Mushoku tensei: The renegade heir

Chapter 23: Rescue?

[Before starting the chapter could you give me power stones please?...]

[Lilia Pov]

Everything happened in an instant, I still remember when I went out to buy bread that day, the sky looked terrifyingly strange that day, but I never imagined that such a catastrophe would happen.

My name is Lilia and I am eleven years old, until just a few months ago I had lived a normal life in Ars.

I trained in my father's Water God style dojo every day and the rest of the time I simply helped my mother with the housework, they didn't have very high expectations for me in the way of the sword, so when I grew up I would simply become a maid in one of the noble houses of the city, I couldn't aspire for more.

But that day it happened, it was in the blink of an eye, I was on the street when all that happened, the sky began to change color quickly so I panicked.

I ran to the dojo and I barely managed to get to my parents before that light swallowed us.

It was like waking up from a dream, we suddenly appeared in the middle of an open field and in the distance I could see a kind of small fortress.

Fortunately I was with my parents so I didn't panic.

We walked to the outskirts of the place, but immediately a dozen arrows rushed towards us, my mother was able to repel them all fortunately but after that a bunch of guards from the fortress rushed towards us.

My father tried to reason with them, but they didn't listen to reason and rushed towards us, and so me and my mother ran towards the forest, my father was barely able to handle some but the swordsmen were too many and he was defeated, we were barely able to escape, but an arrow hit me in the ankle, my mother didn't notice, she kept running and I had fallen, it was until it was too late that my mother realized and tried to get back to me but the guards captured me.

"Lilia!!!!, I promise I'll come back for you!!" was the last thing I heard her scream before the guards took me away.

They took me and my father to the basement of what seemed to be a mansion.

The room they took me to had the most repulsive smell I've ever felt.

There were rotting bodies hanging on the floor and hanging on chains, I couldn't help but vomit at this and when I regained my senses the smell made me vomit again, it was like that until my stomach was completely empty.

But the smell was still there, but I couldn't even scream since they hung me with chains to the ceiling, I don't know what they did to my father but I could hear his screams, the hours passed, the rotting smell, the pain in my arms and the wound on my leg made me lose consciousness.

I don't know how much time passed after, but a guy named Couleon tried to interrogate me along with a guard named Ford.

"Who sent you?"

"Where did the woman go?"

"Which house do you serve?"

"Why did you try to invade the Elrand house?"

Were the questions they bombarded me with daily, the smell of putrefaction continued until I even got used to it, but the pain in my entire body didn't even let me rest.

The days passed and the guys gave up on me but they still left me there, I could only drink water when some sadistic guard threw water at me to annoy me.

In all that time I didn't know anything about my father, but one day everything changed.

I was just waiting for death, death would be better than all the hell I was going through, but all that changed that day.

I was there suspended in the air and I heard a huge explosion followed by a shake of the entire structure.

"An attack? Well... I hope all these bastards die!" was what I thought.

Minutes passed and I heard footsteps of people running down here.

"Damn!!! That bastard destroyed everything!!...and all because of these bastards!!" Couleon screamed and gave me a huge punch in the stomach that only made me even more miserable.

I could hear the screams of the other soldiers up there until everything stopped, Couleon and his guards looked tense at all times until I heard light footsteps coming down the stairs.

Something broke the lock on the exit door and it flew out and behind it was a child no older than me.

But I could see how Couleon and his guards tensed at his presence.

"Good luck..." I could only mutter, my mouth was totally dry, so my voice was barely an inaudible whisper that was lost in the air.


[Paul Pov]

The smell of putrefaction, the bodies scattered on the ground and hanging with chains made me repulse.

I held back with all my strength the urge to vomit and focused on the problem in front of me.

Ford and another guard, I didn't know the abilities of those guys but I can bet that they are at least of saint rank and behind them was Couleon with an expression that was a mix of anger and repulsion, yes, repulsion towards me.

That bastard felt disgust for me, a child.

Although well, I will make that disgust turn into fear.

Both guards got into combat position while looking at me.

"Well... will they let me take Augustus and Hilda?" I muttered while unsheathing my swords.

"Tch!, asshole!, do you really think we'll let you go after your attack on the Elrond house?!, even if you were to escape, which you won't, Millis will send soldiers to kill you anywhere in the world!" Ford shouted and got into a Sword God style stance...

a Sword Saint then...

"Heh!, all of this would have been avoided if it weren't for your damn pride Couleon!, do you really think that a child and that man are spies?!" I shouted.

"I have no doubt left after your attack on our house, I assure you that after this I will take care of eliminating whoever ordered this attack!, Ford, Barkol!, kill him!" Couleon shouted and both guards nodded.

"Well, when I'm done with you I'll make sure that all of Millis finds out about your actions!" I shouted and got into a combat stance with both swords in my hands.

The two guards stood on guard and I lunged at them.



I first lunged at the guy named Barkol using a long sword of silence, but just as my sword was near his neck my instincts screamed "danger" so I used a Sonic Boom to change direction immediately.

The sonic wave only made me change direction, but Barlock and Ford appeared immovable.

What happened? My spell hit him directly... shit! A Water Saint!!

I instinctively jumped away from both of them, neither of them had attacked, they were examining me and I could see from their faces that they didn't consider me a threat.

"tch!!" I clicked my tongue in frustration, if only I could use the long sword of light things would be very different...

"What's wrong? Are you going to stay there all day? We don't have all your time!" Ford screamed and lunged at me at a terrifying speed, I didn't even have time to react and I felt a blow to the stomach that knocked the wind out of me and sent me flying into a wall.

"Jah! Now you don't look so formidable anymore!!" Barkol laughed and launched a hollow stone bullet at him at full speed, but instead of breaking it, he effortlessly repelled it, diverting its course.

