Multiverse Heroes: Magical Destinies(AmphibiaxSVTFOExTOH)

Chapter 45: Running Low

The devastation before Marco's eyes was absolutely terrible. His house was wrecked and standing before him were two of his greatest enemies, alongside two of his newest enemies.

Belos stood before Marco, a sinister glare on the old witch's face, alongside a very imposing looking Andrias. Drakken stood by with a smug grin while Shego stood next to him, looking unimpressed.

"So...Marco Diaz," Belos said. "This is your home, is it not? Such a lovely looking place. You have such interesting decor."

"Cut the crap dude, I know why you're here," Marco pulled his sword out and readied it. "Let's just get this over with."

"Patience is lost on the youth," Belos said. "You know Marco, I am not always one for violence. If I can help it, I like to handle things with words."

"Yeah, your smooth words that talk people into situations that get them killed!" Marco said. "I heard about your Day of Unity, and all the damage you did to The Boiling Isles! I also know about those witches you killed because of it!"

"Sacrifices must be made," Belos said. "Have you ever played chess? Sometimes you need to sacrifice a pawn. Or even a Bishop here or there."

"Are you comparing sentient lives to a game of chess!?" Marco shouted in disbelief. "You're a freaking psychopath, aren't you!?"

"My dear boy, I do not do these things out of malice," Belos said.

"How could you possibly justify the things you do!?" Marco angrily asked. "You're just trying to validate the crazy stuff you do! What you got something to say too, Andrias? You're gonna justify the terrible things you do!?"

"I don't need to explain my actions to you," Andrias said. "Believe what you wish, I am fulfilling my destiny whether it conveniences you or not."

"Wow, such admirable devotion, huh?" Marco sarcastically said, then turned to Drakken and Shego. "What about your two new lackeys here!?"

"First off, we aren't lackeys," Shego said. "Second, to echo what the big guy here said, I don't need to explain myself."

"Quite frankly, we have nothing to explain," Drakken said. "We're very much evil, and we're just fine with that."

"What he said," Shego replied. "We're not going to make excuses, we're just here to destroy you and keep you out of our way."

"Wow, didn't even try to hide it," Marco said. "But I am grateful, I really apprecaite that you two are honest about being jerks."

"Watch your tone kid," Shego warned as she generated some energy. "I will save Belos here a whole lot of trouble."

"Marco!" Amity ran over with Marcy by her side. "Don't worry, you're not alone."

"Got that right!" Molly said as she ran over with Ron. "Mabel and Kevin are outside with your parents and Brandy has your sister."

"So we're going to help you out," Ron said.

"Oh great, Kim Possible's little sidekick is here," Drakken said.

"First off, we're partners," Ron said. "Second, what are you even up to this time, Drakken? Teaming with a giant frog and some creepy old wizard?"

"I'm a Newt, not some lowly frog," Andrias said.

"And now you're a racist," Marco said. "Then again you and Belos seem to hate humans too so that checks out."

"We have a caste system, I merely follow the rules of it," Andrias said.

"Also, I am not a wizard, I use witchcraft," Belos said.

"...Isn't that only for girls though?" Ron asked.

Belos's eye twitched briefly before pinching the bridge of his nose, "My boy...witchcraft is not limited to one gender. Men and women can practice it."

"Don't be too hard on the boy, this is California after all," Shego said. "He probably already got infected by the weird stuff that goes on here."

"...Sadly I can't even deny it," Marco awkwardly admitted.

"Yeah...she's got us there," Marcy said. "Still, this is our home, and we're going to defend it regardless!"

"Drakken, Shego, I gotta know," Ron began. "Why are you two working with these guys? What's in it for you?"

"World Domination of course," Drakken declared.

"You actually trust them though?" Ron asked. "I hear they're sneaky and stuff."

"Tch, I've worked with other villains before," Drakken reminded. "Sure they don't always listen, some of them have a gigantic ego. But you don't get to where I am in life by making bad choices!"

Marco furrowed his brow in concern, Amity rolled her eyes in annoyance and Marcy awkwardly looked away. Even Molly wasn't sure what to make of this exactly while Ron was barely surprised.

"I do not really fancy myself a villain," Belos said. "I am more-"

"Do not start with your savior nonsense," Marco said. "Like I said, you've killed people. People like Eclipsa, after you took her daughter!"

"I took Meteora because she looked like she needed a fresh start after the terrible discrimination she faced in Mewni, where your good friend Star Butterfly rules mind you," Belos pointed out, earning more annoyed reactions from the group. "What happened with Eclipsa was self defense. I did not seek out that battle, she came to me."

"I can verify," Andrias said. "We were all just minding our own business when she showed up. Her own fault for going at it alone."

"Okay, but Belos literally just came back from wiping out a bunch of witches," Marco said. "Like, I still don't even get the point of you doing that!"

"Hardly a surprise," Belos said. "I have already told you all that you need to know."

"Be happy we're even humoring you," Andrias said. "Far as we're concerned, you are merely obstacles in the way of our planned utopia."

"But, you don't have to be," Belos said. "I am a kind and generous man, and I like to give opportunities to those less fortunate. So instead of being enemies, it would be so much easier if you pledged your loyalty to us."

"Do you really think any of us are going to agree to this after everything you've done to us?" Marco asked before lifting his shirt up. "I still have this scar from when Andrias stabbed me from behind!"

"Oof..." Molly placed her hand over her mouth. Though she couldn't deny that view, Marco wasn't too muscular but he still had a nice tone to his body that Molly appreciated.

"Ouch dude, that looks like it hurt," Ron said.

"Honestly, I barely remember the pain, at least at first," Marco said as he lowered his shirt. "I was in a coma for a week afterward. This scar is a reminder of what I've gone through."

"I have my own scar," Amity said as she lifted up her sleeve. "Thanks a lot, Andrias. This is shortly before you stranded myself and Marco in another part of the multiverse too."

"You also kidnapped my girlfriend and mind controlled her!" Marco said.

"After nearly killing her," Amity said. "She has a scar too, thanks to Belos."

