Chapter 25: Falling Into Place
Note arrived at Lace's office for a lesson. The pink eyed mage gave one glance before giving a knowing smile. Lace cleared some space at the counter, with a teasing tone he inquired.
"So, things are going well?"
Note took out a notebook, "I've gotten pretty used to willing plants to grow. I helped heal a few small scratches-"
One glance at his mentor's face and Note realised Lace had not been asking about his magic. Lace leaned against the table dramatically cupping his face with his inky black clawed hands. Thrumming his fingers against his stubbled face, giving a show of being all ears.
Note was unwilling to relent, "I'm here for a lesson. Not gossip."
Lace quipped back, "Exactly you're here for a lesson. I teach more then one subject."
"What other areas of study do you lecture in?"
"Lifestyle and relationships."
"I'm not interested."
"But you need help in those areas."
Note considered knocking over a few potion bottles, his hands twitching.
Lace coaxed further, "I am a love mage. You're my student, an apprentice to love one might say."
"I doubt anyone says that."
Lace sighed straightening their back, "Fine, be boring. Let's expand on magic theory then. With your capabilities its safe to say the line of thought that most relates to your abilities is this. If you can imagine it, you can make it. The only limit is the ones you set. If your heart has the space, it can make as much as you need. You just need to slowly adjust to having it."
Note was unsure which topic Lace was speaking on. Perhaps they had settled on multitasking. He sighed and endured the double-edged lecture.
After his lesson Note had barley made it half way past the herbal fields when he ran into Yuka collecting some ingredients. Well to say he was able to do anything productive. Would be a bit generous. Scratch was running about at the young mans legs twisting and winding around him. The string bean sorcerer wasn't able to support the dragonling at his current size. A fact Scratch was most distraught about. As he chirped and gargled at him.
Note enjoyed the scene a moment, it was rare for him to not be the one being toyed with by his swiftly growing scaley son. Yuka's silver eyes eventually spotted him though. The youth looked relieved as he called out to him.
"Ah! You're here. Did you just finish training?"
Scratch looking over did his little awkward slithering gallop towards him. Wrapping around his feet instead, as Yuka also rushed over.
Note sighed, "I feel like half the time I'm receiving a different kind of mentoring from that one."
Yuka quirked his head sounding worried, "Does master Lace provide mentorship in many areas? Are they treating you alright? They're not being too demanding, are they? If you need to rest more I can-"
Note waved away the kid's anxious spiral, "No. No, not like that. Don't worry. Their just… quite sharp. Always aware when my minds elsewhere."
Yuka sighed in relief, "Alright then. As long as you're taking it slow."
Note resisted the urge to bully the kid babying him.
Then thinking twice about it he still reached out and pinched Yuka's cheek. With the rate the cute little spellcaster was sprouting up. Who knew how much longer his baby fat rounded cheeks would be around for. Can't squander opportunities.
"Who taught you to worry about me, huh. I'm the old man here. I should be worrying about you. Scratch seems to be bullying you."
The dragon in question squawked offendedly. Yuka chuckled giving him a few scratches along his eye ridges.
"He wasn't. He just likes to chat. He get's tired of only having his Da to talk with."
Note looked between the two in surprise, "You can understand him?"
Yuka blinked stuttering, "Ah-a Yes! Sorry. I guess I never mentioned. I- um study draconic languages. So, I can understand a bit."
Scratch trilled. Yuka heard, "Ice brother is being too modest!"
Note's pinching turned into a head pat, "Ah~ I see. I should have considered a book worm like you'd know multiple languages. Can you teach me?"
Yuka smiled, "No need. I'm sure he'll learn how to use the common tongue, once he's matured."
Note looked down to Scratch a faint shine in his eyes, "Really? How wonderful. Smart baby."
Scratch purred under Notes petting. Yuka heard the young dragons contented voice laced with confidence.
"Dama just you wait. I'll get big and strong. Ice brother will teach me to breath fire. I'll be so smart and scary to protect my Papa's. When you get married. I'll be big enough to help you all fly together. Wait for me!"
Yuka choked at the little drake's declaration. Wondering what in the world made Scratch think his ice magic would allow him to teach fire breathing? Also wait? Married?? Sir Orion was- To his? Were his team-? Are they engaged? Oh Ah. He shouldn't know about this without Sir Orion's permission.
Note watched the kid in front of him suddenly sputter. Then turn a few impressive shades before his ears burned red. Turning and suddenly saying a hasty goodbye. Yuka rushed off forgetting his basket of herbs. Scratch looked after him, seeming to hesitate between following after him or staying with Note.
Note gave a few more strokes to his scaley head, "Go on and play if you want to. I'm going to go back and work anyway."
Scratch wrapped his body around Note once more in a squeeze, before bounding into the air in pursuit of the fleeing mage. Note faintly watched his little dragon kite follow along to his target from the sky, chuckling to himself.
A few days later Note was sitting in Lise's room sipping a warm cup of tea. With winter having melted away the flowers of the healer's valley had now taken center stage. The many blooms enchanting. Lise's squad had received their next mission and would be heading out soon. Likely to be away for quite some time. Lise was eager to have her brother over before she left.
