Chapter 6: Chapter 5 Authoritative
"Ally Scian?" Damien whispered
He remembered that name, and it wasn't a good thing,
Damien tried to get up but almost fell, but Avalon caught him,
"Damien, what were you?" Avalon said
"I know that name," Damien spoke
Avalon looked at him confused and then asked him,
"How do you know her?"
"She is an asset of the mafia and has been a thorn in my side for years," Damien said
Marcello listens to them talk and heard Damien speak of Ally,
he remembered the day he came in with multiple injuries caused by that woman,
he will never forget that, and neither will Damien,
Marcello walked over to them while they talked,
"That woman stopped me from destructing one of their plans, and afterward almost killed me," Damien said
"So the thing she does best," Avalon seethed inwardly
"Then we're the same... Almost," Marcello said
Avalon turned to him to see him behind her,
She held tighter to Damien and who held his arm out for his brother,
"I'm going to need some help getting into a chair... if you have one?" Damien said
"Yeah, there should be a spare one," Marcello spoke
Marcello puts Damien's arm around his shoulder and then tilts his head to Avalon, speaking softly,
"Follow his lead,"
Avalon looked over at Marcello,
who took the first step towards the chair, and Avalon followed,
finding no point in disputing with them, they laid him on the chair.
"Is that better?" Marcello asked
"Yeah, I think I will…" Damien stopped
He touched his side and felt a sharp pain, Marcello pulled Damien's shirt up, finding a large bruise on his side,
and then moves to grab his kit. However, he didn't notice Avalon stepping out of the room with a sound going off in the house.
Avalon went out of the hallway into the blown-up kitchen,
she scanned the room, seeing the carnage once more before that sound rung through the house,
Avalon turned to it and walked past the kitchen, heading to her room,
"Why of all time would he call now?" Avalon thought,
Avalon stood in front of her door and opened it to hear her phone go off,
She shut the door behind her and then headed to her phone,
to see Salvatore's phone number on the screen, she answered the call,
"Avalon, are you ok?" Salvatore spoke
"I'm fine, Sal. just scratches," Avalon said
Avalon took a moment before a thought came to mind,
"Why would he be asking if I'm okay if…"
"Boss, why are you asking?" Avalon asked
Avalon heard Salvatore talk to another person before he spoke to her,
"There's been a large explosion in the countryside of Nimue, and I thought that you might have gotten yourself in more trouble,"
"I think this time it wasn't me, but the people that helped me," Avalon told him,
"Then who are you with? And if so, why would they do something like this?" Salvatore said
"Why wouldn't they want to kill the ones who stab them in the back, it sends a message and gets them out of the way, so far from what little I hear, that these men are a menace to their mafia if you could say that about the mafia," Avalon
"That makes sense, then they would just take over where they were and make that a hell hole," Salvatore said
"That's what they wanted," Avalon stated
"Then it was a coincidence that you are there," He spoke
There is a sharp sound that came from her phone, causing her to move it away from it, but the phone went to speakerphone,
"Avalon, something is coming... from the other agent i... that the gang are...," Salvatore said
The phone call got cut off,
Avalon stood there staring down at her phone. with an acknowledgment of what might come,
"That girl that was supposed to be dead, Snake!" Tiger yelled
"I told you both to kill her to be in the family. and what happened? " Tiger's eye said
A dark aura wrapped around the woman, while Snake watched and saw two green lights coming from it,
Tiger saw him staring at her in awe. Therefore, she stepped closer to him and whispered to him.
"You let her in the family without even recognizing her... this could be the last thing you do for me, Snakes," she seethed
He says nothing and just looks at her,
she saw no emotion in his eyes, and that is just what she wanted.
"I want her here in one piece, and then I will finish what you couldn't," She spoke
Tiger pushed him away from her, and that made him fall on the floor,
Snake glanced up at her and then saw her walking away from him while telling him,
"Do as I say, or you will end up like the last person to disobey me,"
Snake's eyes stood up from the floor,
to not look at her but turn his back to her before walking out of the room, with his past running through his mind.
Snake closed the door behind him, not seeing Ally leaning on the wall beside him,
she looked over at him and saw his dazed look
"Snake?" Ally said
She got off the wall and went to him,
Ally tried to place her hand on his shoulder, but he stopped it and turned to her,
"Yes?" Snake asked
"What did she say?" Ally spoke
Ally ripped her hand out of his, while Snake stared at her with emotion,
"She wants Avalon here... in one piece, " Snake said
"In one piece," Ally muttered, stunned.
"Alive. so she can finish what I didn't," He continued
Snake tried to move past her, but Ally stopped him, placing her hand on the wall next to him,
"That means?" Ally spoke
"That means I have to retrieve her," Snake Eyes told her,
He pushed past her walking down the hall, while Ally stared down at the floor, However, Ally called out with a loud voice,
"Do you need help?"