"Yeah, I really can't say I appreciate you stabbing me from behind with your claws," Marcy said.

"You destroyed Star's castle, sent Hunter and Cloak-Bot after us to kill us, then betrayed him, you killed so many innocent witches, you destroyed Toad Tower, you lied to so many people, and another reminder, you killed Eclipsa!" Marco said. "So how freaking dare you ask any of us to join your side after the crap you pulled!"

Belos shrugged the whole thing off, "Fine. Just don't say I never gave you a chance."

Within moments, Belos punched Marco against a wall, immediately cracking it on impact. Instinctively Ron ran in to engage with Belos but he was smacked out of the way himself.

"Take him down!" Marcy aimed her crossbow but Shego kicked the device from her wrist and then delivered a spinning kick to Marcy's head. Amity was about to attack but Shego leapt over the girl and kicked her in the back to stumble her forward.

Ron came back to attack but Belos blocked his path and attempted to claw Ron, the boy quickly dodging out of the way.

"I didn't know witches had giant claws!" Ron shouted as he dodged.

"I didn't become Emperor without reason," Belos remarked as he continued trying to attack Ron.

Marco stumbled over to help but Andrias blocked his path, the Newt King glaring down at Marco.

"Your own pride will lead to your downfall," Andrias remarked.

"If Pride means stopping your evil, then call me The Proudest Man on Earth!" Marco declared. He leapt up to kick Andrias in the face, this stumbling the King back.

"You're stronger than you look," Andrias slammed his sword down, to which Marco backflipped away. "Not strong enough to stop me!"

"Marco!" Marcy ran to help, but Shego had grabbed her by the hair.

"Leaving so soon?" Shego taunted. Just then she found herself grabbed as well as Amity had summoned an Abomination. "Ugh! Tell this ugly pile of garbage to put me down!"

"Oh, he can put you down," Amity coyly remarked. "Abomination, slam her!"

"Wait, DON'T-!" Shego was aggressively slammed on the floor by the Abomination.

"You may have an army, but my magic is still a step above the average grunt," Amity said before having her creature aggressively fling Shego away. She then turned her attention to Drakken. "So, gonna join the fight?"

"Who me?" Drakken asked. "I'm actually not much of a fighter, I usually leave that to my henchmen."

Amity looked left, then right, "So...where are your henchmen?"

"Uh..." Drakken took a quick look around himself. "You know, that's a good question. I probably should have brought some."

"Well, seems like you're easy pickings," Amity said as she aimed her fist to ready some magic. "Any last words?"

"Wait, you wouldn't do me in, would you!?" A freaked out Drakken asked. "Aren't you part of the good guys?"

"Yeah? What's your point?" Amity asked.

"The good guys don't go for the kill," Drakken said.

"Pfft, this isn't some Saturday Morning cartoon, if you're going to threaten the world then don't except any mercy!" Amity warned.

"W-w-wait!" Drakken urged, hoping to buy himself some time. "Uh, I don't suppose you can just settle for turning me into a frog or something? Isn't that something witches do?"

"Another human stereotype about witches, they're really starting to tick me off," Amity said. "Also, turning you into a frog would be an insult to The Plantars."

", this is bad," Drakken immediately grabbed a radio. "If there are any henchmen nearby, I need you to stop a witch girl!"

Amity immediately blasted at Drakken, to which the man leapt out of the way. She then tried blasting again as he ran off. "What a coward."

Drakken scurried off until he bumped into Marcy, the girl immediately turning to face the evil scientist. "Oh, one of the new villains."

"Oh yes, we haven't spoken since you lost your helmet," Drakken said.

"Yeah, that was rough," Marcy said before aiming her crossbow. "Anyway, time to capture you."

"Hey watch where you're pointing that!" Drakken shouted as he raised his arms in surrender. "You could take someone's eyes out with that!"

"Then I suggest you surrender and I won't have to fire," Marcy said.

"Geez, you new heroes are a violent bunch," Drakken said. "You wouldn't actually do this to another human being, would you?"

"Hm...good point," Marcy admitted while still having her crossbow aimed. "I don't like hurting others, but I do want to protect my friends."

Meanwhile Amity aimed her magic at Drakken, ready to fire, "You won't have to hurt anyone, Marcy. Just keep this creep nice and still."

Suddenly Ron went flying past her, distracting Amity long enough for Belos to land a cheap shot against her and sending her flying outside and crashing against a nearby light post, right in front of the parents and the bystanders."

"Amity!" Mabel went to check on the girl. "Hey, are you hurt!?"

"I'm fine," Amity insisted.

"Oh you poor dear," Rafael helped the girl up. "This is a disaster, those foul beasts are destroying our home!"

"Worse than that, they're endangering our son!" Angie said.

"Don't worry, I'll keep your son safe!" Amity shook off the pain and rushed back into battle.

"Wait! Shouldn't you come up with a plan!?" Kevin grumbled in annoyance. "This is getting out of hand."

"What do we do now?" Mabel asked.

"I'm calling Gretel, she can come here and wrap things up," Kevin said as he dialed his sister. Unfortunately he had no connection. "Hey what gives!? Why won't my call go through!?"

"Do you still have minutes?" Brandy asked.

"Minutes? My phone isn't that old!" Kevin said.

"...Geez, how long was I in that jungle?" Brandy wondered.

"I hope she's alright," Mabel said, then had another worrisome thought. "Dipper and Grunkle Ford are with her, I hope they're alright too."

"Ugh, why couldn't those aliens give me powers too!? I hate being helpless!" Kevin shouted in annoyance.

"That's such a strange sentence," A nearby Janna said, the girl leaning against the car while checking her phone.

"You know what I mean, you heard my backstory," Kevin said.

"Yeah, I know," Janna said.

"You don't need powers to fight," Brandy said. "Ron's in there, and he's fighting without powers. Come to think of it, I don't even think Marco has powers, he's just really good at fighting."

"Yeah, he's a Red Belt," Mabel said.

"I don't know karate," Kevin said.

"Oh! How about building a suit! Or using fancy gadgets!" Mabel said. "Heroes can do that too."

