ravan looked through the goods with an appraising eye.
"Those two are getting better and better. They might just pickle you at this rate. You'll live forever."
Note hummed, rubbing a thumb over the box. Ravan noted his mood and rubbed his back as he coaxed.
"They'll be fine. The Division always does it's best to give missions based on skill level. They're not off to war."
"What about our first mission?"
"Well, that's hardly a fair comparison. Our missions are meant to be scouting ones. Someone- I won't name names. Seem's to always end up getting us more involved then were supposed to."
"So as long as I'm not there. Things should turn out fine?"
"Exactly dear. You get it." Ravan gave a reassuring pat to his butt.
Note felt a crackle of magic itch at his finger's. Ravan made a hasty exit.
The kids left at daybreak not wanting anyone to see them off. Note resisted asking Xian to go check on them anyway.
As spring settled in, the Division settled back into full swing. The mission reports would soon be poring in. As most team's rushed down the mountain. Off on their adventures now that the frost had faded. Note's squad was kept grounded because of the dragonling that still depended on them. Raising and training Scratch as they grew became more and more like raising a child. You blink and suddenly they had grown again.
Scratch was soon as big as Wolf, and able to out fly Xian. The dragonling was ruefully now too big to cling to any of it's Papa's. Laying its head on Note's lap he could swear the spoiled baby spent most of it's time whining about its ever-changing size. It felt like all too soon his little hatchling would no longer fit in their home. Having to move into an upper cave that was already being molded into a proper dragon lair for them.
Note was smothering the content scaled baby in question with kisses when Xian walked in. Seeing the happy flick of Scratch's tail coming dangerously close to knocking over a shelf. Xian cleared his throat. Upon detection, Note hastily stopped his doting. Acting as if nothing had happened and glancing through his work. Scratch likewise closed his eye and pretended to sleep.
Xian rumbled in the dragon's tongue, "Just don't break anything. You're getting too big to flail around like that. Also, your Dama needs to finish his work."
"Party pooper." Scratch hummed.
Note rubbed Scratch's head, "Don't listen to him."
Xian came over placing a few more papers on the pile, "How do you know what I was saying?"
"Educated guess."
"Then if you're so sure. What else did I come here for."
Note hummed, "Delivering in person… Wanted to grab a snack from home?"
Xian shook his head, leaning on Note's desk.
"Then… You finished early?"
Xian leaned over shaking his head again.
Note was trying his best to guess, when Xian closed the distance and pecked his cheek. Answering his own question.
"I came for that." Xian stated proudly.
Scratch trilled its encouragement. Note covered the giddy dragon's eyes, blushing.
"Think of the children."
"The child in question is keeping track." Xian snitched.
Scratch quick as a whip slithered it's way out of Note's office. Suddenly maneuvering its large body about with ease. Note tossed a rolled scroll after the naughty dragonling. Half hearted in his toss but thoroughly embarrassed.
Xian leaned in again, looking focused. Clearly hoping for another kiss now that they were alone.
Note felt he was the lone island admits a sea of opportunists. He couldn't ignore the look he was being given for long though. So, after a bit of indulging the kiss addict. He collected himself and reminded Xian he did in fact have to get things done today. Xian stole a few more moments. Peking a trail of kisses down Note's neck before collecting the finished documents and heading back to his own work.
It was already nearly summer when Scratch hit their next milestone. Note had been training with Ravan at the sparring field. Enduring being out maneuvered while Ravan happily teased to his heart's content. When like a meteor, they came diving down. The force of their sudden landing, sent the two men tumbling into each other. Tangling up together thoroughly. They didn't have enough time to get shy- or in Ravan's case handsy- before they were shocked a second time.
"Dama! Pa!" A bellowing youthful voice boomed out from Scratch.
Note and Ravan got so excited, one accidentally elbowed the other as they rushed to stand. Ravan rushed right over to the young dragon that now stood taller than him.
"You can talk!! You did it!"
Note came over nearly tripping in his excitement, "When did you learn? Just now?"
Xian in hawk form flew down, having had to rush to catch up to the ecstatic Scratch. As he returned to his human form he beamed like a proud parent.
"They've been practicing for awhile but they've got the hang of it now. They wanted to show off the moment they figured it out."
