My Sister the Protagonist

Chapter 23: How Love Lingers

Within less then twenty-four hour's Note had been kissed twice. The first kiss had been in the dark. Sudden, needy and heated. The second kiss was in the early morning, tucked away in a quiet corner. It was gentle, lingering, annoyingly tender.

 After Ravan had confessed and taken his kiss. He'd asked for Note to think on it. He didn't want him give a response right away. So, they returned to the house. Wolf and Scratch awaiting them. Ravan went inside, to start making something to feed the soon to wake troupe of drunkards. Note shuffled into the office, to sit with his thoughts. He'd already been at a loss when he got up this morning. Now he was even more so.

 Scratch settled on his shoulder's giving a gurgling keen. Demanding Note's attention for pets. As he indulged the little dragonling, some of the anxiety that had started building up receded. He'd begun feeling guilty for leading character's so far astray from their original plot. But he shouldn't think like that. His friends were more then names in a book, they were making their own choices. He couldn't understand anyone falling in love with… well him. Those were their own matters to deal with though. Just because the feelings were about him didn't mean they were his to deal with.

 Note decided to use the 'think on it' time Ravan had offered to thoroughly procrastinate. He wasn't sure if he felt anything other then friendship with either of his team mates.

But if that was true, why did you let them kiss you? Why did your heart ache?

 Note shook his head trying to ignore the voice in his head desperately wanting to over analyse his feelings. He'd never been in love, never properly liked anyone. This was beyond him; a side character doesn't need to get involved with such plots.

 A bedroom door slid open; Xian walked out. He'd already washed up but his usual straight as a board back was faintly slumped. He noticed Note out of the corner of his eye, turning to wave in greeting as he came to lean at the doorway.

 "How bad was it?" Xian asked his voice deep with it's morning roughness.

 Note paused his doting on Scratch, "How bad was what?"

 "Last night, I remember that scam artist kept winning. Things kind of fade out after that."

 Note tried not to appear relieved, nodding along.

 "You lost royally. Drunk as a doornail. Luckily the kids were all out of it, or I'd fear for your public image."

 Xian sighed, giving a formal looking bow in apology. Scratch chortled at him before hoping out of Note's arms to fly over to Xian. It seemed the little dragon was teasing his biggest papa, as Xian listened to it as he headed towards the smell of food.

 Brunch was soon on the table, the kids all waking as the smells of warm food drifted to them. Yuka first to catch a whiff had helped set the table. His usually perfect braids haphazardly tied back, a few of them still wound into the larger braids Anora had stealthily added last night. Anora and Lise half leaning on each other wobbled in.

Note snuck up behind them to give a sudden greeting. Lise jumped turning to swing at her brother for his mischief. Note rushed to hide behind Yuka, the string bean would need to fill out a bit more before he could act as a proper shield though. He still tried his best to defend him from Lise's attacks.

Anora gave a proper greeting to Xian ignoring the sibling squabble. Taking a place at the table, staring at her team mates intently. As if willing them to sit so she could begin eating. Feeling his sister's counter attack had calmed, Note pulled out a chair for her. Gesturing for Lise to take a seat. She was easily coaxed forgiving her brother's naughtiness as he served her some of the food that Ravan had laid out.

Ravan came out of the kitchen with the last plate of eggs. Hesitating briefly as his eye's caught Note's. Note wasn't one to give up on a staring contest and stared back. Anora asking Ravan to pass the plate ended the stare off naturally. No winner could be declared. Everyone sat down to eat. The chaotic inner turmoil of some well concealed by the lively table.

Lise after the meal was done reminded Note that he'd been asked to attend lessons at her Akava's branch. Since his ability to cast magic was still quite recent and his studies into it had gone neglected so far. Note wondered in vain why he had to study magic. I've read so many stories on the matter, however this world's version works I could figure it out. The two Akava members looked so excited to bring him over to their place to study, how could he deny them.

So finally, after a long period of messing around Note got back into training properly. Not using his work and the new field of study to distract himself from other things. Definitely not that.

