Chapter 8: Chapter 7 Meeting
"Marcello, you want to go alone?" Luke said
"Yeah, you and the other need to rest and heal," Marcello spoke
"That's a bunch of lies. Look in a mirror, Marcello. You need to heal as well," Luke said
"There is no choice in this, Luke, I will be fine. Go rest. I will be back before you know it," Marcello said
Marcello walked to the door, not before looking back at Luke,
"Look after them," Marcello said
"I will," Luke said
Marcello shut the door behind him and looked toward the van,
He entered the van and started driving towards the city,
She felt her shoulder shake but didn't wake up.
"Wake up!"
She jolted out of her spot and tried to look at the person, but there,
"You need to eat," Blake spoke
Avalon rubbed her eyes and then looked at Blake. Her eyes darkened, staring at him. Therefore, she asked,
"Why eat in these circumstances," Avalon said
"Because the boss told me to feed you, now eat," Blake demanded
He placed the food in her lap and then sat on the bed waiting for her to eat,
Avalon looked down at the plate of toast and eggs,
she pocked at it for a moment until Blake picked up the fork with some eggs on it, he lifts it to her mouth,
"You need to eat," Blake spoke
Avalon moved the fork away,
"No. Not until you take the first bite," Avalon told him,
He moved the fork to him and ate,
Blake then placed the fork in her hand and said,
Avalon did eat while Blake sat there in deep thought,
"Why was I called to feed this..."
He glanced at her and saw her munching on food,
he stayed like that until she looked up at him, saying,
"Why are you watching me?"
"That's none of your concern," Blake scoffed
Before Avalon could ask further,
Blake got up and walked to the door. Before he opened the door, he told her,
"Leave the shadow to feed off its owner,"
He shut the door, leaving Avalon with her thoughts.
Marcello stopped the van while looking out the window at the building,
Marcello looked at the sign on the building and found the letters on it,
"This is the place," Marcello said
He hopped out of the van and headed to the door. However, two guards stood there watching him walk into the building,
not stopping him.
Marcello stopped in front of a desk, where a woman with brown hair with her back turned to him stood there,
he knocked on the desk, causing her to turn to him,
"Who are you?" Jane asked
"Marcello Sickle," Marcello said
She sat down in her chair and looked up at him, saying,
"How do you spell it?"
"Marcello Sickle," Marcello spoke
She typed his name and, therefore, waited for it to load,
"Why did Salvatore want you here?" She asked
"To make a deal," Marcello said
"If that is true," Jane stopped
The computer sounded off, and Jane checked to find,
but before she could say anything, Salvatore walked into them,
"Is this Marcello?" Salvatore asked
"Yes," Marcello said
"Jane, make sure no one calls me while talking to him," Salvatore said .
"Yes, sir," Jane spoke
Salvatore motioned Marcello to follow him, which he did,
Marcello looked around him, finding people moving past him with papers, and a window that showed a high-tech room with workers, Marcello bumped into Salvatore, who stopped in front of his door
"You seem to be impressed," Salvatore spoke
"It seems to be a big operation," Marcello
Salvatore chuckled while opening the door for him,
they both go into the office, and Salvatore closed the door behind him,
Salvatore walked to his desk and then beckoned Marcello over,
"I want to know, a bit more about how she ended up in your care," Salvatore said, staring at him skeptically,
Marcello walked to him and looked over his desk
"I was with my brother stopping a bank heist while she was infiltrating the gang, we killed some and stopped them, but they shot her in her side, and we brought her home… Patch her up, then she got kidnapped," Marcello told him,
"I sent her in to gather more information on them. It didn't go as planned," Salvatore said
Salvatore pulled out a blueprint with a location and layout of a building,
it's familiar to Marcello...
"Do you know of this place?" Salvatore asked
"Yes, that's where their operation is," Marcello said under his breath.
"If you have been there then, you know the in and outs of their building, don't you?" Salvatore asked
"Yes, I know that building doesn't mean they changed security," Marcello spoke
"Doesn't matter. I have their... her whole system hacks, and that means I will need you to go in," Salvatore stated
"Will you hold your end of the deal of fixing my home if I help you?" Marcello asked
"Of course," Salvatore said
"Then... you have yourself a deal," Marcello spoke
"Damien, are you done checking on Renato?" Luke asked
"Yeah, I am. His arm is fine, but his leg is worrying me," Damien said
Damien put the first aide kit aside, and Renato moved his arm, feeling less pain,
"Thanks, Damien," Renato said
"Don't worry about it, Renato, just rest for the day," Damien said
Renato hummed, getting up from the chair, while Luke watched with relief in his heart. However, someone opened the door, scaring him. Marcello walked into the house and then looked up to see them staring at him,
"Hi," Marcello said
Luke walked up to him, pulling him in for a hug while Damien and Renato walked over to them, Marcello pates Luke back, and before Damien asked,
"What did the guy say," Damien said
"He will keep his end of the deal, as long as I keep mine," Marcello said
"What was the deal?" Renato inquired
"It was that we help find his agent," Marcello said
"And then help rebuild our home," Damien said
"Then what is the plan," Luke asked
"He wants to talk to us about that tomorrow," Marcello said
Marcello set his coat aside and then looked at them,
"For now we rest, prepare for the worst, and hope for the best," Marcello continued
They all gathered in the lab, both preparing and mending their wounds for something dark to come their way, but light still shined,
Avalon lay on the bed, not asleep but awake, hearing the endless footsteps down the hallway over and over, keeping her awake, but that wouldn't be the only thing keeping her away,
"Let the shadow feed off its owner," Avalon thought
She lay there her thoughts wrapped around Blake's words, "Why would he want her to be destroyed, by the thing that helps her?"
Avalon stayed there until the door opened, showing Blake with water. He shut the door behind him and then looked ahead at her,
"You need to stay hydrated," Blake spoke
"Why is she keeping me alive?" Avalon countered
"Who said this was here doing," Blake asked
Avalon sat up to glare at him and spoke, "Then why am I still alive?"
Blake walked to her, gave her the cup, and then tried to leave. However, Avalon dropped the cup to grab his hand, Blake turned to her and found Avalon standing in front of him,
"Why am I alive,"
Her voice was not desperate but angered, Blake stepped back and stared at her bewildered, but then he noticed a glint in her eyes... "the one Tiger talked about," He thought
"You are still alive because... you have piqued Morrigan interest," Blake told her,
Avalon dropped his hand, but she still stood there glaring at him, that glint in her eye never leaving, Blake took another step back, therefore, told her,
"That's why you're alive,"
"That glint in your eyes," He continued
Avalon stopped glaring at him only to show confusion,
"You haven't noticed before? How could you scare the boss like that... it hasn't been done before, not while I'm here," Blake said
"Noticed what," Avalon scoffed
"How you have turned this mafia from killing you to fearing what you could be. in a matter of a day," Blake said
"How is that possible," Avalon muttered
Blake saw Avalon fighting her inner thoughts. Therefore, he walked to the door and opened it, getting her attention back on him.
"I will get you water later," Blake spoke
He shut the door behind him while Avalon sat back down on the bed, in deep thought. "If they have fear in their heart, then they have a weak point that I need to exploit,"
Avalon looked up at the ceiling, feeling a rush of hope fill her heart. However, someone had thought of ways to break her. It has just begun,
The door opened with a shadow looming over the door, and a chilling voice vibrated through the room.
"The time for rest is done,"