Multiverse Heroes: Magical Destinies(AmphibiaxSVTFOExTOH)

Chapter 44: Pushing Back

After the big fight, and rescuing Marcy, the group of heroes had returned to Marco's home, having used the scissors for a quick teleportation trip.

Marco was supporting Marcy through the portal with everyone else right behind him as he brought the girl into his room and rested her on his bed.

"There, now lay down for a bit," Marco urged.

"Marco, I'm fine," Marcy insisted. "I don't need to lay down."

"Don't argue with me on this," Marco said. "Just take a load off for a bit."

"Shouldn't I change first?" Marcy asked. "Honestly, I could use a bath."

"...Okay, a quick bath, but then rest," Marco said. "You've been through a lot after all, I need to make sure you're safe."

"I'm fine, really," Marcy said. "I just have a slight headache."

"A headache!?" Marco asked in worry. "Don't worry, I'll get you an aspirin! Or ten! That could help!"

"Marco, giving her ten could make her very sick," Sasha pointed out, with the others agreeing with her.

"Just let her bathe at least," Amity said.

"It's good that you're so worried, and it's very understandable too," Kim said. "But if you take it too far, it might do more harm than good."

"Thank you..." Marcy said. "Also, who are you? I'd still like to know everyone here."

"You'll get your intros," Amity said as she took Marcy by the hand. "Come on, I'll help get you settled."

"That'd be great," Marcy said as Amity led her out the room.

"See you in a bit, Marcy!" Molly said.

"See you in a bit too, girl I don't know," Marcy said as Amity led her away.

With that done, Marco was seen taking a huge sigh of relief, "Okay, so Marcy's safe, that's the most important thing right now."

"Wouldn't the most important thing be stopping Andrias and Belos?" Dipper asked.

Marco glared at the slightly younger boy, "Not cool, Dipper."

"I know that sounds harsh, but if they're alive, then Marcy's still technically in danger," Dipper said. "So it will be less that you saved her and more that you're prolonging the inevitable."

"Hey come on kid, suppose it was your best friend or girlfriend in that position?" Sasha asked. "Like, do you have either?"

"Best friend?" Dipper tapped his chin. "Well I have some kids I sort of hang out with but..."

"My brother's a bit of a loner," Mabel said, to which Dipper reluctantly confirmed with a nod.

"Still, I can understand what you'd mean, if it were Wendy I'd be nervous too," Dipper said. "But I'd also focus on stopping the threat too."

"I am focused," Marco said. "I'm just relieved because now I have one less thing to worry about."

"Plus, this did put a dent in their plans," Star said. "They needed Marcy for that weird helmet. No Marcy means no core."

"It may also mean that Andrias may try to get her back," Anne said. "So we need to be sure to keep Marcy protected. But I suppose that goes without saying. I certainly won't allow it, and I know anyone who considers her a friend won't allow it either."

"So long as I'm still moving, you can bet that I won't allow it either," Luz said.

"Glad we're on the same page," Marco said.

"Hey um, now that Marcy's safe, I'm going to head back," Sasha said.

"Don't go yet, it might be too dangerous," Marco warned.

"Grime's hurt! He just lost his arm!" Sasha pointed out.

"I realize that, but we don't want to rush back," Marco said.

"Marco, there's still an invasion," Sasha said. "We don't all need to be here. Some of us can stay and wait for Marcy but most of us should be fighting."

"He's got a point," Anne said. "Much as I'm happy that Marcy's back, and as much as I want to catch up with her, it's important to go and keep Andrias's team from spreading too far."

"...Alright, I suppose so," Marco said. "I can stay behind and wait for Marcy. Anyone who wants to go with Anne and Sasha can go."

"I should join them," Luz said. "I'm worried about Eda. She lost her arm too. I don't even know how."

"I can tell you," Sprig said, this getting Luz's attention. "Belos did this weird draining spell that stole magic from The Boiling Isles. A lot of witches nearly died because of it."

"Fortunately, a friend of his saved everyone," King said.

"A friend?" Luz asked.

"Some little boy who was trapped in his evil lair," King said. "He seemed to know about me, and what I am."

"That does have me feeling curious," Luz said. "Still, a draining spell?"

"It was part of that Day of Unity thing of his," Sprig said. "Raine managed to save Eda, but at the cost of her arm."

"Well, at least she's alive," Luz said, the girl slightly concerned. "But, I am worried. Can she still do magic with one arm?"

"Hey, if anyone can figure it out, Eda can," Anne said. She pulled the scissors out, "Now let's hurry."

"I'll go with you," Gretel said, the girl floating beside her pet. "So will Hamster."

"We'll make sure the rest of this evil army doesn't destroy Hollywood," Hamster said.

Perry tipped his hat at them, confirming he would accompany the group.

"I'm worried about Shego getting away," Kim said. "I'll join Anne."

"I'll come too," Ron said.

"No, you should stay here," Kim said. "Just in case these guys know where Marco lives, or if they have a way to trace Marcy."

"Bad guys have shown up to my house before," Marco said.

"Alright, I'll cover for Marco," Ron said.

"Kevin, you should stay too," Gretel said.

"No way, I can't let you go out there by yourself!" Kevin said.

"Oh come on, I'm done missions by myself," Gretel said.

"Yeah, and you usually find yourself in trouble," Kevin said.

Gretel rolled her eyes in frustration, "How do you expect me to grow if you're always hovering over me like some helicopter mom?"

"Seriously? Did you need to say 'mom'?" Kevin asked.

"Go easy on him, Gretel," Kim said. "Older siblings can't help but look after the younger ones."

"It's in our nature," Molly said.

Gretel sighed in annoyance, "Yeah, I know."

"But, I also know from experience that little siblings can be surprisingly capable," Kim said. "Kevin, I can keep an eye on Gretel. You stay here with the others."

"Are you sure?" Kevin asked. "Gretel can be a lot to handle."

"HEY!" Gretel protested.

"I have two little brothers," Kim reminded.

"Do they have powers?" Kevin asked.

"They have the power to annoy me," Kim said. "But in all seriousness, if I can handle them, I think I can handle Gretel. She seems pretty responsible compared to Jim and Tim."

"That's because you've never had to watch over her," Kevin said.

"I can hear you!" Gretel emphatically stated.

"Seriously, I got this," Kim said. "Besides, Gretel's a superhero, she'll prioritize everyone's safety, won't she?"

"Well, yeah you're right," Kevin said.

"That just leaves, Molly, Scratch and the Pines Family," Marco said.