"Shit...jaja!...okay" I muttered to calm myself, I grabbed the handles of my two swords tightly and lunged at them again.

I started running and threw my normal sword at Barkol and used Sakka against Ford,I even insulted myself for how stupid I was not having remembered Sakka's special ability

Ford's sword and mine clashed but there was no metallic sound, my sword cut through Ford's like butter and continued until it split his chest open.

The guy barely had time to react to the shock, but it was too late, my sword kept cutting and cutting until it reached his spine, splitting him in half.

On the other hand, Barkol deflected the trajectory of my sword with great ease and my normal sword crashed into a wall.

"Jah!, you'll have to be faster than that to!..." Barkol tried to mock but at the scene in front of him, he was left in shock but quickly recovered.

"I see... I made a mistake by underestimating you then, but that won't happen again" Barkol murmured as he looked into my eyes.

I squeezed Sakka's handle tightly and stood still for a few seconds, but quickly created mist in the place.

"Tch! What kind of cheap trick is that bastard!!" He screamed as he advanced forward, but I quickly threw a fireball at him as a distraction followed by stone bullets at maximum speed.

How he dodged all the attacks and repelled the stone bullets effortlessly.

I had no idea what he was doing, I was just testing his skills, I knew I couldn't beat him in hand-to-hand combat, he would repel my sword effortlessly unlike Ford.

"What are you waiting there, damn it! Kill that brat!!!" Couleon shouted angrily from one of the corners of the room.

And so an idea appeared in my mind, I will use the same strategy as with Aubert.

In my hand I formed a huge stone bullet and threw it towards Couleon, the rock broke the sound barrier and in less than a second it reached Couleon, but Barkol intercepted the attack literally when he was a few inches from Couleon's face.

The stone bullet changed its trajectory in less than a thousandth of a second, but I took advantage of this strategy again to attack him.

I used a long sword of light and propelled myself with a Sonic boom at my feet.

But unfortunately Barkol was able to react to the attack, I felt like my sword was pushed aside without me being able to do anything about it.

My sword was heading towards the ground and my hip was exposed, but I used another Sonic boom when Barkol's sword was coming towards me in an arc trajectory and it crashed into a wall.

Below us I created a Quagmire where Barlok fell losing his balance, again I used this and threw a stone bullet at Couleon.

The guy barely managed to get out of the mud but slipped at the last second, the stone bullet hit Couleon right in the left arm as he had planned and Barkol staggered to the ground.

"Now..." I muttered, crouched slightly and with another sonic boom on my legs I lunged at Barkol.

But he still reacted, but he couldn't execute Flow, so our swords collided or so they must have done, since his sword broke in half when it hit Sakka.

Barkol noticed this and tried to move but my sword continued its way to his neck and did not stop.

Barkol's neck was cut quickly and effortlessly, his body twitched slightly for a few seconds and then he died.

"'s done" I muttered and my gaze went to Barkol, the guy was writhing on the ground with his injured arm but when he saw me he tensed up in place and started to shake.

"W-wait please!! We can negotiate this!!" He shouted in fear.

"Jah! You're shameless!! Tell me one thing, did I come to this house to destroy it? Or was it because a noble bastard disregarded my request and had me killed?!" I said disdainfully as I approached him.

Couleon didn't say anything but looked at me with his eyes wide open in fear.

"And you know what? You would still be enjoying your mansion if you had cooperated with me, you know? You would having Lilia and Augustus to me and never seen me again, But now, your mansion is destroyed, you will die today!" I said as I put my sword on his neck.

"n-no!!, wait please!, I have money!!, I have properties i Uuurghh!!!!!" Barkol tried to complain but I cut his neck with a clean blow and left him to bleed out.

I quickly got up and looked for Lilia and August among the people lying and hanging.

The first one I recognized was Lilia, she was a girl of about ten years old, her body was totally malnourished to the point that her skin stuck to her bones, Her arms were black from hanging for so long and her foot had gangrene and an arrow stuck in it...

A totally horrible scenario, with a movement of my sword I cut the chains and cushioned her fall, leaving her gently on the ground.

I quickly searched for Augustus and found him, it was a corpse that I could only recognize by his purple hair, the signs of decomposition were already advanced so I just cut the chains dropping it to the floor on the spot.

I quickly went to Lilia, I tried to carefully pull out the arrow but it came out without any effort, her foot was completely rotten and extended to her hip...

I quickly used advanced healing magic and miraculously this healed his leg completely, then moved on to his arms and then his body in general.

When I saw that her body was already intact, I picked her up and left the basement.

E I could tell she was the same height as me or maybe a little taller, but she was frighteningly light.

At least about 20 kilos maximum.

I walked out of the basement with her and stopped at the stairs so as not to hurt her eyes with the sunlight.

In my hand I conjured a ball of water and in the other I conjured a kind of bowl so she could drink, I could feel her breathing and her heart beating but she was extremely weak.

"'s water, baby, drink please" I said as I brought the bowl closer to her mouth

Thank goodness she started drinking the water slowly, it took her a whole minute of drinking water until she started choking slightly and I stopped.

She opened her eyes slightly and a hint of fear took over her gaze.

"Shhh....calm down, all those bastards are dead, your mother, Flauta is alive, she sent me and I will take you to her, you are safe now" I said while stroking her hair lightly.

This seemed to calm her down a bit as she closed her eyes and was instantly knocked unconscious, I used healing magic on her for another while to make sure she was okay and left the stairs.

I cut a piece of my black shirt and lightly bandaged her eyes to protect her from the sun and so I quickly got outside, miraculously the stable was the only thing that survived from the mansion.

So I quickly took my horse and with Lilia in my arms I returned to Vinebrin.

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