Mafia Deadline

Chapter 5: Chapter 4 Explanation

"A true snake?" Marcello asked

He leaned down to Luke and grabbed his arm, holding him up while Avalon helped him by holding him to Luke's other arm,

"Why are you helping," Marcello whispered

"Yes, now hold up your side," Avalon said

He looked over at Luke, finding him falling into her. therefore, he pulled Luke closer to him while blubbering out an apology,


They lifted Luke over to a chair and then sent him down, Avalon breathed outstanding backup and looked at the surrounding devastation while Marcello went to Renato checking him,

"There are cuts, but none that will need stitches,"

He looked over at Damien and found him slowly sitting up, Marcello rushed to him,

"What tried to kill us," Damien asked

"An assassin from the mafia," Marcello said

He lifts his hand for Marcello, who grabbed his hand and pulled him up,

Avalon looked at the window where old memories used to be in the dark hidden away from her,

She looked away, turning her gaze to Renato, and then walked to him past Damien and Marcello, She bends down to check on him and finds him breathing deeply,


when she touched his arm to pull him up, he grunt at her touch, and Avalon let go of him before moving to his other side to pick him up.


She turned to them and saw that Damien was on his other side, while Marcello stood off,

Damien gently picks up Renato's arms and places them around his shoulder while Renato starts to open his eyes, trying to see,

"Who has me?" He cried out,

"It's fine, Renato, we have you," Damien answered

They both helped Renato up, but Marcello saw a large cut on the leg,

he was limping on, Marcello moved debris from the doorway before telling them,

"Let's get the both of them to the lab, I can patch them up from there,"

Avalon and Damien went past him, and then he turned to Luke,

he walked to him, therefore picked him up, and went to the lab,

"What is taking her so long," Tiger eyes said bitterly,

She sat there waiting, glaring at the door, but nothing came. She did it on purpose to her...

"She could have made it easier on me," Tiger thought,

She scoffed at this before picking up a phone and dialing a number. The phone rang, but there no answer.

"What could he be doing. that could make him miss my call?"

"Dammit, you didn't have to do that?" Snake seethed

He was walking down a hallway wanting to get his work done, but this assassin lifted him up and then slammed into the wall, staring down at her, She breathed deeply before saying,

"Did you know?"

"What?" Snake eye mumbled

"Did you know she was alive?" She

Snake felt his heart drop... she knew, and if she did, then the boss would notice as well. They were meant to kill her, but she survived somehow. He didn't know until he saw her driving off after the building fell.

"How is she alive!" She yelled

She pushed him into the wall and caused him to grunt in discomfort, feeling his side pulse with pain,

he grabs her hand, trying to pry her off of him,

"Yes, I knew she lived..."

She lifts him away from the wall, wanting to collide him with it again, but he stoppedwas sno answer.

"What could he be doing. that could make him miss my call?"

"Dammit, you didn't have to do that?" Snake seethed

He was walking down a hallway wanting to get his work done, but this assassin lifted him up and then slammed into the wall, staring down at her, She breathed deeply before saying,

"Did you know?"

"What?" Snake eye mumbled

"Did you know she was alive?" She

Snake felt his heart drop... she knew, and if she did, then the boss would notice as well. They were meant to kill her, but she survived somehow. He didn't know until he saw her driving off after the building fell.

"How is she alive!" She yelled

She pushed him into the wall and caused him to grunt in discomfort, feeling his side pulse with pain,

he grabs her hand, trying to pry her off of him,

"Yes, I knew she lived..."

She lifts him away from the wall, wanting to collide him with it again, but he stopped her, saying,

"I could do nothing about it, Ally. She left there into the safety of shepherd.

if I went back to finish it, I would have certainly been caught,"

Ally moved him to her height and moved her hand to her helmet, taking it off,

she now stared at him, anger laced in her eyes, while Snake's stare had a blank look on his face, waiting for her to respond.

"You know how bad this will be for us... right? we had to kill her, and we failed Snake, if that's your name now," Ally said

He didn't say anything,

"The boss wanted her dead Snake! and now she knows what and who she is... we are both in the crossfire," She continued

Snake ripped away her hand, standing on his own now, and glared at her before pushing her away from him,

"Then I suppose that we just need to act stupid, don't we," Snake eye seethed

He moved past her heading to his office until Ally called out,

"She will ask you next Snake,"

He didn't look back,

"After she is done with me,"

Snake walked away from her vision, leaving her with the thought of facing the boss... alone,

Knock, knock, knock,

A soft tone voice calls out,

"Come in,"

Ally walked into the office, closing the door behind her,

but she noticed the room had changed, but the person she had behind the chair had not,

Ally walked past some of her co-works if she could call them that.

Ally stopped in front of the desk and then bent down on her knee, saying,

"My league,"

Tiger turned her chair and looked at Ally before scoffing at her,

She knew what Ally's past was cause they told her every part... that they want her to know,

"Are you trying to save your skin, Ally? I wouldn't say that you haven't done it before, but you have," Tiger stated

"I'm not trying to save my skin, boss. they took out my..."

"Stop! I'm done with this, Ally. I've given you enough opportunities to right your wrongs, and what have you done with it?" She asked

Ally stayed quiet.