"Dipper and Mabel can stay here," Ford said. "I'll accompany the rest of you-"

"Wait, hold on," Dipper said. "I want to be there too. Darcy knows about Bill Cipher, I want to see if Andrias or Belos knows about him too."

"It might be too dangerous," Ford said. "You should stay here with your sister."

"I can handle myself," Dipper said as he held out a ray gun. "I'm still ready to fight."

"Just let him go, he won't change his mind," Mabel said.

"Don't I know it," Ford said, the old man cracking a smile at that.

"I'll stay here," Molly said. "There isn't much I can do out there."

"Same, I did enough for one day," Scratch said.

"You actually went inside Marcy's head, right?" Marco asked. "What did you see?"

"Frogs, a lot of them, all royalty," Scratch said. "One of them was the father of that Andrias guy. He was pretty huge."

"Given how big Andrias is, I imagine his father was in that ballpark," Marco said.

"Pretty much," Scratch said.

"Well, thanks for going in there," Marco said. "You played a big role in freeing my girlfriend. I owe you for that one."

"Owe me huh?" Scratch asked, his interesting piquing.

"Scratch..." Molly scolded, to which Scratch relented.

"Fine...not like a human has anything to offer me," Scratch said.

"At least make yourself comfortable," Marco said. "My home is your home."

"You got an attic?" Scratch asked.

"Yeah, but it's kind of old and dusty," Marco said.

"Perfect," Scratch floated upwards. "Catch you later."

"Uh, yeah, I guess..." Marco said. The boy turned his attention to Molly. "Will he be fine?'

"Yeah, Scratch is really good at adapting," Molly said.

"That's good," Marco turned to Sprig, Polly and King. "Now for you three."

"King and I should go too, we need to see if that boy's okay," Sprig said.

"No way, you should stay here," Anne said.

"Come on Anne, I can handle it," Sprig said. "Besides, I gotta find Hop Pop as well."

"I need to check on Eda," King said. "We'll leave Polly here with you."

"Oh sure, leave the woman out of all the fun," Polly said.

"You know it's not like that," King said as he rubbed her head. "I just don't want anything bad happening to you."

"Besides, it helps for Marcy to have as many familiar faces around as possible," Sprig said.

Polly huffed in frustration, "Fine, but you two better hurry back!"

"We'll make sure of it," King said.

"Well, now that this is settled," Sasha pulled out the scissors. "Time to keep up the momentum against Andrias and Belos."

"Along with their followers," Gretel said.

"Be careful out there," Marco said.

"We'll be fine, you just look after Marcy," Anne said.

"And be careful," Luz said.

"We'll be back soon," Star said.

With that, everyone had gone through the portal, and were on their way back to the fight while Marco stayed behind.

"So, once Marcy heals up, what next?" Molly asked. "Do we go back to the fight or just wait?"

"Marcy will do what she wants, and if I know her, she'll want to fight too," Marco said. "Once I'm certain she's safe, I will join in on that fight."

"Since she's safe, does that mean we have the advantage?" Kevin asked.

"I'm not sure," Marco said.

Not too long later, Brandy had come upstairs, the girl holding Mariposa in her arms, "Uh, did I miss something?"

"Brandy?" Marco turned to the girl. "I'm glad you're safe. How's my sister?"

"Doing fine," Brandy said as she walked over to Marco. "But, what brings you here? Weren't you just fighting?"

"We came by to drop Marcy off," Marco said. "Once she freshens up, I'm going back out there."

"Marcy? You mean the girl you wanted to rescue?" Brandy asked. "You actually saved her?"

"Yeah, she's taking a shower," Marco said. "Once she comes out, I'll formally introduce you two."

"Oh yeah, we can all formally introduce ourselves to Marcy," Molly said.

"Are we doing that introduction thing again?" Ron asked.

"If she wants it," Molly said. "I can give her the short version of mine."

"We'll get to that when the time comes," Marco said. "Right now, let's try to regroup."

"Before you do, maybe let your parents know you're fine," Brandy said. "They did seem kind of worried. Even Janna looked a little concerned. Then again, I can't tell with that girl."

"No one can," Marco said. "Is she still here?"

"She's watching the fight on TV," Brandy said.

"Wait, it was broadcasted?" Molly asked. "Gee, I wonder if my mom saw me then? I hope she's not going to be mad that I went to fight an evil army."

"I'll explain everything to her," Marco said. "Anyway, let's just get settled, and wait for Marcy."

Meanwhile in the bathroom, Marcy was seen sitting in a tub while Amity scrubbed her hair, the witch girl doing her best to remove the gunk.

"Such a mess you are," Amity said as she scrubbed harder.

"Thanks for helping me out," Marcy said. "I'm still feeling a bit woozy from this whole thing."

"Do you remember anything?" Amity asked.

"Not a lot," Marcy said, "I do remember bits and pieces though, mostly at the beginning. Things like Marco trying to reach out to me. Beyond that, I don't think I remember everything. Not yet at least."

"So nothing that can help us?" Amity asked.

"Not much, sorry," Marcy said.

"So, you weren't conscious at all?" Amity asked. "Like, is there anything that you do remember?"

"The only thing I remember was being back home with Anne and Sasha," Marcy said. "It wasn't just them. You were there too, and so were Luz, Star and Marco. We were happy, there was no conflict, no one was trying to hurt us. We finally had peace."

" were trapped in an illusion?" Amity asked.

"I think so," Marcy said. "But, I knew deep down it wasn't real. But part of me wanted it to be real. A world where there was no drama, where we could be at peace without all the fighting. I almost want to go back to that."

"It can happen," Amity said. "We just need to defeat Belos and Andrias."

"...I'm just so worried," Marcy admitted. "I still have my parents to deal with. Stopping Belos and Andrias won't be the end of my problems. How will I be able to stay with Anne and Sasha? Further more, how can I stay with Marco?"

"You have the scissors," Amity said. "You can stay in contact with anyone you want."

"I guess, but I'm worried my parents still wouldn't allow it," Marcy said. "I haven't seen them in forever. This whole time, I've been right under their noses, living with Marco. How would they react knowing the things I've done? Joining an army, becoming a knight, getting a boyfriend. It's so much."

"You'll figure it out when the time comes," Amity said as she washed off the soap from Marcy's head. "We'll be right there with you."

"Thanks, I appreciate that," Marcy said.

"No problem," Amity said as she poured the water all over Marcy's back. "No problem at..."

