My Sister the Protagonist

Chapter 24: Tattle Tail

With new lessons to learn and his usual work. Note effectively was able to get himself lost in his daily schedule. Putting difficult things out of his mind. Not thinking about the unexpected bonds that were swirling around him.

Scratch began to grow rather impressively. Soon he was too big to tuck under Note's hair. Then he became too heavy to sit on the flimsy man's shoulder. Still desperate to cling to his foster parents, he took to hooking onto people like a scaled backpack. Note felt like his shoulder muscles were getting stronger just from raising the little dragon.

 Scratch was also becoming more playful as he grew. Xian was the only one of the three that could understand the dragonling. It seemed this led to him having to endure endless questions and comments. A hard job for one as unsociable as the stoic. Note wondered what they talked about. Xian seemed to get flustered by Scratch's comments often.

 Little did Note know his dragon child was heavily sticking their nose into their parent's business. Inquiring about the hierarchy of their relationship. And why didn't their papa's perform more bonding exercises. Xian was thoroughly embarrassed when ever he was asked about such things. How could he explain to a baby that they weren't… like that.

 Scratch thought their feathered papa was simply shy.

Now that Scratch was bigger and strong enough to fly for longer periods. Xian had begun taking them out for flight exercise. As they were coasting around the mountain side Xian would often share knowledge. Expanding on any subjects he could, to enlighten the little dragon. Scratch liked gossip the most but would allow real lessons to be taught. Knowing if he wanted to grow big and strong to defend his papa's home. Knowing everything was important.

Still Scratch felt he'd learned enough today. It was time to ask about the good stuff.

"Da, I got my next question!"

The golden hawk glanced at him, waiting to hear it.

"Is Dama married to you or Pa?"

The hawk nearly nose dived, "What kind- Were not married."

"Are you and Pa married then? When are you going to."

"Why do we need- who taught you about that."

"Did Da forget? We flew over a big party once. You called it a marriage. You said people who want to stay together for a long time get married. Don't my papa's always stay together? Are you not going to?"

Xian remembered now, "Not all kinds of relationships have marriages. Only certain kinds have such rituals."

"What kind get's it?"

"Romantic bonds only. Other types don't have such things."

"That's unfair. Why can't people throw parties for all the people they care about. But don't you love Dama? Pa loves Dama too. So, you should be married."

"Who told you about- your too young for such things enough."

Scratch grumbled feeling wronged, "Pa told me about love! He loves Dama so much. He even did a mating ritual for him. All you did was bond physically. Da you're going to fall behind!!"

 The hawk turned his head towards the dragon pouting beside him. Scratch was already this much bigger than him in this form. He felt this kid was really picking up his personality too much from that annoying jerk. But what Scratch had said confused Xian too much to drop the subject.

 "What did you say? What ritual. Why am I behind?"

 Scratch flapped excitedly having successfully kept the chat going.

 "Da has only done a- What was it… The face touching bonding. Oh! A kiss! Da and Dama have kissed. But Pa has kissed Dama and done a love confession. So, Da is behind. What if Dama gets sad. He deserves many confessions! I tell Dama I love him every day. I bring him the shiniest things I can find. I help preen him and-"

 Xian forgot to keep listening to the young dragon's chatter. He was far to confused about what he'd just heard. Kiss? What kiss?? With Note? He hadn't done such a thing. When would he have-

 "Kid let's go home."

The hawk swerved and sped away in a flash. Scratch not yet as skilled at maneuvering was nearly left behind. He was glad he'd gotten through to his Da. His papa's had seemed to be suffering from a strange mood lately. Perhaps this would help them bond more. Scratch liked it best when his papa's played together. Flying above Jaunvei's fields Scratch noticed his auntie collecting herbs. The young dragon got distracted and flew down to play, leaving Xian rushing home alone.

Note had just finished studying for the day, a neat row of flowers now blooming from the window boxes. He'd just grown them, willing a few different flowers he could recall to grow. The variety felt like an accomplishment. His favorite flowers with his grandmother's mixed together. It felt a bit like home as he smelled their familiar scents.

A flash of feathers suddenly whizzed by his head. Note turns to see a rather out of breath Xian. Note looked to his flowers checking for damages from the strong gust. Seeing they were all-in-one piece he goes over to Xian, handing him his cup of water to drink.

"Are you giving me your plants water?" Xian takes a sip, heaving out a breath.

"Watering a bird, watering a flower. Same difference." Note shrugs.