"That's right, nothing but mess up my plans and my operation... but I still need you for the information you bring to me. shame, isn't it?" Tiger mocked

Ally looked up at her, finding Tiger getting up from her chair and walking away from it towards her,

Tiger stopped in front of her, looking down at her before bending down to grab her chin, and made Ally stare into her eyes,

"That is all that you are useful to me, by gathering the intel that you took from them and giving it to me,"

She laughed,

"Do I have to make an example of you, Ally?"

"No, boss," Ally said

Ally saw her amber eyes shift green, but Tiger let her go,

before she can get a better look, walking away from her, Ally held her head, thinking,

"Something is not right with her,"

"I want that Snake in here, so get him when you leave,"

Ally got off her knee and did not bother to look at her boss,

walked to the door, she opened it not before hearing the laughter of her co-workers,

Ally closed the door behind her, therefore, looked for Snake, who heard it all. waiting by the door, he looked up at her, offering her a napkin,

"You have some blood on your chin," Snake said

Ally took the napkin from him,

while Snake moves her away from the door and is about to enter the office but decides to leave her with this,

"Find a way,"

He placed a computer chip in her hand and then walked into the office, where the boss waited.

"Set him down lightly," Damien said

Avalon moved to the side of the table and helped lay Renato on it,

Damien almost fell, but Avalon saw it happen and moved towards him,

she caught him. Damien looked up at her, noticing a slight difference in her eyes,

"Avalon?" Damien asked

Avalon heard him, but it was soft to the point that she barely heard him,

the world around her felt slow... she felt dizzy, Avalon lifted Damien, and he stood up looking at her stunned before asking,

"Avalon, what's with your eyes?"

Avalon stared at him, a blank look in her eye until she felt a pinch on her wrist,

She glanced down at her hand, finding that she had a hold of his hand and that he pinched her,

"I didn't think you would respond to me," Damien said

Avalon took a moment before giving him a stiff nod,

"Yeah, I might have," Avalon said

"What was with the look in your..." Damien is interrupted,

Marcello opened the door with Luke holding onto his shoulder,

He passed them over to his desk, setting Luke on his chair, and then turned to them, but mostly on Avalon, he wanted answers from her.

"Are you two ok?" Marcello asked

Damien answered him, stating that he was fine, but Avalon knew he wasn't genuine and just wanted to know what happened,

she didn't blame him because she had been there before. defending the people she cared about, but he didn't hurt him the way they did, Marcello moved over to them while Luke, who is awake,

watched them but felt tired wanting to fall back to sleep but couldn't,

"Avalon," Marcello said

"Yeah?" Avalon said

"Who was that, and why did they attack us?" Marcello asked

"I will tell you after you take care of Renato, not before," Avalon told him,

"You're right," Marcello huffed

Marcello went to his desk, grabbed a med kit from under it, and went to Renato,

Avalon watched as Marcello pulled out his supplies,

but a weight on her right side made her look away,

Damien on her side looked tired and leaned most of his weight on her, which made her hold onto him tighter,

"Damien!" Avalon shouted

Damien tried to stand on his own, but couldn't, Avalon moved them over to a wall, and he lay on it,


He didn't look at her,

"Damien, are you okay," Avalon continued

He looked at her dazed before answering her,

"I'm fine, just dizzy. like you are Avalon,"

"Good," She let out

"Avalon," Damien whispered

"What?" Avalon asked

"I know you told him to wait, but I will ask, who was that assassin,"

Avalon huffed at this, feeling a bit irritated by it, but she knew the feeling.

"That was an old friend of mine," Avalon says

"Old friend? What did they do to you?" Damien asked

"That's a long story," Avalon said

She glanced behind her and saw that Marcello is done with Renato and is listening to them, She looked back to Damien, therefore continuing,

"If you both want to hear it, and it is evident with one of you, then I will,"

"Tell us," Damien said

Avalon nods before sitting in front of him and patting the ground,

Damien shook his head and then sat in front of her then motioning her to start talking,

"I knew her from my job, she and I used to work together, fixing stuff that was broken by dark entities and then went back to the office, where paperwork had to be done," Avalon said

"She sounds conflicted," Marcello thought

"But after a while of working together, something changed... she told me that I meant nothing to my job and was only there to be a shield for her and other things like that,"

"She was distant from me when I was at the office, and only be near me if it was for a job but..."

Avalon debated whether to tell them that there was another,

she didn't know them yet but if they were to help her then they should know,

Avalon went quiet, causing Damien to reach out to her lightly touching her arm, Avalon looked up at him.

"You do not have to tell us everything, but the one who did this," Damien said

Marcello turned his head to him and received a glare from Damien,

he looked away with a sight scoff,

"Then that one mission that we went to, it was supposed to be my last one but fate decided otherwise, I saw that she acted different and thought nothing of it at my detriment," She continued

"After I took the data, she went missing, and my stupid self decided to look for her... that's when she showed herself," Avalon stopped

She breathed deeply. closed her eye, and felt as if she was there again,

looking up at her with fire raging around them,

"She stabbed me in the back, catching me off guard... but after that, we fought, and I won, that woman would be Ally Scian," Avalon said,

"That woman would be Ally Scian," Avalon said

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