The teacher Note was assigned to was not one Lise or Yuka had much experience with. Yuka having an inherent connection with his magic had been receiving lessons since he'd joined the Division. Lise found her knack for it shined most through combat, while Note's seemed to lean more into being mainly a support style of magic. Note cried out in his heart. He'd never played a healer before. It was far from his preferred style of fighting without thinking much.

The master in question was called Lace, his field of expertise was quite specific from what the kids had heard about him. Yuka even seemed a bit worried that Note would be going to meet him alone. Warning the mage seemed to be a bit eccentric and was quite feared outside of their branch. Lise added to the rumor's saying his family had ended up apart of the Division because their magic was so formidable it couldn't be allowed in just anyone's hands.

 So, after having two kids eagerly whispering such scary things in his ear. Note attended his first lesson wearily. Lace was secondary head of the Akava branch. Since the head was often out helping aid the sick and suffering all around the lands under the Willow Division's care. His workspace was on a higher point in the healer's valley. Half woven into the surrounding mountainside. The smell of the medicinal herd gardens nearby wafted on the air. Sometimes smelling bitter, sometimes sweet.

 When Note knocked on the door a charmingly deep voice beckoned him in. The décor of inside immediately threw Note for a loop. It was as if valentines had thrown up in here. An odd amount of heart motifs occupied the otherwise rustic domain. The owner of the space was another loop. Compared to his surroundings the tall man cloaked in all black, looked like a goth working in a candy store. Messy dark short hair stuck up in all directions. Makeup or perhaps residual magic marked his hands and face. Tear like stains shimmered opaline under his right eye. He seemed to be a young man, though the faint upturn of his ears hinted his age might be hard to discern due to his heritage.

 Lace smiled towards his guest; a chill ran down Note's spine. He'd never felt such an unsettling aura around any of the heads before. The oppressing force quickly died down as the man bowed his head.

 "Sorry, Sorry. It slips sometimes. I guess I should have had someone warn you. People in love have some difficultly around me. I'll explain later. Come sit at the counter so we can get started."

 Note's head was spinning from having yet another shock thrown at him in so little time. Love? What does he mean? How does he-

 Lace quirked a brow at him, a knowing smirk breaking across his face. He waved Note over finding Note's dilly-dallying entertaining. As Note sat down at the counter that oddly reminded him of a bar. Potion bottles of all sorts lined the wall behind Lace. Some glowing and swirling with its mysterious contents.

 "All right. All comfy now." Lace smiled coyly at Note.

 "I'm Lace, and you are?"

 "I'm Orion, it's a-"

 "Come now, that's not it try again." Lace corrected him.

 Note hesitated, Lace's eyes seemed to bore into him, "I'm Note."

 Lace smiled content with his introduction this time, "A pleasure Note. Now let me introduce myself and explain why Reign assigned you to me."

 They got right down to briefly giving their background. It seemed one rumour at least had some truth. His ancestor had discovered how to harness emotion as a root for magic. Pulling power and energy from pure sentiment. This was then progressively refined by his family. Until different branches all specialised in varying emotions. He was descended from the line that had focused on love as the fuel for their power. Love rooted magic was visceral and fierce. With the potential to build or destroy kingdoms. So, the Division had long ago absorbed his family into their ranks. Protecting them from those who would try and steal their family secrets. While also protecting the world from them.

 Lace smiled his unnerving smile again, his hands stained black with long-term magic use thrummed the table.

 "Keeping up so far? Any questions."

 Note shook his head but when Lace quirked their brow again, he felt that was the wrong response.

 "You said something about… people in love having a hard time? Why?"

 Lace seemed satisfied now, "My magic can feed off my own emotions. But those around me also feed it. You have some interesting threads swirling around you. I was unprepared for how much energy you'd have. My magic reacted a bit too greedily for a moment. Hope I didn't scare you… too much."

 Lace laughed as if the oppressing aura that had weighed down, hadn't felt like it would crush him. Note decided he had finally found a mentor he was properly afraid of.

 "I have… threads? Is that bad or good?"

 Lace hummed, "Depends on how you use it."

 "Am I going to learn your magic?"

 "No of course not."


 "You're going to learn your own. Mine is just a point of reference. A healer's heart is the root of their power. You want to change fate. It's about turning willpower into a force that can mend bones and bind skin. Or bring greater harm depending on preference of course."