"I had a suit, but it's way too heavy," Kevin said. "Still, I gotta do something!"

"Don't just rush in there, otherwise you'll just be a liability," Brandy warned.

"She's right, I know you want to help but-" Mabel then noticed a portal opening nearby. She turned to see the new arrivals. "You're back!"

Stepping through the portal were Star, Anne, Luz and Kim, the latter speaking up first, "Where's the fight!?"

The girls turned when they heard more damage being done to the house, the structure slowly falling apart.

"This is terrible!" Rafael said. "Our poor home!"

"Wait, where are the puppies!?" Star asked.

"In the car," Angie said, the woman holding Mariposa close. "Just to keep then safe."

Star looked around and saw the normally excitable puppies sitting in fear, "Aw, poor babies."

"They've been managing," Janna said. "Tough little guys."

"Oh wow, that's a lot of puppies," Kim said. "They're cute though."

"They are, aren't they?" Luz said.

"Reminds me of my dog, Churro," Kevin said.

"I could squish their little faces," Polly said.

"I'm more of a cat person," Anne said.

"HEY!" Brandy shouted.

"No offense!" Anne insisted. "Look, let's just focus on getting rid of the jerks trying to destroy Marco's home."

Suddenly Ron was slammed against the car, this spooking everyone present and freaking the dogs out to the point where they started barking.

"No! Babies! It's okay!" Star urged.

"We should probably-WHOA!" Kim shouted as a laser fired from one of the dogs.

Within moments, the dogs had barged out the car window, firing lasers everywhere as they ran down the street.

"Wait! Come back!" Rafael called as he gave chase.

"Brandy, hold my daughter!" Angie said as she placed Mariposa in Brandy's arms and ran off as well. "Puppies! Come back!"

"Well, I better make sure the parents don't bite it trying to catch up to puppies," Janna said and went to follow.

Brandy raised her eyebrow in confusion, then glanced down at the girl in her arms, "Guess it's just you and me again, Mary."

"...Um, okay, I gotta know," Kim began. "Why were those dogs firing lasers out of their eyes?"

"Oh that's how they were created," Star said. "See, after I moved in with the Diaz Family, I remember Marco mentioning how puppies are a cute bundle of energy, so I created a bunch for him and his family."

"Why lasers though?" Kim asked.

"That was unintentional," Star explained. "But it worked out. Besides, who wouldn't want to see a cute puppy with lasers coming out of its eyes?"

"Someone who doesn't want to get hurt?" Luz said.

"Yeah, cute or not, that's pretty dangerous," Polly said.

"Yeah, I'm fine, thanks for asking by the way," Ron said as he stood up. "Also, lasers on puppies isn't cute! It's dangerous!"

"That sounds like something Marco would say," Star said.

"Because it's true!" Ron shouted. "Laser puppies aren't cute!"

"Maybe to you, but I thought they were adorable," Mabel said.

"Well yeah, you're a girl," Ron said. "Girls like cute things for whatever reason."

"First off, rude," Star said, with the other girls agreeing. "Second, it's not just a girl thing. Guys like cute stuff too. They just don't like to admit it."

"Well it's not exactly manly," Luz said. "But guys like Marco can pull off the sensitive thing while still maintaining their masculinity."

"Besides, Marco's strong enough to fight hordes of monsters while barely breaking a sweat," Anne said. "He can like all the cute things he wants, no other guy will match the level of badass that he has."

"Lucky guy, if I called something cute, I'd get laughed at by my cousin," Kevin said, "And she's a girl!"

"Okay, I feel like we're missing something very important here," Ron said. "Marco, that boy you're all so fond of, is in serious trouble! So would you mind helping him out already!?"

"Crap, you're right!" Luz said as she grabbed some glyphs. "Le's go girls!"

Anne grabbed her gear and followed Luz toward the house.

"What should we do?" Mabel asked.

"Just stay here," Kim ordered. "Help Brandy keep Marco's little sister safe."

"Molly, Kevin, that goes for the two of you as well," Star said. "Make sure nothing happens to Mariposa."

"Wait up!" Ron said as he too ran back into battle.

Star rushed off with Kim while Kevin grumbled in annoyance.

"I came here to help, and so far I haven't done anything," Kevin said.

"You came here to keep an eye on your little sister," Brandy said. "Besides, you said it yourself, you can't physically help, so unless you want to endanger Marco and the others, hang back and let them handle this."

"Alright fine. I do hope Gretel's doing okay though," Kevin said.

"Same with King and my brother," Polly said. "My grandpa too."

"You know, I think I have an idea," Mabel said. "What if we rounded up those laser puppies and brought them back here?"

"Well that would be a good way to pass the time," Kevin said.

"Not just that," Mabel said. "Those dogs shoot lasers out of their eyes after all."

"Yeah,so?" Kevin asked. One curious glance from Mabel was enough to help him realize what she was getting at. "Oh right! Laser eyes means they can fight, right!?"

"Exactly!" Mabel said. "Close enough at least. I bet they could at least distract those bad guys!"

"Uh, slight problem," Brandy said. "How do you think Marco will feel about you using his puppies to fight those dangerous guys?"

"He might get mad," Kevin said.

"We gotta try something," Mabel said. "Plus, if people see puppies shooting lasers out of their eyes, they might freak out, and it wouldn't end well for those dogs."

"Got us there," Molly said. "Alright, lead the way."

"How are you going to find them?" Kevin asked.

"With Brandy," Mabel said as she gestured to the dog.

"Me?" Brandy asked.

"Yeah, you're a dog yourself, so you should have a keen sense of smell," Mabel said.

"Uh, that's for Hound Dogs and German Shepards," Brandy said. "I am neither, and you have no proof that I could be. As far as you know, I am a Spaniel."

"Come on, all dogs have a good sense of smell," Mabel said.

"Not this dog, I am not bred for that type of thing," Brandy said.

"Seriously!?" Molly asked. "You could at least put your silly pride aside for Marco! Especially considering that he's bringing you back home!"

"Hey, he himself told me that I didn't owe him anything," Brandy said. "He's bringing me back because he wants to, not because he has to."