His crooked smirk doesn't help Xian's beating heart.

"Um. I have something to ask you."

Note looks to him curiously, "What's up?"

"I- Have I- When."

Xian .exe has stopped working. Note watched Xian malfunction for a bit. Waiting for him to find the words.

"When I was drunk that time. Did anything happen."

Note tensed sensing this question was less of a question and more of a hook.

"Why do you ask all of a sudden? That was awhile ago-"

Xian noted the faint red of Note's ears. A sinking feeling found its way into his throat. So, what Scratch said was true. If that was true then.

"Ravan confessed to you."

Note found himself double taking, as he turned and met Xian's eyes. Why did those golden eye's look so sad.

"I kissed you when I was drunk. Didn't I? He confessed to you and? Are you?"

Note took the cup that looked like it might be crushed from Xian's hands.

"Rav… did um. Yes. I haven't really responded. I didn't know how to. He hasn't pressed me for an answer so-"

"You haven't? Are you going to?"

Note scratched at his neck, "I don't know. Something like love. I've no idea how to deal with it."

"What about me?"

"You? Oh the- well sorry I didn't mention that you'd ki- done that. If it's your drunk habit or what. It's fine, I didn't know how to deal with that either. Apologies…"

Xian lifted a hand grabbing hold of Notes fidgeting hand, "I don't kiss just anyone."

Note was tugged forward, his lips suddenly captured. Xian's hand came to rest on the back of his neck. Note felt something in his chest explode, his hands finding fistfuls of Xian's shirt. As they parted Xian quickly dropped his head to Note's shoulder. As if too shy to meet his eyes he heaved a heavy sigh.

"I vaguely remember now. I think I was acting out of jealousy then. Not like now's much different."

Note wasn't sure exactly what was going on, patting Xian's head to comfort him.

"One kiss and you remembered? My healing magic's that good."

Xian laughed, nuzzling further into Note's embrace.

"I'm sorry. For kissing you without asking… twice. Is it alright if I do one more greedy thing?"

Xian slowly raised his head, glancing at Note's face. Trying not to focus on his lips, still shining from their kiss. Note nodded, allowing him to go on. Showing no distaste for Xian's sudden out of character clinging.

"Can I love you too? I don't need anything. Just let me stay beside you?"

The hands on his shoulders were shaking. Note couldn't help tugging the taller man into a hug. He was really out of his element as he was desperately clung to. But something became clear as well. He really couldn't deny his team mates anything he could provide. This was his habit in terms of love and care. Whether they were friends or… more. Seeing them struggling under the weight of his uncertainty…

As if he had taken his heart out of his chest and polished it. Note felt himself accept something he couldn't easily put to words.

"Is that really enough? Even if you say that, you'll still feel jealousy wont you? You snatched a kiss and couldn't even remember until now. Ravan only told me his feelings because he was afraid, he was too late. Now you've done the same. You two have never been more in sync."

Xian scrunched up his face, acting offended.

The sound of animals greeting someone at the front door, announced Ravan's return home. He'd been unable to sneak around since living here. No matter how silent he walked, the trail of animals begging for snacks from the house cook; gave him away.

Xian got a strange glint in his eyes. He glanced at Note before taking off towards the living room. Note wasn't sure what was about to happen, but for Xian to rush towards a conversation it was going to be something. Note followed behind watching as all the animals tailing Ravan took one look at Xian before dispersing. The mass evacuation made Note want to follow them. He wouldn't but he wanted to.

Ravan raised an eyebrow at Xian's entrance, before looking past him and smiling to Note. Xian took a step towards him, hands clenched to hide his nerves.

"Can we talk?"

Ravan looked up at him, "Isn't that what were doing? Does speaking require permission?"


Ravan leaned past Xian again checking Note's reaction. Looking more perplexed by the poker face Note was giving. It wasn't his usual blank expression; it was stiffer. The kind he got when he was too frazzled to act like a person. Ravan moved over to the couch and sat down, trying to contain his curiosity.

"I'm all ears big guy."

Xian gestured for Note to sit as he stayed standing. Shifting on his feet, likely resisting the need to pace around.

"I told him my feelings."

Xian pointed to Note while looking at Ravan. Ravan's curious glint turned serious. Glancing at Note out of the corner of his eye.

"And? Any luck?"

Xian's face was turning red, "I don't expect anything."

Ravan nodded, "Did you finally remember stealing the super virgin's first kiss."