 "Isn't having healing magic… just for -you know- helping people? Providing support sort of thing."

 Lace seemed to enjoy the question pulling out a flower sitting in one of his bottles.

 "All things have two sides. Ingredients for medicine can also be used to make poison. Magic -even healing magic- is no different. If you can will a would to mend, you can will skin to tear as well. If you're strong enough, of course."

 From there Lace had Note do a few power evaluations. They seemed truly intrigued by the results. The pale pink of their eye's seemed to shine as they hummed and hawed to themselves.

 "Oh, how fun it would be to have you around all the time. Pact magic is such a fun thing. Having it mix with your inherent bloodline abilities. I'm unsure how far I can push you. I'm excited to try."

 Lace had a pile of reading material for Note to study to better understand the basics. He seemed more interested in getting into the practical training right away. Setting a wilting plant in front of Note and asking him to renew it. After a bit of just pointing at the plant and expecting something to happen. Lace laughed before reminding Note he had to really want it. If he wanted his magic to listen to him. After a bit of internal coaxing Note figured out what he'd meant. As a moment of picturing the plant green and healthy sparked his magic to finally react.

 Note held the vibrant now blooming little plant, excited with his breakthrough. That excitement was quickly dashed at Lace's next instruction.

 "Wonderful. You've grasped the basics. Now kill it."

 Note looked at the smiling face of his teacher. Their expression didn't change a bit. Looking just as excited to see him destroy the plant, he'd just spent so long focusing on healing. Still, he did as he was told, knowing now what to do. He pictured the petals in decay and within moment's the plant was rotted into something unsalvageable.

 Lace gave a small clap for him. Calling it there for the day, since he wasn't used to using his magic yet. Before they let Note go, they asked again if he had any more questions for the day.

 Note thought on it a moment, "So why did Reign ask you to teach me personally? Is it because of my…"

 "Your threads? Well… I doubt Reign is aware of your love life. So, it's not that. Our Division head is notoriously bad with such things. You would have to invite him to the wedding before he'd notice. But that's what Sir Liaud is for I suppose. Nothing gets by that relic. He's more of a busybody than my lady. Of that, I'm sure."

 "I really don't have a- um love life."

Note brushed at his clothes as if hoping to shake whatever threads it was Lace could see off of him.

"But people love you. Don't be afraid of it. Love might be a scary thing but it's worth it."

"Didn't you just today tell me everything has two sides."

Lace laughed at that, "I asked for Reign to give you to me. He refused of course. But he did accept me becoming your mentor. I make a good example for straightforward magic like yours. What your heart wants, your magic tries to provide. My lady still hopes to steal you eventually though."

"Your lady?"

"Akava's head lady Merzil. I'm sure your sister has told you of her?"

Note nodded recalling Lise's vibrant description of a towering warrior woman. Scar marked and somewhat imposing, until her gentle hands take hold of you. The ex-general was most known for turning from her life of battle to teach other's how to mend scars rather then make them. It seemed Lace adored his branch head just as much as Lise and Yuka seemed to.

"If she wasn't so busy, I'm sure she would have come to greet you."

Lace pouted a bit sighing to himself. It seemed the two of them had difficulty staying on topic. Note felt like he'd yet to ask a question and get a proper response. The topic always quickly curving elsewhere before either of them knew it. Lace sensing Note's lingering uncertainty tired to soothe his new protégé.

"Try some light tricks on your own. Keep it small though. Grow something, mend small injuries. If you give magic an inch it'll take a mile. If you don't control it. Though with your pact, your backer will no doubt help guide you."

"You've mentioned pact a few times now. What does it mean exactly?"

"You know better than me. You made a deal with something; it used its power to awaken yours. Otherwise, your magic would have stayed a recessive gene."

Note thought of the tragic figure of the pale scholar, forever trapped in moonlight. So, he'd dreamed of them so often since then… because in some way they'd become a part of him? Leving some part of themselves behind.

"So, I am haunted." 

Lace snorted, coming from behind their counter to walk Note out. Their stained hands patted Note's shoulder.

"Just another way love lingers."

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