Chapter 10: Chapter 9 The New And Old
"I heard from the hospital, and they told us that Renato needs more time healing, but the rest of you can help up," Salvatore said
"Then what am I going to help with?" Renato asked
"You need to rest, Renato. I will see if you could be on cameras," Salvatore said
Renato gave a stiff nod while Marcello looked over the base projection again,
Damien checked his weapons, and Luke went through the plane with Salvatore,
"Marcello could go through the left entrance and sneak his way in," Luke said
"And where would you and Damien go?" Salvatore asked
"Damien or I could follow him, but I think it will be safer if we broke in through the right door they have hidden," Luke spoke
"That's not bad, Marcello. What do you think?" Salvatore asked
Marcello didn't hear them,
he was too busy watching the projection, Salvatore deceived to walk up to him and take his shoulder.
"Marcello, I need you to concentrate..." Salvatore stopped
Marcello turned him to the projection where a blinding light appeared,
they both covered their eyes while the light went away, leaving them shocked.
"What was that?" Luke asked
"I'm not sure, Luke, but I have my suspicions," Salvatore said
"Avalon?" Marcello whispered
"How could that be her," Damien said
They looked at the projection until Salvatore turned it off and said,
"We tell no one of this until I get a better look at what happened there,"
"Yes, sir,"
"Do you know where you all are going," Salvatore asked
"I'm with Damien going through a hidden door, helping with the distraction," Luke said
Salvatore looked over at Marcello,
who looked dazed and conflicted. but he answered,
"I go through the left entrance and get to where they are holding her, retrieving her,"
"Good, and you will meet him halfway," Salvatore told Damien and Luke,
"Renato, you have a spot on the cams with Jane and me," Salvatore said
"Yes, sir," Renato spoke
"You four have your mission, get her back at Shepherd safely, and I will fulfill my end of the deal," Salvatore said
"Now when..." Salvatore stopped
Jane opened the door and, therefore, told them,
"The team is ready also as the vehicles,"
"Good, well let's get going," Salvatore said
Damien and Marcello walked up to Renato, ready to help him up, but Salvatore stopped them and told them,
"I have him go,"
Damien looked at Marcello,
giving a nod before leaving with Luke, Marcello stood next to Salvatore holding Renato,
"Take care of him," Marcello said
"I will now go get my agent," Salvatore told him,
Marcello didn't move,
"I will be fine. go do what he asked," Renato said
Marcello relented and went out the door, following Jane and his brothers.
"What did you do!" Blake shouted
Blake threw Avalon on the floor of the room, she stares up at him and kept quiet, irritating the man.
"What have you done Avalon, why are your eyes glowing and what the hell happened to your hair!" Blake yelled
"I don't know what happened to me!" Avalon yelled back,
Blake stepped back, noticing that he was not helping... he was only hindering.
"All I felt was to use that heat... that energy and I did," Avalon continued
"You caused the boss three-degree burners and knocked her out. what you did was... impressive," Blake spoke
"I'm not looking to impress anyone. I just want to do my job and get out of here, " Avalon whispered
Blake didn't hear what she said,
"I didn't hear yea," Blake said
"You didn't need to hear it," She scoffed
Avalon stood back on her feet glaring at Blake. Therefore,
went back to her bed and stared at the ceiling, but she felt something off, something dark.
She looked up at Blake and saw the shadow next to his ear,
"You better know what you are listing to Blake," Avalon told him,
Blake, who was glancing at the shadow, was now looking over at Avalon.
her eyes are now a normal silver with a glint shining in her eyes,
"That shadow will tear you apart... just like it doing to your boss," Avlon continued
Before Blake could say anything, someone knocked on the door,
"The boss is awake, and she wants to see sunshine," Ally told them
"She would be resting..." Blake stopped
The shadow kept whispering in his ear,
while Avalon watched them, and Ally walked over to her, pulling her out of the bed
"Get up," Ally said
She pushed Avalon towards the door, and then Ally turned to Blake, shouting,
"Wake up!"
Blake turned to her with his eyes shifting with green and blue.