"I wanted to speak perfect. So, I waited until I was real sure." Scratch purred.
Ravan was so overcome he just hugged Scratch. Looping his arms around their long throat to feel the rumble of their voice. Xian caught sight of a stray tear.
"Is it something to cry over?" Xian gave a hearty pat to Scratch's side as he got a closer look at the sniffling Rav.
"Shut it. To you it might be nothing. But for us, these are our baby's first words you know! I deserve to be a bit emotional."
Scratch nuzzled at his tearing up Pa. Xian breathed out a laugh, pulling out a hanky. He dabbed at Ravan's face roughly a bit before it was snatched from him. Ravan cursing him, before thanking him.
Note came closer holding out his hands waiting until Scratch rested their head on his palms. Note pressed his head to theirs, unable to put into words how proud he felt.
Ravan sniffled, "I'm so relieved. Someone to finally talk to."
Note and Xian both sighed, as Scratch chortled.
Then the day came for their baby to move into his new accommodations. Pathosmet's mountain peak was the highest so the cave had been set into this vital vantage point. Reaching any part of the Division would be fastest from there. With how swift Scratch was becoming -thanks to his Da's rigorous training- he would eventually become the quickest responder to any threat.
Note and Ravan tried to not act like they'd won having their mountain be the location of Scratch's new home. Xian ignored them, whenever they referred to Scratch as apart of their branch exclusively. Liaud was on his side after all, they wouldn't lose so easily. Xian held back arguing if location was the defining feature, then as they lived within his branch's territory. They'd already been absorbed into his Jaunvei branch for awhile.
Note looked into the cave and the path up to it decorated in colourful banners. It felt oddly like a birthday party. Liaud had arrived first to deliver his -bribes- gifts. He'd acquired a few rare and precious artifacts to gift his grand-dragon as a housewarming gift. Scratch's eye's sparkled as they admired the treasures. Note smiled at the eager young dragon. They'd gone from sneakily stealing his pen's to getting their own things to guard.
Xian came over standing beside Note. Watching on as Scratch chatted away with Liaud and others who had come to formally greet the young dragon. Note wondered if this was some cultural practice he was ignorant to. Turning to ask.
Ravan sidled up to his other side anticipating what Note was curious about.
"A benevolent dragon moving into the area is generally a cause for celebration. Even a minor wyrm like Scratch, is considered an honour. It's not uncommon for people to try and bring offerings when one moves in. With our filial kid eager to guard us, the whole Division's celebrating the good fortune."
Xian nodded, "They bring gifts to entice a dragon to settle down. The better the starting hoard, the less a dragon would want to change locations. Then the area gains a fierce guardian."
Note blinked, "How big will Scratch get? This is quite the cave."
Xian smiled, "Wyrm's have a limited growth range. In a few years They'll stop growing. Some dragon's never stop, their size entirely dependent on their ability and environment."
Ravan dumped into Note, "Scratch told me they want to take us all flying one day."
Note gasped, "They'll get that strong?! All of us at once? When. How long-"
Xian pressed his hand to Notes head, "Calm down, not for awhile yet. And you wonder where they get it from."
Note swatted at Xian's hand as Ravan chuckled. Ignoring the accusing look Note gave him.
The people visiting and crowding around Scratch all went quite as too figures entered the cave. Standing side by side the two's extreme height disparity only made them stand out more. A woman clad in shining bronze armor, stood at nearly seven feet. The small masked figure beside her didn't even reach five. Then two more followed behind them. Note recognized Lace but not the serious looking man beside him. Did that mean the woman in armor was the head of Akava? Who were the other two then?
Xian leaned over, "The branch heads all thought this was a good excuse to get together. You'll see them all today."
Note watched on with a renewed excitement. The novel had rarely touched on the heads. Reign as the Division leader and Merliz as Lise's direct superior had been the only one's ever featured. Merliz lived up to her reputation, she was larger than life standing heads taller than most people. Her smile was a warm as a mother's, the scar's littering her skin the only way to discern her pervious life as a general.
