Chapter 46: Chapter 45 Break in
"Jane!" Avalon yelled
Avalon runs in front of her and shields her from the clone who just stares at her in confusion,
the clone walks closer to her which causes Avalon to punch him onto the bed,
"Jane go now call Salvatore!" Avalon yelled
Jane got up quickly and ran out of the room, by that time he got up and tries to grab Avalon by the neck, she twisted his arm and made him flip onto the floor,
Avalon grabs his arm and tries to pull it up to her shoulder, but then his other arm reached out behind him grabbing her by the head then it inhumanely picks her up and throws her into a wall filled with glass pictures,
Avalon groans in pain as some of the glass was in her arm, she then lifted her gaze to the clone who got up and is now in front of her, he moves his head toward her and picks her up by the arm that has glass in it then holds her to his height,
"Who are you?" he asked
Avalon was uncertain of what she should say, she stayed there quit waiting to see what he would do then the clone let out a grunt and tells her the same question,
"My name is Avalon and that's all you're going to get," Avalon said
She felt the energy that she hadn't felt since last month, and it was in her feet, she picks up her feet and kicks his stomach,
which sends him to the window that cracks it, he looks up knowing that familiar energy it's part of him then he smiled getting up to see her running up to him,
she mutters something before punching him out the window causing the clone to hold onto the window sill until a voice called out.
"Avalon, they will have a delay you have to keep him busy," Jame yelled from downstairs,
Avalon cursed under her breath looking at the clone, who is trying to get back into the house, she sighed before trying to kick him, but he grabs her ankle and ripped her out of the room then throws her onto the side of the window which hits her back,
Avalon screamed in pain, one hand holding onto the window sill while the other is touching her back,
"You are familiar?" the clone said
Avalon looked up at him, she noticed his face hold no emotions or scars, but his voice sounded confused and stern, it lacks emotions, she glances up at him before saying,
"How I'm I familiar to you? I think would have remembered a person like you,"
Avalon takes a closer look at him, noticing some sort of plugs on his arms and the sides of his neck, she then whispered.
"You're not human?"
The clone who has been staring at her nods before kicking her in the leg, which causes her to grab the leg with her other hand, she cursed at him and asked what that was for,
"You are the one who punched me out of the window," he remarked
Avalon glared at him before hearing cars coming their way, the clone looked at the road finding trucks coming their way then he looks back at her,
"Looks like our time is about.." Avalon said
He smiles at her which scares her a bit to find out that his hand that's detached from his arm is crawling up her leg, she tries to kick off the hand, but it keeps a stronghold on her knee,
"Get off!" Avalon yelled
she felt her energy go through her hand and that touch his hand, the clone's hand stopped moving and then fell off of her. Avalon sighed then looked up in front of her to see him on the side of the window sill to her in a blink of her eyes, his hand reaches out to grab hers,
Avalon gave off a glare then aimed her hand at him,
"Let this work," Avalon whispers
To her amazement, it did. The clone's eyes widened as he felt the heat of her beam not go through him but send him flying to a tree,
Avalon smiles at this while feeling her hand on fire, she looks at her yard seeing the trucks have already packed watching her fight the clone, some agents got out of the van clapping at this.
"Jane! Avalon!" Salvatore yelled
Salvatore quickly got out of the vehicle seeing Avalon on the roof and Jane running up to him, Jane runs into his chest not crying but in distress, he hugs her to comfort her.
"How am I going to get down?" Avalon asked herself,
Avalon stares around her trying to find a way to get down, but not going through the window, she has enough glass in her arms.
"Are you ok up there?" Jane yelled
Avalon looks at them, giving Salvatore a slight smirk before shrugging her shoulders and jumping off the roof, then landing gracefully on the ground,
"Hay I'm not dead," Avalon said
Avalon looked at Salvatore and Jane to find they were staring at her in awe, she tries to move her legs but finds them weak,
"I'm dumb to think I'm ready to do something like that and walk away from it," Avalon said
"What were you thinking!" Jane yelled
Jane runs up to Avalon and hits her in the shoulder, Avalon whines in pain as Jane scolds her for doing something that idiotic, which Salvatore chuckled at this telling Jane that she's fine,
"She's been through worse, Jane,"
"Doesn't mean jumping off the roof," Jane said
"Can I get some help getting the glass out of my arm, or you could just keep arguing while I find someone else to do it for me," Avalon said
Jane immediately called some agents and gets them to her, Salvatore helps Avalon stay on her feet and asks,
"What were you fighting? Jane said it was some sort of tall human-like being,"
Avalon stares at him and said,
"I believe it's a clone, I have no idea where that thing came from, but he has some strength to him,"
The agent got to her and gets her into the house while the other agents with Salvatore looked around the house for any hint of a lead, as Jane looked at Avalon's master bedroom to see if it was still there,
"Maybe her jumping off wasn't a bad idea after all," Jane mumbled
Jane looks at the carnage of the room with the wall that is wrecked and the bed flat, the window glass is everywhere on the bed,
smashed into the carpet, she then looks out the window to find white glowing eyes staring back at her, she froze in fright knowing what it is then it let out noise before disappearing from her site,
"Jane? are you ok in there," Salvatore asked
Jane jumped and turns to him and slaps his shoulder, Jane then asked,
"What were you doing behind me!?"
"To make sure you are not harmed," Salvatore said softly,
Jane smiles and hugs him, Salvatore hugs her back and lifts her above the ground, She giggles as he spins them,
Salvatore softly lands her feet on the ground as Jane stops giggling staring at him in wonder,
Jane leans into him slowly closing the gap she then asks,
"May I?"
Salvatore awestruck said without knowing,
Jane grabs him by his tie and kisses him and puts her other hand on his shoulder, Salvatore moves his hand on her back and her neck softly kissing her back not noticing that the door is open,
Jane pulls away from him breathing heavily as Salvatore smiles brightly at her,
"Could you two not do this in my room that would be nice," Avalon said
Jane looks over Salvatore's shoulder to find Avalon looking at the tired,
"Yeah, I think we should let you sleep," Salvatore said
"Not in this room not until it's clean, so I will leave you to love birds be," Avalon said
she left them in the room, Jane looked at Salvatore and holds his hand, he looks down at her with the same smile,