Snake turned his head to her, "I might need a distraction...
She walked up to him with her helmet in hand,
"Let's get moving then,"
Ally walked past him, but he followed her, hoping that it won't backfire on him,
Avalon, after the call, heard her name and turned around to see Marcello at the door glaring at her,
"Why did you leave the lab?" Marcello asked
"I heard something," Avalon told him,
"Did you find what made the noise?" Marcello inquired
"No, I haven't," She lied
Marcello walked closer to her with a doubtful look to him,
"Then why should I trust you," Marcello said
"You do not have to trust me," Avalon told him,
"If you right... I shouldn't trust you,"
Marcello watched her form and saw her standing still, but her hands were twitching,
They stood there staring at each other, waiting for the other to take the next move, but they didn't have much time.
"Then what did you come in here for," He asked
Avalon moves closer to him and tries to reason with him. However,
a knife went through the window in between them,
Avalon moved away from it while Marcello did the same before it exploded,
Marcello flew back into the door and hit the back of his head on it,
leaving him slumped on the ground and knocked out,
Avalon flew back into the side table, hitting her back before falling on the floor.
A foot stepped through the broken window before the person stood in the room looking around him,
He saw Avalon curled up clenching her side,
but that didn't stop him from walking closer to her,
Avalon tried to look around her. However, her vision was blurred, and her hearing was shot,
she didn't hear him walk in front of her staring down at her,
"It didn't take me too long to know it was you," a gruff voice told her,
Avalon's head shoots up, trying to look at the man, only to see a mask over his face,
but his hair flows away from it, Avalon knew who was under the mask,
"It took you that long? you backstabber," Avalon taunted
Snake inwardly seethed before kicking her in the back. causing her to be real in pain,
He stopped her from turning around by grabbing her arm and slowly lifted her in the air,
"I had no choice in this Avalon!" Snake yelled
He grabbed Avalon's face, making her look at him,
but she smiled, and what she told him next spooked him,
"You didn't have the guts to tell your father. that you wanted to leave, Blake Dagda,"
Blake lifts his hand to slap her, but another knife went past them,
he turned to the window to find Ally waiting,
"Get moving, Snake, before the idiot's brothers wake up," Ally told him
Avalon tried to get his hand off of her, but Blake didn't let her,
he grabbed a knife from his side and hit the back of her head, knocking her out,
He lifts her onto his shoulder, but quite a voice calls him out.
"That's who you are,"
Blake glanced at Marcello.
who was leaning on his left arm staring at him, Marcello sat up and held his right arm.
"Blake Dagda... that who you are?" Marcello inquired
"No, he's dead," Blake spoke
"Then why are you affected by it?" Marcello asked
Blake dropped Avalon's unconscious body and staggered to him,
Blake grabbed Marcello by the hair, pulling him up, and then whispered in his ear,
"I will not let you mock me in this way... she only sent me to take Avalon... but what happens if I bring your head to the boss?"
Blake stood up, pulled his knife from his side, and then tried to cut through him.
but a gun shoot is heard from the other side of the door,
"Marcello!" Damien yelled
Blake looked away from him, and Marcello took and grabbed his knife,
he was about to stab him, but Ally threw one of her knives at Marcello, landing in his arm. Blake moved away from the door while Ally picked Avalon up,
moving to the window but glanced at Blake, saying,
"You have what you came for, now leave,"
She jumped through the window, leaving Blake behind,
another gunshot is heard from Damien making Blake follow Ally,
but not before getting one last look at Marcello and then leaving,
Marcello looks at where they were lifting himself. However, Damien kicked down the door before going to Marcello,
"Marcello, what happened?" Damien asked
He helped Marcello stand holding onto his side,
"Bl... Snake and Ally took Avalon," Marcello said
"What would they want her for now?" Damien inquired
"They said something about their boss," Marcello said
"She going to kill Avalon," Damien said
"I wouldn't be shocked," Marcello told him,
A ring tone went off, alerting them,
Marcello scanned the room to see a phone on the floor near the window. Therefore, he pointed it out to Damien,
"It's by the window," Marcello said
Damien looked at where Marcello pointed and saw it,
he walked Marcello to it, finding it had a shattered screen, but the name on the phone still showed.
"Salvatore?" Marcello whispered
Damien and Marcello looked at each other. Therefore,
Damien helped him reach the phone and answered,
"Avalon, what happens? I just heard another explosion, " Salvatore asked
Marcello saw that the phone was on speaker,
but stood there and decided to answer his worries,
"Avalon, I need an answer. before I send in reinforcements... Avalon?" Salvatore spoke
Marcello lifts the phone to his face,
"She's not here," Marcello told him,
"Who are you?" Salvatore asked