Mafia Deadline

Chapter 44: Chapter 43 Cloning Lab

"Ok miss Clover you are released today, how do you feel?" the head nurse said kindly,

Avalon smiles at her before answering,

"Yeah, I am fine thank you for asking me. how's your day my fair lady," Avalon asked in a weird voice,

she laughed helping Avalon back on her feet,

noticed a weird grass stain on her clothes,

"Avalon dear what is with the stains on your clothes?" she asked

Avalon looked around the room trying to avoid her gaze, the nurse rolled her eye before helping Avalon out the door,

"Here you are Miss Clover," she said

Avalon looks at her office in wounder looks back at her,

"What am I here for?" Avalon said

The nurse told her to get dressed and opened the door as Avalon walked into the office to see the old clothes, she smiles picked them up, Avalon said out loud,

"Hi, old friend,"


Blake sighed looking away from his computer that has trackers of mission on it,

"You can come in," Blake said

The head scientist speed walks in, grabs her phone from her lab coat, push in it in front of him,

Blake watched shocked as the clone breaks out of its tube and starts killing the workers in the lab, the clone picks up a female and then quickly breaks her neck, almost mercifully.

The clone looks at the people around him quivering in fear, he looks at himself in a mirror, noticing how different he looked then them,

he stares up at the few of them trying to open the door, and he smirks, drove straight at them.

"He escaped," she said

Blake keeps watching the clone kill the rest of the lab before opening the door with one of the dead body security cards, he looks up at the camera and smiles mockingly at it before leaving,

Blake lets out a frustrated sigh before getting out of his chair,

"Call all the agents we have if this gets out to the governments of the world... they won't do anything," Blake said softly

"What they're going to get the FBI on us what are you talking about?" she yelled

Blake looks up at her sternly then walks around his desk and stands in front of her,

"Don't you think they have already done this? they could have easily lied to their people and taken their blood both for testing and for other things... taking DNA and keeping it in a database or making clones of certain people," Blake said

She looks at him in disbelief,

"Why would they do that it doesn't have any logic in it we had to do it cause you threatened us with death... what is your gain in it then," she said

Blake shrugged pulls his computer to face her then walked beside her with a remote with him,

"You went through the documents of this certain experiment, correct?" Blake asked

She nods slowly not moving her gaze from the computer screen, she went into this job, not for the money even though it's a plus. She went into high school with bright eyes filled with wonder, then she started to educate herself on historical science of all ages,

She found some good things about science but when she was done with college, she got her job in a development lab in the start, it was fine but more and more she saw the dark part of the science industry.

Likewise, she tried to get out but safely enough it was too late for her and keep getting pulled in again, so much of her life wasted on a user to be a bright dream but now a nightmare that she can not wake up from,

"Are you watching?" Blake asked

She looks at him before she knew it. her chin is grabbed and turned to the computer screen,

"This is critical to their new transhuman agenda and weirdly enough they wanted our help. That's why I put you on the team the leader even," Blake said

She stared at the screen that show what happened to their lab and some others as well-being destroyed by the clone, in the end, they killed the clone but sadly enough there are the only ones that escaped, she felt her heart fall and broke on the floor,

"I put you in charge of that clone. what will happen when the government comes to ask questions? to you not me," Blake said

He started to laugh at her, walked over to her and lays his hand on her shoulder, leaning near her ear,

"You will be held accountable for all of it, all the blood transfusion and body parts all the DNA, all of it on you," Blake said

She pushed his hand off of her anger at what is transpiring, she didn't ask for any of this. She just wanted her dream to make the world a better place, to push science to its limits, she holds her face trying to calm herself down, she turns to him and slaps him.

"I will not be held accountable for this! You are the one that wants to make the clone. Just because it didn't turn out the way you wanted, you left it to me," She yelled, tears streaming down her face,

Blake holds his cheek, staring at her. Angered by what she has done, he wanted to rip out her pretty little blonde hair from her skull and scatter it across the room but for now, he will be kind,

"Do you that slapping me will change anything? You idiot, you signed the contract yourself, I saw all the selfish desire in your eyes! What do you think will change anything?" Blake said clearing his throat,

"Please, it was all him! The head of the mafia, who pays for most of the experiments you look into. I'm just the victim in this, I just wanted to fulfill my dream of being a scientist so just put the one who you pay to do this in jail and let me go free," Blake mocked

She stood there stunned by what he said, he is right. They would keep him alive and well before they would think of saving her from the fate of going to jail, time froze for her,

she felt an eminence pain in her neck before falling onto the floor, Blake looks over her smiled then calls her guards to grab her,

"Good thing a got a scapegoat," Blake said walking back to his computer,

He checks the tracker devise on the clone to find it infective,

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