Note choked on his spit, "Wh-"

"Hush it took you 2 lives to get kissed I'm right."

Xian's whole face was now red, "I did. I apologised."

Ravan turned to Note, "I'm not apologising. I gave fair warning."

Note covered his face, "There's no need. Though apologising after doing it twice feels a little redundant."

Ravan pulled his hands away, "He kissed you again!? Does that mean I can? You are nothing if not a fair person."

Note smacked the lecherous hands teasing him. Xian seemed to have just absorbed some of Ravan's words.

"Wait. You know? Since when."

Ravan stopped his teasing getting serious again, "When I confessed. Well before I did. Note explained and I've done some digging on my own since. I believe him and I get why I wasn't told initially."

Note sighed, "It's not like I told Xian intentionally. How was I to know he was well… You know. Not a bird."

Ravan laughed poking him, "So technically I was the first person you willingly told."

He looked over smugly, Xian looked unimpressed.

"Aren't you getting away from the discussion a bit."

Ravan shrugged, "He hasn't given me and answer. If anything, Note's just been hiding in the study more as a result. With you adding on, I imagine he might go into hiding if we pressure him too much. He's going to over think until his head blows off."

Xian frowned nodding, "My thoughts exactly."

Note felt this was a bit unfair, how did these two having feeling for him turn into unified bullying. They had a point but still.

Ravan looped his arms around Note's, "Don't think about it. If your okay with us pursuing you, that's great. If not just say so. I'll be devastated but that's fine. As long as you don't pick him either. I think that's fair. Don't look at me like that bird brain I'm mostly kidding."

Xian glared at Ravan but notably relaxed, "Things will only change if you want them to."

Note blinked at the two sets of earnest eyes on him, "I don't get what you mean but thanks? I appreciate it."

Ravan leaned over whispering in his ear, "The change would mean more kisses in your future. Are you opposed?"

Note felt a cold sweat start, slipping out of Ravan's grasp and standing up. Ravan smirked wickedly at the reaction. Xian gave Note a reassuring pat on the shoulder. It seemed he wasn't denying Ravan's whisper.

Note looked back and forth at the two, "So I can just go about as usual? That's nice in theory. But you guys are my friends, my team mates. You deserve proper answers. I wouldn't want you to be left unclear by others. How could I do it to you myself. We should-"

Ravan cut him off, "I speak mainly for myself but I think we both would rather give you time to warm up to the idea of our relationship changing, then deny us because you're unsure. Do what feels good, not what feels right. You preferred sleeping alone, but now you sleep soundly only with us beside you. Aren't you ignoring yourself a bit too much?"

Xian nodded his agreement. Note didn't want to hurt them, but was this indulging them or himself?

Xian poked at Note's furrowed brow, "If you're concerned about us. Know both myself and Ravan come from non monogamous hierarchies. Giving us both a chance isn't offending in the least."

Note perked up, "Really, I haven't ever heard about the family dynamics in the world before. Do they vary by region or clan?"

Xian ever so slightly smiled, "Both."

Ravan gave further detail, "My mother had two husbands and a wife. Since we were pretty wealthy, taking care of multiple people isn't much of an issue."

Xian added, "I was too young to know my own clan folk, but they practice many pair systems. As is nature."

Note's head tilted in interest, "I should read more sociological texts from this world."

Note fully distracted turned to head to the study. Xian had to catch him by the waist, returning him to the conversation he'd nearly discarded. Ravan clearing his throat and giving his puppy dog eyes to remind Note what they were discussing.

Note realised his mistake, "Oh right. Sorry. That wasn't intentional. I swear."

Ravan sighed, "I see how you kept your streak going so long."

Note kicked at him, but he got up from the couch escaping easily. Note scowled at the smart mouth. Xian's patient expression brought him back to the topic at hand.

Note scratched at his neck nodding slightly, "Alright, I admit… I'm not opposed- I'm fine if you… Want to…"

The two smiled at him, both enjoying the red of his face as he kept his eyes down. Unwilling to speak and meet their eyes at the same time. Unable to bear the embarrassment any longer Note made a break for it. Escaping out the house. The sound of Scratch's happy chortle and of Note groaning over no doubt being clung to by the not so small dragonling echoed into the house.

Xian and Ravan locked eyes. Sparks of competition were there but so was something else. Ravan held out his hand quirking a brow at the taller man. Xian sighed shaking the hand.

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