Chapter 27: Calling from the River
With their big baby now out of the nest. Even with all the other animals still coming and going. Note felt a bit lonely when working in his office. He'd gotten used to working from home. The odd beast coming in to accompany him as he worked. Still, it wasn't his little dragon. Really feeling like an empty nester after raising a dragon for a few seasons. Note fiddled with the ring around his neck, smelling the mint that it emitted. Wondering how Lise's adventure was going. Missing more then just Scratch.
Soon a new assignment came in. After long pause, it was time to go out into the field again. Ravan was eager, the two home bodies were reluctant as usual. Xian gave the brief as they set off. This time a city woven around a river was having issues. The number of people going missing and drowning had raised at an alarming rate. For a people who grew up on a river it was very strange. The trio were tasked with investigating the claim and collecting any further rumors they could find. So that the Division could determine what kind of aid they should task with solving the problem.
"My money's on us getting too involved again." Ravan flipped a coin.
Xian sighed, "Don't jinx us."
"I don't need to. We have the human jinx right here. Fox spirit, tell me. Was one of your ancestor's a fallen or something. Are the gods punishing you?"
"I thought we'd long covered I'm not from here."
Note brushed off the accusations being tossed at him. Ravan was nearly skipping to keep up with his long strides. Not bored of teasing yet.
"Ah that's right. Did you offend any gods from where you're from then?"
Xian added in, "I don't think the bloodline matter should be brushed over."
"True! This pretty body of yours is still from here. Maybe your luck and this bodies is collaborating to create some grand disaster."
Note shook his head, "Believe it or not, I'm way luckier than Orion. If this body was keeping to its original fate, I'd just be lying in bed missing my sister."
"Instead, you're walking with us and missing her."
Ravan dodged Notes swing at him. Peaking out from behind Xian, who was patiently letting himself be used as a buffer.
Note gave a warning point at the shorty, "I won't claim to be the luckiest. As for gods, I never believed in any so don't ask me. I think I've been doing quite alright overall."
"Besides having nightmares regularly and being cursed." Ravan added.
Xian whipped his head around, looking between Ravan and Note.
Note squinted, "Rav… How did you hear about that?"
Ravan slowly put space between himself and the others picking up his pace. As he acted innocent, despite his snooping crimes.
"Well, I'm a skilled conversationalist-"
Xian was too anxious to hear a long-winded spiel, "Get to the point."
"Never any fun with you. Fine. At Scratch's cave warming. You think I was going to pass up a chance to talk with those second in commands? The heads were beyond me, I know my limits. The stern guy I gave a wide berth. Anyone with that much muscle but walks that silently. I know my sort when I see one. But that Lace- now they like to talk. The rabbit guy stuck pretty close too but I won't pry into their business-"
Note was finding these observation's interesting but he could see Xian wasn't as pleased.
Note put on a sweet voice, "Rav dear. The short version, please."
Ravan completely lost his train of thought, nearly stumbling from walking backwards. His eyes were stuck to Note as he tried to get his tongue to work again.
"Right. I talked with Lace. He thought the origin of your magic wasn't anything secret and mentioned it. It was wrapped in a bunch of allusions and riddles but you know. I parsed out what they'd said eventually."
Xian then turned to Note, "This true? Why didn't you say anything."
"Well at the time… Other things were on my mind."
Ravan pointed from himself to Xian.
Mounting, 'Us, were other things.'
Xian frowned awhile at Rav before figuring out what he meant.
Note cleared his throat, "Yeah... Sorry. It kind of slipped my mind for a bit. I think it wanted to help me. It's nothing bad. I can help out more now because of it, I'm grateful."
Ravan and Xian sighed sharing a look. Ravan came back over grabbing onto Note's arm.
"Only you'd befriend a curse."
Once they arrived to the nearest dock they traveled by boat the rest of the way to their destination. The Willow Division boat waiting for them was luxurious. It could clearly house more then one adventuring party if needed. When they finally sailed into the bustling port city of Ahwelk business clearly hadn't yet been affected by the trouble they'd been having. Ships docked were selling goods. Further into the city smaller boats were drifting about selling their wares.
The three set about their task, each using their preferred method of investigation. Once they gathered back together the sun was already beginning to set. The crew of their ship had prepared dinner on board. Apparently once dusk hit the city would go quiet until morning. No taverns were willing to entertain guests at night right now.
Note complied all they'd heard from their day's recognisance. Note had found more then one memorial leaning against the river bank's edge. Ravan had spoken to a few people who'd seen first hand something strange moving in the river. Xian from the sky had noted quiet a few locals had kept a wide berth of the water. It was mostly merchants and other travelling types who were still walking around the water without hesitation.
"So… It's a thing then? Not a trafficking ring or gang activity?", Note asked.
Xian thought on it a moment nodding, "Seems like it. Even local wildlife is acting strange."
"Strange how?"
"The water birds, there's plenty of food in the river. Even with all the boats moving about. But they were sticking to land and fighting over scraps."
Ravan thrummed his hands on the table, "This city's not small. The river has lakes surrounding the area. Why is something lurking here? Where it's so busy."
"Bigger prey population?"
Xian's remark made their hair stand on end. If it was some sort of creature. Had it moved in, because it liked eating people?
That night as the three slept on the ship, Note startled awake more then once. The other two having to grab hold of him in his dazed state. The sudden bout of sleep walking startled his partners. Finding it suspicious. When Note woke up that morning, tightly bound by blankets and two sets of anxious arms around him. He was rather confused.
