Mafia Deadline

Chapter 7: Chapter 6 Glint

"That is none of your concern," Marcello answered

"It's my concern when one of my agents is held in your care," Salvatore spoke

"One of your agents... she," Marcello stopped

Marcello moved the phone away and looked up at Damien,

Marcello leans towards his brother, whispering,

"If she was one of his agents, then we need to get more information from him to know what we have let in,"

Damien nods while Marcello brought the phone up to them,

"You don't move that phone again while I'm on this call," Salvatore threatened

"I don't have to stand here and listen to you threat...," Marcello got cut off

"I'm not talking to former gang member Marcello Sickle, am I?" Salvatore questioned

"How did..." He got cut off,

"I have my assistant next to me searching through your phone, now tell me where she is," Salvatore told him

Marcello stood there in deep thought,

"If there are going to the lengths to find her, then maybe something has been hidden from us,"

"She is taken by the mafia," Marcello told him,

"She taken by them? That's all I have to hear from you well..."

Damien grabbed the phone and spoke,

"You are not leaving us with this wreckage!"

"Then go to my building, come meet me to help find my agent, and I will help you rebuild what is destroyed, or stay there. rebuild your house by yourselves and leave my agency to find her," Salvatore suggested

"Where is the building," Marcello said, taking the phone back,

"In the middle of the city, the small building with golden letters on it," Salvatore said

"Fine, I will meet you there, and you better word," Marcello told him,

"I will. go to that building tomorrow, and that's where I will be, I want to hear what you say in person," Salvatore said

Salvatore hangs up, while Marcello drops the phone,

"That was," Marcello said

"Interesting." Damien cut him off,

"That's one way of putting it," Marcello said

Marcello remembered something important,

"Luke, Renato, are they ok?" Marcello asked

"They're fine, just some scratches and bruises," Damien told him,

Damien turned them around and helped him walk out of the room,

Marcello seethed, looking at his side and feeling a sharp pain once again, but Damien noticed and said,

"Are you sure to go there tomorrow, "Damien asked

"No, not really, but if that's the only way of figuring out what happened, then so be it," Marcello said

Damien stopped at the door to the lab, ready to open it, but Luke opened the door for them,

"What happened?" Luke asked

"Could you help me with this?" Ally asked

Avalon lay on the floor knocked out with Ally dragging her to Tiger's office,

Blake looked off to Ally, but he kept staring away from them in deep thought.

"Why should I?" Blake said

"Cause this is your assignment, not mine, I decided to help you graciously, and this is the night I get," Ally spoke

She continued to rant to him until Blake walked up to her,

and grabbed Avalon off the floor. He glared down at Ally before letting out,


He walked away from her with Avalon limp over his shoulder,

Ally stood there stunned… "There is something in his eyes,

something dark that has not been seen for a while,

Blake stands in front of the door and lifts his hand to knock, However, he glances at Avalon to see her the same, but pale.

He shook his head and knocked on the door, a voice answered him.

"You can enter,"

Blake opened the door and walked in,

Tiger watched him with detestation while Blake dropped Avalon, causing her to wake up.

"What you wanted, boss?" Blake spoke

"Yes, it is... good work, Snake," Tiger seethed

Tiger got up from her seat and walked over to them,

Avalon placed her hand under her, trying to get up, but Tiger who stood in front of her,

placed her foot on Avalon's back,

"No one told you to get up. Snake leave. I will talk to you after I deal with her," Tiger told him,

Blake looked down at Avalon... blood pooled under her,

while Tiger glared at him, digging her foot into Avalon's back,

Avalon groaned as Tiger threatened him,

"I thought I told you to leave Snake,"

Blake moved away from them,

turning his back and walking to the door, not before hearing Avalon moans of pain.

He opened the door before shutting it behind him,

"The one that he should have killed," Tiger's eye said

Tiger pressed on her back, and Avalon yelled out in pain,

"But he didn't check to see if you were dead, did he? Leaving you behind in a burning, collapsing building," Tiger mocked

Avalon quickly turned to her side and grabbed her foot, making Tiger fall,

Avalon held her side before standing on her feet,

Avalon looked over at where Tiger fell, but she wasn't there but in front of her.