"...Hm?" Marcy turned around. "Something wrong, Amity."

"This scar..." Amity gently rubbed Marcy's back, specifically where Belos had impaled her. It brought some tears to the girl's eyes. "Marcy..."

The moment Marcy saw the tears, she immediately grew concerned for her friend, "Hey, what's with the water works?"

Amity then wiped the tears from her eyes, trying to maintain her composure, "It's just...I really wish I could have saved you. I came close to doing so when Andrias tried taking you away. But he got me good with a sword strike and ended up knocking myself and Marco into another dimension. Even when we found you, we couldn't save you."

"Hey, you saved me eventually," Marcy got on her knees while moving in the direction of the witch girl while gently carressing her face. "I'm here now, that's all that matters. Because I had good friends like you who didn't give up on me."

"Yeah, I'm glad you believe so," Amity said.

"Look, let's just finish up in here so we can get back to Marco," Marcy said. "I want to catch up with him, and maybe those new friends of ours."

"Oh yeah, I think you'll like them, especially Molly," Amity said.

"Yeah, something tells me I will," Marcy said. She then noticed a scar on Amity's left arm, which worried the girl. "Geez, looks like you've taken a bad hit too."

"Huh?" Amity glanced over at her wound. "Oh yeah, it's fading at least."

"This has got to end," Marcy said. "These mad rulers have hurt my friends for the last time."

"Don't worry, we'll make sure it happens," Amity said. "Now, let's finish up in here."

Meanwhile in the downtown area, Sasha and the others had returned to their last point of conflict and saw that the fight was getting intense.

Many of Mr. X's men were assisting the allied witches and some frogs.

"Looks like it's mostly robots now," Sasha said, then took notice of something else. "And the crowd's gone. Good, that's one less worry for us."

"Well not all of them," Star said as she gestured to a few remaining, including Britney Wong.

"Listen, I demand some answers here! What is going on anyway!?" Britney shouted at one of Mr. X's guards.

"Ugh, why is that stupid girl still here!?" Sasha asked.

"At least Maggie left," Anne said.

"Smart choice..." Luz commented.

"Hey kids!" Eda called, getting their attention.

"Eda!" Luz ran over to the woman. "There you are! How's your...well, lack"

"My lack of an arm?" Eda asked as she glanced at the stump. "Thing is, it doesn't hurt. Plus, after what I just saw with Grime, I don't think I'm in any position to feel too much self pity."

"Where is Grime!?" Sasha asked.

"After his injury, I saw Higgs carry him off," Eda said. "I think she took him to Wartwood."

"Alright, I'll meet up with him later," Sasha focused on the enemies. "For now let's clear this space out."

"If we drive them back to their dimensions, it keep Earth just a little bit safer," Luz said.

"One problem," Anne said. "There's still Andrias's ship to worry about."

"Ship? That's his whole castle!" Sasha said. "He actually got it to fly!"

"Even more of a concern then," Luz said.

"Should I punch it?" Gretel asked.

"Not yet, maybe we can do a little recon," Kim suggested.

"Alright, Kim, Luz and Anne with me," Star said, then used her magic to launch herself upwards toward the ship.

"Wait up!" Luz used her glyphs to create an ice pillar for herself, Luz and Kim.

"While they do that, I'm going to check on Grime," Sasha said.

"I'll join you," Ford said.

"Same," Dipper added.

"I'll stay here and punch monsters," Gretel said.

"Good, you can help Gus and Willow," Sasha gestured to the duo. "They're two of Luz's friends from her Witch School."

"Sweet!" Gretel said as she and Hamster floated toward the duo.

"Perry, go help them," Sasha said.

Perry saluted and went to assist with the invasion.

"Come on, Tom!" Kelly said as she and Tom went to battle the monsters.

"I got this too," Maddie said as she went to do battle.

"I'm off to see Grime," Sasha said as she left.

"Right behind you," Eda said as she followed.

"Come on King," Sprig said as he and his friend followed Eda.

On the castle, Star carefully led the three girls through, keeping an eye out for any sign of danger.

"So, this is Andrias's castle," Kim said. "Quite a big fortress he has."

"Yeah, bad guys sure love their big, giant fortresses," Anne said.

"Belos's castle is pretty big too," Luz said.

"I've seen big lairs," Kim said. "One of my villains, he has a giant house on the ocean. It has a lot of things. Lasers, traps, even a grotto to escape in."

"This isn't related to that Drakken guy, right?" Anne asked.

"No, completely different," Kim said. "It's an old guy, his name's Señor Senior, Senior."

"Sounds like a..." Luz raised her eyebrow for a second. "Wait...Señor Senior, Senior?"

"Yeah," Kim said.

"You said 'Senior' twice," Luz said.

"Yeah, I know," Kim said.

"...That's such a weird name," Luz said. "And he's one of your villains?"

"Sure is," Kim said. "Ron and I occasionally deal with him and his son. Señor Senior, Junior."

Anne stifled some laughter, "Señor Senior, Junior? What did they become villains because everyone laughed at how goofy their names sounded?"

"No, they became villains because Ron suggested the idea to them," Kim said.

"Wait...Ron suggested the idea?" Anne asked. "How?"

"One mission, we had to go to Senior's house because he was sucking too much electricity from all of Europe," Kim said. "It went well at first, he genuinely did not mean to cause trouble. While there, Ron told him that his house looked like a cool villain base, and told him all the ways he could turn it into an evil fortress. Senior liked the idea enough to actually go through with it."

"So wait...he became a villain just like that?" Anne asked. "Just because Ron told him his house looked like a villain base?"

"Yeah, that's what happened," Kim said. "So I ended up with another villain to deal with."

"It's so weird how he turned evil over a suggestion," Luz said.

"Honestly, he doesn't strike me as that evil, I think he's just bored," Kim said. "His son's not really evil either, but he is a narcissist, and a bit of a whiner at times."

"How old is he?" Anne asked.

"I don't know exactly, probably nineteen," Kim said.

"Wow, he must be one of those spoiled rich kids then," Anne said, then called ahead. "Yo Star!? Are you hearing any of this!?"

"Not now, I'm trying to focus," Star said as she led everyone through the castle.

"I suppose we should be focusing on this," Kim said.

"Yeah, but later, you gotta tell us more stories," Anne said. "It sounds like you deal with a lot of bad guys on a regular basis."

"Pretty much," Kim said. "It's so not the drama though, I can handle pretty much anything these days."