Ally didn't seem frightened at this, therefore, told him,
"We need to get her to the boss, Blake,"
Blake followed Ally, who now started to mock Avalon,
"It seems like you never change Avalon, always in the fire of the enemy," Ally mocked
"That fire compared to the fire within me will never match," Avalon said
"Why is that," Ally scoffed
"Because," Avalon stopped
there are in front of Morrigan´s office,
"It's the fire of GOD," Avalon continued
"Are we... I'm position?" Marcello asked
"Yes, you are there just waiting for my signal, "Salvatore spoke
"Luke, Damien, are you both in your spot," Salvatore said
"Yes, we are there," Damien told him,
"Good, on my signal, the explosive that where placed by my team will activate and will distract them for only a little while," Salvatore said
"Then you three go in, take whoever you have to take down, just get Avalon then get out," Salvatore continued
"Yes, sir," they said
"Jane, Renato, stay in the van, and we will start the timer now," Salvatore said
He looked behind him and saw that they had it ready, Renato had the trigger while Jane kept the coms running, and Salvatore lifted his hand with three fingers held up,
Marcello looked at the entrance with his pistol in hand and axes on his hips,
Damien breathed out, looking at the door, and felt the adrenal flow through him. He jumped around, but Luke put his hand on Dameins shoulder,
"Calm down," Luke said
Renato pulled the trigger, causing a load explosion to be heard, shaking the foundation under the base and them as well,
"Wow, " Renato muttered
He looked out the window of the van and sawdust from the building, which wasn't in the best state. The entrance was crumbling at the seams... They should hurry.
"Left then take a right, " Luke told him,
Damien runs with Luke down the hallway heading left, while Luke looked down at his wrist looking through the projection, however, he's stored by Damien pulling him to the side and hitting the wall, he looked over at Damien and asked, "What was that for?"
"There are three of them heading this way. Pull out your gun and follow my lead," Damien told him,
"I think I heard something from over here, " a womanly voice shouted
Foot's steps movement is heard by them and is close to them until.
"I'm not waiting on you, no.... "
Damien grabbed her and shot her in the stomach after turning her around, the people she was with aimed their guns at them, but before one of them could fire, Luke went from behind Damien and shot one of the in the head.
Before the other person can react, Damien shot them down. making them fall where they used to stand, Damien dropped the woman and then looked beside him, nodding at Luke, before taking a step towards the next hallway, however, the woman who was on her last breath told them,
"You won't find...Her... She's with the b.. "
She dies. Leaving them to ponder what she told them,
"Her last word was about to be boss... She's with Tiger," Damien spoke
They looked at each other before Luke pressed his earpiece,
"We have a problem, Salvatore," Luke said
"What is it?" Salvatore asked
"Avalon is with Tiger," Luke continues
The line went put until Jane came on the line and told them,
"I have the location already, sending it now, "
A new map popped up on Luke's wrist. It showed a red dot in the middle of the building, and their dot was not too far from it.
"We could head there, does Marcello know?" Damien asked
"Yes, I have him on the line. Let me connect to him," Jane told them,
Jane tried to connect with Marcello. However, he didn't answer only a statice could be heard,
"I'm sorry I can't reach him. You must go ahead by yourselves, but I will try to reach him again," Jane spoke
Luke pulls his hand away, looking at Damien,
"She couldn't reach him," Luke told him,
"Then we should move ahead and see if we will find him," Damien said
"Then you first," Luke spoke
Damien and Luke moved through the hallway, getting closer to Morrigans office where another fight might occur, Avalon stood in front of Morrigan, who was trying to get some questions answered,
"What is that power you weld," Morrigan asked
"I have no idea what it is, Morrigan," Avalon told her,
Avalon scoffed under her breath and thought to herself,
"If I had any idea of what I am, why would I tell you... but I have no idea what this is, this new power, ability? is,"
"I haven't got time for this... I should just let my scientist experiment with you," Morrigan said
"You mean the government, right?" Avalon said
Morrigan glared at her, and before Avalon could do anything, Morrigan stood with her hand around Avalon's neck, lifting her in the air. however, a large explosion went off, and Morrigan wasn't pleased with it.
"Dammit," Morrigan yelled
Morrigan let Avalon go and went to her desk, picking up her phone, while Avalon lays on the floor watching Morrigan talk with Blake, "I need them to be at every side of the building... yes, I know we are short on people, but at this moment, it doesn't matter," Morrigan told him,
"Yes, boss," Blake answered
The call ends, and Morrigan walks back to Avalon, picking her back up. Avalon looked down at her, therefore, saw the anger radiating off her, Morrigan threw Avalon into a wall, leaving her in pain and cradling her back.