"Was that all you have? all of that hope, that pride. you once had destroyed by them... how far have you fallen, Avalon Clover," Tiger asked

"Was it me? I thought it was you," Avalon said

Tiger laughed at Avalon,

"What would make a worthless human like you, think that?" She asked

"I'm not a fool, Morrigan," Avalon said

Avalon watched Tiger's body language... there was a darkness behind her,

it grew taller than Tiger looming over Avalon, with two green sparks within it.

"Your life is filled with grief and despair," Avalon continued

"Look at you now... stuck in an endless loop of decay and bringing the people around you down,"

"You know nothing," Tiger scoffed

Her shadow moves away from her,

wrapping itself around Avalon, but she didn't bother to look at it, only watching Ti... Morrigan.

"Tell that to your little shadow friend," Avalon said

The shadow went to her chin while Avalon mockingly smiled at Morrigan,

who raised her hand about to let her shadow deal with her, but a knock on the door stopped her,

"Boss, something is happening to the system," Ally spoke

Ally oped the door to see,

Avalon, with the shadow around her and Morrigan standing in front of Avalon,

glaring at her.

"Nice of you to drop by," Avalon mocked

"Shut up," Morrigan seethed

"Why is there a problem with the system!" Morrigan continued

"You took one of his lackeys and thought they wouldn't retaliate?" Ally told her,

Morrigans gaze turned to a heated glare at Ally, Morrigan lifted her hand, letting the shadow off of Avalon, but heading toward Ally,

the shadow went around Ally, picking her up, while Morrigan stood in front of Avalon,

"I would say sorry, but you took them in for your greed," Avalon spoke

"Not for greed but only for more control," Morrigan seethed

"How's that going?" Avalon mocked

Avalon glanced at Ally,

to find her being lifted into the air with the shadow wrapped around her body, only leaving her head out of it,

Morrigan lifts her hand above Avalon's head.

"You know you're not going to get what want," Avalon said

"What?" Morrigan asked

"Taking over the city, having control through the mayor and the police. that you have systematically are trying to dismantle and make your own, to have it all to yourself.. not without the help of the government, right?"Avalon said

Avalon looked straight at her with determination held in her eyes,

Morrigan took a step back thinking.

"She did look into this operation... then she will have to pay for it,"

"So... you did look into that," Morrigan spoke

"Yes, it's not easy," Avalon said truthfully,

Morrigan looks away from her before slapping Avalon,

"You don't have the right to stand in front of me... bringing up my name. mocking my endeavors!" Morrigan yelled

Avalon stayed there while she berated her,

"I will not stand here! while a little girl mocks me," Morrigan said

She looked over at the door and found Ally watching them... but something changed,

Avalon lifts her head to Morrigan, who is now staring at her. However, Avalon looks up at her and moves her head back,

she bashed her head against Morrigan, Morrigan moved back away from her while her shadow flew back to her, shielding her from Avalon.

"You insignificant!"Morrigan yelled out

Morrigan went through her shadow, her eyes beaming with a light green, but something stopped her... Avalon had this spark in her eye. It's only a little but strong.

Morrigan stayed away from Avalon and looked toward Ally,

"Take her to a room and leave her there. until I ask of her," Morrigan seethed

Ally walked into the room, holding her throat. She stopped near Avalon and grabbed her hand, therefore twisting it behind her back.

Morrigan watched as they both walked out of her office, but Avalon's glint scared her.

Morrigan slowly walked to her chair and her shadow, sensing her fright.

wrapped around her shoulder, trying to comfort her.

"I will be fine shadow, but that glint is familiar to me," Morrigan said

She sat down with her shadow in deep thought.

Ally watched Avalon in wonder,

"Avalon?" Ally asked

Avalon stayed quiet. However, that didn't stop Ally.

"Why didn't you stop me?"