As they walked through the castle, they spotted what looked like a group of Coven Guards along with men in red trying to fix up some frobots.

"It's those men dressed in red," Luz said.

"Drakken's Henchmen," Kim said. "You girls can handle them too, right?"

"Oh totally," Anne said.

"Yeah, they're no match for magic," Luz said.

"Got that right," Star said as she generated some power. She then ran out and sent out her trademark attack. "Warnercorn Stampede!"

"Huh?" A guard said before he and his crew got immediately blasted.

"Whoa, nice moves," Kim said. "But um, try to leave a little for us."

"We'll get plenty to do once we find Belos and Andrias," Star said. "We're close to ending this, we just gotta get to them."

"Halt!" A guard said as more enemies came in.

"I got this," Luz used her glyphs to create ice that froze most of the enemies.

The ones that got through were knocked over by Anne's racket skills and Kim's martial arts.

"Hurry up, we gotta move!" Star urged, getting the others to follow her.

Meanwhile in The Boiling Isles, Belos and Andrias were marching through, trying to find the cause of the witches' freedom.

"How could he have escaped!? Furthermore, why would he ruin my Day of Unity!?" Belos angrily shouted.

"Is this related to that kid you kept locked up?" Andrias asked. "Because that could answer your second question. He might be unhappy that he's been imprisoned for so long."

"I can do without your input in that manner, Andrias!" Belos declared in annoyance. "Just wait until I get my hands on that child, and whomever released him!"

As he marched, he heard his name being called from nearby, "Belos! Hey, Belos!"

"Here comes Drakken," Andrias commented, then noticed his company. "And that angry looking girl."

"I have a name," the girl said. "It's Shego."

"Andrias, wait up!" Drakken said.

"What do you want, Doctor Drakken!?" Belos asked.

"Well, I was hoping for your next order," Drakken said. "Those witches are recovering pretty fast from that spell of yours. I don't know if this was part of the plan or-"

"The plan was ruined! I aim to find those responsible and terminate them!" Belos said.

"Right, um...and how shall Shego assist you?" Drakken asked.

"Me!?" Shego asked.

"Well we are partners of Belos, and you're better at certain things," Drakken said. "I'm more of a thinker, and you're more of a puncher."

"Ugh, look Belos, just tell us what you're planning," Shego said. "If things are going wrong, we need to know. Otherwise we're bailing and leaving you to this."

"Do not try my patience, woman," Belos said. "One more word out of you and Doctor Drakken's next plan will be arranging your memorial service!"

"...Was that a threat?" An unhappy Shego asked. "If it was, the only one who will need that service is you!"

Belos's eyes began glowing in anger, "What was THAT!?"

"Uh...hey, come on now!" Drakken nervously said as both Shego and Belos looked ready to fight. "Let's not fall apart now! Usually our villain alliances last a little bit longer than this."

"Drakken, let's go!" Shego said. "We're done wasting time!"

"But Shego! This could be our best opportunity for world domination!" Drakken said. "Belos and Andrias have the perfect resources, and with them, we can finally rid ourselves of Kim Possible and I can become supreme ruler!"

"You really want to trust these guys?" Shego asked. "Belos nearly killed his accomplices."

"Because they were useless to him, but we're not," Drakken said. "Right Belos?"

"You are dangerously close to joining the uselessness among my crew," Belos warned, this freaking Drakken out.

"You see? He's going to off us the moment he feels like it!" Shego said. She generated some of her powers. "Actually, I'm not ready to leave, I say we get him before he gets us!"

"My dear..." Belos's arm turned into a giant claw. "I have bested a Mewman Queen. You will not last five seconds against me!"

Before things could get out of hand, Andrias spoke up, "Listen, we're in the middle of a bigger conflict. Anne Boonchuy, Luz Noceda, Star Butterfly. Any of those names ring a bell?"

"Not really," Shego said.

"Shego, you were just on Earth fighting some girls, weren't you?" Drakken asked.

"The only girl I cared about fighting was Kimmy, the others were just extras in my eyes," Shego said, before thinking about Molly. "Except maybe that annoying Peek-a-boo girl. But my main priority is besting Kimmy."

"And you will," Andrias said. "But it's important for us to stay together. We can't fall apart now, especially with so much against us."

"Well we lost some allies, didn't we?" Shego pointed out. "I doubt those witches with Belos are going to help him out after what he did. Not to mention that girl who was with you is with her friends now."

"Losing Darcy was quite the blow, that I will admit," Andrias said. "But, it is only a temporary mishap. Perhaps we can get Marcy Wu back and use her as a vessel."

"Why is that girl special again?" Shego asked.

"She's intelligent," Andrias reminded. "The Core only wants those with a high intellect."

"If Marcy Wu proves trouble, perhaps you will have similar luck trying to get Amity Blight," Belos said. "I am quite certain that Odaliah would be thrilled to see her daughter dropping her rebellious nature."

"Either or works," Andrias said.

"Or both," Drakken said.

"Yes, both could work too," Andrias said. "Now, is it safe to assume that Belos and Shego will put their differences aside?"

"Never assume buddy," Shego said. "You'd make an ass out of yourself doing that."

"But, she will calm her temper," Drakken said before mildly glaring at his assistant. "Right Shego?"

"...Fine," Shego said. "But who do we even have left on our side?"

"Kikimora," Belos said. "She should have Meteora. There is also Odaliah Blight."

"I have my scientists as well," Andrias said. "They can make some heavy hitters for us."

"For now, we should be enough," Belos said. "Now, let us be on our way."

"Where to?" Shego asked.

"We will strike the problem at the base of it all," Belos said.

"Where? We've already taken Mewni Castle," Andrias said.

"There is one other place," Belos said. "Come."

In the Noceda Home, Camilla was still seen freaking out over the appearence of Vee. Despite knowing this could happen, Vee was still very much underprepared for this situation.

"Listen, I can explain everything," Vee said.

"Where is my daughter!?" Camilla shouted as she held a chancla. "Where is Luz!?"

"She's where she was on TV," Vee insisted. "You saw her. That was the real Luz."

" could she...? How could you?" Camilla asked.

"Some things happened, and she ended up in The Boiling Isles," Vee said.

"The Boiling Isles!?" Camilla asked. "What is that supposed to be!?"

"It's another dimension!" Vee insisted. This reaction did not set well for Camilla. "Okay, maybe not the most sensile response but-"

"If you're here then...wait?" Camilla recalled hearing Luz call her not too long ago. "When Luz called...could it be? But that was..."