Lise set down some pastries that closely resembled spring blossoms. Almost too pretty to eat. Note took one and broke it in half giving a piece to Lise. She took it and happily nibbled on it as he did the same.
Lise scooted closer resting against him, "You always give me the bigger piece."
"The littler one should get the better half."
Lise laughed her bubbly chortle, "What littler, I could twirl you in the air like a baton."
"Well, I'm still taller than you shorty."
"I'll ask Anora to get revenge on my behalf. Don't try it!"
"… Brother was wrong. Forgive me."
Lise laughed even harder. Note could feel the vibration of her laughter from their contact. A small smile barley noticeable crept onto his face.
"Will you miss me too much, when I'm away?" Lise asked suddenly.
Note thought about it a moment, he wasn't really one to miss people often. When they weren't in front of him it was easy to forget to miss people. Still, he answered. Pretending to dab at tears.
"Of course I will. Horribly. How cruel of you to leave this old man alone."
Lise bumped him ruining his act, "Sure. Sure. So lonely. With your two husbands keeping you company. Don't try and hide it! I'm really upset you didn't tell me you were thinking of getting married!"
Note spit out the tea he'd just taken a sip of, "Dear sister. Where in the world did you hear that? They barley just-"
Lise's eyes started sparkling. Note sensed he'd made some sort of error.
"Brother. Barley just what?"
"Barley what!?!"
Lise grabbed hold of his shoulders shaking him around like a bobble head. Fearing for his head's ability to stay attached to his shoulders, Note relented.
"Alright. Alright. Ehem- Well…"
Note filled Lise in. Trying to gloss over the more intimate moments, he'd rather not explain. Lise was smiling so widely Note was confused exactly whose love life this was. Hadn't he snatched away the heroine's supporting cast. Why did she look like she'd just won the grand prize?
Lise hugged him happily, "That's so great! I'm so relieved things are out in the open finally. We were starting think we'd have to find ways to help you guys."
Note looked down at her frowning slightly, "We? Who exactly were you sticking your nose in with?"
Lise smiled recalling her plots, "Well… Me obviously. Nori, Yuyu, Scratchy. You know- us."
"You were colluding with my son!? What are you teaching him. Wait- I'm worried what Anora has been learning from you too. I don't believe for a moment she'd have any interest in such silly things."
Lise batted her eye's her protagonist glow acting as halo to provide proof of innocence.
"Nori is the physical support. In case we needed to throw you all into a room or something. My nephew is a good boy. He just want's his Papa's to be happy. That's what Yuyu says."
Note tried to squirm out of Lise's grasp. Trying to flee this embarrassing conversation. He had no luck though. He was still just a sickly frail side character, when going against Lise. His small gains and level ups would never match up with hers.
Lise rested her head on his shoulder, as if she hadn't even noticed his escape attempts.
Her voice was almost a whisper, "Really, I'm so glad. How could I keep leaving you behind, if you were all alone."
Note vaguely recalled the original plot, how Orion would often try to force his way into Lise's adventures. Following along, slowing his sister down before having to eventually be left behind. She never stopped him from joining her. No matter how often he proved to be the driving source of comedic troubles. Otherwise, avoidable if he'd just stayed home. She'd always included him.
Note rubbed Lise's back.
Lise looked up at him, "Do you love them back? Or are you trying to pick between them?"
Note shook his head, "I'm just trying to understand."
Lise nuzzled into him, "Silly, you don't understand feelings you feel them. You just need to get used to having more then me loving you."
Note sighed before he could stop himself, "Why does it feel like I keep hearing that."
Lise must be laughing to herself, Note could feel the vibration.
"If you didn't love them like that. You wouldn't be giving them the chance to love you as more then friends."
Note hummed, she had a point.
"It's not like I want to get rid of you. Just happy you've found people that are all yours."
Note tickled Lise's sides, "Yeah right. You just want to go off with your friends little Missy. Go save damsels and solve distress. Flirt, get in trouble. Whatever you kids do."
Lise was giggling up a storm, her round face a glow; violet eyes sparkling.
"So, what if I do! You're too busy flirting with your boyfriends! Had a dragon out of wedlock! What would mom and dad think! Their grandchild can't even receive an official branch on the family tree!"
Note squished Lise's cheeks in punishment for her cheeky words. Had he wrongly accused Ravan of teaching Scratch all the crazy thing's Xian was forced to translate. Was this little stinker the real source of Scratch's nosy habits? The protagonist's influence really couldn't be taken lightly.
Lise sensed she'd actually angered her brother this time. So, she didn't wrestle her way out of the squishing punishment. Jutting out her lips further to make herself look as cute as possible, as her bother squished to his heart's content. Rolling her face like dough until the crease in his brow eased slightly.
"Be safe. Take care of each other. Don't go getting into any trouble."
Lise lifted her hands to hold the slender ones still framing her face. Nodding as she looked into her brothers worried eyes.
"Always. What trouble! Troubles scared of us! I'd like to see trouble try!"