Mafia Deadline

Chapter 9: Chapter 8 Dark Visit

Avalon shot up from her bed, watching the shadow floor into the room, without Morrigan. The shadow lifts its side making the door slam shut and locking it from the other side, Avalon got out of bed to face the shadow, but another thing is coming.

"Where is your owner?" Avalon asked

"She is resting... I fed off her too much,"

Avalon flinched didn't expect it to answer, but the shadow did and it's amused by her reaction, the shadow moved towards her before floating in front of her,

"You Avalon are different from the other spy they sent... That glint in your eye only happens to the few lucky individuals,"

"What" Avalon inquired

"Here I would think I would find someone who understands what power they weld," the shadow sighed

The shadow disappeared in front of her, causing Avalon to look around her, waiting for that shadow.

"That glint in your eye," Avalon spoke

Avalon remembers what Blake spoke to her, "That's why you're alive, That glint in your eyes,"

"You were told beforehand, weren't you?"

It spoke from behind her and Avalon turned to it, therefore, told it, "Yes I was that wouldn't concern you would it?"

"No, it helps actually," It chuckled

The shadow floated away from her and then floated around her, asking.

"It makes it easier to get what I'm after, and do you know what that would be?"

Avalon didn't speak but watched it make the room dark around her, with one light in the middle that seems to be silver.

"Time to feed off what I should have a long ago,"

The shadow slowly went around the silver light, however, Avalon ran to it before the shadow could reach it in time, Avalon leaped over the silver light while the shadow tried to stop her but to only have her slip out of its grip. Not knowing what was happening in the room,

Blake opened the door again with a glass of water,

"Avalon your..."

He dropped the water at what he sees. Avalon was in midair with the shadow swirling around her, the shadow moving around her and going into her nose and mouth... until.

"Dammit," Blake said

He observed a bright silver light coming from her, but Avalon didn't notice. All she felt was a burning pain in her head and the shadow's screams of pain. However, the light in her persisted. And the shadow had no choice,

"Find my vessel," It whispered

The shadow found Blake standing in the doorway, therefore, it flew to him and then went into Blake circling him before despairing, Avalon fell on the ground, unconscious.

Blake looked over at her, before feeling a pull in his heart with the shadows saying,

"Find her back to the bed Blake,"

He didn't know what happened but he did what it asked, picking her up and placing her in the bed,

"Good get me back to my vessel," It spoke

Blake did what it asked and closed the door to her room,

"What are you," Blake whispered

"An old friend of your line," It chuckled

"Is this the place?" Luke asked

He looked over at the little building in front of them, while Marcello helped Damien carry Rentao,

"Yeah, that's the place, Luke open the door for us," Marcello said

They helped Rentao into the building, Luke, Damien, and Rental admired the inside of the building while Marcello told Luke,

"Help carry Rentao while I talk with Jane,"

Marcello walked to her front desk to find her checking something under her desk, Marcello knocked on the desk causing her to bump her head,

"Dammit that hurt," Jane seethed

She stood up lifting a puppy in her arms and stared at Marcello, who smiled at the dog lifting its hand to pet him,

"You're here for the appointment?" Jane asked

"Yes we are, whos this little guy?" Marcello asked

"This is Aron, Avalon's dog she got before her mission," Jane spoke

"Why did she get him?" Luke asked

Marcello glanced behind him finding his brothers right behind him,

"She saw this handsome dog on coverage and decided to get him, and as they say the rest is history," Jane told them,

Marcello tried to pet him but a voice called out to him,

"Hey, you here? didn't, think you would be expected." Salvatore said walking towards them,

"Yeah, I don't level we had a choice," Luke said

"That you are right unless you have the funds to rebuild what they destroyed," Salvatore said

Luke was about to say something but Marcello glared back at him shutting him up. Marcello looked back at Salvatore, who now held the dog and is waiting.

"What are you waiting for then come, follow me," Salvatore spoke

They followed Salvatore to his office, therefore, started to plan.

"What have you got," Renato asked

"First I want your names," Salvatore said

"Why would you want that, after all, you already have them." Marcello inquired

"You are not wrong but I would still like for them to tell me," Salvatore said

"Luke" Luke said

"Renato," Renato said

"Damien," Damien said

"Good, I have their security in the palm of my hand, and they're back almost planned out, but I need you all to infiltrate their facility," Salvatore said

"How did you get this information on their basis?" Damien asked

"I have my ways," Salvatore said

Salvatore bends down to his computer, and projects pop-ups from his computer,

"I see that we aren't the only ones with this technology," Luke spoke

"Yes, I didn't steal it. I helped make it," Salvatore said

The light on the projection grew brighter and showed the map of the city, with a red dot in the countryside, Marcello stepped closer and noticed they hadn't changed location. Salvatore walked around his desk to them,