"That might have actually been Luz, she was here too," Vee said. "But she had to leave!"

"I...I don't understand..." Camilla held her head in worry. She glanced back at the TV. "How could Luz be there? That's...that's Los Angeles! It's on the other side of the country!"

"She must have been fighting Belos's forces," Vee said.

"Belos?" Camilla asked.

"I know you're worried, but your daughter is safe, at least for now," Vee said.

" can I get to Los Angeles?" Camilla asked.

"I can take you," Vee brought out some scissors. "These were given to me to travel dimensions. I can take you to see Luz."

"With scissors!?" Camilla asked in disbelief. "This is not a game!"

"I'm serious, look!" Vee used her scissors to open a portal to Mewni for demonstration. However she saw that there was trouble there, mainly the villainous forces that occupied that land. "Uh, never mind!"

Camilla could not believe her eyes, "What is going on?"

"Let's try another way, come on," Vee said as she opened another portal.

Hesitant as she was, Camilla opted to follow Vee. If there was a chance she could find her daughter, she had to take that chance.

Within moments, Vee had brought Camilla to Los Angeles, the woman now in the middle of the streets with an ongoing battle happening.

"Ah dios mio..." Camilla commented upon seeing all of the fighting.

Vee couldn't believe it either, things were going from bad to worse, but she was more concerned with finding Luz. "Come on, she should be here."

An abomination landed beside Camilla and attempted to grab her, but it was immediately destroyed by Willow's vines.

"Excuse me miss, it isn't safe here!" Willow said.

"I'm looking for my daughter!" Camilla said. "Have you seen a girl named Luz Noceda?"

"Wait, you're Luz's mom?" Willow asked in disbelief, then turned to her friend. "Gus! It's Luz's mom!"

"Wait, really!?" Gus asked, the boy taking his eyes off his opponent. He nearly paid for it if not for Perry kicking the frobot away. Gus didn't seem to notice as he was focused on Camila. "No way, are you actually Luz's mother!?"

"Sí! I am Camilla Noceda!" the woman said.

"Wow, it's so great to meet you, miss," Willow said. "I gotta say, your daughter is such a sweetheart!"

"Yeah, she's one of the nicest girls I've met," Gus said. He then called the others present. "Maddie! Kelly! Tom! Meet Luz's mother!"

"Mother?" Tom asked, then saw the lady. "Hello ma'am!"

"Whoa, Luz's mom, so cool," Maddie said as she blasted a robot with a makeshift bomb.

"Hi Luz's mom!" Kelly called. "Your daughter's really cool! She's fun to be around too!"

"Oh, that's good to hear," Camilla said. "But, I am very confused. How do you know her? You're not from her school."

"It's a long story, Luz should explain it," Gus said. "But how did you get here? From what I heard, California is thousands of miles away from Connecticut."

"This young lady brought me here," Camilla said while gesturing to Vee.

"Huh? You're that Basilisk," Willow said. "The one Luz ran into."

"That's me...I ran out of magic, so I couldn't maintain my Luz form," Vee confirmed.

"Well, I understand that you want to see your daughter Mrs. Noceda," Gus said. "But it's dangerous here, you need to go someplace safe."

"I can help with that," Came the voice of Mr. X. The man walked over to Camilla, "If you come with me, I can keep you someplace safe until your daughter is located."

"Who are you?" Camilla asked.

"I work with the government, your daughter's been helping us out," Mr. X said. "If you come with me, we can resolve this."

"I..." Camilla seemed uncertain.

"Go with him," Gus said. "We'll join you soon."

"...Okay," Camilla said as she followed Mr. X.

"Hey! What about me!" Brittney called. "I demand answers!"

"What a loudmouth," Gretel said as she punched more robots.

Meanwhile in Wartwood, Eda had led Sasha, Sprig, King, Ford and Dipper toward the Plantars' house.

"In here, we'll be safe," Eda said.

"Our house?" Sprig asked.

"It's more than that," Eda said as she led everyone through.

"Nice place," Ford said.

Eda pulled at something, revealing a secret passageway, one that took everyone by surprise.

"Whoa, that's cool," Sprig said.

"Stan has something like this back at the Mystery Shack," Dipper said.

"...Wait, where is my brother?" Ford asked.

Back on Earth, Stan was seen whacking away some frobots and abominations with a pipe he found.

"Yeah, come get some ya ugly grubbers!" Stan then had a realization. "Wait, the kids aren't here!" He cleared his throat and shouted louder. "Yippie-Ki-Kay Mother-"

Back in Wartwood.

Eda had led everyone downstairs, where many of their allies were waiting. From the various residents of Wartwood, to Buff Frog and his children, to Hop Pop, to even the likes of Lilith and Yunan. Hunter was also here, along with a rebuilt Cloak-Bot, and Darrius. Raine's coven were also present in the bunker, alongside Hooty. Grime was also there, his injures currently being treated.

"Welcome to our secret base," Eda said. "This was established shortly after Mewni fell. It's practically in the middle of nowhere, so those tyrants wouldn't think to look here."

"For now," Sasha said. "I guarantee they'll figure out this place exists."

"Which is why we're planning fast," Eda said as she looked around. "Looks like Raine managed to get all the witches to safety."

"Most of them," Raine commented from nearby. "Some actually didn't make it, we were too late."

"Well that's one more thing for Belos to answer for," Eda said. "The fight on Earth is still going on. Luz and some friends went after Belos himself, along with his allies. But the rest of us need to make our move."

"We'll do whatever we have to do to help," Hunter said. "I can't allow my uncle to continue his tyranny."

"Destroy...Andrias..." Cloakbot commented.

"That's the spirit, Cloaky," Eda said.

"I owe those bastards for what they did to my arm," Grime said while holding where it used to be.

"Same here, Grimey," Eda said as she showed off her stump.

"How will we pull this off though?" Lilith asked. "It will not be simple."

"No one said it would be simple, sis," Eda said. "But that's why we gotta try. We need to end this now. That means finding those guys and putting a stop to them."

"Belos banked a large portion of his plan on The Day of Unity," Raine said. "With that being a failure, he has likely reduced his resources by a large amount. Many Covens will no longer trust him, and he has less allies to turn to. He is at his weakest, which means we need to find him and strike hard."

"He still has Andrias by his side," Yunan said.

"Maybe, but Andrias's plan involved Marcy and The Core," Sasha said. "Now that Marcy's free, Andrias's plans have gotten considerably weaker as well."

