Mushoku tensei: The renegade heir

Chapter 24: The scrolls

[Before I start reading, could you please give me power stones and comment?...]

With my horse I rode as fast as I could to Vinebrin, poor Lilia she was unconscious in my arms, her breathing was weak and she was very weak.

Throughout the journey I used healing magic to try to ease the pain in my stomach for the time being.

We arrived in the city in three hours and I quickly went up to my room at the inn with Lilia in my arms.

I got a lot of strange looks when I carried the girl in my arms but it wasn't like I cared.

"Hey!! Could you bring me all the food you have on the menu to my room please?" I asked the landlord as I walked up the stairs, the guy blinked in surprise but nodded.

I slammed the door to my room open, Flute had been left waiting in the room in case something happened and Roxy would simply go out to do some missions on her own.

When Flute saw me with Roxy in my arms, she jumped out of bed and her face contorted with shock, horror, sadness and relief.

All those emotions were reflected on her face in a few seconds and could only be expressed in her tears.

"M-my baby!! You brought my baby back!!" She cried inconsolably as she tried to take Lilia, I pushed her away slightly and gently laid the little girl down on the bed.

I put Lilia on the bed and walked away, Flauta seemed reluctant to hug her seeing the state she was in for fear of hurting her even more so she just cried in the corner of the bed.

It was a heart-wrenching cry of helplessness and anger.

I cannot imagine the horrors that Flauta must be feeling in her heart seeing her own daughter in that state, literally on the verge of death.

All I could do was pat her on the back and wait for the buffet to arrive in our room for Lilia to eat.

After about half an hour, Flauta's crying calmed down slightly and then she looked at me.

"Thank you my Lord...thank you so much!! I don't know how to repay you!!" She screamed and knelt at my feet literally kissing them.

"Miss Flute, please do not humiliate yourself like that, you are worth more than that and also consider this an act of good faith from the Notos house" I said with a smile.

Flute looked at me with wide eyes and after a few seconds she nodded fervently at this.

"Okay...thank you very much but...what happened to Augustus?..." She said with concern and my gaze fell to the ground.

"Ha..." She murmured, letting out a sound of sadness and then began to sob again with the same intensity as before but now hugging her daughter tightly.

"I'm very sorry, when I arrived your husband's body showed advanced signs of decomposition, he must have died months ago" I explained.

Flute nodded at this and continued to hug her daughter tightly.

"... still thank you very much Lord Paul, without you even the idea of seeing my daughter again would never have happened" she said with a smile and I nodded.


Lilia woke up at dusk that day and the first thing she did was cry in her mother's arms. Roxy also arrived around that time and together with me we watched the scene with discomfort.

The next thing Lilia did was eat the food there as if there was no tomorrow, let me tell you that half of the entire buffet was just for Lilia and in fact she had to keep eating to strengthen his now weak body.

It was scary to see how extremely malnourished she was but now being close to her mother a small smile appeared on her face.

I also introduced myself to her and the girl looked incredibly surprised to know that I was a Notos and like every girl, she cried when she found out about her father's death.

"T-thank you so much Lord Paul...for all your help...I don't know how to thank you" Lilia murmured.

"Please call me Paul, and it was nothing I was just making sure my people were safe" I said and Lilia's smile grew a little bigger.

"Well, it's time for us to go to sleep Lilia, you're super weak and now you need to regain all the strength you can" Flauta said and carried her daughter in her arms out of the room.

Flute had rented a room next to ours in case something happened which was pretty good actually.

But there were still doubts in my mind "was this the mission for which Hitogami sent me?, I don't see the reason for this situation, Lilia is a child but she is not someone precious to me, what would Hitogami have meant then?...

These doubts kept me awake all night so I made a decision.

"return to the mansion and find out the truth"

When I mentioned my idea to Roxy the next morning she seemed very unsure about it, but I told her everything would be fine.

Besides the fact that no one there survived, Couleon lived isolated from the other nobles, it would be a few days before anyone realized what happened in that place so it was now or never the time to return undetected.

So with nothing more to discuss I returned to the Couleon mansion early in the morning.

It was a three-hour ride on horseback, so I left before the sun came up. When I arrived, the place was as I had left it.

The bodies of the dead scattered all over the place, the rubble of the mansion that I destroyed with the earth pillar... everything was the same, fortunately.

But now my priority was that basement...

So with all my willpower I returned to that place, and now that I think about it I didn't check if there were any more survivors besides Lilia in that place.

I slapped myself hard on the head remembering that and that was the first thing I set out to do.

As I went down those stairs again, the smell of rotting bodies reached my nose, almost making me vomit on the spot.

I had to use wind magic to isolate the air around me so I could go down.

The place down here was just as horrible with the corpses of Couleon, Ford and Balkar adorning it.

There were human remains on the floor and hanging on chains too.

He began to examine each of the bodies on the floor and those hanging, unfortunately they were all dead and my conscience was able to rest in some way since they all had signs of advanced decomposition.

And as much as I wanted to bury them with dignity, I left them there, so that the person who discovered what happened here would discover the truth about this mansion.