Avalon stayed quiet, looking around the hallway, while Ally just followed, asking more questions.

"Why didn't you come back to kill me?"


"Didn't you feel hurt scorn betrayed," Ally continued

Avalon stopped, letting Ally bump into her, and Avalon spoke, "Yes. I was until I let it go. "

Avalon glanced at her,

"Do you know why?"Avalon asked

"N..N...No, "Ally muttered

"If I live in hate and anger... it will consume me," Avalon spoke,

Ally stared at her in disbelief and pushed her forward,

"You never changed, did you? "Ally asked

Avalon looked ahead, ignoring her. However, Ally stopped her in front of a door, with a number seven on it, unscripted with gold.

Ally moved her to the side, opening the door before Ally grabbed her,

then pushed her into the room, making her fall,

"Get sleep... you might not get it after meeting the boss again,"

Ally then shut the door, leaving Avalon in the dark. However, Avalon got up,

feeling the pain in her body surging through her, but didn't delay her.

"That hurts," Avalon seethed

She held her side while looking around for a light source,

she saw a small bed with no blanket but a lamp next to it.

Avalon hobbled over to the lamp and turned it on,

finding a shallow room with only a bed and side table,

"There is no use in fighting right now," Avalon muttered

She cautiously sat on the bed and laid her back on the bed, staring at the ceiling,

she stayed like that until her eyes shut with the blissful thought of sleep,

Avalon opened her eyes to a different ceiling, and she shot up from the ground of her shepherd. Avalon slowly got up from the ground and then looked at her surroundings,

"Anyone here?" Avalon spoke

Her voice echoed through the halls, but no one answered.

Avalon decides to walk around and look for Salvatore's office. However, she notices Jane asleep on her desk,

"Jane," Avalon spoke

She pats her back softly, but she didn't wake up, leaving Avalon confused.

but nether less, she walked into Salvatore's Office and saw him on the phone,

"I want their system to be offline by tomorrow, good, and when you get anything new information, tell me immediately," Salvatore said

Avalon walked to him and now stood next to him,

"I will talk with you more tomorrow, yeah, bye," Salvatore said

He put down the phone and rested his face in his hands,

Avalon placed her hand on Salvatore's shoulder and then spoke,

"Take a breather, boss. I've only been gone for three days," Avalon said

Salvatore picked his head up before turning his head to her. However, he didn't see her, but he felt a weight on his shoulder.

"Avalon?" Salvatore asked

"Yeah, I am here, but I should be asleep," Avalon said

"You are talking to me while you are asleep?" Salvatore said

Avalon looked around her and tried to find a disturbance to prove her otherwise,

but nothing.

"I believe so," Avalon spoke

"Have they hurt you," Salvatore inquired

"I've been through worse Sal, however, I think pissed off their boss," Avalon told him,

"What did you do that for?" Salvatore asked

"I wanted to see if all of that research was for not," Avalon said

"Was it then," Salvatore continued

"No, we got it right," Avalon said

She felt the pain on her cheek and placed her hand on it,

"With the reaction she made, we got it right," Avalon spoke

"I called your phone, and someone answered," Salvatore said

"Which one?" Avalon asked

He remembers the phone call with Marcello and...Damien?

"His name is Marcello," Salvatore said

"What did he say?" Avalon said

"He asked of you, and he wanted an answer to his destroyed home, so I gave him one," Salvatore said curiously

"If that's..." Avalon stopped

Avalon felt fur hit her leg, and so she looked down, finding her dog,

the dog looked up at her and could see her, Salvatore looked down at the dog and chuckled.

"After you went missing. I took care of him for you," Salvatore said

Avalon smiles at the dog and causes the dog to smile back, but everything around Avalon starts to blur out,

"Sal, I'm waking up," Avalon said

"A..Avalon?" Salvatore said,

He turned around, hoping to see her, but nothing.

Avalon woke up and then looked around the room,

"What was that?" Avalon thought

Avalon laid back on the bed, feeling her eyes starting to give out on her,

she went asleep,

not knowing that someone opened the door to her room.

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