Notes scratchy voice asked, "Why exactly am I a burrito?"
"We don't know what that is." Ravan replied rubbing his face on Note's body.
"You kept sleep walking."
Xian answered as he slowly rose, stiff from being tense all night. Note patiently waited as he was untied. A bit surprised by Xian's words. Sleep walking? He didn't recall it. The fading essence of dreams were fogging up his brain. What had he dreamed? Note had always been quite scared by the concept of sleep walking. He'd once witnessed a cousin do it and found it eerie. Knowing it had happened to him made his skin crawl. Ravan eyed Note getting up in his face.
"So, you don't recall anything?"
Note shook his head. Ravan squinted at him scrutinizing his every breath. Xian stroked Note's hair, silently soothing him.
"I think today we should focus on the supposed victims. See what they have in common. And if they share anything with you."
Ravan looked up in shock, "You think it's connected? Is he being targeted?"
Xian nodded, "It seems likely. We have a trouble magnet, don't we."
This time with the help of the sailing team's joined effort. The day was spent seeking information about the missing and drowned victims. A certain margin had to be considered for coincidence. People who'd met regular unlucky fates and would muddle in with the rest. Who knew if the creature in question had a method or preference. If it was just a beast, there should be no connection outside of people passing by the river.
Yet as everyone gathered back on the ship. It became clear there were some connections. A specific family, that had been settled in the city for generations had been especially affected. The whole family -distant cousins and all- were on the verge of leaving town all together; because of how many had gone missing. Two local faith centers had also been hit hard. Temples and steeples had lost more then a few members.
Note was still a bit at a loss. What did these groups have in common? The steeple and temple he could understand. There were quite a few deities in this world, their followers all had their own tastes it seemed. Some of the gods liked modest things other's extravagance. The steeple was humble to the point of being run down. It was rather surprising it was a popular spot.
Ravan had to help explain it. The run-down steeple was used to worship the Humble one and the Absent. Two upper gods who often shared their shrines, due to the gods' more relaxed temperaments aligning. Neither would mind sharing a space or followers. The well decorated large temple was to the Carnal Lord. Whose followers preferred room and decadence to party in as their worship.
Note found these gods quite interesting. The styles varied so much. With there being fifteen of them, he wondered how their myths had all come about. This was a world of magic after all. With stories and remnants of strange beings that had once regularly walked this realm. Was it unfair to write them off as man made.
One of the sailor's who was more familiar with the area. Was able to connect the family and practitioners together. It was rumoured the family had celestial ancestors. More then one had been able to practice divine magic over the years. So, there it was, the Ven diagram connected. Followers of two upper gods and those with celestial ancestry. The thing in the water liked its prey seasoned with a divine flavour. Did that make it a demon?
On the second night Note was once again pulled from his sleep. Xian and Ravan had been ready for it this time. Having tied a rope to Note that attached him to them. Ravan wanted to see what Note would do next if they let him sleepwalk. So, the two carefully followed after him as he made his way above deck. Xian put and end to it as soon as Note began in the direction of the ships edge. Quickly hoisting him over his shoulder and brining him back down into the ship. Both Xian and Ravan agreed then, they wouldn't stay another night.
The next morning Note had expected it. Waking up with two bodies resting atop him. This was to an extreme even for these regular clingers. He didn't bother asking if he'd done it again. The result was obvious.
The crew began collecting provisions for the trek back. Equally spooked knowing someone on their ship was attracting something's eye. Note decided to make a run to go grab a bit more paper. He wanted to start on the official report and had run out from sharing with the crew to compile all their findings. The shops for such things were less bustling than the vendors selling new imports. Note was taking his time, enjoying perusing the variety of small trinkets the shop also sold. Xian and Ravan were both picking up things in shops nearby.
The chimes at the shop's doorway were enchanted to jingle anytime someone entered. As the soft glass sang an entrance Note glanced over. He recognized that a holy symbol was hanging on the man's chest. Which deity it was honouring Note hadn't the slightest. Stars hadn't been the symbol of any of the other gods he'd learned about in the city. Note tried to make a mental note to himself; to inquire later. Collecting his things and paying, he was about to exit the shop when the other customer called out to him. The metallic stars on his emblem sparkling as they caught the light.
"Sorry to bother. Do you mind?"
Note thought to himself, of course he did. He hated strangers suddenly talking to him. He was quite happy with his new bodies ability to keep most people away. He'd always been unapproachable, but being handsome and having that air was an extra wall most wouldn't try to disturb. Note responded bluntly.
"What is it."
"Getting a good look at you, you're not a local are you."
"I'm here on work."
The man nodded, "So that's why. Not many people resist coming when I call them."
Note felt an odd chill when the man met his eye. His eyes were cold and calculating, despite his air of indifference. The scruffy appearance of the mans face didn't suit the well-dressed body. It suddenly clicked for Note, that the mans vibe reminded him of something. He couldn't be sure, but the man almost seemed like a priest. Glancing again at the holy symbol hanging off the man's chest. Note felt his mind get fuzzy, realising a bit too late that magic was attacking him. He couldn't keep his head clear enough to produce a mental shield.
Note heard the shop attendant drop first. As his vision began going dark. The man tapped the symbol at his chest.
"I'm a servant of Starlight. Lord of the first heaven. You wouldn't mind helping me fulfill my master's will now, would you?"