"They have no leverage over us," Sasha said. "It's time to destroy them! We'll free the multiverse!"

"It still won't be that simple," Darrius said. "Belos is quite powerful, plus he has those others. Drakken and Shego."

"Don't worry about them, we have Kim Possible," Dipper said.

"Who is this boy?" Lilith asked. "And that man with him. Is that his father?"

"Actually I'm his grandmother's brother," Ford confirmed. "Stanford Pines, good to meet you."

"Pines?" Hunter asked. "I think my uncle mentioned you once, were you associated with someone named Bill Cipher?"

"Yes, why does your uncle know him?" Ford asked.

"Who is your uncle?" Dipper asked.

"It's...Belos," Hunter shamefully confirmed. "But I'm not on his side."

"Sorry to hear that," Dipper said. "Don't worry, I won't judge you. But, about Bill."

"Well Belos has met Bill and I think he wanted to work with him, but he backed out," Hunter said. "My Uncle was terrified of his power."

"Wow, the great Belos terrified by someone," Eda commented.

"Andrias has also mentioned Bill Cipher, he too sounded worried," Yunan said.

"I keep hearing about this guy, is this someone else we need to worry about?" Sasha asked.

"Not immediately," Dipper said. "Bill's gone for now, and it's going to stay that way if we can help it."

"Well at least we know that neither Belos nor Andrias want to go anywhere near the guy," Eda said.

"Now, it seems like you're all worried about Andrias and Belos, but you don't need to be," Dipper said. "The smart thing to do is compile any secrets you know about them. Those of you who worked with them, lay down what you know, and we'll work from there."

"That won't be easy," Raine said. "Belos was always a very private man."

"But, we may know someone who knows everything about him," Sprig said. "Or as much as we'll need to know."

"Yeah, that boy," King said. "He should still be in The Boiling Isles."

"Then let's find him," Dipper said.

"Right behind you," Sasha said as she pulled her swords out. "To victory!"

"By the way," Sprig said. "Where's Ivy?"

"She's out and about," Came the voice of her mother, Felicia. "She should be back soon."

"Hopefully Moon and River come back as well," Eda said. "Where did they go again?"

"They have gone to Mewni, in hopes of finding way to take castle back," Buff Frog said.

"Well, I hope to Titan they're successful," Eda said.

Meanwhile in Mewni, Kikimora was seen walking around the castle while holding Meteora.

"All seems to be going according to plan," Kikimora said. "At least, I hope so. Belos was struggling, but I trust he will be fine."

"Belos?" Meteora asked.

"Yes, Belos, your father," Kikimora said. "He is out trying to change the world for the better, a mission you yourself will be carrying on soon."

Meteora still looked confused, then heard some thuds. "Uh-oh."

"Uh-oh what?" Kikimora asked, then heard some thuds as well, then felt some mini-Earthquakes. "What in Titan's name is happening?"

Suddenly some guards were knocked through the castle, some hitting harder than others as the thuds got louder. Kikimora looked ahead and spotted something terrible.

"What...what in the world!?"

Coming in from the distance was the monster Globgor, who was seen stomping across Mewni while Rhombulus, Hekapool, Omnitrax and Olivia followed.

"Is this plan going to work?" Olivia asked.

"Hey, he would want to take Mewni back," Hekapoo said. "It belonged to his lover."

"Well, he wasn't exactly welcome," Rhombulus said.

"But we told him about Eclipsa and Meteora," Hekapoo said. "It's personal for him."

"Where is he!?" Globgor shouted as he kicked away some henchmen. "Where is the monster who took my daughter!? The monster who attacked my precious Eclipsa! Where is he!?"

"Who is that!?" Kikimora asked.

"Papa?" Meteora asked.

"Papa?" Kikimora asked in disbelief.

As he stomped, Globgor was quick to notice a baby in Kikimora's arms. "Meteora?"

"Papa!" Meteora called.

Globgor's rage slowly disipated as he laid eyes on his daughter, "Meteora! Mi pequeña niña!"

"That language sounded familiar somehow," Kikimora said. "Isn't that one of the humans' languages? Why do they have so many anyway?"

"Hey, you!" Globgor said, getting Kikimora's attention. "Hand over my daughter."

"Your daughter!?" Kikimora asked. "This is Belos's heir! You cannot have her!"

"Belos!?" Globgor asked in disbelief before rage took over. "The one who killed Eclipsa!?"

"Oh boy..." Kikimora said.

"So many years away from my sweet Eclipsa..." A tearfully angry Globgor said as he glared down at Kikimora. "And I come back to hear that her life has been taken!?"

"I didn't do it!" Kikimora said.

"But you work with the one who did!" Globgor shouted. "For that, you will suffer!"

Globgor attempted to squash Kikimora as the little imp ran for her life.

"Is he crazy!? He'll squash Meteora too!" Kikimora pulled out some scissors. "I must warn Belos!"

"STOP!" Globgor attempted to grab Kikimora, but the imp managed to escape just in time. "Grr, coño!"

Hekapoo also ran over, the monster girl looking irritated, "Crap, she got away."

"Well this sucks," Rhombulus said.

Hekapoo shrugged it off, "It's fine, we can follow her to The Boiling Isles. Hopefully the plan worked and everyone was able to weaken Belos."

"They were," Came Moon's voice as she walked over with River.

"Moon, good to see you," Hekapoo said.

Moon looked up at the monster, "Globgor. It's good to see you."

"Should I know you?" Globgor asked.

"I am Moon Butterfly," the woman said.

"Butterfly? Wait, so you're Royalty?" Globgor asked. "You wouldn't happen to be related to my Eclipsa, would you?"

"Not directly I'm afraid," Moon said. "She was close however."

"Yes, she made her home in this castle shortly after my wife freed her," River said.

"You freed Eclipsa?" Globgor asked.

"Not intentionally, but I did," Moon said. "How much did Hekapoo fill you in?"

"Enough to know my Eclipsa is gone, and that tyrant Belos took my little girl," Globgor said. "How is she a baby though? Was she frozen too?"

"I will fill you in, though the truth may be difficult to digest," Moon said.

"Even so, I must know what happened," Globgor said.

Up in the skies above, Mina Loveberry could see what was happening, and she did not look pleased. "Great, more monsters are plaguing Mewni. Oh Solaria, what would you think if you could see your once beautiful Kingdom now?"

Mina clenched her hands, realizing what she must do.

"I will take Mewni back myself if I have to, and restore honor to its former glory," Mina said as she looked up into the sky. "I will do it for you, Queen Solaria."