"Exactly, he's acting out of kindness," Molly said.

"He also told me that all I have to do is stay out of trouble, and occasionally watch over his little sister," Brandy said. "So don't try that guilt trip crap with me. Besides, are you really one to talk? What have you done since coming here? All you did was bring some creepy ghost."

"First of all, Scratch isn't creepy! He's really nice!" Molly said. "Second, not to brag, but I was willing to go out there myself and help in battle! We're all suggesting that we find Marco's dogs and even see if they can help us in a fight! Meanwhile all you've done is pretty much whine or complain! Even Janna's going to help, and she's not exactly super friendly either!"

"Hey, this fighting isn't getting us anywhere," Kevin said. "We need to focus on saving the world here."

"Yes, you're absolutely right, Kevin," Molly said as she turned to leave. "Brandy isn't worth my time."

"Hey! You can't just talk to me like that!" Brandy shouted. "I'm rich!"

"Good, you can use that money to buy yourself a brand new personality," Molly said as she made her leave.

"New personality!?" Brandy asked in disbelief. "Ugh...can you believe that girl!?"

"No offense Brandy, but you are kind of bratty," Mabel said, much to Brandy's annoyance. "But, I don't think that's all there is to you."

"What does that mean?" Brandy asked.

"I know a girl like you, her name's Pacifica Northwest," Mabel said. "Like you, she's very rich, and kind of a spoiled brat. She's also very stylish."

"How stylish are we talking here?" Brandy asked.

"Is that really important?" Kevin asked, much to Brandy's annoyance.

"My point here is that she was a brat, but over time, she learned to be better," Mabel said. "It's small and gradual, but all she needed was a bit of genuine kindness shown her way. Marco showed you that kindness, didn't he? He was immediately nice to you, wasn't he?"

"...Yeah, he was," Brandy said, the girl now blushing. "He really knows how to make a girl feel special."

"No one's asking you to fight, but it would mean a lot if you could help whenever you can," Mabel said. "I know deep down, you want to do something for Marco."

"...It's not that I don't want to help Marco," Brandy admitted. "I just hate being asked to sniff around. I know I'm a dog, but I have standards."

"I'm sorry if I offended you, I meant that as a compliment," Mabel said. "It's something special you could do, and your chance to show Marco how much you appreciate him."

"...Okay," Brandy said, then gave Mariposa to Kevin. "Guard her with your life."

"Don't worry, I know how to handle kids," Kevin said. "And this one doesn't fly, so it's easier."

"She's also not potty trained," Brandy reminded, before sniffing something. "And from what I can tell, she definitely needs help in that department."

"What are you...?" Kevin sniffed too. "Oh...yikes, yeah..."

"Have fun," Brandy said as she left.

Mabel awkwardly turned to face Kevin, "You definitely can handle this, right?"

"It's no trouble, I've seen it with Gretel," Kevin said. "Besides, someone's gotta help these little tykes."

"I bet the parents will really appreciate this," Mabel said as she ran off.

"See ya," Polly said as she leapt onto Mabel's shoulder.

"Yeah...sure," Kevin gently placed Mariposa down. "Well, this isn't pleasant. But, Marco and the others are fighting for their lives, so this is simple compared to that." He looked back at the house, seeing nothing but dust. "Geez, I hope everyone's doing alright."

Inside Belos was trying to claw at Luz while the girl used her ice magic to deflect her enemy's attacks. Amity assisted with her abomination magic, using it to keep Belos at bay while Luz simultaneously blasted fire and ice magic.

Belos took the brunt of the attacks while Amity used her abomination magic as boxing gloves and landed a few blows on Belos before uppercutting him away.

"Oooh, that isn't good," Drakken commented. He turned to the other side and saw more trouble. "Oh boy."

Anne was engaging with Andrias, the girl striking at the newt king with her sword and racket, with Andrias doing his best to stay on the defense. He was about to strike when Marcy rushed in with an arrow that the King barely dodged, leaving just a scratch on his face.

"Again Marcy!" Andrias shouted. "You'd think a former friend would at least hesitate!"

"You tried to kill me!" Marcy shouted. "Then you used me as a puppet for that creepy Core thing!"

"Hey don't blame me for that, The Core wanted you!" Andrias knocked Anne and Sasha back as he focused on Marcy. "I was just doing what I had to do!"

"So am I!" Marcy said as she reloaded her crossbow. "I'm not letting you take over my world! Or any other world!"

"What are you even doing with these worlds that's worthwhile!?" Andrias knocked the girls away. "I'm trying to do more than anyone's had!"

"As am I," Belos said as he knocked Luz into Amity. "That's the problem with youth, they think they know all. They have yet to truly understand what it means to suffer, and require change."

"Excuse me!?" Amity shouted. "We have suffered! People in the Boiling Isles suffered because we had to deal with you as its ruler!"

"Marcy here got pretty badly injured and was forced to wear some creepy crown on her head!" Anne said.

"Oh that's not suffering, that's you kids being overly dramatic," Andrias said.

"Oh we'll show you dramatic!" Anne said as she leapt to attack again, but was whacked aside.

"Belos!" Star sent magic at the old witch but he countered with magic of his own and sent Star flying back.

"I grow tired of this meaningless fight!" Andrias said. "Belos, let's end this!"

"Indeed," Belos took a quick look around. "Doctor Drakken!?"

"Whoa!" Drakken was thrown across a room, courtesy of Marco.

"That's for all the trouble you and your buddies caused!" Marco said. "And for wrecking my house!"

Suddenly Shego kicked him in the side of the head, "Gotta stay focused."

"Shego!" Kim ran over and engaged in combat with her foe.

"It's always fun fighting you, Kimmy," Shego taunted before kicking Kim away. "But I need to get down to business."

"Not if I can-" Ron tried to attack, but Shego sidestepped and kicked Ron away.

"As I was saying..." Shego began, before blocking a strike from Marco. "Rude!"

"I've had it with you trashing my house!" Marco continued trying to attack, with Shego being quick to block his strikes, though not without some difficulty.

