Mafia Deadline

Chapter 47: Chapter 46 Clone program

"Marcello, are you there to come in?" Lucario said

Marcello has been doing multiple missions for himself and Avalon, Marcello thought about quitting and moving on from this life, but what else is there to do?

"Yes, I'm almost there, do you see anyone in there?" Marcello asked

Marcello ran down a hall moving past some members that had gotten knocked out, they may be a part of this corruption but I'm not like them.

"Yeah there are two coming ahead, but it seems that Jacob got to them before you," Lucario said

"That's alright it just makes this a bit easier," Marcello said

He turns the corner to find the members knocked out with that sigh moving forward to the lab where is Jacob, Why Jacob well Domenico has been doing missions with Ally, and they have been a major part of letting the darkness of a mafia to light, Marcello smiles pride building up in his chest as he is in front of the door,

"I'm here, anyone near me?" Marcello said

He heard glitching coming from the earpiece, he puts it in his pocket and light opens the door with his handgun in the other hand,

looking around the walls near the door before slowly walking into the lab, Marcello walks around the lab looking at the massacre that happened here body on the floor not knocked out but.... dead,

Marcello knows that he told Jacob and the other agents to not kill, just knock them out, but it doesn't look like bullet wounds or knife wounds... maybe a broken neck, but it's…. broken inhumanly,

Marcello bends down to check one of the bodies, that is leaning over a table their stomach is ripped out and scattered across the table onto the floor,

He carefully moves them to lay on their back when he saw the scratches on her... it was a woman with her hair missing… it was pulled out,

Marcello looked at her sigh before hearing steps coming his way, Marcello walks over to the door holding his near him waiting for someone to walk into the room,

"Marcello, you in there!?" Jacob said walking into the room,

"Yeah, I'm here," Marcello said

Jacob turns to him, aiming his weapon at Marcello, who puts his weapon away and moves away from the door to the main system,

"Did you find anything about the clone program?" Marcello asked

"Yeah, it seems like the mafia and government are working together to make these clones. not just humans and animals but remaking the human DNA as well," Jacob said

Marcello stopped stunned, not knowing what to think of it other than disgusting and disturbing,

Why would humans do this to their own kind? It is wrong to make this thing there not of us...

Marcello sighed and starts to plug in a chip that Lucario made, the system shines a bright blue and show all the labs around the area,

"Can you get Lucario on the earpiece?" Marcello asked

"No, I haven't heard from him," Jacob said plainly,

Marcello nods and then puts his attention back on the main screen, looking through the details of it, he sees a multitude of plans going from killing the head of shepherd to poisoning the water supply, and all that the mind can imagine it's there... a way of working together that truly concerns him, Marcello tries to connect with Lucario and says,

"Lucario at you there? respond?"

The room is quiet for the time being as Jacob takes a look around the room, looking over it once more, He stares at the destroyed lab, slowly moving around the broken table and glass bottles he sees blueprints and pictures on a wall brings attaching them,

"Hey, Marcello come look at this!" Jacob said

Marcello looks up at where he is seeing him at the far side of the lab, Marcello brings the chip out of the main system and walks over to Jacob who is tracing the yarn twin that connects the people and the places,

Marcello looks at this curiously and then starts to read some information on the board not knowing that Lucario is back online and is recording what he's saying, he sees a blonde woman looking too young for this kind of thing, but he seems to find more than he wants to... he sees many things on there but all he does was take some papers from it and says,

"We should get out of this place, it should be looked through,"

Jacob nods in agreement they both turn away from the lab their mission done with,

"Lucario how's the mission going?" Domenico said

Lucario glances behind him to see his brother walking in with Ally, he noticed they both look worn out from their past mission. Lucario responds,

"At the start, I had a good connection, but now I can't hear anything but disfigured voices from them,"

Domenico nods about to say something but Ally talks before him,

"That happens to us as well, but we got the communication back quickly. How are the bars and Wi-Fi going? Or is there someone hacking into the stream?" Ally asked

Lucario and Domenico starred in her with both confusion and understanding, before Lucario looks through the traffic walls of the stream to find bugs in it, messing up the connection,

he looks back at her and says.

"No, I haven't, they could have just hacked through or went past it somehow... let me get a look through, thank you,"

Lucario turns back to his computer and starts to check the system, then he sees the not just a hacker in the Mafia hacking them but an odd entity from their country helping them,

Ally and Domenico watched him go through it and looked at the red dots that show their location, Domenico grabs his phone and was about dialed, but Ally put her hand in front of his, she says,

"They don't have their phones on them, that would be foolish of them to blow their cover,"

Domenico looked down at her hand, blushing at this, before telling her,

"I wasn't going to call them but someone else,"

Ally stared at him stunned, not having a clue before she knew in her heart who it was,

"You can not get Avalon. She just got attacked by one of those demons!" Ally yelled

Domenico sighed

"I know, but do we have a choice?" Domenico said

Ally stopped looking at him before speaking,

"If there is any need to assist them we will go but for now, we watch if we can,"

Domenico felt his gut tell him otherwise, but before he can say anything Ally takes his hand and lightly moves her thumb over his knuckles, he smiles at this and said,

"You know how to calm me down, don't you?"

Ally grins at this,

"Yes over the few months I do know some things," Ally said

While the bicker Lucario got the intruders out of the system stream and now is trying to get a hold of them,

"Marcello can you hear me...." Lucario asked

All he hears is some static coming through his headphones, but he then looked at the connection on Jacob to find it stable,

"Jacob, can you hear me tell me how the mission?" Lucario said

He listened to the sound of static before he sighed in relief hearing Jacob respond,

"The mission was going successfully but there seems to be more than us here,"

"Explain that to me?" Lucario asked

"There are aboard with dates, plans, and people with their allies.... they knew that we would find out soon, so one of the scientists took a chance and let the other clones out, but we haven't found any of them yet," Jacob said

"Is that all you found?" Lucario said

"Yes, it has, we will be back as planned," Marcello said

"Good get back safely," Lucario said

"We wi...." Marcello said

Their audio got cut off,

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