The smaller masked cloaked person was identified as Umvil, Moroseil's head. The pale porcelain mask had simple features carved into it. The eye's were pitch black holes, revealing nothing of what laid behind the mask. Umvil didn't speak, simply following beside Merliz as others greeted them. Their aid looked every part the second in command of the warrior branch. His stern glare the way he surveyed the area, not relaxing a muscle despite the festive atmosphere.
Note quirked his head, "The healer and warrior branch heads…"
Ravan scooted closer, "They look like they should swap position's, don't they?"
Xian tutted them, "Umvil might be small but there not be underestimated. Master Umvil's nickname is 'quicker than death'. When it come's to battle potential they're the best. Their aid Yi Bian is the one who enforces their current training standard for the whole Division."
The two nodded obediently at Xian's words. Feeling impressed by the small but unsettling silent leader. As well as the young man who had most likely created first hand, the fighting obsessed monster that was Anora.
Lace carried over a potted plant to offer Scratch on his mistresses' behalf. It would be planted just outside the cave and spread quickly. The plant could be used to help draconic beings ease dry scales and shedding discomfort. A thoughtful gift for the growing dragon. Umvil's gift to Scratch was a chest full of beautiful natural stones. How Yi Bian had lugged the chest of rock's all the way up here… The warrior branch was really full of scary people.
The cave was still bustling with visitors. Note had wandered a bit farther in, where a small human sized chamber had been carved in case Scratch's Papa's wanted to stay the night. Note wondered how long it would be until the little scaled trouble maker was snatching up sleepover guests. The image of Yuka or himself being snatched from where they stood and flown away. Felt like an all to real possibility. We should bring some proper bedding up here…
The sound of people getting a bit rowdy again drew Note back out. Reign had just arrived. Xian had been dragged over with the other aids at some point. Note joined Ravan where he was standing to the side observing everything. A tall rabbit eared person stood alongside Reign, holding something wrapped in silk. Note had only seen Reign's aid in passing but he knew their name was Thistle. They seemed rather disinterested in the whole event. Their long droopy ears not even twitching when Scratch sniffed curiously at them.
Note knew a -sleepy tired to their core- person when he saw one. A kindred spirit.
When the thing wrapped was revealed audible gasps were heard amongst the crowd. Two shining chakram's that were designed to look like spinning leaves, were revealed. Scratch's scales ruffled as they hummed their excitement. Sensing the power lying dormant in the weapons.
Xian in his excitement rushed over to pull his teammates in for a closer look.
"These are! Sir Reign are you really giving these to Scratch to guard?"
Reign beamed at the trio and the dragon excitedly staring at the gift. He shared a meaningful look with the other heads. All of them smiling and nodding their approval.
Reign put his hand to his chest, "These once were kept by the founder of the Division's. The great Master of Winter. Besides his own frost blade. He only ever kept these twin chakram's. Their names are Season's Sorrow's. It has been our division's greatest privilege to guard them. With the addition of young Scratch to our family. I though it only appropriate to move them to the new best protected spot on our mountain. I'm pleased to see their worth doesn't go unfelt by our new guardian."
Note felt himself choke up a bit. Sensing how meaningful a moment this was. Two hands silently interlaced with his. The three welling up with pride for their little hatchling.
Scratch lowered their head in an elegant bow, "Many thanks elder's. I will keep these gifts well. Know that I will grow strong, not just to guard the treasures you've given today. But to guard this place as my home. To protect all of you, as my family. Until the sun sets on my kind and the long night swallows us."
Merliz clapped her hands, "Well said!"
Liaud smiled, Reign clapped as the other guests began cheering. Soon after someone announced a feast had been prepared in the dining hall. Liaud walked to the freshly made transportation circle, waking the enchantment. The portal flared to life as the heads all walked through. People left in high spirits. Some using the short cut, while others made their way down the newly carved path. Enjoying the view of the mountain cradled by clouds dyed with sunset.
As the cave emptied Note looked to Scratch. The gifts had all been stored in a safe place in the cave. The young dragon was giving their new horde, a once over. Their tail happily swaying as they looked on. Feeling neither sets of hands in his were willing to let go. Note couldn't help fondly glancing at the two. Both were lost in their own thoughts.
Scratch returned their attention to their Papa's. Seeing them pressed so close together. They looked so cute. Pa and Da were even pretending to zone out, so Dama could sneak a peak undeterred.