"Gotta say, you're actually really good," Shego said. "Black Belt?"

"Red Belt," Marco confirmed.

"Oooh, so close to the goal," Shego tried sweeping Marco's legs but the boy backflipped away. "Then again, I just imagine you never went back to officially upgrade."

"I probably could if I really wanted to," Marco said as he went for another strike that Shego blocked. "I'll leave that for after I save the multiverse!"

"Wow it annoys me when hero types like you always assume you're going to win!" Shego went for a kick to the head that Marco blocked.

"Well villain types like you always lose!" Marco hit Shego with a jumping kick that sent her flying back.

"Not always, we have a small victories," Drakken said.

"Put a sock in it," Marco said. "I'm just about done with-"

"Watch out!" Kim called.

Fortunately Marco was quick enough to dodge a double team attack from Andrias and Belos as he back flipped and landed far away enough to avoid danger.

"You guys and your sneak attacks," Marco scolded. "When are you going to actually fight me like-?"

Suddenly the boy took a blow from behind, courtesy of Shego, one that turned into a blast that sent him flying forward and crashing against a wall.

"Shouldn't have taken your eyes off of me," Shego taunted.

"Or me!" Star tried to blast Shego with her magic, but the girl kneed Star and knocked her toward Belos, who uppercut Star toward Andrias as he kicked her away.

"Bye-bye, Princess," Shego taunted.

"Get her!" Anne said as she and Luz went to attack.

Shego was quick to dodge both of them and proceeded to kick one girl away and then uppercut the other.

"I tire of this," Belos turned to Drakken. "If I were you, I would get to safety."

"Uh, sure..." Drakken said and scurried off.

Belos levitated into the air as Andrias stepped outside the house. Generating some magic, he aimed a massive ball at the ground below.

"Uh...we gotta run!" Kim ordered. "Hurry!"

Amity grabbed Marco and pulled him away while the others made their leave.

Meanwhile Brandy and the others returned with the Laser Puppies.

"We made it back!" Brandy said. "Now what's the plan?"

"Uh..." Molly pointed upwards at Belos. "That can't be good."

"Run!" Kim ordered as everyone ran off.

"Good idea," Mabel followed Kim as Belos finished generating the magic.

"Say good-bye to everything, Marco Diaz," With one major blast, Belos destroyed the entire vicinity of Marco's house, this blast even affecting the houses beside it.

Drakken and Shego stood there in disbelief while Andrias could not care less about the damage unfolding before him.

"Probably would have been better if the rest of them stayed put," Andrias said.

"It is fine," Belos said. "The more shelters we destroy, the less places they have to hide. Sooner or later, they will no longer be able to escape from us."

"'re kind of intense, aren't you?" Drakken asked.

"He's definitely the real deal," Shego said.

"Let us be off," Belos said as he grabbed his scissors.

"Wait, shouldn't we pursue our enemies?" Andrias asked.

"Let them wallow in their despair for a bit," Belos said. "Besides, we must tend to The Collector, or all of our plans are doomed."

"Very well," Andrias said. "Drakken, Shego, let's go."

"Right behind you," Drakken said as he followed the others.

It wasn't long before Marco returned to where his house once was, the boy staring in disbelief as to what had transpired. His home, his Earth home, the place he would go to when he wasn't in Mewni. The place he always went to when he needed a break. The place where he and Star had so many memories.

All the slumber parties, the games, the entertainment. Not just with Star, or his family. But with his friends. With his girlfriend.

"Our house..." Marco fell to his knees. "It''s all gone."

"Ay...this is terrible," Rafael lamented. "I really loved this house."

"We were going to raise Mariposa here," Angie said as she turned to her daughter in Kevin's arms. "She would have loved it."

"Marco..." Star knelt beside her friend and did her best to comfort him. "I'm sorry, I wish I had done more to help."

"It's did your best," Marco said.

Star was of course feeling the weight of the situation. This was her home for a good long time. It was where she would stay during her time away from Mewni.

Everyone else looked just as distraught. Even if it wasn't their house, a chunk of them stayed here.

Anne had night she spent here, and enjoyed the movie watching. Marcy practically lived here when she refused to go back home. Polly enjoyed her time staying with Marco, his family was really kind and hospital after all.

Luz slept over a few times before moving in with Anne for the moment, she enjoyed her time spent here however. Amity stayed here often when she was on Earth, her home away from home.

While the others didn't have much time to spend here, they couldn't fathom the thought of losing their homes. Including ones who haven't seen their homes due to trips, planned or otherwise.

Brandy felt the worst. The irony that the boy who was bringing her back to her home would end up losing his. Marco sacrificed so much, and she could see Molly's point that she really hadn't done a lot.

Within moments, Scratch appeared from the remains of the house, the ghost looking confused, "What the heck happened here?"

"A group of jerks happened," Molly said, the girl bitterly looking toward the house and feeling irate at the villains.

"Marco, I know this is sad, but this isn't a good place to stay," Kim said. "Is there anywhere else you can go?"

"My house," Anne said. "It's in Hollywood Hills."

"That might not be safe," Amity said. "The invasion is starting in Hollywood, if we go there, we might be in more danger."

"It might be a good idea though," Luz said. "You think Belos would expect his enemies to be right under his nose?"

"Too risky, Belos is great at calculating things," Amity said.

"Amity's right," Marcy said. "Belos and Andrias would try to find Anne's house."

"We can just return to The Boiling Isles then," Amity said.

"That's Belos's territory, we wouldn't be safe," Luz said.

"How about Wartwood?" Anne asked.

"Belos and Andrias would expect that too," Star said.

"Okay, does anyone have any other ideas?" Amity asked.

"Well...there's always my house," Luz said.

"Your house?" Anne asked. "You live all the way out in Conneticut. That's on the other side of the country."

"Uh, scissors?" Luz pointed out as she held the object in her hand.

"Uh...duh..." Anne said as she slapped her own forehead. "That actually might be a good idea. I don't think Belos knows where you live."