Mina flew off, ready to continue her plan.

Back in his home, Marco was seen sitting in the living room and thinking the whole situation over. He was very worried about the invasion and what this meant for his world.

"I hate this...I should be out there," Marco thought to himself. "It feels like we're so close to ending this, but will it even end in our favor!? What if we lose!? What if it's all for nothing!?"

As Marco lamented, he felt someone tugging at his pants. He looked down to see his sister.

"Haaai!" Mariposa said as Marco helped her onto his lap.

"Hey kid, here to cheer up your big brother?" Marco asked.

"Mari!?" Brandy called, before coming to see where she was. "Oh she's with you."

"Yeah, I take it she snuck away?" Marco asked.

"I turned my back for a second and poof, she's gone," Brandy said. "I guess I'm not good at watching over kids."

"It's fine," Marco said.

"So..." Brandy sat next to the boy. "What now?"

"Well, once Marcy and Amity finish up, I'm going back down there and finishing things with Belos and Andrias," Marco said. "Then things will go back to normal and I can get everyone home."

"Well that's quite the plan," Brandy said. "How did you even get wrapped up in something like this?"

"It all started when I met Star," Marco said. "My life has not been normal since then. Whether or not that's a good thing is something I debate. Then again, I would never trade away the friends I have now for anything."

"That's admirable," Brandy said.

"It's amazing how meeting just one person can completely change your life," Marco said. "You ever feel that way?"

"Oh totally, ever since I met Mr. Whiskers, my life has totally taken a drastic change," Brandy said. "Like you, I debate if that change was good. My life in the Amazon wasn't ideal, but I made the most of it, and even made some friends."

"...Do you miss them?" Marco asked. "That Whiskers guy seemed kind of bummed that you left."

"Well..." Brandy rubbed her head in uncertainty. "I really did want to get off the island, but somehow, I'm worried about Mr. Whiskers. He's a pain in the neck, but he and I have been through a lot together. Part of me feels like I abandoned him."

"I see..." Marco said.

"Still, he knows I wanted to go home, I miss my family," Brandy said. "They're probably really worried about me."

"Would you bring him with you?" Marco asked.

"It's funny...part of me wants to," Brandy said. "I've gotten so used to the chaos, that being away, even for a little bit, just feels wrong to me."

"I get that, if Star just disappeared from my life, and it went back to normal, then I'd feel weird too," Marco said. "Sometimes that chaos can make life exciting. At least you can say you were never bored, or that your time wasn't memorable."

" I almost want to go back," Brandy said.

"I can send you back if you want," Marco said.

"Not yet...I'm still thinking it over," Brandy said. "I gotta figure out what's best for everyone."

"Just follow your heart," Marco said.

"Thanks," Brandy pat the boy on the head. "It's nice just being able to have a normal conversation once in a while. I love my friends, but they can get too dramatic."

"I've noticed, especially with those toucan girls," Marco said.

"Oh yeah, Cheryl and Meryl are a riot," Brandy said.

"Hey, Marco!" Molly popped her head in from the kitchen. "I'm making some dumplings, you want some?"

"Sure, thanks," Marco said.

"What about you, Brandy?" Molly asked.

"Sure, I can try some," Brandy said.

"You got it!" Molly said and went back into the kitchen. "Polly! Mabel! It's showtime!"

"Heh, sounds like Molly's having fun," Marco said.

"Yo, Marco," Came Amity's voice as she came into the living room with Marcy, the two fully bathed and fully dressed.

"Hey girls," Marco said. "You look refreshed."

"Yeah, one bath was all I needed," Marcy said, then noticed the girl next to Marco. "Uh, I'm just gonna ask. Is that a dog? Or am I still hallucinating?"

"You're not," Marco said. "She's real, and very friendly."

"Hi, I'm Brandy Harrington. Of the Florida Harringtons," the girls said as she stood to shake Marcy's hand. "You may have heard of us."

"Uh, probably," Marcy said, still looking weirded out. "Where did you come from?"

"We met in the Amazon, you had that weird doohickey on your head," Brandy said.

"She has no memories," Amity said.

"Really? None at all?" Marco asked.

"I remember seeing you a few times," Marcy said. "I also remember talking to Sasha once, she said something really concerning but, that could have been a hallucination as well."

"That helmet gave her fake memories," Amity said. "She was convinced everything was fine."

"But I knew something was wrong," Marcy said. "I'm glad I was freed from that though."

"So am I," Marco said as he walked over to hug the girl. "I was so worried about you. I'm glad you're okay."

"Oh, um..." Marcy blushed as she returned the hug. "Thanks, but I'm fine."

Molly stuck her head out of the kitchen again, "Oh sweet, you're awake! Do you want dumplings too!?"

"Uh, sure," Marcy said. "I'm Marcy by the way, just in case you didn't know."

"Molly McGee from Brighton, Illinois," the girl said. "It's great to meet you, Marcy."

Mabel stuck her head out as well, "Hi, I'm Mabel Pines."

"Hi Mabel," Marcy said.

"Her twin brother is in town too. You probably saw him before," Marco said. "We found them in Gravity Falls Oregon, but they're actually from Piedmont."

"Sweet, fellow California natives," Marcy said.

Polly also stuck her head out, "Hey Marcy, glad you're finally awake."

"Polly! I'm glad you're here too!" Marcy said. "Wait, so is anyone else around?"

"They went back to the fight," Marco said. "Anne, Sasha, Luz, and even that red haired girl."

"My sister too," Came Kevin's voice as he walked over with Ron. Hi, I'm Kevin Grant-Gomez."

"The name's Ron Stoppable," Ron introduced.

"Hi, I'm Marcy," The girl introduced. "Ron Stoppable? That's such a uniquely awesome name."

"Don't we all know it," Ron boasted.

"Dial it back, dude," Kevin said.

"So, you said something about your sister," Marcy said.

"Yeah, she's in town, fighting bad guys," Kevin said.

"My friend Kim is too," Ron said. "She's the red-haired girl that Marco mentioned."

"Wow, you found a lot of allies," Marcy said. "I can't wait to meet them all."

Brandy started sniffing something. "Uh, I smell smoke."

"Smoke?" Molly looked into the kitchen. "Oh crap! My dumplings!"

"I'll get the fire extinguisher!" Kevin said and ran off.

"Wait, the fire extinguisher..." Marco tried warning. "Kevin!"

"I'll get him," Ron said as he ran off.

