Mafia Deadline

Chapter 45: Chapter 44 Encounter


Avalon turned to the voice, finding Jane jogging toward her when she got in front of Avalon got pulled into a hug,

"I was so worried when you went through the window," Jane said pulling away from her,

Avalon nods and says,

"I'm sorry to worry you, but now I'm here, though it took longer than I thought," Avalon said softly

Jane looks at her and asked,

"What do you mean by that?"

"I went through many plans in my head, I went through spiritual realms if you may, and I saw you Sal, and many others move past the walls," Avalon said

She looked away from her before telling her,

"I have tied to talk to you, and you didn't know, I don't blame you. But I watched as you went through my body at that time all I felt is dread," Avalon said

Avalon looks down at the floor, avoiding it, Jane holds her chin and pushes her head up to look at her,

"Don't... you don't have to worry anymore. We are here, I... I have tried looking for you all night with a little help," Jane said

Avalon smiles at her and says,

"Thank you, Jane, I just thought of it a lot,"

"That is fine just don't let your head stay in the clouds. Ok?" Jane said

"Yes, I will keep that in mind," Avalon said

Jane nods and pats her on the shoulder as she's about to leave,

"Wait," Avalon said

Jane turned around with a confused look on her face,

"Would you like to go with me to my new home?" Avalon asked

Jane goes over to her and hooks her arm with Avalon's and says,

"What are we waiting for?"

"What are You!" A woman yelled bringing her boy closet to her and running in the other direction,

The clone huffed and jumped up to the rooftops, then he got to the edge of the roof looking over the city and watched as people move along with their night, most helping the poor by giving them money, but there are a few that help to rebuild what has been gone,

He smiles at their kindness before hearing a scream and sighed, knowing that it might be him, but it wasn't it came from an alleyway two roofs away, against his better judgment he went to the alleyway, he jumped on the roof and looked down to find a gang surrounding a woman,

"So boys, why don't we take her and find her a new home," a female said

The men around the woman started to grab her, she screamed and begged but they kept trying to tie her up, but a large shadow come down from the roof standing next to the female running the gang members,

"Krissy look!" one of them said

Krissy didn't even look behind her just quickly grabbing the gun from her holster and unloading it from its magazine straight into his stomach, she stares at him smugly not knowing what she has done,

The clone just stares at her before his body pushes the bullets out of him, and they stared in awe at this phenomenon, the clone grabs Krissy on the throat lifting her then one of her boys cuts his hand off,

"What is that!"

The clone looks down at his hand, finding it has some sort of blame and white energy coming from it. He lets go of Krissy and attempts to grab his hand back,

But one of the members kicked him in the face to move him away from his hand, the clone didn't move from the kick it just stared at his hand then he lifts his head to who kicked him,

"W.. W. What are you looking at, freak"

The clone stands straight to scowl at them and quickly grabs them, bends their elbow in the wrong direction, causing them to scream in pain. He dropped them to the ground and then looks at the others to find only four more to knock out or kill if needed,

One of the four tried to hit him with a metal bat, but they didn't notice the clone's hand moving up his leg onto his back,

when he did find out it was by the hand going on their head and started to gouge out their eyes, the clone smirks at this karma before feeling shots hit his back.

"That won't work you idiots just leave she is not worth it," Krissy said running away from the alleyway,


They escaped leaving their allies behind, the clone looks at the carnage they left behind then he remembered the woman they were assaulting,

he looked where she was to find her missing and sighed at least he helped her a little, he heard sirens in the distance and decided to jump back onto the roof, looking down at them,

"What do you think happened here, Mike?" a police officer asked

Mike looked at the scene in front of him, noticing the men on the ground to be a part of a gang, and sighed, understanding that more of them are popping up,

"This is part of a gang attack on a civilian. But it seems that some fellow help them get away from the mongrels," Mike said

He looked over them and walked over to the men with his eyes gouged, to find a weird atmosphere around him,

Mike looked at him closely to see a dispatched hand under I'm the man's arm trying to keep hidden from them, Mike's fellow officer cried out at the site of it and the hand launches itself at the wall,

The other officer pulls out his gun to shoot the hand but Mike stops him from doing so, the hand started to crawl away from them to the roof of the building to find a mysterious man on the building roof staring down at them,

Mike keeps his hand in front of his fellow officer and then asked the man what is he doing up there, he just looked at them like he is studying both of them watching their every step, every muscle movement,

"Sir could you!" Mike yelled

But it was too late he wasn't there, he moves faster than they thought,

"Sir what should we do about the body and his friend," The officer asked

"Take the one that's alive to the slammer and take the dead one to the examination room in the hospital, we will see what killed him," Mike said

The officer nods telling the other what Mike said, Mike looked at where the clone was realizing that this was just the beginning,

Somewhere in the countryside,

"Good lord, that was a long ride here," Avalon said stretching,

Jane chuckles at this looking back at her before turning her gaze to the house and field in front of them, she wonders what God has made so beautifully that corrupt man can destroy not just the earth but humans themselves,

Jane keeps her eyes on it a hand landed on her shoulder, seeing that it is Avalon she smiled at her and Avalon asked her what she was thinking about Jane said confessed,

"Just thinking about the wonder God has made and continues to make in this world,"

Avalon nodded and says,

"Indeed he is great it's said that the world will go up in flames at the end, but it will be a new once more,"

Avalon our her arm on Jane's shoulder, and they started to walk to the house laughing and talking with each other, then a rustle of a tree take Avalon by surprise, and quickly looked around to find the sore of the noise but found nothing, Jane asked her what's wrong against her judgment she said,

"It's nothing I was just hearing things,"

Jane looks at her unsure,

"Are you sure?"

Avalon looked through at the thoughts of what it could be, gang members, insiders, and clones but she let it go and tells Jane,


Jane nods and walks toward the house, as Avalon looked back at the tree line not noticing the large shadow looming in it, Avalon turns to Jame hearing her yell, and tells her to get moving, she nods and starts following her to the house,

"This is fancy Avalon did you help pick this house," Jane asked

Avalon walk through the kitchen looking around to find the way, she had always been dreaming of her dream home but after five years of working under-shepherd she keep working and living in that apartment for those five years, Avalon sighed finally having a home of her own, yes did shepherd hep her relocate indeed they did but she made Salvatore let her pay some of it,

"Stubborn old man," Avalon said

she remembers the back and forth with him, arguing about this for days, Avalon keep looking through the kitchen,


Avalon quickly turns and runs to where the glass break, then this is where her heart drops. she hears Jane scream then runs to where she is upstairs in the master bedroom,

"Jane!" Avalon yelled

Avalon bursts open the door and run in to find the clone in front of Jane,

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