"Andrias might though," Marco said. "Eda mentioned going to Gravesfield. Plus isn't that where Luz first stumbled into The Boiling Isles?"

"We can always go to Gravity Falls," Mabel said, this getting everyone's attention. "You'd all be happy there."

"Or I can find you a place in Middleton," Kim said. "It might be tricky getting you all to stay in my house, this wholething might be hard to explain to my parents. But I think I can figure something out."

"I'd offer you my house, but my parents probably wouldn't be okay with that," Molly said.

"Same here, it'd be way too much to explain," Kevin said. "Though I could ask my cousin, she might know a way to hook you all up."

"I...I think I can get my family to take you in too," Brandy said. "You know, as a way to repay you for rescuing me."

"Let's talk it over," Anne said. "For now, I we should get the Diaz Family to safety."

"Don't worry, we have friends in town who will take us in for a bit," Angie said.

"Si, in the meantime, you kids should come with us," Rafael said.

"Not yet, we gotta find the others," Polly said.

"This way," Star said as she opened a portal with her scissors, leading everyone through, though not before Kevin handed Mariposa to Angie.

"I just changed her by the way, with any luck you won't need to worry about soiled diapers," Kevin said before leaving as well.

"Aw, what a helpful boy," Angie said as she held her daughter close. "Let's go honey."

"Of course," Rafael said.

On the other side of the portal, Star could see that all the enemies had been dealt with, thanks to the forces presently there.

"That should teach you all not to destroy parts of California," Gretel said as she tossed away a robotic frog.

"Gretel!" Kevin called, getting his sister's attention.

"Oh hey Kevin, you're just in time," Gretel said. "We defeated all the bad guys."

"For now," Star looked up at the castle. "They'll be back."

"Luz!" Gus ran over to the girl. "Luz, you're never going to believe this!"

"What? Did you somehow find a way to stop the invasion and save the multiverse?" Luz asked.

"Unfortuantely, no," Gus said. "But, get this. We met your mother!"

Luz's eyes widened in disbelief, "Run that by me again?"

"It's true," Kelly said as she made her way over to the girl. "She came with this little snake creature."

"You mean Vee!?" Luz asked. "Why would my mom come here though!?"

"I can explain that..." Vee said as she awwkardly slithered over.

"Vee, why is my mother in Los Angeles?" Luz asked. "Where is she?"

"She's fine, she went with someone called Mr. X," Vee said.

"Seriously? Now that guy has my mom?" Luz asked.

"Hey, he is on our side," Marco said. "Plus, now your mother will get to meet Anne's parents."

"Oh yeah...gee, that might be awkward," Anne said. "What could they say to each other?"

"I'm not sure, but I still want to know why she came here," Luz said as she focused on Vee. "Did you run out of magic or something?"

"Yeah, not that it mattered, your mother say you on TV anyway," Vee explained. "She saw you fighting those robots, and while I tried covering for you, that's when my magic ran out. Weird timing, almost like it was meant to happen."

"Guess it was beyond her control," Marco said.

"I'm sorry I brought her here, I wasn't sure what else to do," Vee said.

"Well, as long as she's safe," Luz said. "Though I'd still rather she not be anywhere nearby."

"Look on the bright side, at least you don't need to keep secrets from her," Marco said. "But we'll figure this out later. Along with everything else."

Star walked over to Vee and knelt beside her, "Sorry I wasn't around to give you magic, I had so much on my mind. Especially with my castle being destroyed."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," Vee said. "It must be terrible to lose your home."

"Yeah, I know that feeling..." Marco awkwardly said.

"Marco, what's wrong?" Kelly asked.

"Yeah, did something happen?" Tom asked.

"Belos and Andrias completely wrecked my house," Marco said. "Now my family no longer has a home."

"They went to your house!?" Kelly asked in disbelief. "That's bogus! Of all could...?"

"Man, those guys are scumbags," Tom angrily stated. "I'm sorry Marco, if we had known-"

"You were busy here," Marco said. "Seriously, I don't blame any of you."

"What's going to happen now?" Gus asked. "Where is your family going to live?"

"I can get you a place in my world," Kelly said. "But, fair question, are your parents good at fighting?"

"Thanks Kelly, but my parents wouldn't last long in Woolandia," Marco said. "I can't even imagine what it'd be like for my baby sister."

"Come stay at my place," Tom said.

"Seriously Tom? No human is going to last a second in your realm," Kelly said.

"Look, I'm just trying to be nice here," Tom said.

"Hey, no fighting!" Star scolded. "We'll get Marco a place to stay soon. For now, let's just meet up with everyone else."

"I think they're in Wartwood," Willow said. "We might be able to find a place for Marco there."

"We already ruled that out," Amity said. "Andrias will be there."

"How about your home?" Willow asked. "Your family has some good graces with Belos, don't they?"

"Please, my mom would probably sell us out in a second," Amity said. "Besides, is The Boiling Isles even in good condition?"

"...Probably not," Gus admitted. "Belos's spell probably did some damage, and to Amity's point, I don't think Mrs. Blight would keep us safe."

"Hey, any word on Edric, Emira or my dad?" Amity asked.

"Last we saw, your dad was helping the other witches," Gus said.

"I think your family's fine," Willow said. "Regardless of how your mom can be, I don't think she'd be that careless with her other offsprings."

"That's really giving my mother the benefit of the doubt," Amity said. "But, I do agree, she would want us around, just for insurance rather than actual care."

"Hey," Maddie said, getting their attention. "Instead of talking out in public like this, let's go to Wartwod and gather everyone else up."

"Alright, that sounds like a good idea," Marco said.

"Well, at least in Wartwood, Vee will feel right at home," Gus said.

"Maybe, but I kind of got used to being bipedal," Vee said.

"I can fix that," Star said as she provided Vee with some magic. "There, you're free to change back."

"Thanks, and since I don't need to look like Luz, not that it's a bad thing because Luz is very pretty," Vee said.

"Aw, thanks," Luz replied.

"That means I can take my own form," Vee said. Within seconds, she began to transform, taking on the form of a young girl with blonde and green hair, along with a orange stripped sweater with a pumpkin design and some black, torn jeans. "There, how do I look?"