"I have my suspicions on where they would have her and," Salvatore said

He pointed at the left side of the building,

"And I think they would keep her there," Salvatore continued

Marcello touched the projection, the projection zoomed into the building showing the layout of the base and patterns,

"Is that their watches," Damien asked

"Yes, it wasn't easy but I have it," Salvatore said

"We will need to have a distraction, then go straight to the building," Marcello said

"I will have my agents helping with this mission, they will be engaged with a desperation to get you all in," Salvatore told them,

"If you all will be healed by then," Salvatore continued

He looked over at them and noticed them having multibuy injuries, therefore, Salvatore walked up to them, saying,

"Before we go any farther, I want you all to be checked by a hospital,"

"You know that we will be...," Marcello stopped

"Not with me helping you," Salvatore said

Marcello stunned at this act of... kindness. spoke, "Thank you,"

"I'm not going to let you walk into that lion's den, in this condition," Salvatore said

Salvatore walked over to his desk and grabbed his phone, he then dialed the front desk,

Jane's voice went through the phone,

"What is it, sir?"

"I want to get these men, checked into the hospital before we work with them further," Salvatore spoke

"Yes sir, "

She ends the call and left Salvatore to look at them all, before he could say anything, Damien asked,

"What's you're name,"

"I am Salvatore Dagda. the head of this company," Salvatore said

A knock on the door and then the door opened showing Jane holding a folder,

"I have it ready for them, but they will need to come with me, " Jane spoke

"That's fine, thank you, Jane," Salvatore said

Marcello helped Rental and Damien out of the room, but Salvatore spoke to them before the left,

"Welcome to Shepherd," Salvatore said

He shut the door behind them, leaving them with Jane, who guilds them to the hospital,

"It's only down this way, then we will get you all checked on," Jane said

"Is the hospital connected to your building," Luke asked

"Yes, it is... Salvatore after a mission Avalon went on decided to cut a deal with the hospital," Jane said

Jane stopped in front of a door and opened it for them, therefore, spoke to them, "This is where they will handle it from here if you need anything from me,"

She hands Marcelllo a piece of paper with the front desk phone number,

"Then call the front desk and I will take it from there," Jane told them,

"Thanks," Damien said

"No problem," Jane said

She walked away from them, However, the hospital personnel went to them and started to move them into the facility, while Marcello looked back at the door.

"What have we gotten into," Marcello thought,

"I can't let it," Avalon thought

She shoot up from the bed and looked around her, finding herself in the same predicament.

Avalon felt a sharp pain in her head, she placed her hands over her face and thought.

"What was that dream?"

She stayed there for a moment, it was not like she had anywhere else to go? the door slammed open, she moved her hands away and saw that Ally opened the door, with a look of concern written on her face.

"What happened to Snakes?" Ally muttered

"What do you mean?" Avalon asked

Ally stood up to Avalon and grabbed her by her shirt, pulling her closer and Ally shouted, "What happened to him!"

"Ally I don't understand what is happing," Avalon told her,

She dropped her shirt and huffed, "He came back from giving you more water... it was so weird,"

"He had her shadow with him. and it controlled him, told him the thing that honestly worries me," Ally continued

"I didn't see him walking into the room with water, but her shadow," Avalon stopped

Allys turned to her and urgently asked her,

"What were you about to say,"

Before Avalon could tell her the door opened again with Blake walking into the room, he turned to them finding Ally now standing next to the bed,

"What are you doing in here Ally, this is for authorized members only," Blake told her,

Ally watched him trying to find any trace of the shadow, however, Blake didn't want to bother with her and moved past her, in front of Avalon.

"I'm here to bring you to the boss," Blake said

He pulled Avalon out of the bed and now next to him, he pulls her to the door and pushed her out of the room not before looking over at Ally, he glared at her before slamming the door behind him, leaving Ally in the room. feeling watched.

"Avalon," Blake spoke

Avalon didn't look at him and just continued to walk, but Blake didn't take that, therefore, he stopped her pulling her into his chest, Avalon looked down at her feet while Blake,

"What did I walk into Ava..."

The Shadow went around her and talked to Blake,

"I told you to send her to me not to have a chat,"

The shadow took Avalon away from the words Morrigan, Blake observed the shadow... It interested him.

"What are you, " Avalon seethed

The shadow moved around her once more before descending back to its master, Morrigan opened its hand for it, welcoming the shadow back while saying,

"I have to send my shadow to get you ... Sometimes it's the most dependable soul I have, "

Morrigan walked up to Avalon bending down to her stature,

"Do you know why I told that screw up to bring you here?" Morrigan asked

"No," Avalon spoke

"I want to see that little glint in your eyes again. find out what makes it show in you," Morrigan said

"This glint thing, I don't know what it is or how to use it," Avalon told her,

"That´s fine by me, if you have no clue how to use it then I will let my shadow take it from you," Morrigan spoke

Morrigan lifts her hand sending the shadow to Avalon, who watched the room around her shift and turn, into shepherd.