While the girls tried putting out the fire, Brandy left with Mariposa, "I'll get this little one somewhere away from the chaos."

"Thanks..." Marco said.

"Marco! We're running outside to get rid of the burnt food!" Polly called as the girls left.

"...Heh, Brandy was right, chaos can be fun," Marco said.

"Yeah, it can be," Marcy said. She then sat next to Marco and pulled him into a kiss. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too," Marco said as he pulled Marcy into another kiss.

Amity looked happy to see the reunion, though she hardly considered this the time or place, "Hey, you two shouldn't do that here, no privacy."

Marcy pulled away, realizing Amity's point, "Right, come on, let's head to Marco's room, we all need to talk."

"Sure," Marco said as he along with Marcy and Amity went upstairs.

Meanwhile Kevin ran past the living room again, "Where's the extinguisher!"

"Right there!" Ron pointed out. "Let's go!"

Outside Molly had thrown the dumplings away, but looked a bit depressed about it, "Great..."

"Hey, you can try again," Mabel said. "We were just caught up in the moment because Marcy was back."

"Yeah, start over," Polly said.

"...Yeah, let's do it," Molly said as they went inside, unaware that a portal was opening.

Upstairs, Marco sat on his bed, with Marcy on one side and Amity on the other.

" that Marcy's awake, and clean, what's next?" Amity asked.

"I'm going to take down Andrias and Belos," Marco said. "Marcy, is going to stay here."

"Huh? What for?" Marcy asked.

"Because I don't want you in harm's way again," Marco said. "You stay here with everyone, and I'll go stop those mad men."

"Wait, hold on, are you lumping me in with this?" Amity asked.

"Well I need you to keep Marcy safe," Marco said.

"Marco, I can't just sit back, especially with Anne and Sasha fighting too," Marcy said.

"Exactly!" Amity said. "We started this fight, we should end it, together!"

"...I'm just not sure," Marco said.

"I'll be fine, especially if we fight together," Marcy said.

"I'll protect you both," Amity reassured. "Once this is all over, you two can finally start a normal life together as boyfriend and girlfriend."

"...Well, there's still the matter of Marcy's parents," Marco said.

"I know, but let's end this before we talk about my parents," Marcy said.

"Yeah, sure thing," Marco said.

"We got this," Amity said. "Together."

"Yeah..." Marco pulled both girls close to him. "You girls mean a lot to me, I won't let anything bad happen to you."

"Aw, Marco..." Marcy pulled Marco into another kiss that lasted a bit before breaking it off. "You're always so sweet."

Amity gave Marco a kiss on the cheek, "You're one of the best friends a girl like me could have."

"Thanks," Marco said.

"...You two have time, how about you really reunite," Amity said. "I'll try to cover for you."

"Uh..." Marcy began blushing at Amity's suggestion. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I want to as well, but we need to be ready," Marco said.

"Take ten minutes to yourself," Amity said as she got up off the bed. "I'll wait outside, and keep the others out."

"Uh...okay, if you think it's a good idea," Marco said.

"Thanks Amity, I owe you," Marcy said.

"You owe me nothing," Amity said as she left the room.

Despite getting this chance, Marco started to feel guilty as memories of what happened here not too long ago flooded his mind. "Uh, Marcy?"

"Hold that thought," Marcy pulled Marco into another kiss and fell on top of him, completely letting her urges take over.

Outside the room Amity leaned against the door, and could only smile knowing that the right couple were together. "Marco...there are times I wish it was us, but even I don't think I could love you the way Marcy does. At least you'll always be the only boy I could have ever loved in such a way."

Minutes passed and the portal outside was closed, with plenty having emerged from the other side.

"It's time..."

While the girls were still cooking, and doing better than before, they heard what sounded like massive destruction. They turned around and saw that a good chunk of the house had been destroyed.

Standing in the midst of the dust were Drakken, Shego, Andrias and Belos.

"Hello there ladies, is Marco Diaz home?" Belos asked.

"Oh...shit..." Polly said as the other girls stood there in disbelief.

Ron had run over with Kevin, the agent angrily glaring at the villains, "This isn't good!"

Amity had peeked into Marco's room, "We got trouble!"

"I heard," Marco said as he placed his shirt back on. "Don't worry, I'm ready."

"Me too," Marcy said as she got dressed as well. "Wow, I really would have liked for that to last a bit longer."

"Later you two can have a victory date," Amity said. "Honestly, I probably could go for that type of stress relief myself."

"Uh, do you have someone to do that with?" Marcy asked as she put on her boots.

"Believe it or not, I'm tempted to ask Sasha," Amity said.

"Wow, did you stop hating her?" Marcy asked as she loaded her crossbow.

"I still don't like her much, but I'm still willing if she is," Amity said as she prepared her abomination. "I guess I'm desperate."

Marco had found his weapons and was ready to fight, "Shame Star doesn't swing that way, I think you two would make a cute couple, Amity." The boy took a moment to think it over, "Then again, she did simp over Mina, and she admitted that Brunzetta was pretty with great abs. Maybe you do have a chance, Amity."

"Wow, high praise," Amity said. "I'll figure it out later, let's fight."

"Marco!" Brandy called. "What's happening!?"

"Just stay with my sister where it's safe!" Marco ordered before wondering something else. "I hope my parents are alright."

Outside, Rafael and Angie had just come home to all the damage. Even Janna, who was outside at the time and doing her own thing, couldn't believe it.

"Well this sucks..." Janna said.

Elsewhere, Star and the girls had gotten to the other side of the castle, where the portal toward The Boiling Isles was still open.

"Looks like we found ourselves an entrance," Star said.

"That looks like The Boiling Isles," Luz said. "What can we do there?"

"Yeah, shouldn't we be looking for Andrias instead?" Anne asked. "Everyone else is already handling The Boiling Isles."

"We Andrias isn't here," Star said. "He probably bailed already."

"This might have been a bust," Luz said. "Come on, let's just try to regroup."

Moments later, Kim got a radio message, a familiar voice appearing on the other side, "Kim!"

"Ron?" Kim grabbed the radio and began communicating. "What's the sitch!?"

"Drakken and Shego are at Marco's house!" Ron said. "They brought Belos and Andrias, along with a small army!"

"Did he say Marco's house!?" Star asked.

"Let's hurry back!" Kim said.

Things had gotten worse. Marco had shown up, looking ready to fight, and this rivalry with the villains. In Marco's eyes, it's him or them, and he will not go down without a fight.

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