"Wow..." Marco began. "You look really pretty."

Vee immediately began blushing, "Uh, wow, thanks."

"Geez Marco, blunt much?" Marcy teased. "Right in front of me too."

"Uh, sorry," Marco said. "I just wanted Vee to feel confident about herself."

"Well it worked, thanks Marco," Vee said, then walked over to kiss the boy on the cheek.

"Uh, no problem," Marco bashfully replied.

"...How?" Ron asked. "Like, did he know this girl well prior to this?"

"I'm kind of jealous myself," Kevin said.

"Wow, really?" Gretel asked. "Maybe focus on one girl, bro. A girl you might have a chance with, if you weren't so dense."

"Hey!" Kevin scolded.

"I don't know Marco as well," Vee focused back on the boy. "But, I wouldn't mind fixing that."

"Marco, you gotta stop being so cute," Marcy said. "You're going to make me jealous."

"Yeah Marco, dial back the charm," Amity said. "It's hard for girls to focus around you."

"Come on, I'm not that attractive," Marco turned to the other girls. "Right? I'm just an average guy."

"Yeah...average," Brandy said, turning away and blushing while she wagged her tail.

"So average," Molly said, the girl also turning away to hide her blush.

"You're,'re totally not the type of guy I fantasize about," Mabel said, trying her hardest not to feel awkward.

"I think you're definitely cute," Kim said.

"Kim!" Marco and Ron shouted.

"I'm just speaking objectively, I'm not saying I want to date Marco," Kim said. "Not that wouldn't, I'm just saying I wouldn't mind."

"...Am I going to have to keep an eye on you girls?" Marcy asked.

"Heh, Marco's attractive," Kelly said.

"You're lucky man," Tom said. "Most guys would do anything for that level of charisma."

"Okay, we get it, Marco's sexy and girls fantacize about sleeping with him," Maddie said, causing some massive blushes. "Come on! We gotta go!"

"Maddie..." Marc followed the girl in frustration with everyone else right behind him.

"What's with everyone? Do they not like slumber parties?" Gretel asked.

"Gretel, just get inside and stop asking questions," Kevin said.

Polly looked just as confused, "Uh...what gives?" She turned to Perry, who has busy checking over some of the robots and their materials. "You got any ideas Mr. Platypus?"

Perry had no response other than gesturing to the open portal nearby.

"Not much of a talker, huh?" Polly asked. "Fine, one less person to annoy me."

Perry rolled his eyes in disbelief and followed the others as well.

Willow followed too, the girl blushing as well, "Marco is definitely cute." She turned to the nearby Hamster. "You don't think it's bad that I feel that way, do you?"

"I can't fully answer that, but let's just say that I've watched enough novellas to know that love stories like these never end well," Hamster said.

"Good point," Willow said, then saw the others almost leaving. "Let's hurry!"

"Right behind you," Hamster said.

On the other side of the portal, everyone had arrived in Wartwood, the place now looking almost desserted.

"Where is everyone?" Ron asked.

"They should be here," Marco said. "Unless they left."

Anne called out to her friend, "Yo! Sasha! Where are you!?"

After a few seconds, Luz tried calling out. "Sasha! King! Eda! Anyone!?"

"Luz!?" Sasha was heard calling as she came out through a door leading into the Plantars' home. "Anne! Everyone!"

"You're in our house?" Polly asked.

"We all are," Sasha said.

"All?" Polly asked.

Seconds later, everyone was down in the secet bunker, taking many by surprise.

"You had your own secret base here?" Ron asked. "Wow, with a place like this, you could easily run your own criminal organization, and no one would know!"

"...Ron, seriously, again?" Kim asked.

"Right, sorry," Ron said.

Luz turned her attention to Anne," I guess Kim wasn't kidding about that old man and his son turning evil because of Ron."

"Fortunately Hop Pop doesn't have it in him to be evil," Anne said. "Most he did was lie about a product he was selling once, and he couldn't handle the guilt and confessed everything."

"Did it go well?" Luz asked.

"Well, he lost a lot of business, but what mattered was that he was honest," Anne said. "He even scored points with a nice old lady named Sylvia."

"Aw, that's cute," Luz said.

"Well it would be cuter if she wasn't Ivy's grandmother, and if Ivy wasn't dating Hop Pop's grandson," Anne said.

"...They're not related by blood, that's alll that matters," Luz said.

Sasha passed some drinks along, "Here you go everyone! Drinks are on me!"

"These aren't alcoholic, right?" Star asked.

"Chill Princess, it's just soda," Sasha said. "There's a lot of kids here, and I woulnd't want them exposed to beer, ale or anything like that."

"Well, good," Star said as she took a mug.

"So...what's the latest?" Sasha asked.

"I'll cut to the chase," Marco said as Sasha took a sip. "Belos destroyed my house."

Sasha instinctively had a spit take, spraying the soda all over Anne, Luz and Kim.

"Ew! Sasha!" Anne complained.

"Yuck!" Luz grabbed a towel.

"Come on, this stuff is so hard to get out!" Kim lamented.

"Sorry about that," Sasha sheepishly apologized before focusing back on Marco. "What's this about your house getting destroyed!?"

"Belos ambushed us along with Andrias, Drakken and Shego," Marco said. "After a fight, Belos just laid my house to waste. So now my family is homeless."

"Wow, Marco, I'm sorry to hear that," Eda said. "I'd offer your family a place in The Owl House, but it's not the safest place right now."

"I wouldn't want to inconvinience you," Marco said.

"Hey, come on, you wouldn't be an inconvinience," Eda said. "Any friend of Luz is welcome in my place."

"That's nice of you," Marco said. "I'll figure out a place to live, right now my family's staying with some friends at least."

"Well you can always stay here with us," Sasha said. "This is our new base and we're making plenty of plans."

"Including a raid," Hunter said as he showed off some schematics. "I know spots in my Uncle's Castle we can hit to completely surround him. With any luck, we can capture him."