I started looking around this basement but all I found were torture devices and disgusting things like that.

I searched the corpses of the guards and Couleon to see if there was anything useful, but it wasn't much help either.

But... I realized something, behind Couleon's corpse there was a kind of half-open door.

I took out my sword Sakka at this moment and carefully approached the place.

And when I opened the door... there was nothing... no, there was something, but it was nothing interesting.

It was just a couple of old scrolls and some bags of Millis' gold.

I'm not stupid, so I took the scrolls and one of the bags of gold and left the place.

The return trip went off without a hitch, but I returned dejected at not having discovered anything.

I mentioned this to Roxy and she also sighed but it was from relief to see me return safe and sound.

"So...what are we going to do now?" Roxy murmured as we prepared for bed.

"We will stick to the plan, I will accept jobs until I become a D-rank adventurer and then we will leave for Millis" I said.

"And what will happen to Flauta and Lilia?" She asked.

"They will be fine, we will be monitoring them for a few days but when we leave I will give them some money so they can return to Asura" I said.

In fact, with Couleon's money, being an adventurer became obsolete since with this I could simply travel without worries, I cursed myself again for my stupidity.

"haaaa..." I sighed deeply at another self-revelation and dropped onto my bed.

"It was really hard, wasn't it? I can't even imagine what that poor girl went through and to think that you're living through all of that so young," Roxy murmured sadly.

"No, no problem, I'm fine, I just realized that with the money I got this plan of getting money by being an adventurer went down the drain" I mentioned.

"Hehe, don't even mention it, but I suggest you at least go up to rank B, that can help you in many situations" she suggested.

"Yes, but now the frequency of our trips accelerates in that case" I said, I covered myself with my blanket and closed my eyes.

"Good night Roxy" I murmured.

"...good night to you too Paul" she said and fell asleep too.


Another week passed, now I became a D-rank adventurer and today some hunters discovered the ruins of the Couleon mansion and word of what happened began to spread.

It was only a matter of time before the news reached Millis so me and Roxy decided it was time to leave.

Lilia has started her recovery successfully, now it is seen that she has started to gain some fat but her body is still extremely weak which worries Flauta and for which she came to me with a proposal.

"Please... let us go with you, I can be of great help to you please, my girl is still very weak and we don't know how to return to Asura!" Flute said with tears in his eyes.

And this would be the third slap of realization on my forehead.

Obviously I accepted them immediately so flute burst into tears and promised to serve me forever but obviously I forbade her to go that far.

We left the city that same day at dusk without any incidents but we could see a caravan of Millis guards going at full speed towards Vinebrin, Apparently the news has already spread and I don't think they realize it was me.

Millis was a day's drive from Vinebrin so we had to camp on the side of the road.

Lilia and Flute set up their own sleeping tent and quickly fell asleep while Roxy and I stood guard in case anything happened.

"Paul..." Roxy murmured and I looked at her "a lot has happened, I know...but, could you now teach me how to use magic without incantations?" She murmured.

Oh yes, our deal agreement, even now I feel undecided about that whole subject since I have no idea how to explain it and even less if she will be able to understand it.

"Okay, when we find an inn in Millis your lessons will begin" I said with a smile and she nodded happily.

After a couple of hours Roxy went to sleep leaving only me awake.

"'s time" I muttered as I searched through my luggage and pulled out the scrolls I stole from the Couleon mansion.

They were 6 old scrolls, the dust had turned them yellow so I unrolled them as carefully as possible.

I could see that the six scrolls varied in size, the largest being one meter long and the smallest 20 centimeters.

So my most logical decision was to unroll the scroll faster but... it was almost incomprehensible!!

The ink almost faded away and when unrolling it some parts fell apart but nothing to ruin the writing.

[To whom it may concern, healing magic was created thousands of years ago by the elven is divided as always into 7 ranks...and the writings were banned by our church in times of war and sheltered]

"Oh shit!" I screamed, almost waking up the womens next to me.

The first half of the scroll was a history of how healing magic was created and its uses until Millis monopolized the spells and banned the use of advanced level healing magic and higher levels from then on to ordinary people.

And if that is true...then.

I looked at the second half of the scroll with trembling hands.

"Saint level healing magic spell"

Son of a bitch!! I got up from the ground and started walking around in excitement.

What i had stolen were practically forbidden spells in theory!

In addition to what I heard from my teacher Eva, healing spells of Saint level and above can regenerate parts of the human body!!!

Legs, arms, eyes, organs!!

Saint level magic can create new organs!

"Okay Paul... calm down, calm down..." I muttered to myself as I sat on the floor.

I rolled the parchment into place carefully and began checking the others.

"advanced level healing magic"

"intermediate level divine magic"

"Advanced level divine magic"

"beginner level barrier magic"

"intermediate level barrier magic"

They were the other spells that came in the other scrolls, I could see that they only went from the intermediate level since ordinary people can only use the beginner levels.

"Well...this changes everything..." I muttered to myself with a big smile, rolled up all the scrolls again and lay down to sleep.

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