"They are here for you, aren't they?" Morrigan asked
Morrigan slowly walked to her, asking again.
"They are here for you!"
She kicked her in the side, and Avalom howled in pain, holding her side... it is where she was shot. Morrigan smirked down at her and kicked her in the side, chuckling at her pain.
"If they are here for you, I might just have to break you before they can retrieve you... if they can," Morrigan said
Morrigan called out the shadow and pointed at Avalon while she looked up at them, glaring at the both of them, her eyes showing a glint in them. Morrigan smirked at her while the shadow laughed,
"We are about to see what you truly are made of," Morriagn spoke
She sent the shadow at Avalon and the shadow wrapped around Avalon, lifting her and sending her into morrigans desk and breaking it in the process, Avalon felt pain throughout her back and sides, and her vision blurred but Morrigan spoke to her,
"I want to see what your power is, Avalon."
The shadow grabbed her again and placed her in front of Morrigan. She looked over at Avalon, broken, bruised, beaten. She felt vindicated for the pain this little worm put her thorough
"Avalon," Morrigan taunted
Avalon didn't look up.
"Avalon, show me what has been placed in you!" Morrigan yelled
Avalon injured her, which Morrigan would not have. Morrigan lifted her hand and slapped Avalon. However, her hand burned deeply. Morrigan cradled her hand while her shadow started to scream in pain.
"Enough!" Avalon yelled
A wave of light rushed out of her, causing Morrigan to be pushed back, hitting the wall, while the shadow tried to fly back to Morrigan, but it caught in the wave and disappeared,
Avalon lands on her feet with the feeling of pain long gone, only heat resided.
Morrigan looked at Avalon and saw her with silver eyes, burning with anger, silver hair, and an iridescent glow around her. She walked up to Morrigan,
"Im not burning?" Avalon thought
She felt the heat of the blast, but it didn't hurt her. Avalon stopped in front of Morrigan, telling her,
"Get up,"
Morrigan slowly stood up and glared up at Avalon,
"What you have is old... and it will be mine," Morrigan spoke
She pulled her arm back, trying to punch Avalon. However,
Avalon moved away from it and grabbed her arm, burning it in the process.
Avalon quickly pulled her closer before sending Morrigan to her destroyed desk,
"Shadow!" Morrigan yells
The shadow caught her, Morrigan glanced over at the shadow,
"Where the hell have you been?"
"Hiding," the shadow spoke
Morrigan looked back at Avalon and saw her walking towards them, beaming with light. the shadow shutters in fright.
"Tha... her ability is stopping me from taking it... It's m... your repellent," the shadow said
Avalon lunged at Morrigan, making a dent in the floor, Morrigan stared down at her before landing on the ground with Avalon glaring up at her.
"Then we will have to take our time with her," Morrigan scoffed
Avalon ran up to Morrigan. However, she barely saw it coming at her. Avalon felt a sharp pain in her side and then looked down to find a small knife with a fog surrounding the knife,
"Did you think this was a fight," Morrigan said
She twisted the knife in Avalon's side, Avalon hissed in pain but stood there grabbing the knife swiftly and lunging once more at her, Morrigan moved away casting out her shadow to protect her, if it could. Avalon went through the shadow and stabbed Morrigan in the side, Morrigan backed away clutching her side and Avalon tried to run at her again, however, the door to the office opened and a gunshot is heard.
Avalon stepped away from Morrigan and looked away from her, to the door to find Marcello holding his gun up at Morrigan,
"You damn traitor!" Morrigan yelled
She held her bullet wound and glared at him, with her shadow showing up behind her. she pointed at Marcello and then yelled out, "Kill him,"
Her shadow went to him. However, Avalon stood behind her, hitting her in the head with her own knife, she feel on the ground, knocked out. the shadow went to Morrigan, sheilding her from them, Marcello lowered his gun, staring at Avalon.
"Avalon?" He asked
Marcello looks at her in awe. her hair shined of silver while she glows iredesnet, Avalon held her wounds and tried to walk to him but ended up sliping. However, Marcello ran to her and caught her in time.
"We need to get out of here," Avalon told him,
He picked her up, holding her into his chest,
"I agree," Marcello said
He was almost out of the door, but the shadow laughed at them, saying, "You think this is the end... not only the beginning of Dagd..."
Marcello went out of the room and went for his brother, who had been dealing with a different enemy.