"What is this?" Avalon muttered

"A vision of what will come to those who try to stop me," Morrigan told her,

"A vision?" Avalon said

"Yes a vision... one that will happen," Morrigan said

Avalon saw the room shift away, to Salvatore's office with him being strapped to his chair and Jane being stabbed in the leg.

"No!" Avalon yelled

She tried to get up but Morrigan had her shadow tightly around her, making her watch as they torcher Jane. Salvatore tried to get out of his roped but a familiar person kept him there,

"Dont try anything you old man," Ally sites him,

"Don't hurt her, just kill me and let her go!" Salvatore shouted

Ally chuckled and pulled her knife out and pressed it into his throat, She then mocks him.

"Then I should just let her go yes... no that's not how this works anymore Sal. Blake!"

Blake stopped hurting Jane who is close to holding onto life,

"What?" Blake asked

"I will give you the pleasure to kill the old man while I finish what you have done," Ally told him,

Avalon watched Blake get something from a case next to Jane, who is crying and looking at Salvatore holding her hand out,


"Jane! Let me go you tractor used..."

Blake aimed the gun at her head,

"I'm sorry,"

Morrigan smiles at this sense and then turned to Avalon, her head down looking at the shadow holding her in place,

"Why are you looking at your feet when you have this...," Morrigan stopped

Avalon turned her head to her, however, Morrigan didn't see this happing. She glares at marriage with her eyes glowing a strong silver.

"You are pissing me off. you vile witch," Avalon said

Avalon felt heat around her body and the shadow start to scratch in pain, Morrigan stood there witnessing Avalon making her shadow move off of her, the shadow flew to Morrigan, saying,

"Whatever you did awaken her glint, we are now in a new investment,"

"The Shadow..."

Avalon stood up and started to move closer to them, her eyes never dimming.

"Make another vision and we disappear," Morrigan continued

The shadow wrapped around them, while Avalon tried to run at them, yelling

"Where do you think you're going!"

Morrigan disappeared with the shadow, therefore, leaving Avalon in the thick of a vision with Morrigan mocking her all the while.

"I am impressed by your hidden potential,"

"However I will have to make it my own... which means I will have to deal with you all,"

"Then show yourself and get it over with," Avalon taunted her.

The room again shifts into a room in dark before the lights are turned on by Ally, Avalon watched as Allly walked up to four chairs, and a voice from among them concerns her.

"Let them go!"

Marcello struggled under his restaurants while Ally laughed at him, then mocked him.

"You have no right to tell me what to do traitor,"

"Says Morrigan little lap dog!" Damien yelled

Ally picked up her knife and threw it at Damien... it stopped midair.

Avalon with her hand raised towards the knife turns it back at Ally, it flew to her and Ally lifts her hand, it went into her hand, however, it wasn't Ally but Morrigan with her shadow wrapped around her.

"How did you," Morrigan spoke

"I've had enough of your games!" Avalon shouted

Avalon felt heat flowing through her veins and then an iridescent light flowed around her. which Morrigan saw and is concerned about.

"Her power... it's old... but with her it's new." Morrigan thought

The vision of the boys disappear and Avalon stared at Morrigan,

"You think I can be intimidated, that where you have failed Morrigan... you believe that you are above the little people. more important than the everyday person, let's see what fate has for you," Avalon said

Avalon's eyes shined brighter and her hair slowly started to turn silver, a portal opens. they both fell into another vision and Morrigan witnessed her demise.

"I will not fall for the same trick Avalon!" Morrigan told her,

She moved toward the silk silver-haired but Avalon is gone, leaving her to her demons.

Morrigan looked around her and nothing showed up until... a fire burned behind her, Morrigan turned to the fire and saw her home, the mafia back burning in front of her.

"It's funny isn't it?"

Avalon appeared behind her and Morrigan called out her shadow,

"Shadow rip her apart!"

Nothing came of it. Avalon pointed to Marcello and Renato, Damien and Luke, them celebrating her defeat,

"Yes... she's dead," Marcello said

They all cheer at her demise, as the room shifts again into a new building with Salvatore and Jane in the middle of the city, celebrating their new headquarters.

Morrigan glared at Avalon with hatred laced in her eyes.

"You have done so much harm Morrigan! So do this city a favor and go away. so they can live in peace," Avalon said

Morrigan tried to walk toward her but Avalon lifts her hand sending a light toward her, hitting her. Morrigan yelled out

"I will not fall this way!"

The room went back to normal with Avalon staring down at an unconvinced Morrigan, burned badly at the arms. however, the door is opened by a panicked Blake,

"Boss what ha..."

Avalon turned to him with her eyes still glowing iridescent and her hair silver. and says,

"I might have knocked her out,"

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