"It won't be easy, especially with The Abomination Guards around," Sasha said. "From what our sources have already gathered, Belos replaced all the witches with Abominations, and it looks like The Blight Family have plenty manifactured for him to use."

"That means we need to hit my mom's factory," Amity said. "We cut off Belos's supply, we weaken him."

"What about Andrias?" Marcy asked.

"He might be tough too, rumor has it that he's expanding past the robots," Sasha said. "But we know he has factories in different locations."

Higgs stopped by to show off some new gear, "We're going to arm a bunch of volunteers and destroy the factories."

"This looks good so far," Marco said. "So, is everyone here and ready to fight?"

"Buff Frog just went out to get some more resources," Sasha said. "He was actually able to reunite with some monsters from Mewni. Good ones who want to help."

"Speaking of Mewni," Yunan interjected. "Hekapoo's here with a guest."

"A guest?" Marco asked.

"Hey! Star! Over here!" Hekapoo called as she walked over. "Hey girl, glad you're safe."

"Yeah, I'm fine," Star said.

Hekapoo took another look around, "You got more humans?"

"They're very capable," Marco said. "We met them while traveling the multiverse."

"Makes sense given those guys," Hekapoo said as she gestured to Dipper and Ford working on some gear. "They've been tinkering with some old stuff."

"Dipper! Uncle Ford!" Mabel called.

"Mabel?" Dipper went to greet his sister. "Whoa, when did you get here?"

"A few minutes ago," Mabel said. "Marco's house blew up, thanks to Belos."

"It what!?" Dipper asked, this also getting Ford's attention.

"Good Lord, is he okay?" Ford asked.

"He's a little sad, but he's fine," Mabel said. "No one died, so that's good."

"Geez, this is getting bad," Dipper said. "How long before those guys endanger our home?"

"That won't happen," Ford said. "We'll keep your home safe, and your parents too."

"I'm also talking about the Mystery Shack," Dipper said. "What if Belos finds out about it and wants to use the anomalies from Gravity Falls to his advantage?"

"Then it's a good thing Marco and his team found us first," Ford said. "Because now, we have the advantage of preparing."

"Yeah, guess we do," Dipper said.

Hekapool smirked at the pines, "Cute reunion." She focused back on Marco. "Anyway, here's the guy I wanted you to meet."

Stepping into view was a red monster, one who's presence took Marco and Star by surprise.

"No way..." Star said. "Is that...?"

"Globgor?" Marco asked.

The monster in question bowed to the Mewman Royalty, "Greetings Princess Star Butterfly. It is a pleasure to make your aquaintance."

"Oh...he does not sound like I expected him to sound," Marco said.

"He sounds so suave," Luz said.

"It will be an honor to help you stop Belos, to avenge my dear Eclipsa, and to save my daughter, Meteora," Globgor said. "Just give me the word, and I will do all I can to help."

"We have plenty of plans involving him, it's going to be awesome," Sasha said.

"We can plan later," Star said. "Honestly, I'm exhausted, it's been such a long day."

"Yeah, hard to believe, so much has happened too," Marco said.

"So...should we get our friends home then?" Anne asked. "Their families might worry about them."

"Good idea," Marco said.

"Wait, we don't need to leave," Kevin said. "I can come up with an excuse."

"That might be hard Kevin," Gretel said. "Let's just play it safe. I want to help, but we gotta be smart."

Perry nodded in agreement, the Platypus knowing that he had to return to his family too.

"I can stay," Kim said. "I just gotta phone my parents."

"Same, we secret agents sometimes stay away from home for days," Ron said.

"Wait, so do your parents know that you're both spies?" Kevin asked.

"Everyone does, it's not a secret," Kim said.

"Uh, wow, didn't expect that," Kevin said.

"Yeah, same here," Marco said. "Chill family."

"I can probably ask my mom if I can sleepover," Molly said.

"Same, but I should find my brother and send him back home," Ford said. "I do hope he's not in any trouble."

"I canstay too obviously," Brandy said. "I've been gone for months, what's a day or two more?"

"I'll set up some rooms then," Sasha said.

"Alright, but first, let's eat," Marco said. "I'm starving."

"Same, what do they have?" Molly asked, then saw a plate of grubs placed nearby. The girl immediately looked sick, " um...that's neat."

"...Screw this, I'm ordering pizza," Kim said as she left.

"I think we can smuggle some Earth food," Anne said. "Let's do it then."

The dinner went on, and plans were made for the most part. Kevin, Gretel and Hamster went back home, as did Perry.

The others managed to stick around, though Molly had a harder time convincing her parents, but she pulled it off and would be bunking with Anne and Luz.

Marco laid in his room, with Marcy next to him in bed as he thought of what to expect next.

"Something bothering you?" Marcy asked.

"...Every time I think I'm one step ahead of Belos, he pulls some weird crap to turn the tables," Marco said. "He and Andrias, it's so freaking frustrating."

"We'll figure this out, don't you worry," Marcy said as she kissed Marco on the cheek. "Come on, let's try to get some sleep."

"I gotta say, I'm glad you're back to normal," Marco said as he kissed Marcy's forehead. "I really missed you."

"I missed you too," Marcy said as she leaned in to kiss Marco. "Now you no longer have to miss me."

"Yeah..." Marco began to feel a sense of guilt however, knowing what he's done with the other girls as well. " know I love you, right?"

"If this is about the other girls, don't worry about it," Marcy said.

"No I mean..." Marco tried to explain. "I really want to be with you only, but things...I just..."

"Marco, can it wait?" Marcy asked. "I'm tired, and I just want to sleep."

"...Okay," Marco said as he held Marcy close, the two drifting off to sleep.

Outside the room, Amity had overheard them. She knows that soon she would have to confess her own faults to Marcy.

"I hope she's open minded," Amity commented before making her leave, the girl looking for her own room.

Surprisingly, once she got inside, she spotted Sasha asleep on a nearby hammock.

"Guess I'm bunking with Sasha," Amity said as she laid in bed, the girl thinking of the future. "I hope things turn out okay."

Despite the setbacks, plans motivated them to keep going, and they would not rest until their worlds are saved.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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